blob: d75d27a3099d7ff0d708b87f04a1ecf5d253ab8e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// The wave diff-on-open fetch service.
// Author: (David Hearnden)
// (Alex North)
syntax = "proto2";
import "org/waveprotocol/box/server/rpc/rpc.proto";
import "org/waveprotocol/wave/concurrencycontrol/clientserver.proto";
import "org/waveprotocol/wave/federation/federation.protodevel";
import "org/apache/wave/pst/protobuf/extensions.proto";
package diff;
option java_package = "org.waveprotocol.wave.diff";
option java_outer_classname = "Diff";
*** Fetch service. ***
* Provides snapshots describing a client's view of a wave, in diff format.
* As a bandwidth optimization, the client may specify that it already has
* snapshots of some wavelets at some version (such as from a previous fetch).
* If the server's current version matches the version the client provides
* then the snapshot is omitted from the response.
service FetchDiffService {
rpc Fetch(FetchDiffRequest) returns (FetchDiffResponse);
message FetchDiffRequest {
// Wave to open, URI path format.
required string waveId = 1;
// Wavelet versions the client already knows.
// At most one version per wavelet.
repeated concurrencycontrol.WaveletVersion knownWavelet = 2;
message FetchDiffResponse {
required concurrencycontrol.ResponseStatus status = 1;
message WaveletDiff {
// The wavelet in view, URI path format.
required string waveletId = 1;
// Snapshot of the wavelet; omitted if the client already knew it.
optional WaveletDiffSnapshot snapshot = 2;
repeated WaveletDiff wavelet = 2;
/* A wavelet and associated metadata. */
message WaveletDiffSnapshot {
// Wavelet's id, URI path format.
required string waveletId = 1;
// Participants of this wavelet.
repeated string participant = 2;
// Added participants of this wavelet;
repeated string addedParticipant = 21;
// Removed participants of this wavelet;
repeated string removedParticipant = 22;
// Snapshots of all the documents in the wavelet.
repeated DocumentDiffSnapshot document = 3;
//// Metadata ////
// Current version and modification timestamp of the wavelet.
required federation.ProtocolHashedVersion version = 4;
required int64 lastModifiedTime = 5 [(int52) = true];
// Participant and time of creation for the wavelet.
required string creator = 6;
required int64 creationTime = 7 [(int52) = true];
/* A document and associated metadata. */
message DocumentDiffSnapshot {
// Id of the document.
required string documentId = 1;
// Operation that transforms an empty document the last-read document state.
optional federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation state = 2;
// Operation that transforms the last-read document state to the current state.
optional federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation diff = 21;
//// Metadata ////
// Participant who submitted the first operation to the document.
required string author = 3;
// All participants who have submitted operations to the document.
repeated string contributor = 4;
// Added participants who have submitted operations to the document.
repeated string addedContributor = 22;
// Removed participants who have submitted operations to the document.
repeated string removedContributor = 23;
// Wavelet version and timestamp when the document was last modified.
required int64 lastModifiedVersion = 5 [(int52) = true];
required int64 lastModifiedTime = 6 [(int52) = true];