blob: 0dc2aa2caf996ac74893d11f0a00eb2d19eadea9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import java.util
import org.apache.s2graph.core.S2Graph.{FilterHashKey, HashKey}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.LabelMeta
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{HBaseType, InnerVal, LabelWithDirection, VertexId}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.utils.{Extensions, logger}
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Random, Try}
object TraversalHelper {
final def randomInt(sampleNumber: Int, range: Int, set: Set[Int] = Set.empty[Int]): Set[Int] = {
if (range < sampleNumber || set.size == sampleNumber) set
else randomInt(sampleNumber, range, set + Random.nextInt(range))
def sample(queryRequest: QueryRequest, edges: Seq[EdgeWithScore], n: Int): Seq[EdgeWithScore] = {
if (edges.size <= n) {
} else {
val plainEdges = if (queryRequest.queryParam.offset == 0) {
} else edges
val randoms = randomInt(n, plainEdges.size)
var samples = List.empty[EdgeWithScore]
var idx = 0
plainEdges.foreach { e =>
if (randoms.contains(idx)) samples = e :: samples
idx += 1
def normalize(edgeWithScores: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): Seq[EdgeWithScore] = {
val sum = edgeWithScores.foldLeft(0.0) { case (acc, cur) => acc + cur.score } { edgeWithScore =>
edgeWithScore.copy(score = edgeWithScore.score / sum)
def alreadyVisitedVertices(edgeWithScoreLs: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): Map[(Int, Int, S2VertexLike), Boolean] = {
val vertices = for {
edgeWithScore <- edgeWithScoreLs
edge = edgeWithScore.edge
vertex = if (edge.getDir() == GraphUtil.directions("out")) edge.tgtVertex else edge.srcVertex
} yield (edge.getLabelId(), edge.getDir(), vertex) -> true
/** common methods for filter out, transform, aggregate queryResult */
def convertEdges(queryParam: QueryParam, edge: S2EdgeLike, nextStepOpt: Option[Step]): Seq[S2EdgeLike] = {
for {
convertedEdge <- queryParam.edgeTransformer.transform(queryParam, edge, nextStepOpt) if !edge.isDegree
} yield convertedEdge
def processTimeDecay(queryParam: QueryParam, edge: S2EdgeLike) = {
/* process time decay */
val tsVal = queryParam.timeDecay match {
case None => 1.0
case Some(timeDecay) =>
val tsVal = try {
val innerValWithTsOpt = edge.propertyValue( { innerValWithTs =>
val innerVal = innerValWithTs.innerVal
timeDecay.labelMeta.dataType match {
case InnerVal.LONG => innerVal.value match {
case n: BigDecimal => n.bigDecimal.longValue()
case _ => innerVal.toString().toLong
case _ => innerVal.toString().toLong
} getOrElse (edge.ts)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"processTimeDecay error. ${edge.toLogString}", e)
val timeDiff = queryParam.timestamp - tsVal
def processDuplicates[R](queryParam: QueryParam,
duplicates: Seq[(FilterHashKey, R)])(implicit ev: WithScore[R]): Seq[(FilterHashKey, R)] = {
if (queryParam.label.consistencyLevel != "strong") {
queryParam.duplicatePolicy match {
case DuplicatePolicy.First => Seq(duplicates.head)
case DuplicatePolicy.Raw => duplicates
case DuplicatePolicy.CountSum =>
val countSum = duplicates.size
val (headFilterHashKey, headEdgeWithScore) = duplicates.head
Seq(headFilterHashKey -> ev.withNewScore(headEdgeWithScore, countSum))
case _ =>
val scoreSum = duplicates.foldLeft(0.0) { case (prev, current) => prev + ev.score(current._2) }
val (headFilterHashKey, headEdgeWithScore) = duplicates.head
Seq(headFilterHashKey -> ev.withNewScore(headEdgeWithScore, scoreSum))
} else {
def toHashKey(queryParam: QueryParam, edge: S2EdgeLike, isDegree: Boolean): (HashKey, FilterHashKey) = {
val src = edge.srcVertex.innerId.hashCode()
val tgt = edge.tgtVertex.innerId.hashCode()
val hashKey = (src, edge.getLabelId(), edge.getDir(), tgt, isDegree)
val filterHashKey = (src, tgt)
(hashKey, filterHashKey)
class TraversalHelper(graph: S2GraphLike) {
import TraversalHelper._
implicit val ec =
