blob: 3a4094f3e56f8dee08829673b314079f9dd8ad13 [file] [log] [blame]
- language: "C,C++"
library: >-
framework: gRPC
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe, X-Ray
sampling: "Yes"
notes: includes benchmarks
- language: "C#"
library: >-
framework: OWIN, HttpHandler
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: lc support. 4.5.2 or higher
- language: Elixir
library: >-
framework: >-
Any, [Plug]( supported via [Tapper Plug](
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "[Yes]("
notes: >-
Comprises tracing and reporting OTP-application [Tapper](,
with server integration via [Tapper Plug](, and support for tracing
[Absinthe]( via [Tapper Absinthe Plug](
- language: Go
library: >-
framework: >-
[Go kit](, or roll your own with [OpenTracing](
propagation: Http (B3), gRPC (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
- language: Go
library: >-
framework: x/net Context
transports: Kafka
sampling: "Yes"
- language: Go
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3), easy to add others
transports: Scribe, UDP, easy to add others
sampling: "Yes"
- language: Java
library: >-
framework: >-
[Apache Cassandra](
propagation: CQL (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 8+
- language: Java
library: >-
[Dropwizard Zipkin](
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
transports: Http, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 7 or higher
- language: Java
library: >-
framework: HDFS, HBase
transports: Http, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 7 or higher
- language: Java
library: >-
[Spring Cloud Sleuth](
framework: Spring, Spring Cloud (e.g. Stream, Netflix)
propagation: Http (B3), Messaging (B3)
transports: Http, Spring Cloud Stream Compatible (e.g. RabbitMQ, Kafka, Redis or anything with a custom Binder)
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 7 or higher
- language: Java
library: >-
framework: >-
[Any Servlet API framework](,
[async framework support](
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 7 or higher, [SLF4J MDC support]( for auto-tagging all log messages with tracing info
- language: JavaScript
library: >-
framework: Express, Koa
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Provides zipkin support with addition of a single line of code
- language: JavaScript
library: >-
framework: VueJS
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: An interceptor for vue-resource that instruments outgoing HTTP requests.
- language: JavaScript
library: >-
framework: >-
[NodeJS MySQL](
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http, Kafka, Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Provides zipkin support for NodeJS MySQL
- language: Lua
library: >-
framework: Kong
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: A [Kong]( plugin to enable tracing to a zipkin server.
- language: Python
library: >-
framework: Any
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Pluggable
sampling: >-
notes: Generic python tracer, used in pyramid-zipkin; py2, py3 support.
- language: Python
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: >-
[Kafka \\| Scribe](
sampling: >-
notes: py2, py3 support.
- language: Python
library: >-
framework: >-
Swagger ([Bravado](, to be used with [py_zipkin](
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: >-
[Kafka \\| Scribe](
sampling: >-
notes: Uses py_zipkin; py2, py3 support.
- language: Python
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Pluggable
sampling: >-
notes: Uses py_zipkin; py2, py3 support.
- language: Python
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: >-
notes: Supported python 3.5+ and native coroutines.
- language: Scala
library: >-
framework: >-
[Akka](, [Spray](, [Play](
propagation: Http (B3), Thrift
transports: Scribe
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Java 6+, Scala 2.10+, activator templates for [Akka]( and [Play](
- language: Scala
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Uses Brave4; Play 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 support.
- language: Scala
library: >-
framework: >-
propagation: Http (B3)
transports: Http
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Brave-based wrapper for any http backend implemented using sttp's interface
- language: PHP
library: >-
framework: Any
propagation: "B3, custom (depends on user implementation)"
transports: "http, log file"
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Simple and full implementation without dependencies. Very flexible.
- language: PHP
library: >-
framework: Any
propagation: "B3"
transports: "http, log file, syslog"
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Application transparent;php5.6 or higher;auto trace pdo/mysqli/curl/memcached/redis;auto add http B3 header.
- language: PHP
library: >-
framework: Any
propagation: "B3"
transports: "http, log file"
sampling: "Yes"
notes: Zipkin V2 client with OpenTracing API