blob: c64794f6046a6e40de49c90b9cd2d6f968b55523 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.render;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.account.ProfileManager;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.scheduler.TimerService;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.state.ThreadReadStateMonitor;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.BlipMetaView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.BlipView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.ConversationView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.InlineThreadView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.ParticipantView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.ParticipantsView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.ThreadView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.dom.ModelAsViewProvider;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.wavepanel.view.dom.full.BlipQueueRenderer.PagingHandler;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.Conversation;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.Conversation.Anchor;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.ConversationBlip;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.ConversationThread;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.ObservableConversation;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.ObservableConversationBlip;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.ObservableConversationThread;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.conversation.ObservableConversationView;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.supplement.ObservableSupplementedWave;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.IdentityMap;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.IdentityMap.ProcV;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.wave.ParticipantId;
* Renderer the conversation update.
public class LiveConversationViewRenderer
implements ObservableConversationView.Listener, PagingHandler {
private class LiveConversationRenderer implements ObservableConversation.Listener,
ObservableConversation.AnchorListener, PagingHandler {
private final ObservableConversation conversation;
private final LiveProfileRenderer profileRenderer;
ObservableConversation conversation, LiveProfileRenderer profileRenderer) {
this.conversation = conversation;
this.profileRenderer = profileRenderer;
private LiveConversationRenderer init() {
// Note: blip contributions are only monitored once a blip is paged in.
for (ParticipantId participant : conversation.getParticipantIds()) {
profileRenderer.monitorParticipation(conversation, participant);
conversation.addListener((ObservableConversation.AnchorListener) this);
conversation.addListener((ObservableConversation.Listener) this);
return this;
public void destroy() {
conversation.removeListener((ObservableConversation.AnchorListener) this);
conversation.removeListener((ObservableConversation.Listener) this);
public void onParticipantAdded(ParticipantId participant) {
ParticipantsView participantUi = views.getParticipantsView(conversation);
// Note: this does not insert the participant in the correct order.
participantUi.appendParticipant(conversation, participant);
profileRenderer.monitorParticipation(conversation, participant);
public void onParticipantRemoved(ParticipantId participant) {
ParticipantView participantUi = views.getParticipantView(conversation, participant);
if (participantUi != null) {
profileRenderer.unmonitorParticipation(conversation, participant);
public void onThreadAdded(ObservableConversationThread thread) {
ObservableConversationBlip parentBlip = thread.getParentBlip();
BlipView blipView = views.getBlipView(parentBlip);
if (blipView != null) {
ConversationThread next = findBefore(thread, parentBlip.getReplyThreads());
replyHandler.presentAfter(blipView, next, thread);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("blipView not present");
public void onInlineThreadAdded(ObservableConversationThread thread, int location) {
// inline threads are ignored for now.
public void onThreadDeleted(ObservableConversationThread thread) {
InlineThreadView threadView = views.getInlineThreadView(thread);
if (threadView != null) {
public void onBlipAdded(ObservableConversationBlip blip) {
ConversationThread parentThread = blip.getThread();
ThreadView threadView = viewOf(parentThread);
if (threadView != null) {
ConversationBlip ref = findBefore(blip, parentThread.getBlips());
BlipView refView = viewOf(ref);
// Render the new blip.
threadView.insertBlipAfter(refView, blip);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("threadView not present");
public void onBlipDeleted(ObservableConversationBlip blip) {
BlipView blipView = views.getBlipView(blip);
if (blipView != null) {
// TODO(user): Hide parent thread if it becomes empty.
for (ParticipantId contributor : blip.getContributorIds()) {
profileRenderer.unmonitorContribution(blip, contributor);
private void bubbleBlipCountUpdate(ConversationBlip blip) {
ConversationThread thread = blip.getThread();
ThreadView threadUi = viewOf(thread);
ConversationBlip parentBlip = thread.getParentBlip();
if (parentBlip != null) {
public void onBlipContributorAdded(ObservableConversationBlip blip, ParticipantId contributor) {
profileRenderer.monitorContribution(blip, contributor);
public void onBlipContributorRemoved(
ObservableConversationBlip blip, ParticipantId contributor) {
profileRenderer.unmonitorContribution(blip, contributor);
public void onBlipSumbitted(ObservableConversationBlip blip) {
public void onBlipTimestampChanged(
ObservableConversationBlip blip, long oldTimestamp, long newTimestamp) {
BlipView blipUi = views.getBlipView(blip);
BlipMetaView metaUi = blipUi != null ? blipUi.getMeta() : null;
if (metaUi != null) {
blipRenderer.renderTime(blip, metaUi);
public void pageIn(ConversationBlip blip) {
// listen to the contributors on the blip
for (ParticipantId contributor : blip.getContributorIds()) {
profileRenderer.monitorContribution(blip, contributor);
public void pageOut(ConversationBlip blip) {
for (ParticipantId contributor : blip.getContributorIds()) {
profileRenderer.unmonitorContribution(blip, contributor);
public void onAnchorChanged(Anchor oldAnchor, Anchor newAnchor) {
// Since anchors are application-level immutable, this is a rare case, so
// the gain in simplicity of implementing it as removal then addition
// outweighs the efficiency gain from implementing a
// conversation-view-move mechanism.
if (oldAnchor != null) {
// Remove old view.