val MaxRetryNum = graph.config.getInt("max.retry.number")
def fallback = Future.successful(StepResult.Empty)
def getEdgesStepInner(q: Query, buildLastStepInnerResult: Boolean = false): Future[StepResult] = {
Try {
if (q.steps.isEmpty) fallback
else {
def fetch: Future[StepResult] = {
val startStepInnerResult = QueryResult.fromVertices(graph, q)
q.steps.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(Future.successful(startStepInnerResult)) { case (prevStepInnerResultFuture, (step, stepIdx)) =>
for {
prevStepInnerResult <- prevStepInnerResultFuture
currentStepInnerResult <- fetchStep(q, stepIdx, prevStepInnerResult, buildLastStepInnerResult)
} yield {
accumulatedCursors = prevStepInnerResult.accumulatedCursors :+ currentStepInnerResult.cursors,
failCount = currentStepInnerResult.failCount + prevStepInnerResult.failCount
} recover {
case e: Exception =>
logger.error(s"getEdgesAsync: $e", e)
} get
def fetchStep(orgQuery: Query,
stepIdx: Int,
stepInnerResult: StepResult,
buildLastStepInnerResult: Boolean = false): Future[StepResult] = {
if (stepInnerResult.isEmpty) Future.successful(StepResult.Empty)
else {
val (_, prevStepTgtVertexIdEdges: Map[VertexId, ArrayBuffer[EdgeWithScore]], queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest]) =
graph.traversalHelper.buildNextStepQueryRequests(orgQuery, stepIdx, stepInnerResult)
val fetchedLs = fetches(queryRequests, prevStepTgtVertexIdEdges)
graph.traversalHelper.filterEdges(orgQuery, stepIdx, queryRequests,
fetchedLs, orgQuery.steps(stepIdx).queryParams, buildLastStepInnerResult, prevStepTgtVertexIdEdges)(
def fetches(queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
prevStepEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]]): Future[Seq[StepResult]] = {
val reqWithIdxs = queryRequests.zipWithIndex
val requestsPerLabel = reqWithIdxs.groupBy(t => t._1.queryParam.label)
val aggFuture = requestsPerLabel.foldLeft(Future.successful(Map.empty[Int, StepResult])) { case (prevFuture, (label, reqWithIdxs)) =>
for {
prev <- prevFuture
cur <- graph.getStorage(label).fetches(, prevStepEdges)
} yield {
prev ++
} { agg => agg.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2) }
def fetchAndDeleteAll(queries: Seq[Query], requestTs: Long): Future[(Boolean, Boolean)] = {
val futures =, true))
val future = for {
stepInnerResultLs <- Future.sequence(futures)
(allDeleted, ret) <- deleteAllFetchedEdgesLs(stepInnerResultLs, requestTs)
} yield {
// logger.debug(s"fetchAndDeleteAll: ${allDeleted}, ${ret}")
(allDeleted, ret)
Extensions.retryOnFailure(MaxRetryNum) {
} {
logger.error(s"fetch and deleteAll failed.")
(true, false)
def deleteAllFetchedEdgesLs(stepInnerResultLs: Seq[StepResult],
requestTs: Long): Future[(Boolean, Boolean)] = {
stepInnerResultLs.foreach { stepInnerResult =>
if (stepInnerResult.isFailure) throw new RuntimeException("fetched result is fallback.")
val futures = for {
stepInnerResult <- stepInnerResultLs
filtered = stepInnerResult.edgeWithScores.filter { edgeWithScore =>
(edgeWithScore.edge.ts < requestTs) && !edgeWithScore.edge.isDegree
edgesToDelete = graph.elementBuilder.buildEdgesToDelete(filtered, requestTs)
if edgesToDelete.nonEmpty
} yield {
val head = edgesToDelete.head
val label = head.edge.innerLabel
val stepResult = StepResult(edgesToDelete, Nil, Nil, false)
val ret = label.schemaVersion match {
case HBaseType.VERSION3 | HBaseType.VERSION4 =>
if (label.consistencyLevel == "strong") {
* read: snapshotEdge on queryResult = O(N)
* write: N x (relatedEdges x indices(indexedEdge) + 1(snapshotEdge))
graph.mutateEdges(, withWait = true).map(_.forall(_.isSuccess))
} else {
graph.getStorage(label).deleteAllFetchedEdgesAsyncOld(stepResult, requestTs, MaxRetryNum)
case _ =>
* read: x
* write: N x ((1(snapshotEdge) + 2(1 for incr, 1 for delete) x indices)
graph.getStorage(label).deleteAllFetchedEdgesAsyncOld(stepResult, requestTs, MaxRetryNum)
if (futures.isEmpty) {
// all deleted.
