blob: 1189ccd56ddc7090d5cc991d24a15f9b213db962 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
package org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalKeyLogic.OperatingSystem;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.client.common.util.SignalKeyLogic.UserAgentType;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.CollectionUtils;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.model.util.StringSet;
* Attempts to bring sanity to the incredibly complex and inconsistent world of
* browser events, especially with regards to key events.
* A new concept of the "signal" is introduced. A signal is basically an event,
* but an event that we actually care about, with the information we care about.
* Redundant events are merged into a single signal. For key events, a signal
* corresponds to the key-repeat signal we get from the keyboard. For normal
* typing input, this will always be the keypress event. For other types of key
* events, it depends on the browser. For clipboard events, the "beforeXYZ" and
* "XYZ" events are merged into a single one, the one that actually happens
* right before the action (browser dependent). Key events are also classified
* into subtypes identified by KeySignalType. This reflects the intended usage
* of the event, not something to do with the event data itself.
* Currently the "filtering" needs to be done manually - simply construct a
* signal from an event using {@link #create(Event, boolean)}, and if it returns null,
* drop the event and do nothing with it (cancelling bubbling might be a good
* idea though).
* NOTE(danilatos): getting the physical key pressed, even on a key down, is
* inherently not possible without a big lookup table, because of international
* input methods. e.g. press 'b' but in greek mode on safari on osx. nothing in
* any of the events you receive will tell you it was a 'b', instead, you'll get
* a beta for the keypress and 0 (zero) for the keydown. mmm, useful!
* TODO(danilatos): Hook this into the application's event plumbing in a more
* invasive manner.
* @author (Daniel Danilatos)
public class SignalEventImpl implements SignalEvent {
public interface SignalEventFactory<T extends SignalEventImpl> {
T create();
public static SignalEventFactory<SignalEventImpl> DEFAULT_FACTORY =
new SignalEventFactory<SignalEventImpl>() {
@Override public SignalEventImpl create() {
return new SignalEventImpl();
interface NativeEvent {
String getType();
int getButton();
boolean getCtrlKey();
boolean getMetaKey();
boolean getAltKey();
boolean getShiftKey();
void preventDefault();
void stopPropagation();
* @param event
* @return True if the given event is a key event
public static boolean isKeyEvent(Event event) {
return KEY_EVENTS.contains(event.getType());
private static final UserAgentType currentUserAgent =
(UserAgent.isWebkit() ? UserAgentType.WEBKIT : (
UserAgent.isFirefox() ? UserAgentType.GECKO : UserAgentType.IE));
private static final OperatingSystem currentOs =
(UserAgent.isWin() ? OperatingSystem.WINDOWS : (
UserAgent.isMac() ? OperatingSystem.MAC : OperatingSystem.LINUX));
private static final SignalKeyLogic logic = new SignalKeyLogic(
currentUserAgent, currentOs, QuirksConstants.COMMAND_COMBO_DOESNT_GIVE_KEYPRESS);
* This variable will be filled with mappings of unshifted keys to their shifted versions.
private static final int[] shiftMappings = new int[128];
static {
for (int a = 'A'; a <= 'Z'; a++) {
shiftMappings[a] = a + 'a' - 'A';
// TODO(danilatos): Who knows what these mappings should be on other
// keyboard layouts... e.g. pound signs? euros? etc? argh!
