blob: acf0f822fdb994b842af2ef641a0dccf788256d3 [file] [log] [blame]
package test.controllers
import models._
import com.daumkakao.s2graph.core._
import com.daumkakao.s2graph.core.HBaseElement._
import com.daumkakao.s2graph.core.Management._
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification
import play.api.test.FakeApplication
import play.api.test.Helpers._
import play.api.libs.json.Json
import play.api.libs.json.JsObject
class RequestParserSpec extends Specification {
// dummy data for dummy edge
val testLabelName = "s2graph_label_test"
val ts = System.currentTimeMillis()
val srcId = CompositeId(0, InnerVal.withLong(1), isEdge = true, useHash = true)
val tgtId = CompositeId(0, InnerVal.withLong(2), isEdge = true, useHash = true)
val srcIdStr = CompositeId(0, InnerVal.withStr("abc"), isEdge = true, useHash = true)
val tgtIdStr = CompositeId(0, InnerVal.withStr("def"), isEdge = true, useHash = true)
val srcVertex = Vertex(srcId, ts)
val tgtVertex = Vertex(tgtId, ts)
val srcVertexStr = Vertex(srcIdStr, ts)
val tgtVertexStr = Vertex(tgtIdStr, ts)
def validate(labelName: String)(edge: Edge)(sql: String)(expected: Boolean) = {
val checkedOpt = for (label <- Label.findByName(labelName)) yield {
val labelMetas = LabelMeta.findAllByLabelId(, useCache = false)
val metaMap = { m => -> m.seq } toMap
val whereOpt = WhereParser(label).parse(sql)
whereOpt must beSome
// val props = Json.obj("is_hidden" -> true, "is_blocked" -> false)
// val propsInner = Management.toProps(label, props).map { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValWithTs.withInnerVal(v, ts) }.toMap
// val edge = Edge(srcVertex, srcVertex, labelWithDir, 0.toByte, System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, propsInner)
val where = whereOpt.get
checkedOpt must beSome
val checked = checkedOpt.get
checked must beEqualTo(expected)
"RequestParser WhereParser" should {
"check where clause not nested" in {
running(FakeApplication()) {
val labelOpt = Label.findByName(testLabelName)
labelOpt must beSome[Label]
val label = labelOpt.get
val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(, 0)
val js = Json.obj("is_hidden" -> true, "is_blocked" -> false, "weight" -> 10, "time" -> 3, "name" -> "abc")
val propsInner = Management.toProps(label, js).map { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValWithTs.withInnerVal(v, ts) }.toMap
val edge = Edge(srcVertex, tgtVertex, labelWithDir, 0.toByte, ts, 0, propsInner)
val f = validate(testLabelName)(edge)_
f("is_hidden = false")(false)
f("is_hidden != false")(true)
f("is_hidden = true and is_blocked = true")(false)
f("is_hidden = true and is_blocked = false")(true)
f("time in (1, 2, 3) and is_blocked = true")(false)
f("time in (1, 2, 3) or is_blocked = true")(true)
f("time in (1, 2, 3) and is_blocked = false")(true)
f("time in (1, 2, 4) and is_blocked = false")(false)
f("time in (1, 2, 4) or is_blocked = false")(true)
f("time not in (1, 2, 4)")(true)
f("time in (1, 2, 3) and weight between 10 and 20 and is_blocked = false")(true)
f("time in (1, 2, 4) or weight between 10 and 20 or is_blocked = true")(true)
"check where clause nested" in {
running(FakeApplication()) {
val labelOpt = Label.findByName(testLabelName)
labelOpt must beSome[Label]
val label = labelOpt.get
val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(, 0)
val js = Json.obj("is_hidden" -> true, "is_blocked" -> false, "weight" -> 10, "time" -> 3, "name" -> "abc")
val propsInner = Management.toProps(label, js).map { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValWithTs.withInnerVal(v, ts) }.toMap
val edge = Edge(srcVertex, tgtVertex, labelWithDir, 0.toByte, ts, 0, propsInner)
val f = validate(testLabelName)(edge)_
f("(time in (1, 2, 3) and is_blocked = true) or is_hidden = false")(false)
f("(time in (1, 2, 3) or is_blocked = true) or is_hidden = false")(true)
f("(time in (1, 2, 3) and is_blocked = true) or is_hidden = true")(true)
f("(time in (1, 2, 3) or is_blocked = true) and is_hidden = true")(true)
f("(time in (1, 2, 3) and weight between 1 and 10) or is_hidden = false")(true)
f("(time in (1, 2, 4) or weight between 1 and 9) or is_hidden = false")(false)
f("(time in (1, 2, 4) or weight between 1 and 9) or is_hidden = true")(true)
f("(time in (1, 2, 3) or weight between 1 and 10) and is_hidden = false")(false)
// f("(name in (a, abc, c) and weight between 1 and 10) or is_hidden = false")(true)
// f("name between a and b or is_hidden = false")(true)
// f("name = abc and is_hidden = true")(true)
"check where clause with from/to long" in {
running(FakeApplication()) {
val labelOpt = Label.findByName(testLabelName)
labelOpt must beSome[Label]
val label = labelOpt.get
val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(, 0)
val js = Json.obj("is_hidden" -> true, "is_blocked" -> false, "weight" -> 10, "time" -> 3, "name" -> "abc")
val propsInner = Management.toProps(label, js).map { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValWithTs.withInnerVal(v, ts) }.toMap
val edge = Edge(srcVertex, tgtVertex, labelWithDir, 0.toByte, ts, 0, propsInner)
val f = validate(testLabelName)(edge)_
// f("from = abc")(false)
f("_from = 2 or _to = 2")(true)
f("_from = 1 and _to = 2")(true)
f("_from = 3 and _to = 4")(false)
f("_from = 0")(false)
// "check where clause with from/to string" in {
// running(FakeApplication()) {
// val labelOpt = Label.findByName("graph_test")
// labelOpt must beSome[Label]
// val label = labelOpt.get
// val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(, 0)
// val propsInner = Management.toProps(label, js).map { case (k, v) => k -> InnerValWithTs.withInnerVal(v, ts) }.toMap
// val edge = Edge(srcVertexStr, tgtVertexStr, labelWithDir, 0.toByte, ts, 0, propsInner)
// val f = validate("graph_test")(edge)_
// f("from = 2 or to = 2")(true)
// f("from = a")(false)
// f("from = abc")(true)
// f("from = a or to = b")(false)
// f("from = abc and to = def")(true)
// }
// }