blob: 413c1e9d4d68b335edfc71a85ff4f9d36d1d0a95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import java.util
import java.util.function.BiConsumer
import org.apache.s2graph.core.S2Edge.{Props, State}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.{Label, LabelIndex, LabelMeta, ServiceColumn}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types._
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.{Direction, Edge, Graph, Property, T, Vertex}
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import scala.concurrent.Await
trait S2EdgeLike extends Edge with GraphElement {
val innerGraph: S2GraphLike
val srcVertex: S2VertexLike
var tgtVertex: S2VertexLike
val innerLabel: Label
val dir: Int
val builder: S2EdgeBuilder = new S2EdgeBuilder(this)
var op: Byte
var version: Long
var tsInnerValOpt: Option[InnerValLike]
val propsWithTs: Props = S2Edge.EmptyProps
val parentEdges: Seq[EdgeWithScore] = Nil
val originalEdgeOpt: Option[S2EdgeLike] = None
val pendingEdgeOpt: Option[S2EdgeLike] = None
val statusCode: Byte = 0
val lockTs: Option[Long] = None
lazy val ts = propsWithTs.get( match {
case b: BigDecimal => b.longValue()
case l: Long => l
case i: Int => i.toLong
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("ts should be in [BigDecimal/Long/Int].")
private lazy val operation = GraphUtil.fromOp(op)
private lazy val direction = GraphUtil.fromDirection(dir)
private lazy val tsInnerVal = tsInnerValOpt.get.value
def graph(): Graph = innerGraph
lazy val edgeId: EdgeId = builder.edgeId
def id(): AnyRef = edgeId
def label(): String = innerLabel.label
def getLabelId(): Int =
def getDirection(): String = direction
def getOperation(): String = operation
def getTsInnerValValue(): Any = tsInnerVal
def isDirected(): Boolean =
getDir() == 0 || getDir() == 1
def getTs(): Long = ts
def getOriginalEdgeOpt(): Option[S2EdgeLike] = originalEdgeOpt
def getParentEdges(): Seq[EdgeWithScore] = parentEdges
def getPendingEdgeOpt(): Option[S2EdgeLike] = pendingEdgeOpt
def getPropsWithTs(): Props = propsWithTs
def getLockTs(): Option[Long] = lockTs
def getStatusCode(): Byte = statusCode
def getDir(): Int = dir
def setTgtVertex(v: S2VertexLike): Unit = tgtVertex = v
def getOp(): Byte = op
def setOp(newOp: Byte): Unit = op = newOp
def getVersion(): Long = version
def setVersion(newVersion: Long): Unit = version = newVersion
def getTsInnerValOpt(): Option[InnerValLike] = tsInnerValOpt
def setTsInnerValOpt(newTsInnerValOpt: Option[InnerValLike]): Unit = tsInnerValOpt = newTsInnerValOpt
def toIndexEdge(labelIndexSeq: Byte): IndexEdge = IndexEdge(innerGraph, srcVertex, tgtVertex, innerLabel, dir, op, version, labelIndexSeq, propsWithTs)
def updatePropsWithTs(others: Props = S2Edge.EmptyProps): Props =
S2EdgePropertyHelper.updatePropsWithTs(this, others)
def propertyValue(key: String): Option[InnerValLikeWithTs] = S2EdgePropertyHelper.propertyValue(this, key)
def propertyValueInner(labelMeta: LabelMeta): InnerValLikeWithTs =
S2EdgePropertyHelper.propertyValueInner(this, labelMeta)
def propertyValues(keys: Seq[String] = Nil): Map[LabelMeta, InnerValLikeWithTs] = {
S2EdgePropertyHelper.propertyValuesInner(this, S2EdgePropertyHelper.toLabelMetas(this, keys))
def propertyValuesInner(labelMetas: Seq[LabelMeta] = Nil): Map[LabelMeta, InnerValLikeWithTs] =
S2EdgePropertyHelper.propertyValuesInner(this, labelMetas)
def relatedEdges = builder.relatedEdges
def srcForVertex = builder.srcForVertex
def tgtForVertex = builder.tgtForVertex
def duplicateEdge = builder.duplicateEdge
