blob: 21aca12def0c7fe4d51f8e7eaf29a6dfd64c3bd6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.s2graph.core
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.s2graph.core.DuplicatePolicy.DuplicatePolicy
import org.apache.s2graph.core.GraphExceptions.LabelNotExistException
import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.{Label, LabelIndex, LabelMeta}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.parsers.{Where, WhereParser}
import org.apache.s2graph.core.types._
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.util.HasContainer
import org.hbase.async.ColumnRangeFilter
import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsString, JsValue, Json}
import scala.util.{Success, Try}
object Query {
val initialScore = 1.0
lazy val empty = Query()
def apply(query: Query): Query = {
Query(query.vertices, query.steps, query.queryOption, query.jsonQuery)
def toQuery(srcVertices: Seq[S2VertexLike], queryParams: Seq[QueryParam]) = Query(srcVertices, Vector(Step(queryParams)))
case class MinShouldMatchParam(prop: String, count: Int, terms: Set[Any])
object GroupBy {
val Empty = GroupBy()
case class GroupBy(keys: Seq[String] = Nil,
limit: Int = Int.MaxValue,
minShouldMatch: Option[MinShouldMatchParam] = None)
case class MultiQuery(queries: Seq[Query],
weights: Seq[Double],
queryOption: QueryOption,
jsonQuery: JsValue = JsNull)
object QueryOption {
val DefaultAscendingVals: Seq[Boolean] = Seq(false, false)
case class QueryOption(removeCycle: Boolean = false,
selectColumns: Seq[String] = Seq.empty,
groupBy: GroupBy = GroupBy.Empty,
orderByColumns: Seq[(String, Boolean)] = Seq.empty,
filterOutQuery: Option[Query] = None,
filterOutFields: Seq[String] = Seq(,
withScore: Boolean = true,
returnTree: Boolean = false,
limitOpt: Option[Int] = None,
returnAgg: Boolean = true,
scoreThreshold: Double = Double.MinValue,
returnDegree: Boolean = true,
impIdOpt: Option[String] = None,
shouldPropagateScore: Boolean = true,
ignorePrevStepCache: Boolean = false) {
val orderByKeys =
val ascendingVals =
val selectColumnsMap = { c => c -> true }.toMap
val scoreFieldIdx = orderByKeys.zipWithIndex.find(t => t._1 == "score").map(_._2).getOrElse(-1)
val (edgeSelectColumns, propsSelectColumns) = selectColumns.partition(c => LabelMeta.defaultRequiredMetaNames.contains(c))
/** */
val edgeSelectColumnsFiltered = edgeSelectColumns
// val edgeSelectColumnsFiltered = edgeSelectColumns.filterNot(c => groupBy.keys.contains(c))
lazy val cacheKeyBytes: Array[Byte] = {
val selectBytes = Bytes.toBytes(selectColumns.toString)
val groupBytes = Bytes.toBytes(groupBy.keys.toString)
val orderByBytes = Bytes.toBytes(orderByColumns.toString)
val filterOutBytes =[Byte])
val returnTreeBytes = Bytes.toBytes(returnTree)
Seq(selectBytes, groupBytes, orderByBytes, filterOutBytes, returnTreeBytes).foldLeft(Array.empty[Byte])(Bytes.add)
case class Query(vertices: Seq[S2VertexLike] = Nil,
steps: IndexedSeq[Step] = Vector.empty[Step],
queryOption: QueryOption = QueryOption(),
jsonQuery: JsValue = JsNull) {
lazy val fullCacheBytes = {
val srcBytes =[Byte])(Bytes.add)
val stepBytes =[Byte])(Bytes.add)
val queryOptionBytes = queryOption.cacheKeyBytes
Bytes.add(srcBytes, stepBytes, queryOptionBytes)
lazy val fullCacheKey: Long = Hashing.murmur3_128().hashBytes(fullCacheBytes).asLong()
object EdgeTransformer {
val DefaultTransformField = Json.arr("_to")
val DefaultTransformFieldAsList = Json.arr("_to").as[List[String]]
val DefaultJson = Json.arr(DefaultTransformField)
* TODO: step wise outputFields should be used with nextStepLimit, nextStepThreshold.