shiftMappings['1'] = '!';
shiftMappings['2'] = '@';
shiftMappings['3'] = '#';
shiftMappings['4'] = '$';
shiftMappings['5'] = '%';
shiftMappings['6'] = '^';
shiftMappings['7'] = '&';
shiftMappings['8'] = '*';
shiftMappings['9'] = '(';
shiftMappings['0'] = ')';
shiftMappings['`'] = '~';
shiftMappings['-'] = '_';
shiftMappings['='] = '+';
shiftMappings['['] = '{';
shiftMappings[']'] = '}';
shiftMappings['\\'] = '|';
shiftMappings[';'] = ':';
shiftMappings['\''] = '"';
shiftMappings[','] = '<';
shiftMappings['.'] = '>';
shiftMappings['/'] = '?';
// invalidate the inverse mappings
for (int i = 1; i < shiftMappings.length; i++) {
int m = shiftMappings[i];
if (m > 0) {
shiftMappings[m] = i;
private static final StringSet KEY_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
private static final StringSet COMPOSITION_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
private static final StringSet MOUSE_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
private static final StringSet MOUSE_BUTTON_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
private static final StringSet MOUSE_BUTTONLESS_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
private static final StringSet FOCUS_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
private static final StringSet CLIPBOARD_EVENTS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
* Events affected by
private static final StringSet CANCEL_BUBBLE_QUIRKS = CollectionUtils.createStringSet();
static {
for (String e : new String[]{"keydown", "keypress", "keyup"}) {
for (String e : new String[]{
"compositionstart", "compositionend", "compositionupdate", "text"}) {
for (String e : new String[]{
"mousewheel", "DOMMouseScroll", "mousemove", "mouseover", "mouseout",
/* not strictly a mouse event*/ "contextmenu"}) {
for (String e : new String[]{
"mousedown", "mouseup", "click", "dblclick"}) {
for (String e : new String[]{"focus", "blur", "beforeeditfocus"}) {
for (String e : new String[]{"cut", "copy", "paste"}) {
CLIPBOARD_EVENTS.add("before" + e);
protected NativeEvent nativeEvent;
private KeySignalType keySignalType = null;
private int cachedKeyCode = -1;
private boolean hasBeenConsumed = false;
protected SignalEventImpl() {
static class JsoNativeEvent extends Event implements NativeEvent {
protected JsoNativeEvent() {}
* Create a signal from an event, possibly filtering the event
* if it is deemed redundant.
* If the event is to be filtered, null is returned, and bubbling
* is cancelled if cancelBubbleIfNullified is true.
* (but the default is not prevented).
* NOTE(danilatos): So far, for key events, the following have been tested:
* - Safari 3.1 OS/X (incl. num pad, with USB keyboard)
* - Safari 3.0 OS/X, hosted mode only (so no ctrl+c, etc)
* - Firefox 3, OS/X, WinXP
* - IE7, WinXP
* Needs testing:
* - FF3 linux, Safari 3.0/3.1 Windows
* - All kinds of weirdo keyboards (mac, international)
* - Linux IME
* Currently, only key events have serious logic applied to them.
* Maybe some logic for copy/paste, and mouse events?
* @param event Raw Event JSO
* @param cancelBubbleIfNullified stops propagation if the event is nullified
* @return SignalEvent mapping, or null, if the event is to be discarded
public static SignalEventImpl create(Event event, boolean cancelBubbleIfNullified) {
return create(DEFAULT_FACTORY, event, cancelBubbleIfNullified);
public static <T extends SignalEventImpl> T create(SignalEventFactory<T> factory,
Event event, boolean cancelBubbleIfNullified) {
if (hasBeenConsumed(event)) {
return null;
} else {
T signal = createInner(factory, event);
if (cancelBubbleIfNullified && signal == null) {
return signal;
private static boolean hasBeenConsumed(Event event) {
SignalEventImpl existing = getFor(null, event);
return existing != null && existing.hasBeenConsumed();
private static final String EVENT_PROP = "$se";
private static <T extends SignalEventImpl> T getFor(SignalEventFactory<T> factory, Event event) {
return (T) (SignalEventImpl) event.<JsoView>cast().getObject(EVENT_PROP);
private static <T extends SignalEventImpl> T createFor(
SignalEventFactory<T> factory, Event event) {
T signal = factory.create();
event.<JsoView>cast().setObject(EVENT_PROP, signal);
return signal;
/** This would be a static local variable if java allowed it. Grouping it here. */
private static final SignalKeyLogic.Result computeKeySignalTypeResult =
new SignalKeyLogic.Result();
private static <T extends SignalEventImpl> T createInner(
SignalEventFactory<T> factory, Event event) {
SignalKeyLogic.Result keySignalResult;
if (isKeyEvent(event)) {
keySignalResult = computeKeySignalTypeResult;
String keyIdentifier = getKeyIdentifier(event);
String key = getKey(event);
event.getType(), getNativeKeyCode(event), getWhich(event), keyIdentifier, key,
event.getMetaKey(), event.getCtrlKey(), event.getAltKey(), event.getShiftKey());
} else {
keySignalResult = null;
return createInner(createFor(factory, event), event.<JsoNativeEvent>cast(), keySignalResult);
* Populate a SignalEventImpl with the necessary information
* @param ret
* @param keySignalResult only required if it's a key event
* @return the signal, or null if it is to be ignored.
protected static <T extends SignalEventImpl> T createInner(T ret,
NativeEvent event, SignalKeyLogic.Result keySignalResult) {
ret.nativeEvent = event;
if (ret.isKeyEvent()) {
KeySignalType type = keySignalResult.type;
if (type != null) {
} else {
ret = null;
} else if ((UserAgent.isIE() ? "paste" : "beforepaste").equals(event.getType())) {
// Only want 'beforepaste' for ie and 'paste' for everything else.
