blob: 1ad56b366946dcb256d170d7afc3fc20516ef6c2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core.types
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.s2graph.core.{GraphUtil, S2Vertex}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema._
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.HBaseType._
import play.api.libs.json.Json
object VertexId extends HBaseDeserializable {
import HBaseType._
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte],
offset: Int,
len: Int,
version: String = DEFAULT_VERSION): (VertexId, Int) = {
/* since murmur hash is prepended, skip numOfBytes for murmur hash */
var pos = offset + GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash
val (innerId, numOfBytesUsed) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, pos, len, version, isVertexId = true)
pos += numOfBytesUsed
val colId = Bytes.toInt(bytes, pos, 4)
val column = ServiceColumn.findById(colId)
(VertexId(column, innerId), GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash + numOfBytesUsed + 4)
def apply(column: ServiceColumn, innerId: InnerValLike): VertexId = new VertexId(column, innerId)
def toSourceVertexId(vid: VertexId) = {
SourceVertexId(vid.column, vid.innerId)
def toTargetVertexId(vid: VertexId) = {
TargetVertexId(vid.column, vid.innerId)
def unapply(vertexId: VertexId): Option[(ServiceColumn, InnerValLike)] = {
Some((vertexId.column, vertexId.innerId))
def fromString(s: String): VertexId = {
def isValid(vertexId: VertexId): Option[VertexId] = {
ServiceColumn.find(vertexId.column.serviceId, vertexId.column.columnName).map { column =>
class VertexId (val column: ServiceColumn, val innerId: InnerValLike) extends HBaseSerializable with Comparable[VertexId] {
val storeHash: Boolean = true
val storeColId: Boolean = true
val colId =
lazy val hashBytes =
// if (storeHash) Bytes.toBytes(GraphUtil.murmur3(innerId.toString))
if (storeHash) Bytes.toBytes(GraphUtil.murmur3(innerId.toIdString()))
else Array.empty[Byte]
lazy val colIdBytes: Array[Byte] =
if (storeColId) Bytes.toBytes(
else Array.empty[Byte]
def bytes: Array[Byte] = Bytes.add(hashBytes, innerId.bytes, colIdBytes)
override def toString(): String = {
// + "," + innerId.toString()
// val del = S2Vertex.VertexLabelDelimiter
// Seq(column.serviceId, column.columnName, innerId.toIdString()).mkString(del)
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val ret = if (storeColId) { * 31 + innerId.hashCode()
} else {
// logger.debug(s"VertexId.hashCode: $ret")
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
val ret = obj match {
case other: VertexId =>
val ret = == && innerId.toIdString() == other.innerId.toIdString()
case _ => false
// logger.debug(s"VertexId.equals: $this, $obj => $ret")
def compareTo(other: VertexId): Int = {
Bytes.compareTo(bytes, other.bytes)
def <(other: VertexId): Boolean = compareTo(other) < 0
def <=(other: VertexId): Boolean = compareTo(other) <= 0
def >(other: VertexId): Boolean = compareTo(other) > 0
def >=(other: VertexId): Boolean = compareTo(other) >= 0
object SourceVertexId extends HBaseDeserializable {
import HBaseType._
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte],
offset: Int,
len: Int,
version: String = DEFAULT_VERSION): (VertexId, Int) = {
/* since murmur hash is prepended, skip numOfBytes for murmur hash */
val pos = offset + GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash
val (innerId, numOfBytesUsed) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, pos, len, version, isVertexId = true)
(SourceVertexId(ServiceColumn.Default, innerId), GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash + numOfBytesUsed)
case class SourceVertexId(override val column: ServiceColumn,
override val innerId: InnerValLike) extends VertexId(column, innerId) {
override val storeColId: Boolean = false
object TargetVertexId extends HBaseDeserializable {
import HBaseType._
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte],
offset: Int,
len: Int,
version: String = DEFAULT_VERSION): (VertexId, Int) = {
/* murmur has is not prepended so start from offset */
val (innerId, numOfBytesUsed) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, offset, len, version, isVertexId = true)
(TargetVertexId(ServiceColumn.Default, innerId), numOfBytesUsed)
case class TargetVertexId(override val column: ServiceColumn,
override val innerId: InnerValLike)
extends VertexId(column, innerId) {
override val storeColId: Boolean = false
override val storeHash: Boolean = false
object SourceAndTargetVertexIdPair extends HBaseDeserializable {
val delimiter = ":"
import HBaseType._
def fromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte],
offset: Int,
len: Int,
version: String = DEFAULT_VERSION): (SourceAndTargetVertexIdPair, Int) = {
val pos = offset + GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash
val (srcId, srcBytesLen) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, pos, len, version, isVertexId = true)
val (tgtId, tgtBytesLen) = InnerVal.fromBytes(bytes, pos + srcBytesLen, len, version, isVertexId = true)
(SourceAndTargetVertexIdPair(srcId, tgtId), GraphUtil.bytesForMurMurHash + srcBytesLen + tgtBytesLen)
case class SourceAndTargetVertexIdPair(val srcInnerId: InnerValLike, val tgtInnerId: InnerValLike) extends HBaseSerializable {
val colId = DEFAULT_COL_ID
import SourceAndTargetVertexIdPair._
override def bytes: Array[Byte] = {
val hashBytes = Bytes.toBytes(GraphUtil.murmur3(srcInnerId + delimiter + tgtInnerId))
Bytes.add(hashBytes, srcInnerId.bytes, tgtInnerId.bytes)