* @param jsValue
case class EdgeTransformer(jsValue: JsValue) {
val Delimiter = "\\$"
val targets = jsValue.asOpt[List[Vector[String]]].toList
val fieldsLs = for {
target <- targets
fields <- target
} yield fields
val isDefault = fieldsLs.size == 1 && fieldsLs.head.size == 1 && (fieldsLs.head.head == "_to" || fieldsLs.head.head == "to")
def toHashKeyBytes: Array[Byte] = if (isDefault) Array.empty[Byte] else Bytes.toBytes(jsValue.toString)
def replace(queryParam: QueryParam,
fmt: String,
values: Seq[InnerValLike],
nextStepOpt: Option[Step]): Seq[InnerValLike] = {
val tokens = fmt.split(Delimiter)
val _values = values.padTo(tokens.length, InnerVal.withStr("", queryParam.label.schemaVersion))
val mergedStr = { case (prefix, innerVal) => prefix + innerVal.toString }.mkString
// logger.error(s"${tokens.toList}, ${values}, $mergedStr")
// println(s"${tokens.toList}, ${values}, $mergedStr")
nextStepOpt match {
case None =>
val columnType =
if (queryParam.labelWithDir.dir == GraphUtil.directions("out")) queryParam.label.tgtColumnType
else queryParam.label.srcColumnType
if (columnType == InnerVal.STRING) Seq(InnerVal.withStr(mergedStr, queryParam.label.schemaVersion))
else Nil
case Some(nextStep) =>
val nextQueryParamsValid = nextStep.queryParams.filter { qParam =>
if (qParam.labelWithDir.dir == GraphUtil.directions("out")) qParam.label.srcColumnType == "string"
else qParam.label.tgtColumnType == "string"
for {
nextQueryParam <- nextQueryParamsValid
} yield {
InnerVal.withStr(mergedStr, nextQueryParam.label.schemaVersion)
def toInnerValOpt(queryParam: QueryParam, edge: S2EdgeLike, fieldName: String): Option[InnerValLike] = {
fieldName match {
case => Option(edge.tgtVertex.innerId)
case => Option(edge.srcVertex.innerId)
case _ => edge.propertyValue(fieldName).map(_.innerVal)
def transform(queryParam: QueryParam, edge: S2EdgeLike, nextStepOpt: Option[Step]): Seq[S2EdgeLike] = {
if (isDefault) Seq(edge)
else {
val edges = for {
fields <- fieldsLs
innerVal <- {
if (fields.size == 1) {
val fieldName = fields.head
toInnerValOpt(queryParam, edge, fieldName).toSeq
} else {
val fmt +: fieldNames = fields
replace(queryParam, fmt, fieldNames.flatMap(fieldName => toInnerValOpt(queryParam, edge, fieldName)), nextStepOpt)
} yield edge.updateTgtVertex(innerVal).copyOriginalEdgeOpt(Option(edge))
object Step {
val Delimiter = "|"
case class Step(queryParams: Seq[QueryParam],
labelWeights: Map[Int, Double] = Map.empty,
nextStepScoreThreshold: Double = 0.0,
nextStepLimit: Int = -1,
cacheTTL: Long = -1,
groupBy: GroupBy = GroupBy.Empty) {
// lazy val excludes = queryParams.filter(_.exclude)
// lazy val includes = queryParams.filterNot(_.exclude)
// lazy val excludeIds = => x.labelWithDir.labelId -> true).toMap
lazy val cacheKeyBytes =[Byte])).foldLeft(Array.empty[Byte])(Bytes.add)
def toCacheKey(lss: Seq[Long]): Long = Hashing.murmur3_128().hashBytes(toCacheKeyRaw(lss)).asLong()
// MurmurHash3.bytesHash(toCacheKeyRaw(lss))
def toCacheKeyRaw(lss: Seq[Long]): Array[Byte] = {
var bytes = Array.empty[Byte]
lss.sorted.foreach { h => bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, Bytes.toBytes(h)) }
case class VertexParam(vertices: Seq[S2VertexLike]) {
var filters: Option[Map[Byte, InnerValLike]] = None
def has(what: Option[Map[Byte, InnerValLike]]): VertexParam = {
what match {
case None => this
case Some(w) => has(w)
def has(what: Map[Byte, InnerValLike]): VertexParam = {
this.filters = Some(what)
object RankParam {
val Default = RankParam()
case class RankParam(keySeqAndWeights: Seq[(LabelMeta, Double)] = Seq((LabelMeta.count, 1.0))) {
// empty => Count
lazy val rankKeysWeightsMap = keySeqAndWeights.toMap
def toHashKeyBytes(): Array[Byte] = {
