blob: 874924c8917a2ba4568d7ded5f8d7b91fc19c185 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.LabelMeta
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.{CanInnerValLike, InnerValLikeWithTs, VertexId}
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph.Features
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.util.ElementHelper
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure._
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
object S2Property {
def validType(t: Any): Boolean = t match {
case _: EdgeId => true
case _: VertexId => true
case _: java.lang.Integer => true
case _: java.lang.Long => true
case _: java.lang.Float => true
case _: java.lang.Double => true
case _: java.lang.Boolean => true
case _: java.lang.Short => true
case _: java.lang.Byte => true
case _: java.lang.String => true
case _: java.math.BigDecimal => true
case _: Int => true
case _: Long => true
case _: Float => true
case _: Double => true
case _: Boolean => true
case _: Short => true
case _: Byte => true
case _: BigDecimal => true
case _ => false
def kvsToProps(kvs: Seq[AnyRef]): Map[String, AnyRef] = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
ElementHelper.legalPropertyKeyValueArray(kvs: _*)
val keySet = collection.mutable.Set[Any]()
val kvsList = ElementHelper.asPairs(kvs: _*).asScala
var result = Map[String, AnyRef]()
kvsList.foreach { pair =>
val key = pair.getValue0
val value = pair.getValue1 match {
case v: java.math.BigDecimal => new BigDecimal(v)
case _@org => org
ElementHelper.validateProperty(key, value)
// if (keySet.contains(key)) throw VertexProperty.Exceptions.multiPropertiesNotSupported
// assertValidProp(key, value)
result = result + (key -> value)
def assertValidProp[A](key: Any, value: A): Unit = {
if (key == null) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeEmpty()
if (!key.isInstanceOf[String]) throw Element.Exceptions.providedKeyValuesMustHaveALegalKeyOnEvenIndices()
if (value == null) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyValueCanNotBeNull()
if (!validType(value)) {
value match {
case _: => throw Property.Exceptions.dataTypeOfPropertyValueNotSupported(value)
case _ =>
if (value.isInstanceOf[Iterable[_]]) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("not supported data type")
if (value.isInstanceOf[Array[_]]) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("not supported data type")
if (value.isInstanceOf[java.util.List[_]]) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("not supported data type")
if (value.isInstanceOf[java.util.Map[_, _]]) throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("not supported data type")
if (key.toString.isEmpty) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeEmpty()
if (Graph.Hidden.isHidden(key.toString)) throw Property.Exceptions.propertyKeyCanNotBeAHiddenKey(Graph.Hidden.hide(key.toString))
case class S2Property[V](element: S2EdgeLike,
labelMeta: LabelMeta,
key: String,
v: V,
ts: Long) extends Property[V] {
import CanInnerValLike._
lazy val innerVal = anyToInnerValLike.toInnerVal(value)(element.innerLabel.schemaVersion)
lazy val innerValWithTs = InnerValLikeWithTs(innerVal, ts)
val value = castValue(v, labelMeta.dataType).asInstanceOf[V]
def bytes: Array[Byte] = {
def bytesWithTs: Array[Byte] = {
@volatile var isRemoved = false
override def isPresent: Boolean = !isRemoved
override def remove(): Unit = isRemoved = true
override def hashCode(): Int = {
MurmurHash3.stringHash(labelMeta.labelId + "," + + "," + key + "," + value + "," + ts)
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case p: Property[_] =>
key == p.key() && v == p.value()
case _ => false
override def toString(): String = {
// Map("labelMeta" -> labelMeta.toString, "key" -> key, "value" -> value, "ts" -> ts).toString
// vp[name->marko]