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// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// Google Wave Federation Protocol data structures.
// They are intended to be equivalent to the data structures in the
// draft "Google Wave Federation Protocol Over XMPP" at
// Author: (Sam Thorogood), (Soren Lassen)
syntax = "proto2";
package federation;
import "org/apache/wave/pst/protobuf/extensions.proto";
option java_package = "org.waveprotocol.wave.federation";
option java_outer_classname = "Proto";
* An immutable list of operations for contribution to a wavelet.
* Specifies the contributor and the wavelet version that the
* operations are intended to be applied to. The host wave server
* may apply the operations to the wavelet at the specified wavelet version
* or it may accept them at a later version after operational transformation
* against the operations at the intermediate wavelet versions.
message ProtocolWaveletDelta {
// Wavelet version that the delta is intended to be applied to.
required ProtocolHashedVersion hashed_version = 1;
// Wave address of the contributor. Must be an explicit wavelet participant,
// and may be different from the originator of this delta.
required string author = 2;
// Operations included in this delta.
repeated ProtocolWaveletOperation operation = 3;
* The nodes on the "overt" path from the originator through the address
* access graph leading up to (but excluding) the author. The path excludes
* any initial segments of the complete path which come before a WRITE edge
* in the graph. This field is empty if the author is either the originator's
* entry point into the address graph or is accessed by a WRITE edge.
* For example, "" may be the explicit participant of
* a wavelet, and is set as the author of a delta. However, this group is
* being asked to act on behalf of "", who is a member
* of "wave-authors", which is in turn a member of "wave-discuss". In this
* example, the delta would be configured as such:
* = ""
* delta.addressPath = ["", ""]
repeated string address_path = 4;
* Describes a wavelet version and the wavelet's history hash at that version.
message ProtocolHashedVersion {
required int64 version = 1 [(int52) = true];
required bytes history_hash = 2;
* An operation within a delta. Exactly one of the following seven fields must be set
* for this operation to be valid.
message ProtocolWaveletOperation {
// A document operation. Mutates the contents of the specified document.
message MutateDocument {
required string document_id = 1;
required ProtocolDocumentOperation document_operation = 2;
// Adds a new participant (canonicalized wave address) to the wavelet.
optional string add_participant = 1;
// Removes an existing participant (canonicalized wave address) from the wavelet.
optional string remove_participant = 2;
// Mutates a document.
optional MutateDocument mutate_document = 3;
// Does nothing. True if set.
optional bool no_op = 4;
* A list of mutation components.
message ProtocolDocumentOperation {
* A component of a document operation. One (and only one) of the component
* types must be set.
message Component {
message KeyValuePair {
required string key = 1;
required string value = 2;
message KeyValueUpdate {
required string key = 1;
// Absent field means that the attribute was absent/the annotation
// was null.
optional string old_value = 2;
// Absent field means that the attribute should be removed/the annotation
// should be set to null.
optional string new_value = 3;
message ElementStart {
required string type = 1;
// MUST NOT have two pairs with the same key.
repeated KeyValuePair attribute = 2;
message ReplaceAttributes {
// This field is set to true if and only if both oldAttributes and
// newAttributes are empty. It is needed to ensure that the optional
// replaceAttributes component field is not dropped during serialization.
optional bool empty = 1;
// MUST NOT have two pairs with the same key.
repeated KeyValuePair old_attribute = 2;
// MUST NOT have two pairs with the same key.
repeated KeyValuePair new_attribute = 3;
message UpdateAttributes {
// This field is set to true if and only if attributeUpdates are empty.
// It is needed to ensure that the optional updateAttributes
// component field is not dropped during serialization.
optional bool empty = 1;
// MUST NOT have two updates with the same key.
repeated KeyValueUpdate attribute_update = 2;
message AnnotationBoundary {
// This field is set to true if and only if both ends and changes are
// empty. It is needed to ensure that the optional annotationBoundary
// component field is not dropped during serialization.
optional bool empty = 1;
// MUST NOT have the same string twice.
repeated string end = 2;
// MUST NOT have two updates with the same key. MUST NOT
// contain any of the strings listed in the 'end' field.
repeated KeyValueUpdate change = 3;
optional AnnotationBoundary annotation_boundary = 1;
optional string characters = 2;
optional ElementStart element_start = 3;
optional bool element_end = 4;
optional int32 retain_item_count = 5;
optional string delete_characters = 6;
optional ElementStart delete_element_start = 7;
optional bool delete_element_end = 8;
optional ReplaceAttributes replace_attributes = 9;
optional UpdateAttributes update_attributes = 10;
repeated Component component = 1;
* Information generated about this delta post-applicaton. Used in
* ProtocolUpdate and ProtocolHistoryResponse.
message ProtocolAppliedWaveletDelta {
required ProtocolSignedDelta signed_original_delta = 1;
optional ProtocolHashedVersion hashed_version_applied_at = 2;
required int32 operations_applied = 3;
required int64 application_timestamp = 4 [(int52) = true];
* A canonicalised delta signed with a number of domain signatures.
message ProtocolSignedDelta {
required bytes delta = 1;
repeated ProtocolSignature signature = 2;
* A signature for a delta. It contains the actual bytes of the signature,
* an identifier of the signer (usually the hash of a certificate chain),
* and an enum identifying the signature algorithm used.
message ProtocolSignature {
enum SignatureAlgorithm {
SHA1_RSA = 1;
required bytes signature_bytes = 1;
required bytes signer_id = 2;
required SignatureAlgorithm signature_algorithm = 3;
* A certificate chain that a sender will refer to in subsequent signatures.
* The signer_id field in a ProtocolSignature refers to a ProtocolSignerInfo
* as follows: The certificates present in a ProtocolSignerInfo are encoded
* in PkiPath format, and then hashed using the hash algorithm indicated in the
* ProtocolSignerInfo.
message ProtocolSignerInfo {
enum HashAlgorithm {
SHA256 = 1;
SHA512 = 2;
// The hash algorithm senders will use to generate an id that will refer to
// this certificate chain in the future
required HashAlgorithm hash_algorithm = 1;
// The domain that this certificate chain was issued to. Receivers of this
// ProtocolSignerInfo SHOULD reject the ProtocolSignerInfo if the target
// certificate (the first one in the list) is not issued to this domain.
required string domain = 2;
// The certificate chain. The target certificate (i.e., the certificate issued
// to the signer) is first, and the CA certificate (or one issued directly
// by the CA) is last.
repeated bytes certificate = 3;