var bytes = Array.empty[Byte] { case (labelMeta, weight) =>
bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, Array.fill(1)(labelMeta.seq), Bytes.toBytes(weight))
def score(edge: S2EdgeLike): Double = {
if (keySeqAndWeights.size <= 0) 1.0f
else {
var sum: Double = 0
for ((labelMeta, w) <- keySeqAndWeights) {
if (edge.getPropsWithTs().containsKey( {
val innerValWithTs = edge.getPropsWithTs().get(
val cost = try innerValWithTs.innerVal.toString.toDouble catch {
case e: Exception => 1.0
sum += w * cost
object QueryParam {
lazy val Empty = QueryParam(labelName = "")
lazy val DefaultThreshold = Double.MinValue
val Delimiter = ","
val maxMetaByte = (-1).toByte
val fillArray = Array.fill(100)(maxMetaByte)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
def apply(labelWithDirection: LabelWithDirection): QueryParam = {
val label = Label.findById(labelWithDirection.labelId)
val direction = GraphUtil.fromDirection(labelWithDirection.dir)
QueryParam(labelName = label.label, direction = direction)
object VertexQueryParam {
def Empty: VertexQueryParam = VertexQueryParam(0, 1, None)
case class VertexQueryParam(offset: Int,
limit: Int,
searchString: Option[String],
vertexIds: Seq[VertexId] = Nil,
fetchProp: Boolean = true) {
case class QueryParam(labelName: String,
direction: String = "out",
offset: Int = 0,
limit: Int = S2Graph.DefaultFetchLimit,
sample: Int = -1,
maxAttempt: Int = 20,
rpcTimeout: Int = 600000,
cacheTTLInMillis: Long = -1L,
indexName: String = LabelIndex.DefaultName,
where: Try[Where] = Success(WhereParser.success),
timestamp: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
threshold: Double = Double.MinValue,
rank: RankParam = RankParam.Default,
intervalOpt: Option[((Seq[(String, JsValue)]), Seq[(String, JsValue)])] = None,
durationOpt: Option[(Long, Long)] = None,
exclude: Boolean = false,
include: Boolean = false,
has: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
duplicatePolicy: DuplicatePolicy = DuplicatePolicy.First,
includeDegree: Boolean = false,
scorePropagateShrinkage: Long = 500L,
scorePropagateOp: String = "multiply",
shouldNormalize: Boolean = false,
whereRawOpt: Option[String] = None,
cursorOpt: Option[String] = None,
tgtVertexIdOpt: Option[Any] = None,
edgeTransformer: EdgeTransformer = EdgeTransformer(EdgeTransformer.DefaultJson),
timeDecay: Option[TimeDecay] = None) {
import JSONParser._
//TODO: implement this.
lazy val whereHasParent = true
lazy val label = Label.findByName(labelName).getOrElse(throw LabelNotExistException(labelName))
lazy val dir = GraphUtil.toDir(direction).getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"not supported direction: $direction"))
lazy val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(, dir)
lazy val labelOrderSeq =
if (indexName == LabelIndex.DefaultName) LabelIndex.DefaultSeq
else label.indexNameMap.getOrElse(indexName, throw new RuntimeException(s"$indexName indexName is not found.")).seq
lazy val tgtVertexInnerIdOpt = { id =>
def buildInterval(edgeOpt: Option[S2EdgeLike]) = intervalOpt match {
case None => Array.empty[Byte] -> Array.empty[Byte]
case Some(interval) =>
val (froms, tos) = interval
val len = label.indicesMap(labelOrderSeq).sortKeyTypes.size.toByte
val (maxBytes, minBytes) = paddingInterval(len, froms, tos, edgeOpt)
maxBytes -> minBytes
lazy val isSnapshotEdge = tgtVertexInnerIdOpt.isDefined
/** since degree info is located on first always */
lazy val (innerOffset, innerLimit) = if (intervalOpt.isEmpty) {
if (offset == 0) (offset, if (limit == Int.MaxValue) limit else limit + 1)
else (offset + 1, limit)
} else (offset, limit)
lazy val optionalCacheKey: Array[Byte] = {
val transformBytes = edgeTransformer.toHashKeyBytes
//TODO: change this to binrary format.
