blob: fb37cc3e0349736c7b7edf69600b336277977fa7 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.daumkakao.s2graph.core
import GraphUtil._
import KGraphExceptions._
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object HBaseElement {
val ttsForActivity = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30
val delimiter = "|"
val seperator = ":"
val bytesForMurMur = 2
val bitsForDir = 2
val bytesForOp = 3
val bitsForLenWithDir = 5
val bitsForDirWithLen = 2
val bitsForOp = 3
val bitForPropMode = 1
val bitForByte = 7
* id between application and Graph Instance.
object CompositeId {
val defaultColId = 0
val defaultInnerId = 0
val isDescOrder = false
val emptyCompositeId = CompositeId(defaultColId, InnerVal.withLong(defaultInnerId), isEdge = true, useHash = true)
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, isEdge: Boolean, useHash: Boolean): CompositeId = {
var pos = offset
if (useHash) {
// skip over murmur hash
pos += 2
val innerId = InnerVal(bytes, pos)
pos += innerId.bytes.length
if (isEdge) {
CompositeId(defaultColId, innerId, true, useHash)
} else {
val cId = Bytes.toInt(bytes, pos, 4)
CompositeId(cId, innerId, false, useHash)
// TODO: colId range < (1<<15??) id length??
case class CompositeId(colId: Int, innerId: InnerVal, isEdge: Boolean, useHash: Boolean) {
// play.api.Logger.debug(s"$this")
lazy val hash = murmur3(innerId.value.toString)
lazy val bytes = {
var ret = if (useHash) Bytes.toBytes(hash) else Array.empty[Byte]
isEdge match {
case false =>
Bytes.add(ret, innerId.bytes, Bytes.toBytes(colId))
case true => Bytes.add(ret, innerId.bytes)
lazy val bytesInUse = bytes.length
def updateIsEdge(otherIsEdge: Boolean) = CompositeId(colId, innerId, otherIsEdge, useHash)
def updateUseHash(otherUseHash: Boolean) = CompositeId(colId, innerId, isEdge, otherUseHash)
override def equals(obj: Any) = {
obj match {
case other: CompositeId => colId == other.colId && innerId == other.innerId
case _ => false
* label + direction
object LabelWithDirection {
val maxBytes = Bytes.toBytes(Int.MaxValue)
def apply(compositeInt: Int): LabelWithDirection = {
// play.api.Logger.debug(s"CompositeInt: $compositeInt")
val dir = compositeInt & ((1 << bitsForDir) - 1)
val labelId = compositeInt >> bitsForDir
LabelWithDirection(labelId, dir)
case class LabelWithDirection(labelId: Int, dir: Int) {
assert(dir < (1 << bitsForDir))
assert(labelId < (Int.MaxValue >> bitsForDir))
val labelBits = labelId << bitsForDir
lazy val compositeInt = labelBits | dir
lazy val bytes = Bytes.toBytes(compositeInt)
lazy val dirToggled = LabelWithDirection(labelId, toggleDir(dir))
def updateDir(newDir: Int) = LabelWithDirection(labelId, newDir)
object InnerVal {
val defaultVal = InnerVal(None, None, None)
val stringLenOffset = 7.toByte
val maxStringLen = Byte.MaxValue - stringLenOffset
val maxMetaByte = Byte.MaxValue
val minMetaByte = 0.toByte
* first byte encoding rule.
