blob: 7e3af011e68de1a59074a530dbdab7ac0b994b55 [file] [log] [blame]
set -euo pipefail
set -x
# Where's Waldo?
[ ! -d ./generate_thrift_v1_docs ] && cd ..
if [ ! -d ./generate_thrift_v1_docs ]; then
echo "Please run this script either from the root of the incubator-zipkin-website repository"
echo "or from the generate_thrift_v1_docs folder in that repository."
exit 1
rootdir="$(pwd -P)"
# Prepare clean output space
rm -rfv "$target_dir"
# Prepare clean workspace
# base temp dir to /tmp to avoid having to custom configure OS/x Docker
cd "$(mktemp -d /tmp/XXXXXXXXXX)"
git clone
cd incubator-zipkin-api/thrift
# Generate HTML docs with Thrift
rm -fv wrapper.thrift
for source in *.thrift; do
echo "include \"$source\"" >> wrapper.thrift
mkdir html
docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/workspace" -u "$(id -u)" thrift:0.11 \
thrift -r --gen html -I /workspace -out "/workspace/html" /workspace/wrapper.thrift
# Turn Thrift-output index.html into valid XML
# HTML Tidy exists with 1 on warnings, and we _will_ have warnings
set +e
docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/workspace" -u "$(id -u)" imega/tidy \
-indent -asxml -output "/workspace/html/index.tidy.html" "/workspace/html/index.html"
[ $tidy_status -gt 1 ] && exit $tidy_status
set -e
# Apply some transforms to the generated HTML
cp "$rootdir/generate_thrift_v1_docs/transform.xslt" ./
# Currently, this image doesn't work with a user override
# docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/workspace" -u "$(id -u)" klakegg/saxon xslt \
docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/workspace" klakegg/saxon xslt \
-s:/workspace/html/index.tidy.html \
-xsl:/workspace/transform.xslt \
mv -v html/index.baked.html html/index.html
rm -v html/index.tidy.html
mv html "$target_dir"