Future.successful(true -> true)
} else {
Future.sequence(futures).map { rets => false -> rets.forall(identity) }
def fetchEdgesAsync(vertex: S2VertexLike, labelNameWithDirs: Seq[(String, String)]): Future[util.Iterator[Edge]] = {
val queryParams = { case (l, direction) =>
QueryParam(labelName = l, direction = direction.toLowerCase)
val query = Query.toQuery(Seq(vertex), queryParams)
val queryRequests = { param => QueryRequest(query, 0, vertex, param) }
val ls = new util.ArrayList[Edge]()
fetches(queryRequests, Map.empty).map { stepResultLs =>
stepResultLs.foreach(_.edgeWithScores.foreach(es => ls.add(es.edge)))
def buildNextStepQueryRequests(orgQuery: Query, stepIdx: Int, stepInnerResult: StepResult) = {
val edgeWithScoreLs = stepInnerResult.edgeWithScores
val q = orgQuery
val queryOption = orgQuery.queryOption
val prevStepOpt = if (stepIdx > 0) Option(q.steps(stepIdx - 1)) else None
val prevStepThreshold =
val prevStepLimit =
val step = q.steps(stepIdx)
val alreadyVisited =
if (stepIdx == 0) Map.empty[(Int, Int, S2VertexLike), Boolean]
else alreadyVisitedVertices(stepInnerResult.edgeWithScores)
val initial = (Map.empty[S2VertexLike, Double], Map.empty[S2VertexLike, ArrayBuffer[EdgeWithScore]])
val (sums, grouped) = edgeWithScoreLs.foldLeft(initial) { case ((sum, group), edgeWithScore) =>
val key = edgeWithScore.edge.tgtVertex
val newScore = sum.getOrElse(key, 0.0) + edgeWithScore.score
val buffer = group.getOrElse(key, ArrayBuffer.empty[EdgeWithScore])
buffer += edgeWithScore
(sum + (key -> newScore), group + (key -> buffer))
val groupedByFiltered = sums.filter(t => t._2 >= prevStepThreshold)
val prevStepTgtVertexIdEdges = => -> t._2)
val nextStepSrcVertices = if (prevStepLimit >= 0) {
groupedByFiltered.toSeq.sortBy(-1 * _._2).take(prevStepLimit)
} else {
val queryRequests = for {
(vertex, prevStepScore) <- nextStepSrcVertices
queryParam <- step.queryParams
} yield {
val labelWeight = step.labelWeights.getOrElse(queryParam.labelWithDir.labelId, 1.0)
val newPrevStepScore = if (queryOption.shouldPropagateScore) prevStepScore else 1.0
QueryRequest(q, stepIdx, vertex, queryParam, newPrevStepScore, labelWeight)
(alreadyVisited, prevStepTgtVertexIdEdges, queryRequests)
def filterEdges(q: Query,
stepIdx: Int,
queryRequests: Seq[QueryRequest],
queryResultLsFuture: Future[Seq[StepResult]],
queryParams: Seq[QueryParam],
buildLastStepInnerResult: Boolean = true,
parentEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])
(implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext): Future[StepResult] = { { queryRequestWithResultLs =>
val (cursors, failCount) = {
val _cursors = ArrayBuffer.empty[Array[Byte]]
var _failCount = 0
queryRequestWithResultLs.foreach { stepResult =>
_cursors.append(stepResult.cursors: _*)
_failCount += stepResult.failCount
_cursors -> _failCount
if (queryRequestWithResultLs.isEmpty) StepResult.Empty.copy(failCount = failCount)
else {
val isLastStep = stepIdx == q.steps.size - 1
val queryOption = q.queryOption
val step = q.steps(stepIdx)
val currentStepResults =
val shouldBuildInnerResults = !isLastStep || buildLastStepInnerResult
val degrees = queryRequestWithResultLs.flatMap(_.degreeEdges)
if (shouldBuildInnerResults) {
val _results = buildResult(q, stepIdx, currentStepResults, parentEdges) { (edgeWithScore, propsSelectColumns) =>
/* process step group by */
val results = StepResult.filterOutStepGroupBy(_results, step.groupBy)