* 0 => default
* 1 => long
* 2 => int
* 3 => short
* 4 => byte
* 5 => true
* 6 => false
* 7 ~ 127 => string len + 7
val metaByte = Map("default" -> 0, "long" -> 1, "int" -> 2, "short" -> 3,
"byte" -> 4, "true" -> 5, "false" -> 6).map {
case (k, v) => (k, v.toByte)
val metaByteRev = { case (k, v) => (v.toByte, k) } ++ { case (k, v) => ((-v).toByte, k) }
def maxIdVal(dataType: String) = {
dataType match {
case "string" => InnerVal.withStr((0 until (Byte.MaxValue - stringLenOffset)).map("~").mkString)
case "long" => InnerVal.withLong(Long.MaxValue)
case "bool" => InnerVal.withBoolean(true)
case _ => throw IllegalDataTypeException(dataType)
def minIdVal(dataType: String) = {
dataType match {
case "string" => InnerVal.withStr("")
case "long" => InnerVal.withLong(1)
case "bool" => InnerVal.withBoolean(false)
case _ => throw IllegalDataTypeException(dataType)
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): InnerVal = {
var pos = offset
val len = bytes(pos)
// play.api.Logger.debug(s"${bytes(offset)}: ${bytes.toList.slice(pos, bytes.length)}")
pos += 1
val (longV, strV, boolV) = metaByteRev.get(len) match {
case Some(s) =>
s match {
case "default" => (None, None, None)
case "true" => (None, None, Some(true))
case "false" => (None, None, Some(false))
case "byte" =>
val b = bytes(pos)
val value = if (b >= 0) Byte.MaxValue - b else Byte.MinValue - b - 1
(Some(value.toLong), None, None)
case "short" =>
val b = Bytes.toShort(bytes, pos, 2)
val value = if (b >= 0) Short.MaxValue - b else Short.MinValue - b - 1
(Some(value.toLong), None, None)
case "int" =>
val b = Bytes.toInt(bytes, pos, 4)
val value = if (b >= 0) Int.MaxValue - b else Int.MinValue - b - 1
(Some(value.toLong), None, None)
case "long" =>
val b = Bytes.toLong(bytes, pos, 8)
val value = if (b >= 0) Long.MaxValue - b else Long.MinValue - b - 1
(Some(value.toLong), None, None)
case _ => // string
val strLen = len - stringLenOffset
(None, Some(Bytes.toString(bytes, pos, strLen)), None)
InnerVal(longV, strV, boolV)
def withLong(l: Long): InnerVal = {
// if (l < 0) throw new IllegalDataRangeException("value should be >= 0")
InnerVal(Some(l), None, None)
def withStr(s: String): InnerVal = {
InnerVal(None, Some(s), None)
def withBoolean(b: Boolean): InnerVal = {
InnerVal(None, None, Some(b))
* In natural order
* -129, -128 , -2, -1 < 0 < 1, 2, 127, 128
* In byte order
* 0 < 1, 2, 127, 128 < -129, -128, -2, -1
def transform(l: Long): (Byte, Array[Byte]) = {
if (Byte.MinValue < l && l <= Byte.MaxValue) {
// val value = if (l < 0) l - Byte.MinValue else l + Byte.MinValue
val key = if (l >= 0) metaByte("byte") else -metaByte("byte")
val value = if (l >= 0) Byte.MaxValue - l else Byte.MinValue - l - 1
val valueBytes = Array.fill(1)(value.toByte)
(key.toByte, valueBytes)
} else if (Short.MinValue < l && l <= Short.MaxValue) {
val key = if (l >= 0) metaByte("short") else -metaByte("short")
val value = if (l >= 0) Short.MaxValue - l else Short.MinValue - l - 1
val valueBytes = Bytes.toBytes(value.toShort)
(key.toByte, valueBytes)
} else if (Int.MinValue < l && l <= Int.MaxValue) {
val key = if (l >= 0) metaByte("int") else -metaByte("int")
val value = if (l >= 0) Int.MaxValue - l else Int.MinValue - l - 1
val valueBytes = Bytes.toBytes(value.toInt)
(key.toByte, valueBytes)
} else if (Long.MinValue < l && l <= Long.MaxValue) {
val key = if (l >= 0) metaByte("long") else -metaByte("long")
val value = if (l >= 0) Long.MaxValue - l else Long.MinValue - l - 1
val valueBytes = Bytes.toBytes(value.toLong)
(key.toByte, valueBytes)
} else {
throw new Exception(s"InnerVal range is out: $l")
case class InnerVal(longV: Option[Long], strV: Option[String], boolV: Option[Boolean]) {
import InnerVal._
lazy val bytes = {
val (meta, valBytes) = (longV, strV, boolV) match {
case (None, None, None) =>
(metaByte("default"), Array.empty[Byte])
case (Some(l), None, None) =>
case (None, None, Some(b)) =>
val meta = if (b) metaByte("true") else metaByte("false")
(meta, Array.empty[Byte])
case (None, Some(s), None) =>
val sBytes = Bytes.toBytes(s)
