blob: 7b308a84d6e39588be7600d2b86fbc79d56cde1c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// The wave view client-server protocol
// Author: (Jochen Bekmann)
// Author: (Alex North)
syntax = "proto2";
import "org/waveprotocol/box/server/rpc/rpc.proto";
import "org/waveprotocol/wave/federation/federation.protodevel";
package waveserver;
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "WaveClientRpc";
option java_generic_services = true;
* Provides streaming wave views.
* A client requests a possibly filtered view of wavelets in a wave.
* The response stream contains first a snapshot for each wavelet
* currently in view, and then deltas for those wavelets. The end of
* the initial set of snapshots is indicated by a "marker" message.
* New wavelets may come into view after the marker, resulting in
* another snapshot.
* The client may indicate that it already has a snapshot for some wavelets
* by providing one or more known versions and signatures. If one matches
* the server history the server will not send a snapshot but will instead
* begin the stream with an empty delta specifying the resynchronization
* version.
* TODO(anorth):
* - make the first response message a channel id only, then no more
* channel ids
service ProtocolWaveClientRpc {
rpc Open (ProtocolOpenRequest) returns (ProtocolWaveletUpdate) {
option (rpc.is_streaming_rpc) = true;
rpc Submit (ProtocolSubmitRequest) returns (ProtocolSubmitResponse);
rpc Authenticate (ProtocolAuthenticate) returns (ProtocolAuthenticationResult);
// A workaround for clients which do not support sending cookies over a websocket
// connection. See:
message ProtocolAuthenticate {
required string token = 1;
// RPCs require a return type, although in this case no return data is desired.
// We don't want to return anything here because clients which implement
// websockets correctly (and thus don't use ProtocolAuthenticate) cannot
// recieve the authentication related information.
// If the client's authentication is not valid, the connection will be closed.
message ProtocolAuthenticationResult {
* A request to open a wave view.
message ProtocolOpenRequest {
// User making the request.
// TODO(anorth): Remove this, replacing it with the implicit logged-in user.
required string participant_id = 1;
// Wave id to open.
required string wave_id = 2;
// Wavelet id prefixes by which to filter the view, empty means no filter.
repeated string wavelet_id_prefix = 3;
// Known wavelet versions for resynchronization.
repeated WaveletVersion known_wavelet = 4;
// A pair of (wavelet id, wavelet version)
message WaveletVersion {
required string wavelet_id = 1;
required federation.ProtocolHashedVersion hashed_version = 2;
// A document and associated metadata
message DocumentSnapshot {
required string document_id = 1;
// This is a document operation that takes the document from zero to its current state.
required federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation document_operation = 2;
// ** Metadata
// The participant who submitted the first operation to the document
required string author = 3;
// All participants who have submitted operations to the document
repeated string contributor = 4;
// The wavelet version when the document was last modified
required int64 last_modified_version = 5;
required int64 last_modified_time = 6;
// A wavelet and associated metadata.
message WaveletSnapshot {
required string wavelet_id = 1;
// The list of participants of this wavelet.
repeated string participant_id = 2;
// Snapshots of all the documents in the wavelet.
repeated DocumentSnapshot document = 3;
// ** Metadata
// The current version of the wavelet
required federation.ProtocolHashedVersion version = 4;
// The participant that created the wavelet
required int64 last_modified_time = 5;
required string creator = 6;
required int64 creation_time = 7;
// A snapshot of a user's view of a wave.
// Contains snapshots of all the wavelets visible to a user
message WaveViewSnapshot {
required string wave_id = 1;
repeated WaveletSnapshot wavelet = 2;
* Update message for a wave view.
* Contains either:
* - a channel id (only)
* - a marker (only)
* - a wavelet name, snapshot, version, and commit version
* - a wavelet name, deltas, version
* Must contain either one or more applied deltas or a commit notice.
* TODO(anorth): rename to reflect that this is a view update, not wavelet
message ProtocolWaveletUpdate {
// Specifies the wavelet name in the URI netpath notation.
// Set only if there are deltas
// TODO(anorth) make optional for channel id, marker updates
required string wavelet_name = 1;
// Zero or more deltas for this wavelet, streamed in order.
// If snapshot is set, there should be zero deltas.
// TODO(soren): consider using this in the snapshot case for uncommitted deltas.
repeated federation.ProtocolWaveletDelta applied_delta = 2;
// Indicates that the host server has committed the wavelet to disk at the
// given version. Mandatory for snapshots.
optional federation.ProtocolHashedVersion commit_notice = 3;
// Resulting version of the wavelet after all deltas have been applied
// May only be missing if there are no appliedDeltas
// If snapshot is set, this is the version number of the snapshot, and is
// mandatory.
optional federation.ProtocolHashedVersion resulting_version = 4;
// An optional snapshot of the wavelet
optional WaveletSnapshot snapshot = 5;
// View open marker, signifies all current snapshots have been sent.
optional bool marker = 6 [default=false];
// Channel id, set only in the first update to a client.
// The client includes it in submits.
optional string channel_id = 7;
* The client requests that the given delta be applied to the wavelet.
message ProtocolSubmitRequest {
required string wavelet_name = 1;
required federation.ProtocolWaveletDelta delta = 2;
optional string channel_id = 3;
* The result of submitting the delta to the server. If an error occurs
* errorMessage will be present, otherwise hashedVersionAfterApplication will be
* present. operationsApplied will report the actual number of operations
* successfully applied to the wavelet by the server.
message ProtocolSubmitResponse {
required int32 operations_applied = 1;
optional string error_message = 2;
optional federation.ProtocolHashedVersion hashed_version_after_application = 3;