StepResult(edgeWithScores = results, grouped = Nil, degreeEdges = degrees, cursors = cursors, failCount = failCount)
} else {
val _results = buildResult(q, stepIdx, currentStepResults, parentEdges) { (edgeWithScore, propsSelectColumns) =>
val edge = edgeWithScore.edge
val score = edgeWithScore.score
/* Select */
val mergedPropsWithTs = edge.propertyValuesInner(propsSelectColumns)
// val newEdge = edge.copy(propsWithTs = mergedPropsWithTs)
val newEdge = edge.copyEdgeWithState(mergedPropsWithTs)
val newEdgeWithScore = edgeWithScore.copy(edge = newEdge)
/* OrderBy */
val orderByValues =
if (queryOption.orderByKeys.isEmpty) (score, edge.getTsInnerValValue(), None, None)
else StepResult.toTuple4(newEdgeWithScore.toValues(queryOption.orderByKeys))
/* StepGroupBy */
val stepGroupByValues = newEdgeWithScore.toValues(step.groupBy.keys)
/* GroupBy */
val groupByValues = newEdgeWithScore.toValues(queryOption.groupBy.keys)
/* FilterOut */
val filterOutValues = newEdgeWithScore.toValues(queryOption.filterOutFields)
newEdgeWithScore.copy(orderByValues = orderByValues,
stepGroupByValues = stepGroupByValues,
groupByValues = groupByValues,
filterOutValues = filterOutValues)
/* process step group by */
val results = StepResult.filterOutStepGroupBy(_results, step.groupBy)
/* process ordered list */
val ordered = if (queryOption.groupBy.keys.isEmpty) StepResult.orderBy(queryOption, results) else Nil
/* process grouped list */
val grouped =
if (queryOption.groupBy.keys.isEmpty) Nil
else {
val agg = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[StepResult.GroupByKey, (Double, StepResult.Values)]()
results.groupBy { edgeWithScore =>
}.foreach { case (k, ls) =>
val (scoreSum, merged) = StepResult.mergeOrdered(ls, Nil, queryOption)
val newScoreSum = scoreSum
* watch out here. by calling toString on Any, we lose type information which will be used
* later for toJson.
if (merged.nonEmpty) {
val newKey = merged.head.groupByValues
agg += ((newKey, (newScoreSum, merged)))
agg.toSeq.sortBy(_._2._1 * -1)
StepResult(edgeWithScores = ordered, grouped = grouped, degreeEdges = degrees, cursors = cursors, failCount = failCount)
private def toEdgeWithScores(queryRequest: QueryRequest,
stepResult: StepResult,
parentEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]]): Seq[EdgeWithScore] = {
val queryOption = queryRequest.query.queryOption
val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
val prevScore = queryRequest.prevStepScore
val labelWeight = queryRequest.labelWeight
val edgeWithScores = stepResult.edgeWithScores
val shouldBuildParents = queryOption.returnTree || queryParam.whereHasParent
val parents = if (shouldBuildParents) {
parentEdges.getOrElse(, Nil).map { edgeWithScore =>
val edge = edgeWithScore.edge
/* Select */
val mergedPropsWithTs =
if (queryOption.selectColumns.isEmpty) {
} else {
val initial = Map(LabelMeta.timestamp -> edge.propertyValueInner(LabelMeta.timestamp))
edge.propertyValues(queryOption.selectColumns) ++ initial
val newEdge = edge.copyEdgeWithState(mergedPropsWithTs)
edgeWithScore.copy(edge = newEdge)
} else Nil
// skip
if (queryOption.ignorePrevStepCache) stepResult.edgeWithScores
else {
val degreeScore = 0.0
val sampled =
if (queryRequest.queryParam.sample >= 0) sample(queryRequest, edgeWithScores, queryRequest.queryParam.sample)
else edgeWithScores
val withScores = for {
edgeWithScore <- sampled
} yield {
val edge = edgeWithScore.edge
val edgeScore = edgeWithScore.score
