blob: 75e9657b761f7570ec07f4213380b8b41acfe354 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.s2graph.core.parsers
import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphExceptions.{LabelNotExistException, WhereParserException}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.{Label, LabelMeta}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.InnerValLike
import org.apache.s2graph.core.{S2EdgeLike}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.JSONParser._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers
trait ExtractValue {
val parent = "_parent."
def propToInnerVal(edge: S2EdgeLike, key: String) = {
val (propKey, parentEdge) = findParentEdge(edge, key)
val label = parentEdge.innerLabel
val metaPropInvMap = label.metaPropsInvMap
val labelMeta = metaPropInvMap.getOrElse(propKey, throw WhereParserException(s"Where clause contains not existing property name: $propKey"))
labelMeta match {
case LabelMeta.from => parentEdge.srcVertex.innerId
case => parentEdge.tgtVertex.innerId
case _ => parentEdge.propertyValueInner(labelMeta).innerVal
def valueToCompare(edge: S2EdgeLike, key: String, value: String) = {
val label = edge.innerLabel
if (value.startsWith(parent) || label.metaPropsInvMap.contains(value)) propToInnerVal(edge, value)
else {
val (propKey, _) = findParentEdge(edge, key)
val labelMeta = label.metaPropsInvMap.getOrElse(propKey, throw WhereParserException(s"Where clause contains not existing property name: $propKey"))
val (srcColumn, tgtColumn) = label.srcTgtColumn(edge.getDir())
val dataType = propKey match {
case "_to" | "to" => tgtColumn.columnType
case "_from" | "from" => srcColumn.columnType
case _ => labelMeta.dataType
toInnerVal(value, dataType, label.schemaVersion)
private def findParent(edge: S2EdgeLike, depth: Int): S2EdgeLike =
if (depth > 0) findParent(edge.getParentEdges().head.edge, depth - 1)
else edge
private def findParentEdge(edge: S2EdgeLike, key: String): (String, S2EdgeLike) = {
if (!key.startsWith(parent)) (key, edge)
else {
val split = key.split(parent)
val depth = split.length - 1
val propKey = split.last
val parentEdge = findParent(edge, depth)
(propKey, parentEdge)
trait Clause extends ExtractValue {
def and(otherField: Clause): Clause = And(this, otherField)
def or(otherField: Clause): Clause = Or(this, otherField)
def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean
def binaryOp(binOp: (InnerValLike, InnerValLike) => Boolean)(propKey: String, value: String)(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = {
val propValue = propToInnerVal(edge, propKey)
val compValue = valueToCompare(edge, propKey, value)
binOp(propValue, compValue)
object Where {
def apply(sql: String): Try[Where] = {
val parser = new WhereParser()
case class Where(clauses: Seq[Clause] = Seq.empty[Clause]) {
def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike) =
if (clauses.isEmpty) true else
case class Gt(propKey: String, value: String) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = binaryOp(_ > _)(propKey, value)(edge)
case class Lt(propKey: String, value: String) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = binaryOp(_ < _)(propKey, value)(edge)
case class Eq(propKey: String, value: String) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = binaryOp(_ == _)(propKey, value)(edge)
case class InWithoutParent(propKey: String, values: Set[String]) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = {
val label = edge.innerLabel
val propVal = propToInnerVal(edge, propKey)
val innerVaLs = { value =>
toInnerVal(value, label.metaPropsInvMap(propKey).dataType, label.schemaVersion)
case class Contains(propKey: String, value: String) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = {
val propVal = propToInnerVal(edge, propKey)
case class IN(propKey: String, values: Set[String]) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = {
val propVal = propToInnerVal(edge, propKey)
values.exists { value =>
valueToCompare(edge, propKey, value) == propVal
case class Between(propKey: String, minValue: String, maxValue: String) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike): Boolean = {
val propVal = propToInnerVal(edge, propKey)
val minVal = valueToCompare(edge, propKey, minValue)
val maxVal = valueToCompare(edge, propKey, maxValue)
minVal <= propVal && propVal <= maxVal
case class Not(self: Clause) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike) = !self.filter(edge)
case class And(left: Clause, right: Clause) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike) = left.filter(edge) && right.filter(edge)
case class Or(left: Clause, right: Clause) extends Clause {
override def filter(edge: S2EdgeLike) = left.filter(edge) || right.filter(edge)
object WhereParser {
val success = Where()
case class WhereParser() extends JavaTokenParsers {
override val stringLiteral = (("'" ~> "(\\\\'|[^'])*".r <~ "'") ^^ (_.replace("\\'", "'"))) | anyStr
val anyStr = "[^\\s(),']+".r
val and = "and|AND".r
val or = "or|OR".r
val between = "between|BETWEEN".r
val in = "in|IN".r
val contains = "contains|CONTAINS".r
val notIn = "not in|NOT IN".r
def where: Parser[Where] = rep(clause) ^^ (Where(_))
def paren: Parser[Clause] = "(" ~> clause <~ ")"
def clause: Parser[Clause] = (predicate | paren) * (and ^^^ { (a: Clause, b: Clause) => And(a, b) } | or ^^^ { (a: Clause, b: Clause) => Or(a, b) })
def identWithDot: Parser[String] = repsep(ident, ".") ^^ { case values => values.mkString(".") }
val _eq = identWithDot ~ ("!=" | "=") ~ stringLiteral ^^ {
case f ~ op ~ s => if (op == "=") Eq(f, s) else Not(Eq(f, s))
val _ltGt = identWithDot ~ (">=" | "<=" | ">" | "<") ~ stringLiteral ^^ {
case f ~ op ~ s => op match {
case ">" => Gt(f, s)
case ">=" => Or(Gt(f, s), Eq(f, s))
case "<" => Lt(f, s)
case "<=" => Or(Lt(f, s), Eq(f, s))
val _between = identWithDot ~ (between ~> stringLiteral <~ and) ~ stringLiteral ^^ {
case f ~ minV ~ maxV => Between(f, minV, maxV)
val _in = identWithDot ~ (notIn | in) ~ ("(" ~> repsep(stringLiteral, ",") <~ ")") ^^ {
case f ~ op ~ values =>
val inClause =
if (f.startsWith("_parent")) IN(f, values.toSet)
else InWithoutParent(f, values.toSet)
if (op.toLowerCase == "in") inClause
else Not(inClause)
val _contains = identWithDot ~ contains ~ stringLiteral ^^ {
case f ~ op ~ value => Contains(f, value)
def predicate = _eq | _ltGt | _between | _in | _contains
def parse(sql: String): Try[Where] = Try {
parseAll(where, sql) match {
case Success(r, q) => r
case fail => throw WhereParserException(s"Where parsing error: ${fail.toString}")