def reverseDirEdge = builder.reverseDirEdge
def reverseSrcTgtEdge = builder.reverseSrcTgtEdge
def isDegree = builder.isDegree
def edgesWithIndex = builder.edgesWithIndex
def edgesWithIndexValid = builder.edgesWithIndexValid
/** force direction as out on invertedEdge */
def toSnapshotEdge: SnapshotEdge = SnapshotEdge.apply(this)
def checkProperty(key: String): Boolean = propsWithTs.containsKey(key)
def copyEdgeWithState(state: State): S2EdgeLike = {
def copyOp(newOp: Byte): S2EdgeLike = {
builder.copyEdge(op = newOp)
def copyVersion(newVersion: Long): S2EdgeLike = {
builder.copyEdge(version = newVersion)
def copyParentEdges(parents: Seq[EdgeWithScore]): S2EdgeLike = {
builder.copyEdge(parentEdges = parents)
def copyOriginalEdgeOpt(newOriginalEdgeOpt: Option[S2EdgeLike]): S2EdgeLike =
builder.copyEdge(originalEdgeOpt = newOriginalEdgeOpt)
def copyStatusCode(newStatusCode: Byte): S2EdgeLike = {
builder.copyEdge(statusCode = newStatusCode)
def copyLockTs(newLockTs: Option[Long]): S2EdgeLike = {
builder.copyEdge(lockTs = newLockTs)
def copyTs(newTs: Long): S2EdgeLike =
builder.copyEdge(ts = newTs)
def updateTgtVertex(id: InnerValLike): S2EdgeLike =
def vertices(direction: Direction): util.Iterator[structure.Vertex] = {
val arr = new util.ArrayList[Vertex]()
direction match {
case Direction.OUT =>
val newVertexId = edgeId.srcVertexId
case Direction.IN =>
val newVertexId = edgeId.tgtVertexId
case _ =>
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
def properties[V](keys: String*): util.Iterator[Property[V]] = {
val ls = new util.ArrayList[Property[V]]()
if (keys.isEmpty) {
propsWithTs.forEach(new BiConsumer[String, S2Property[_]] {
override def accept(key: String, property: S2Property[_]): Unit = {
if (!LabelMeta.reservedMetaNamesSet(key) && property.isPresent && key !=
} else {
keys.foreach { key =>
val prop = property[V](key)
if (prop.isPresent) ls.add(prop)
def property[V](key: String): Property[V] = {
if (propsWithTs.containsKey(key)) propsWithTs.get(key).asInstanceOf[Property[V]]
else Property.empty()
def property[V](key: String, value: V): Property[V] = {
S2Property.assertValidProp(key, value)
val v = propertyInner(key, value, System.currentTimeMillis())
val newTs =
if (propsWithTs.containsKey(
propsWithTs.get( + 1
val newEdge = builder.copyEdge(ts = newTs)
Await.result(innerGraph.mutateEdges(Seq(newEdge), withWait = true), innerGraph.WaitTimeout)
def propertyInner[V](key: String, value: V, ts: Long): Property[V] =
S2EdgePropertyHelper.propertyInner(this, key, value, ts)
def remove(): Unit = {
if (graph.features().edge().supportsRemoveEdges()) {
val requestTs = System.currentTimeMillis()
val edgeToDelete = builder.copyEdge(op = GraphUtil.operations("delete"),
version = version + S2Edge.incrementVersion, propsWithTs = S2Edge.propsToState(updatePropsWithTs()), ts = requestTs)
// should we delete related edges also?
val future = innerGraph.mutateEdges(Seq(edgeToDelete), withWait = true)
val mutateSuccess = Await.result(future, innerGraph.WaitTimeout)
if (!mutateSuccess.forall(_.isSuccess)) throw new RuntimeException("edge remove failed.")
} else {
throw Edge.Exceptions.edgeRemovalNotSupported()
def toLogString: String = {
// val allPropsWithName = defaultPropsWithName ++ Json.toJson(propsWithName).asOpt[JsObject].getOrElse(Json.obj())
val propsWithName = PostProcess.s2EdgePropsJsonString(this)
List(ts, GraphUtil.fromOp(op), "e", srcVertex.innerId, tgtVertex.innerId, innerLabel.label, Json.toJson(propsWithName)).mkString("\t")