val score = queryParam.scorePropagateOp match {
case "plus" => edgeScore + prevScore
case "divide" =>
if ((prevScore + queryParam.scorePropagateShrinkage) == 0) 0
else edgeScore / (prevScore + queryParam.scorePropagateShrinkage)
case _ => edgeScore * prevScore
val tsVal = processTimeDecay(queryParam, edge)
val newScore = degreeScore + score
// val newEdge = if (queryOption.returnTree) edge.copy(parentEdges = parents) else edge
val newEdge = edge.copyParentEdges(parents)
edgeWithScore.copy(edge = newEdge, score = newScore * labelWeight * tsVal)
val normalized =
if (queryParam.shouldNormalize) normalize(withScores)
else withScores
private def buildResult[R](query: Query,
stepIdx: Int,
stepResultLs: Seq[(QueryRequest, StepResult)],
parentEdges: Map[VertexId, Seq[EdgeWithScore]])
(createFunc: (EdgeWithScore, Seq[LabelMeta]) => R)
(implicit ev: WithScore[R]): ListBuffer[R] = {
import scala.collection._
val results = ListBuffer.empty[R]
val sequentialLs: ListBuffer[(HashKey, FilterHashKey, R, QueryParam)] = ListBuffer.empty
val duplicates: mutable.HashMap[HashKey, ListBuffer[(FilterHashKey, R)]] = mutable.HashMap.empty
val edgesToExclude: mutable.HashSet[FilterHashKey] = mutable.HashSet.empty
val edgesToInclude: mutable.HashSet[FilterHashKey] = mutable.HashSet.empty
var numOfDuplicates = 0
val queryOption = query.queryOption
val step = query.steps(stepIdx)
val excludeLabelWithDirSet = step.queryParams.filter(_.exclude).map(l => l.labelWithDir).toSet
val includeLabelWithDirSet = step.queryParams.filter(_.include).map(l => l.labelWithDir).toSet
stepResultLs.foreach { case (queryRequest, stepInnerResult) =>
val queryParam = queryRequest.queryParam
val label = queryParam.label
val shouldBeExcluded = excludeLabelWithDirSet.contains(queryParam.labelWithDir)
val shouldBeIncluded = includeLabelWithDirSet.contains(queryParam.labelWithDir)
val propsSelectColumns = (for {
column <- queryOption.propsSelectColumns
labelMeta <- label.metaPropsInvMap.get(column)
} yield labelMeta)
for {
edgeWithScore <- toEdgeWithScores(queryRequest, stepInnerResult, parentEdges)
} {
val edge = edgeWithScore.edge
val (hashKey, filterHashKey) = toHashKey(queryParam, edge, isDegree = false)
// params += (hashKey -> queryParam) //
/* check if this edge should be exlcuded. */
if (shouldBeExcluded) {
} else {
if (shouldBeIncluded) {
val newEdgeWithScore = createFunc(edgeWithScore, propsSelectColumns)
sequentialLs += ((hashKey, filterHashKey, newEdgeWithScore, queryParam))
duplicates.get(hashKey) match {
case None =>
val newLs = ListBuffer.empty[(FilterHashKey, R)]
newLs += (filterHashKey -> newEdgeWithScore)
duplicates += (hashKey -> newLs) //
case Some(old) =>
numOfDuplicates += 1
old += (filterHashKey -> newEdgeWithScore) //
if (numOfDuplicates == 0) {
// no duplicates at all.
for {
(hashKey, filterHashKey, edgeWithScore, _) <- sequentialLs
if !edgesToExclude.contains(filterHashKey) || edgesToInclude.contains(filterHashKey)
} {
results += edgeWithScore
} else {
// need to resolve duplicates.
val seen = new mutable.HashSet[HashKey]()
for {
(hashKey, filterHashKey, edgeWithScore, queryParam) <- sequentialLs
if !edgesToExclude.contains(filterHashKey) || edgesToInclude.contains(filterHashKey)
if !seen.contains(hashKey)
} {
// val queryParam = params(hashKey)
processDuplicates(queryParam, duplicates(hashKey)).foreach { case (_, duplicate) =>
if (ev.score(duplicate) >= queryParam.threshold) {
seen += hashKey
results += duplicate