if (sBytes.length > maxStringLen) throw new IllegalDataTypeException(s"string in innerVal maxSize is $maxStringLen, given ${sBytes.length}")
assert(sBytes.length <= maxStringLen)
val meta = (stringLenOffset + sBytes.length).toByte
(meta, sBytes)
case _ => throw new IllegalDataTypeException("innerVal data type should be [long/string/bool]")
Bytes.add(Array.fill(1)(meta.toByte), valBytes)
// lazy val bytesInUse = bytes.length
lazy val isDefault = longV.isEmpty && strV.isEmpty && boolV.isEmpty
lazy val value = (longV, strV, boolV) match {
case (Some(l), None, None) => l
case (None, Some(s), None) => s
case (None, None, Some(b)) => b
case _ => throw new Exception(s"InnerVal should be [long/integeer/short/byte/string/boolean]")
lazy val valueType = (longV, strV, boolV) match {
case (Some(l), None, None) => "long"
case (None, Some(s), None) => "string"
case (None, None, Some(b)) => "boolean"
case _ => throw new Exception(s"InnerVal should be [long/integeer/short/byte/string/boolean]")
override def toString(): String = {
def compare(other: InnerVal) = {
(value, other.value) match {
case (v1: Long, v2: Long) =>
case (b1: Boolean, b2: Boolean) =>
case (s1: String, s2: String) =>
case _ => throw new Exception("Please check a type of the compare operands")
def +(other: InnerVal) = {
(value, other.value) match {
case (v1: Long, v2: Long) => InnerVal.withLong(v1 + v2)
case (b1: Boolean, b2: Boolean) => InnerVal.withBoolean(if (b2) !b1 else b1)
case _ => throw new Exception("Please check a type of the incr operands")
def <(other: InnerVal) = < 0
def <=(other: InnerVal) = <= 0
def >(other: InnerVal) = > 0
def >=(other: InnerVal) = >= 0
object InnerValWithTs {
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): InnerValWithTs = {
val innerVal = InnerVal(bytes, offset)
var pos = offset + innerVal.bytes.length
val ts = Bytes.toLong(bytes, pos, 8)
InnerValWithTs(innerVal, ts)
def withLong(value: Long, ts: Long) = InnerValWithTs(InnerVal.withLong(value), ts)
def withStr(value: String, ts: Long) = InnerValWithTs(InnerVal.withStr(value), ts)
def withBoolean(value: Boolean, ts: Long) = InnerValWithTs(InnerVal.withBoolean(value), ts)
def withInnerVal(value: InnerVal, ts: Long) = InnerValWithTs(value, ts)
case class InnerValWithTs(innerVal: InnerVal, ts: Long) {
lazy val bytes = Bytes.add(innerVal.bytes, Bytes.toBytes(ts))
def propsToBytes(props: Seq[(Byte, InnerVal)]): Array[Byte] = {
val len = props.length
assert(len < Byte.MaxValue)
var bytes = Array.fill(1)(len.toByte)
for ((k, v) <- props) bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, v.bytes)
// Logger.debug(s"propsToBytes: $props => ${bytes.toList}")
def propsToKeyValues(props: Seq[(Byte, InnerVal)]): Array[Byte] = {
val len = props.length
assert(len < Byte.MaxValue)
var bytes = Array.fill(1)(len.toByte)
for ((k, v) <- props) bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, Array.fill(1)(k), v.bytes)
// Logger.debug(s"propsToBytes: $props => ${bytes.toList}")
def propsToKeyValuesWithTs(props: Seq[(Byte, InnerValWithTs)]): Array[Byte] = {
val len = props.length
assert(len < Byte.MaxValue)
var bytes = Array.fill(1)(len.toByte)
for ((k, v) <- props) bytes = Bytes.add(bytes, Array.fill(1)(k), v.bytes)
// Logger.debug(s"propsToBytes: $props => ${bytes.toList}")
def bytesToKeyValues(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): (Seq[(Byte, InnerVal)], Int) = {
var pos = offset
val len = bytes(pos)
pos += 1
val kvs = new ArrayBuffer[(Byte, InnerVal)]
for (i <- (0 until len)) {
val k = bytes(pos)
pos += 1
val v = InnerVal(bytes, pos)
pos += v.bytes.length
kvs += (k -> v)
val ret = (kvs.toList, pos)
// Logger.debug(s"bytesToProps: $ret")
def bytesToKeyValuesWithTs(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): (Seq[(Byte, InnerValWithTs)], Int) = {
var pos = offset
val len = bytes(pos)
pos += 1
val kvs = new ArrayBuffer[(Byte, InnerValWithTs)]
for (i <- (0 until len)) {
val k = bytes(pos)
pos += 1
val v = InnerValWithTs(bytes, pos)
pos += v.bytes.length
kvs += (k -> v)
val ret = (kvs.toList, pos)
// Logger.debug(s"bytesToProps: $ret")