ConversationView oldUi = viewOf(conversation);
if (oldUi != null) {
if (newAnchor != null) {
// Insert new view.
BlipView containerUi = viewOf(newAnchor.getBlip());
if (containerUi != null) {
ConversationView convUi = containerUi.insertConversationBefore(null, conversation);
* Finds the predecessor of an item in an iterable. This method runs in
* linear time.
private <T> T findBefore(T o, Iterable<? extends T> xs) {
T last = null;
for (T x : xs) {
if (x.equals(o)) {
return last;
last = x;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item " + o + " not found in " + xs);
private final TimerService timer;
private final ObservableConversationView wave;
private final ModelAsViewProvider views;
private final ShallowBlipRenderer blipRenderer;
private final ReplyManager replyHandler;
private final ThreadReadStateMonitor readMonitor;
private final ProfileManager profiles;
private final LiveSupplementRenderer supplementRenderer;
private final IdentityMap<Conversation, LiveConversationRenderer> conversationRenderers =
LiveConversationViewRenderer(TimerService timer, ObservableConversationView wave,
ModelAsViewProvider views, ShallowBlipRenderer blipRenderer, ReplyManager replyHandler,
ThreadReadStateMonitor readMonitor, ProfileManager profiles,
LiveSupplementRenderer supplementRenderer) {
this.timer = timer;
this.wave = wave;
this.views = views;
this.blipRenderer = blipRenderer;
this.replyHandler = replyHandler;
this.readMonitor = readMonitor;
this.profiles = profiles;
this.supplementRenderer = supplementRenderer;
* Creates a live renderer for a wave. The renderer will start incremental
* updates of an existing rendering once it is {@link #init initialized}.
public static LiveConversationViewRenderer create(TimerService timer,
ObservableConversationView wave, ModelAsViewProvider views, ShallowBlipRenderer blipRenderer,
ReplyManager replyHandler, ThreadReadStateMonitor readMonitor, ProfileManager profiles,
ObservableSupplementedWave supplement) {
LiveSupplementRenderer supplementRenderer =
LiveSupplementRenderer.create(supplement, views, readMonitor);
return new LiveConversationViewRenderer(
timer, wave, views, blipRenderer, replyHandler, readMonitor, profiles, supplementRenderer);
* Observes the conversations to which this renderer is bound, updating their
* renderings as the conversation changes.
public void init() {
for (ObservableConversation conv : wave.getConversations()) {
* Destroys this renderer, releasing its resources. It is no longer usable
* after a call to this method.
public void destroy() {
conversationRenderers.each(new ProcV<Conversation, LiveConversationRenderer>() {
public void apply(Conversation c, LiveConversationRenderer value) {
* Observes a conversation, updating its view as it changes.
* @param conversation conversation to observe
private void observe(ObservableConversation conversation) {
LiveProfileRenderer profileRenderer =
LiveProfileRenderer.create(timer, profiles, views, blipRenderer);
LiveConversationRenderer renderer = new LiveConversationRenderer(conversation, profileRenderer);
conversationRenderers.put(conversation, renderer);
* Stops observing a conversation, releasing any resources that were used to
* observe it.
* @param conversation conversation to stop observing
private void unobserve(ObservableConversation conversation) {
LiveConversationRenderer renderer = conversationRenderers.get(conversation);
if (renderer != null) {
private ThreadView viewOf(ConversationThread thread) {
return thread == null ? null // \u2620
: (thread.getConversation().getRootThread() == thread) // \u2620
? views.getRootThreadView(thread) // \u2620
: views.getInlineThreadView(thread);
private BlipView viewOf(ConversationBlip ref) {
return ref == null ? null : views.getBlipView(ref);
private ConversationView viewOf(Conversation ref) {
return ref == null ? null : views.getConversationView(ref);
public void pageIn(ConversationBlip blip) {
LiveConversationRenderer renderer = conversationRenderers.get(blip.getConversation());
Preconditions.checkState(renderer != null);
public void pageOut(ConversationBlip blip) {
LiveConversationRenderer renderer = conversationRenderers.get(blip.getConversation());
Preconditions.checkState(renderer != null);
// Note: the live maintenance of nested conversations is not completely
// correct, because the conversation model does not broadcast correct and
// consistent events. The rendering is only as correct as the model events,
// and it is not considered to be worthwhile for the rendering to generate the
// correct events manually rather than wait for the model events to be fixed.
// Additionally, the conversation model does not expose the conversations
// anchored at a particular blip, which makes a stable sibling ordering of
// conversations infeasible.
public void onConversationAdded(ObservableConversation conversation) {
BlipView container = viewOf(conversation.getAnchor().getBlip());
if (container != null) {
ConversationView conversationUi = container.insertConversationBefore(null, conversation);
public void onConversationRemoved(ObservableConversation conversation) {
ConversationView convUi = viewOf(conversation);
if (convUi != null) {