splits up listing of libraries between openzipkin and community supported (#58)

diff --git a/_data/existing_instrumentations.yml b/_data/community_instrumentations.yml
similarity index 73%
rename from _data/existing_instrumentations.yml
rename to _data/community_instrumentations.yml
index 2a9a0b4..8648cf6 100644
--- a/_data/existing_instrumentations.yml
+++ b/_data/community_instrumentations.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,78 @@
-- language: JavaScript
+- language: "C#"
   library: >-
-    [zipkin-js](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-js)
-  framework: >-
-    [cujoJS](http://cujojs.com), [express](http://expressjs.com/), [restify](http://restify.com/)
+    [ZipkinTracerModule](https://github.com/mdsol/Medidata.ZipkinTracerModule)
+  framework: OWIN, HttpHandler
   propagation: Http (B3)
-  transports: >-
-    [Http \\| Kafka \\| Scribe](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-js#transports)
-  sampling: >-
-    Yes
-  notes: >-
-    Uses continuation-local-storage under to hood, so you don't have to pass around an explicit context
+  transports: Http
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: lc support. 4.5.2 or higher
+- language: Go
+  library: >-
+    [go-zipkin](https://github.com/elodina/go-zipkin)
+  framework: x/net Context
+  propagation:
+  transports: Kafka
+  sampling: "Yes"
+- language: Go
+  library: >-
+    [monkit-zipkin](https://github.com/spacemonkeygo/monkit-zipkin/)
+  framework: >-
+    [Monkit](https://github.com/spacemonkeygo/monkit/)
+  propagation: Http (B3), easy to add others
+  transports: Scribe, UDP, easy to add others
+  sampling: "Yes"
+- language: Java
+  library: >-
+    [cassandra-zipkin-tracing](https://github.com/thelastpickle/cassandra-zipkin-tracing)
+  framework: >-
+    [Apache Cassandra](http://cassandra.apache.org)
+  propagation: CQL (B3)
+  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Java 8+
+- language: Java
+  library: >-
+    [Dropwizard Zipkin](https://github.com/smoketurner/dropwizard-zipkin)
+  framework: >-
+    [Dropwizard](http://www.dropwizard.io)
+  propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
+  transports: Http, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Java 7 or higher
+- language: Java
+  library: >-
+    [htrace](https://github.com/apache/incubator-htrace/tree/master/htrace-zipkin)
+  framework: HDFS, HBase
+  propagation:
+  transports: Http, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Java 7 or higher
+- language: Java
+  library: >-
+    [Spring Cloud Sleuth](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth)
+  framework: Spring, Spring Cloud (e.g. Stream, Netflix)
+  propagation: Http (B3), Messaging (B3)
+  transports: Http, Spring Cloud Stream Compatible (e.g. RabbitMQ, Kafka, Redis or anything with a custom Binder)
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Java 7 or higher
+- language: Java
+  library: >-
+    [Wingtips](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips)
+  framework: >-
+    [Any Servlet API framework](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips/tree/master/wingtips-servlet-api),
+    [roll-your-own](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips#generic-application-pseudo-code),
+    [async framework support](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips#usage-in-reactive-asynchronous-nonblocking-scenarios)
+  propagation: Http (B3)
+  transports: Http
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Java 7 or higher, [SLF4J MDC support](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips#mdc_info) for auto-tagging all log messages with tracing info
 - language: Python
   library: >-
@@ -45,98 +108,6 @@
   notes: Uses py_zipkin; py2, py3 support.
-- language: Java
-  library: >-
-    [brave](https://github.com/openzipkin/brave)
-  framework: Jersey, RestEASY, JAXRS2, Apache HttpClient, Mysql
-  propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
-  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Java 6 or higher
-- language: Java
-  library: >-
-    [htrace](https://github.com/apache/incubator-htrace/tree/master/htrace-zipkin)
-  framework: HDFS, HBase
-  propagation:
-  transports: Http, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Java 7 or higher
-- language: Java
-  library: >-
-    [Spring Cloud Sleuth](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth)
-  framework: Spring, Spring Cloud (e.g. Stream, Netflix)
-  propagation: Http (B3), Messaging (B3)
-  transports: Http, Spring Cloud Stream Compatible (e.g. RabbitMQ, Kafka, Redis or anything with a custom Binder)
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Java 7 or higher
-- language: Java
-  library: >-
-    [cassandra-zipkin-tracing](https://github.com/thelastpickle/cassandra-zipkin-tracing)
-  framework: >-
-    [Apache Cassandra](http://cassandra.apache.org)
-  propagation: CQL (B3)
-  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Java 8+
-- language: Scala
-  library: >-
-    [zipkin-finagle](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-finagle)
-  framework: >-
-    [Finagle](https://github.com/twitter/finagle)
-  propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
-  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Propagation is defined in Finagle itself
-- language: Ruby
-  library: >-
-    [zipkin-tracer](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-tracer)
-  framework: >-
-    [Rack](http://rack.github.io/)
-  propagation: Http (B3)
-  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: lc support. Ruby 2.0 or higher
-- language: "C#"
-  library: >-
-    [ZipkinTracerModule](https://github.com/mdsol/Medidata.ZipkinTracerModule)
-  framework: OWIN, HttpHandler
-  propagation: Http (B3)
-  transports: Http
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: lc support. 4.5.2 or higher
-- language: Go
-  library: >-
-    [go-zipkin](https://github.com/elodina/go-zipkin)
-  framework: x/net Context
-  propagation:
-  transports: Kafka
-  sampling: "Yes"
-- language: Go
-  library: >-