// TODO(danilatos): Generalise clipboard events
ret = null;
// TODO: return null if it's something we should ignore.
return ret;
public static native int getNativeKeyCode(Event event) /*-{
return event.keyCode || 0;
public static native int getWhich(Event event) /*-{
return event.which || 0;
public static native String getKeyIdentifier(Event event) /*-{
return event.keyIdentifier
public static native String getKey(Event event) /*-{
return event.key;
* @return Event type as a string, e.g. "keypress"
public final String getType() {
return nativeEvent.getType();
* @return The target element of the event
public Element getTarget() {
return asEvent().getTarget();
* @return true if the event is a key event
* TODO(danilatos): Have a top level EventSignalType enum
public final boolean isKeyEvent() {
return KEY_EVENTS.contains(nativeEvent.getType());
* @return true if it is an IME composition event
public final boolean isCompositionEvent() {
return COMPOSITION_EVENTS.contains(getType());
* Returns true if the key event is an IME input event.
* Only makes sense to call this method if this is a key signal.
* Does not work on FF. (TODO(danilatos): Can it be done? Tricks
* with dom mutation events?)
* @return true if this is an IME input event
public final boolean isImeKeyEvent() {
return getKeyCode() == SignalKeyLogic.IME_CODE;
* @return true if this is a mouse event
* TODO(danilatos): Have a top level EventSignalType enum
public final boolean isMouseEvent() {
return MOUSE_EVENTS.contains(getType());
* TODO(danilatos): Click + drag? I.e. return true for mouse move, if the
* button is pressed? (this might be useful for tracking changing selections
* as the user holds & drags)
* @return true if this is an event involving some use of mouse buttons
public final boolean isMouseButtonEvent() {
return MOUSE_BUTTON_EVENTS.contains(getType());
* @return true if this is a mouse event but not {@link #isMouseButtonEvent()}
public final boolean isMouseButtonlessEvent() {
return MOUSE_BUTTONLESS_EVENTS.contains(getType());
* @return true if this is a "click" event
public final boolean isClickEvent() {
return "click".equals(getType());
* @return True if this is a dom mutation event
public final boolean isMutationEvent() {
// What about DOMMouseScroll?
return getType().startsWith("DOM");
* @return true if this is any sort of clipboard event
public final boolean isClipboardEvent() {
return CLIPBOARD_EVENTS.contains(getType());
* @return If this is a focus event
public final boolean isFocusEvent() {
return FOCUS_EVENTS.contains(getType());
* @return true if this is a paste event
* TODO(danilatos): Make a ClipboardSignalType enum instead
public final boolean isPasteEvent() {
return (UserAgent.isIE() ? "beforepaste" : "paste").equals(nativeEvent.getType());
* @return true if this is a cut event
* TODO(danilatos): Make a ClipboardSignalType enum instead
public final boolean isCutEvent() {
return (UserAgent.isIE() ? "beforecut" : "cut").equals(nativeEvent.getType());
* @return true if this is a copy event
* TODO(danilatos): Make a ClipboardSignalType enum instead
public final boolean isCopyEvent() {
return "copy".equals(nativeEvent.getType());
* @return true if the command key is depressed
* @see SignalKeyLogic#commandIsCtrl()
public final boolean getCommandKey() {
return logic.commandIsCtrl() ? getCtrlKey() : getMetaKey();
public static boolean getCommandKey( event) {
return logic.commandIsCtrl() ? event.getCtrlKey() : event.getMetaKey();
* @return true if the ctrl key is depressed
public final boolean getCtrlKey() {
return nativeEvent.getCtrlKey();
* @return true if the meta key is depressed
public final boolean getMetaKey() {
return nativeEvent.getMetaKey();
* @return true if the alt key is depressed
public final boolean getAltKey() {
// TODO(danilatos): Handle Alt vs Option on OSX?
return nativeEvent.getAltKey();
* @return true if the shift key is depressed
public final boolean getShiftKey() {
return nativeEvent.getShiftKey();
* @return The underlying event view of this event
public final Event asEvent() {
return (Event) nativeEvent;
* Only valid for key events.
