blob: ffb7b9530b20cc30b58894eb229166ae7ab31c55 [file] [log] [blame]
- language: "C#"
library: >-
framework: >- core, Owin
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Any
sampling: "Yes"
- language: Go
library: >-
framework: >-
[Go kit](, or roll your own with [OpenTracing](
propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
- language: Java
library: >-
framework: Jersey, RestEASY, JAXRS2, Apache HttpClient, Mysql
propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 6 or higher
- language: JavaScript
library: >-
framework: >-
[cujoJS](, [express](, [restify](
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: >-
[Http, Kafka, Scribe](
sampling: >-
notes: >-
Uses continuation-local-storage under to hood, so you don't have to pass around an explicit context
- language: Ruby
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: lc support. Ruby 2.0 or higher
- language: Scala
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Library is written in Java. Propagation is defined in Finagle itself.