val whereBytes = Bytes.toBytes(whereRawOpt.getOrElse(""))
val durationBytes = { case (min, max) =>
val minTs = min / cacheTTLInMillis
val maxTs = max / cacheTTLInMillis
Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes(minTs), Bytes.toBytes(maxTs))
} getOrElse Array.empty[Byte]
val conditionBytes = Bytes.add(transformBytes, whereBytes, durationBytes)
// Interval cache bytes is moved to fetch method
Bytes.add(Bytes.add(toBytes(offset, limit), rank.toHashKeyBytes()), conditionBytes)
def toBytes(offset: Int, limit: Int): Array[Byte] = {
Bytes.add(Bytes.toBytes(offset), Bytes.toBytes(limit))
def toCacheKey(bytes: Array[Byte]): Long = {
val hashBytes = toCacheKeyRaw(bytes)
def toCacheKeyRaw(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
Bytes.add(bytes, optionalCacheKey)
private def convertToInner(kvs: Seq[(String, JsValue)], edgeOpt: Option[S2EdgeLike]): Seq[(LabelMeta, InnerValLike)] = { { case (propKey, propValJs) =>
propValJs match {
case JsString(in) if edgeOpt.isDefined && in.contains("_parent.") =>
val parentLen = in.split("_parent.").length - 1
val edge = (0 until parentLen).foldLeft(edgeOpt.get) { case (acc, _) => acc.getParentEdges().head.edge }
val timePivot = edge.ts
val replaced = TemplateHelper.replaceVariable(timePivot, in).trim
val (_propKey, _padding) = replaced.span(ch => !ch.isDigit && ch != '-' && ch != '+' && ch != ' ')
val propKey = _propKey.split("_parent.").last
val padding = Try(_padding.trim.toLong).getOrElse(0L)
val labelMeta = edge.innerLabel.metaPropsInvMap.getOrElse(propKey, throw new RuntimeException(s"$propKey not found in ${edge} labelMetas."))
val propVal =
if (InnerVal.isNumericType(labelMeta.dataType)) {
InnerVal.withLong( + padding, label.schemaVersion)
} else {[S2Property[_]].innerVal
labelMeta -> propVal
case _ =>
val labelMeta = label.metaPropsInvMap.getOrElse(propKey, throw new RuntimeException(s"$propKey not found in labelMetas."))
val propVal = jsValueToInnerVal(propValJs, labelMeta.dataType, label.schemaVersion)
labelMeta -> propVal.get
def paddingInterval(len: Byte, froms: Seq[(String, JsValue)], tos: Seq[(String, JsValue)], edgeOpt: Option[S2EdgeLike] = None) = {
val fromInnerVal = convertToInner(froms, edgeOpt)
val toInnerVal = convertToInner(tos, edgeOpt)
val fromVal = Bytes.add(propsToBytes(fromInnerVal), QueryParam.fillArray)
val toVal = propsToBytes(toInnerVal)
toVal(0) = len
fromVal(0) = len
val minMax = (toVal, fromVal) // inverted
def toLabelMetas(names: Seq[String]): Set[LabelMeta] = {
val m = for {
name <- names
labelMeta <- label.metaPropsInvMap.get(name)
} yield labelMeta
object DuplicatePolicy extends Enumeration {
type DuplicatePolicy = Value
val First, Sum, CountSum, Raw = Value
def apply(policy: String): Value = {
policy match {
case "sum" => DuplicatePolicy.Sum
case "countSum" => DuplicatePolicy.CountSum
case "raw" => DuplicatePolicy.Raw
case _ => DuplicatePolicy.First
case class TimeDecay(initial: Double = 1.0,
lambda: Double = 0.1,
timeUnit: Double = 60 * 60 * 24,
labelMeta: LabelMeta = LabelMeta.timestamp) {
def decay(diff: Double): Double = {
val ret = initial * Math.pow(1.0 - lambda, diff / timeUnit)
// logger.debug(s"$initial, $lambda, $timeUnit, $diff, ${diff / timeUnit}, $ret")