blob: 87e09bc04f803d06d996cef95442c074bbc5cda9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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package org.apache.s2graph.core.benchmark
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphUtil
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.ServiceColumn
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{HBaseType, InnerVal, SourceVertexId}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
class GraphUtilSpec extends BenchmarkCommon {
def between(bytes: Array[Byte], startKey: Array[Byte], endKey: Array[Byte]): Boolean =
Bytes.compareTo(startKey, bytes) <= 0 && Bytes.compareTo(endKey, bytes) >= 0
def betweenShort(value: Short, start: Short, end: Short): Boolean =
start <= value && value <= end
"GraphUtil" should {
"test murmur3 hash function distribution" in {
val testNum = 1000000
val bucketSize = Short.MaxValue / 40
val countsNew = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()
val counts = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()
for {
i <- (0 until testNum)
} {
val h = GraphUtil.murmur3(i.toString) / bucketSize
val hNew = GraphUtil.murmur3Int(i.toString) / bucketSize
counts += (h -> (counts.getOrElse(h, 0) + 1))
countsNew += (hNew -> (countsNew.getOrElse(hNew, 0) + 1))
val all = counts.toList.sortBy { case (bucket, count) => count }.reverse
val allNew = countsNew.toList.sortBy { case (bucket, count) => count }.reverse
val top = all.take(10)
val bottom = all.takeRight(10)
val topNew = allNew.take(10)
val bottomNew = allNew.takeRight(10)
println(s"Top: $top")
println(s"Bottom: $bottom")
println("-" * 50)
println(s"TopNew: $topNew")
println(s"Bottom: $bottomNew")
"test murmur hash skew2" in {
import HBaseType._
val testNum = 1000000L
val regionCount = 40
val window = Int.MaxValue / regionCount
val rangeBytes = new ListBuffer[(List[Byte], List[Byte])]()
for {
i <- (0 until regionCount)
} yield {
val startKey = Bytes.toBytes(i * window)
val endKey = Bytes.toBytes((i + 1) * window)
rangeBytes += (startKey.toList -> endKey.toList)
val stats = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Int, ((List[Byte], List[Byte]), Long)]()
val counts = new collection.mutable.HashMap[Short, Long]()
stats += (0 -> (rangeBytes.head -> 0L))
for (i <- (0L until testNum)) {
val vertexId = SourceVertexId(ServiceColumn.Default, InnerVal.withLong(i, HBaseType.DEFAULT_VERSION))
val bytes = vertexId.bytes
val shortKey = GraphUtil.murmur3(vertexId.innerId.toIdString())
val shortVal = counts.getOrElse(shortKey, 0L) + 1L
counts += (shortKey -> shortVal)
var j = 0
var found = false
while (j < rangeBytes.size && !found) {
val (start, end) = rangeBytes(j)
if (between(bytes, start.toArray, end.toArray)) {
found = true
j += 1
val head = rangeBytes(j - 1)
val key = j - 1
val value = stats.get(key) match {
case None => 0L
case Some(v) => v._2 + 1
stats += (key ->(head, value))
val sorted = stats.toList.sortBy(kv => kv._2._2).reverse
println(s"Index: StartBytes ~ EndBytes\tStartShortBytes ~ EndShortBytes\tStartShort ~ EndShort\tCount\tShortCount")
sorted.foreach { case (idx, ((start, end), cnt)) =>
val startShort = Bytes.toShort(start.take(2).toArray)
val endShort = Bytes.toShort(end.take(2).toArray)
val count = counts.count(t => startShort <= t._1 && t._1 < endShort)
println(s"$idx: $start ~ $end\t${start.take(2)} ~ ${end.take(2)}\t$startShort ~ $endShort\t$cnt\t$count")
println("\n" * 10)
println(s"Index: StartBytes ~ EndBytes\tStartShortBytes ~ EndShortBytes\tStartShort ~ EndShort\tCount\tShortCount")
stats.toList.sortBy(kv => kv._1).reverse.foreach { case (idx, ((start, end), cnt)) =>
val startShort = Bytes.toShort(start.take(2).toArray)
val endShort = Bytes.toShort(end.take(2).toArray)
val count = counts.count(t => startShort <= t._1 && t._1 < endShort)
println(s"$idx: $start ~ $end\t${start.take(2)} ~ ${end.take(2)}\t$startShort ~ $endShort\t$cnt\t$count")
"Bytes compareTo" in {
val x = Array[Byte](11, -12, -26, -14, -23)
val startKey = Array[Byte](0, 0, 0, 0)
val endKey = Array[Byte](12, -52, -52, -52)
println(Bytes.compareTo(startKey, x))
println(Bytes.compareTo(endKey, x))