def bytesToProps(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): (Seq[(Byte, InnerVal)], Int) = {
var pos = offset
val len = bytes(pos)
pos += 1
val kvs = new ArrayBuffer[(Byte, InnerVal)]
for (i <- (0 until len)) {
val k = LabelMeta.emptyValue
val v = InnerVal(bytes, pos)
pos += v.bytes.length
kvs += (k -> v)
val ret = (kvs.toList, pos)
// Logger.debug(s"bytesToProps: $ret")
def labelOrderSeqWithIsInverted(labelOrderSeq: Byte, isInverted: Boolean): Array[Byte] = {
assert(labelOrderSeq < (1 << 6))
val byte = labelOrderSeq << 1 | (if (isInverted) 1 else 0)
def bytesToLabelIndexSeqWithIsInverted(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): (Byte, Boolean) = {
val byte = bytes(offset)
val isInverted = if ((byte & 1) != 0) true else false
val labelOrderSeq = byte >> 1
(labelOrderSeq.toByte, isInverted)
* hbase specific classes
object VertexRowKey {
val isEdge = false
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): VertexRowKey = {
VertexRowKey(CompositeId(bytes, offset, isEdge, true))
case class VertexRowKey(id: CompositeId) {
lazy val bytes = id.bytes
object VertexQualifier {
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): VertexQualifier = {
case class VertexQualifier(propKey: Byte) {
lazy val bytes = Array.fill(1)(propKey)
object EdgeRowKey {
val propMode = 0
val isEdge = true
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): EdgeRowKey = {
var pos = offset
val copmositeId = CompositeId(bytes, pos, isEdge, true)
pos += copmositeId.bytesInUse
val labelWithDir = LabelWithDirection(Bytes.toInt(bytes, pos, 4))
pos += 4
val (labelOrderSeq, isInverted) = bytesToLabelIndexSeqWithIsInverted(bytes, pos)
EdgeRowKey(copmositeId, labelWithDir, labelOrderSeq, isInverted)
//TODO: split inverted table? cf?
case class EdgeRowKey(srcVertexId: CompositeId, labelWithDir: LabelWithDirection, labelOrderSeq: Byte, isInverted: Boolean) {
// play.api.Logger.debug(s"$this")
lazy val innerSrcVertexId = srcVertexId.updateUseHash(true)
lazy val bytes = Bytes.add(innerSrcVertexId.bytes, labelWithDir.bytes, labelOrderSeqWithIsInverted(labelOrderSeq, isInverted))
object EdgeQualifier {
val isEdge = true
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): EdgeQualifier = {
var pos = offset
val op = bytes(offset + len - 1)
val (props, tgtVertexId) = {
val (props, endAt) = bytesToProps(bytes, pos)
val tgtVertexId = CompositeId(bytes, endAt, true, false)
(props, tgtVertexId)
EdgeQualifier(props, tgtVertexId, op)
case class EdgeQualifier(props: Seq[(Byte, InnerVal)], tgtVertexId: CompositeId, op: Byte) {
val opBytes = Array.fill(1)(op)
val innerTgtVertexId = tgtVertexId.updateUseHash(false)
lazy val propsBytes = propsToBytes(props)
lazy val bytes = Bytes.add(propsBytes, innerTgtVertexId.bytes, opBytes)
def propsKVs(labelId: Int, labelOrderSeq: Byte): List[(Byte, InnerVal)] = {
val filtered = props.filter(kv => kv._1 != LabelMeta.emptyValue)
if (filtered.isEmpty) {
val opt = for (index <- LabelIndex.findByLabelIdAndSeq(labelId, labelOrderSeq)) yield {
val v =
opt.getOrElse(List.empty[(Byte, InnerVal)])
} else {
object EdgeQualifierInverted {
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): EdgeQualifierInverted = {
val tgtVertexId = CompositeId(bytes, offset, true, false)
case class EdgeQualifierInverted(tgtVertexId: CompositeId) {
// play.api.Logger.debug(s"$this")
val innerTgtVertexId = tgtVertexId.updateUseHash(false)
lazy val bytes = innerTgtVertexId.bytes
object EdgeValue {
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): EdgeValue = {
val (props, endAt) = bytesToKeyValues(bytes, offset)
case class EdgeValue(props: Seq[(Byte, InnerVal)]) {
lazy val bytes = propsToKeyValues(props)
object EdgeValueInverted {
def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int): EdgeValueInverted = {
var pos = offset
val op = bytes(pos)
pos += 1
val (props, endAt) = bytesToKeyValuesWithTs(bytes, pos)
EdgeValueInverted(op, props)
case class EdgeValueInverted(op: Byte, props: Seq[(Byte, InnerValWithTs)]) {
lazy val bytes = Bytes.add(Array.fill(1)(op), propsToKeyValuesWithTs(props))