* Currently only implemented for deleting, not actual navigating.
* @return The move unit of this event
public final MoveUnit getMoveUnit() {
if (getKeySignalType() == KeySignalType.DELETE) {
if (UserAgent.isMac()) {
if (getAltKey()) {
// Note: in practice, some combinations of bkspc/delete + modifier key
// have no effect. This is inconsistent across browsers. It's probably
// ok to normalise it here, as we will be manually implementing everything
// except character-sized deletes on collapsed selections, and so users
// would get a more consistent (and logical and symmetrical) experience.
return MoveUnit.WORD;
} else if (getCommandKey()) {
return MoveUnit.LINE;
} else {
return MoveUnit.CHARACTER;
} else {
if (getCommandKey()) {
return MoveUnit.WORD;
} else {
return MoveUnit.CHARACTER;
} else {
// TODO(danilatos): Also implement for mere navigation events?
// Currently just for deleting... so we'll at least for now just pretend
// everything else is of character magnitude. This is because we
// probably won't be using the information anyway, instead letting
// the browser just do its default navigation behaviour.
return MoveUnit.CHARACTER;
public final boolean isUndoCombo() {
return isCombo('Z', KeyModifier.COMMAND);
public final boolean isRedoCombo() {
if ((UserAgent.isMac() || UserAgent.isLinux()) &&
isCombo('Z', KeyModifier.COMMAND_SHIFT)) {
// Mac and Linux accept command-shift-z for undo
return true;
// NOTE(user): COMMAND + Y for redo, except for Mac OS X (for chrome,
// default behaviour is browser history)
return !UserAgent.isMac() && isCombo('Y', KeyModifier.COMMAND);
* Because we must use keypress events for FF, in order to get repeats,
* but prefer keydowns for combo type events for the other browsers,
* we need to convert the case here.
* @param letter
private final int comboInputKeyCode(char letter) {
// TODO(danilatos): Check the compiled javascript to make sure it does simple
// numerical operations and not string manipulations and conversions... char is
// used all over this file
return UserAgent.isFirefox()
? letter + 'a' - 'A'
: letter;
* @param letter Treated case-insensitive, including things like '1' vs '!'
* User may provide either, but upper case for letters and unshifted for
* other keys is recommended
* @param modifier
* @return True if the given letter is pressed, and only the given modifiers.
public final boolean isCombo(int letter, KeyModifier modifier) {
assert letter > 0 && letter < shiftMappings.length;
int keyCode = getKeyCode();
if (keyCode >= shiftMappings.length) {
return false;
return (letter == keyCode || letter == shiftMappings[keyCode]) && modifier.check(this);
* @param letter
* @return true, if the given letter was pressed without modifiers. Takes into
* account the caps lock key being pressed (it will be as if it
* weren't pressed)
public final boolean isOnly(int letter) {
return isCombo(letter, KeyModifier.NONE);
public final int getMouseButton() {
return nativeEvent.getButton();
* @return The key signal type of this even, or null if it is not a key event
* @see SignalEvent.KeySignalType
public KeySignalType getKeySignalType() {
return this.keySignalType;
* @return The gwtKeyCode of this event, with some minor compatibility
* adjustments
public int getKeyCode() {
return this.cachedKeyCode;
* Returns true if the event has effectively had its propagation stopped, since
* we couldn't physically stop it due to browser quirkiness. See {@link #stopPropagation()}.
private boolean hasBeenConsumed() {
return hasBeenConsumed;
private void markAsConsumed() {
hasBeenConsumed = true;
protected void cacheKeyCode(int keyCode) {
this.cachedKeyCode = keyCode;
private boolean stopPropagationPreventsDefault() {
return CANCEL_BUBBLE_QUIRKS.contains(getType());
} else {
return false;
private boolean isPreventDefaultEffective() {
return true;
} else {
String type = nativeEvent.getType();
return !type.equals("contextmenu");
public final void stopPropagation() {
if (stopPropagationPreventsDefault()) {
} else {
protected final void setup(KeySignalType signalType) {
this.keySignalType = signalType;
public final void preventDefault() {
if (!isPreventDefaultEffective()) {
// HACK(user): Really we would like the event to continue to propagate
// and stop it immediately before reaching the top, rather than at this
// point.