-    [monkit-zipkin](https://github.com/spacemonkeygo/monkit-zipkin/)
-  framework: >-
-    [Monkit](https://github.com/spacemonkeygo/monkit/)
-  propagation: Http (B3), easy to add others
-  transports: Scribe, UDP, easy to add others
-  sampling: "Yes"
-- language: Go
-  library: >-
-    [zipkin-go-opentracing](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go-opentracing)
-  framework: >-
-    [Go kit](https://gokit.io) or roll your own with [OpenTracing](http://opentracing.io)
-  propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
-  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
 - language: Scala
   library: >-
@@ -146,25 +117,3 @@
   transports: Scribe
   sampling: "Yes"
   notes: Java 6+, Scala 2.10+, activator templates for [Akka](https://github.com/levkhomich/activator-akka-tracing) and [Play](https://github.com/levkhomich/activator-play-tracing)
-- language: Java
-  library: >-
-    [Dropwizard Zipkin](https://github.com/smoketurner/dropwizard-zipkin)
-  framework: >-
-    [Dropwizard](http://www.dropwizard.io)
-  propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
-  transports: Http, Scribe
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Java 7 or higher
-- language: Java
-  library: >-
-    [Wingtips](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips)
-  framework: >-
-    [Any Servlet API framework](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips/tree/master/wingtips-servlet-api),
-    [roll-your-own](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips#generic-application-pseudo-code),
-    [async framework support](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips#usage-in-reactive-asynchronous-nonblocking-scenarios)
-  propagation: Http (B3)
-  transports: Http
-  sampling: "Yes"
-  notes: Java 7 or higher, [SLF4J MDC support](https://github.com/Nike-Inc/wingtips#mdc_info) for auto-tagging all log messages with tracing info
diff --git a/_data/openzipkin_instrumentations.yml b/_data/openzipkin_instrumentations.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7b12a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/openzipkin_instrumentations.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+- language: Go
+  library: >-
+    [zipkin-go-opentracing](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-go-opentracing)
+  framework: >-
+    [Go kit](https://gokit.io), or roll your own with [OpenTracing](http://opentracing.io)
+  propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
+  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes:
+- language: Java
+  library: >-
+    [brave](https://github.com/openzipkin/brave)
+  framework: Jersey, RestEASY, JAXRS2, Apache HttpClient, Mysql
+  propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
+  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Java 6 or higher
+- language: JavaScript
+  library: >-
+    [zipkin-js](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-js)
+  framework: >-
+    [cujoJS](http://cujojs.com), [express](http://expressjs.com/), [restify](http://restify.com/)
+  propagation: Http (B3)
+  transports: >-
+    [Http, Kafka, Scribe](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-js#transports)
+  sampling: >-
+    Yes
+  notes: >-
+    Uses continuation-local-storage under to hood, so you don't have to pass around an explicit context
+- language: Ruby
+  library: >-
+    [zipkin-ruby](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-ruby)
+  framework: >-
+    [Rack](http://rack.github.io/)
+  propagation: Http (B3)
+  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: lc support. Ruby 2.0 or higher
+- language: Scala
+  library: >-
+    [zipkin-finagle](https://github.com/openzipkin/zipkin-finagle)
+  framework: >-
+    [Finagle](https://github.com/twitter/finagle)
+  propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
+  transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
+  sampling: "Yes"
+  notes: Library is written in Java. Propagation is defined in Finagle itself.
diff --git a/pages/existing_instrumentations.md b/pages/existing_instrumentations.md
index 33581a5..64f4cae 100644
--- a/pages/existing_instrumentations.md
+++ b/pages/existing_instrumentations.md
@@ -12,8 +12,22 @@
 Please refer to their individual documentation for setup and configuration
+### OpenZipkin libraries
+The following libraries are supported by the OpenZipkin authors and are hosted at
+the [OpenZipkin GitHub](https://github.com/openzipkin/) group. You can reach out to
+the authors at the [Zipkin Gitter](https://gitter.im/openzipkin/zipkin/) chat.
 | Language | Library | Framework | Propagation Supported | Transports Supported | Sampling Supported? | Other notes |
-|:---------|:--------|:----------|:----------------------|:---------------------|:--------------------|:------------|{% for lib in site.data.existing_instrumentations %}
+|:---------|:--------|:----------|:----------------------|:---------------------|:--------------------|:------------|{% for lib in site.data.openzipkin_instrumentations %}
+| {{ lib.language }} | {{ lib.library }} | {{lib.framework}} | {{ lib.propagation }} | {{ lib.transports }} | {{ lib.sampling }} | {{ lib.notes }} |{% endfor %}
+{: .wide-table}
+### Community libraries
+| Language | Library | Framework | Propagation Supported | Transports Supported | Sampling Supported? | Other notes |
+|:---------|:--------|:----------|:----------------------|:---------------------|:--------------------|:------------|{% for lib in site.data.community_instrumentations %}
 | {{ lib.language }} | {{ lib.library }} | {{lib.framework}} | {{ lib.propagation }} | {{ lib.transports }} | {{ lib.sampling }} | {{ lib.notes }} |{% endfor %}
 {: .wide-table}
diff --git a/public/css/zipkin.css b/public/css/zipkin.css
index 3f9583e..f83e46e 100644
--- a/public/css/zipkin.css
+++ b/public/css/zipkin.css
@@ -39,4 +39,9 @@
 /* Some tables need to be wide to make sense of them, even if it breaks the design and responsiveness */
 table.wide-table td {
   white-space: nowrap;
+  font-size: 0.8em;
+table.wide-table th {
+  font-size: 0.8em;