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== Apache Tamaya -- Release Guide
Performing a release requires several steps. This document describes each step, so everybody in the committer's
team should be able to perform the release procedure.
=== Tell the others you would proceed with the release procedure
first steps for the next release
hi @ all,
if there are no objections, i'll start with the first steps for the next release (review, documentation,...).
it would be great to start with the release procedure next week.
=== Check everything is ready
* Check the jenkins builds.
* Ensure all JIRA-tickets targeting the release are resolved. If not, get in contact with the ticket
owner/assignee to check
** if the ticket can be postponed for the next release
** how long it takes to resolve it and if one can help.
=== Prepare the release
* Create release notes and commit them to `tamaya/readme/` (format `ReleaseNotes-[version].html`)
* Create a release branch in git and switch to this branch:
==== Using the release plugin
For performing the release you can use the maven release plugin:
git checkout -b vote-tamaya-[release version]
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m"
mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true -DperformRelease=true
// optionally pass GPG params for signing with: -Darguments="-Dgpg.keyname=1336D3E6 -Dgpg.passphrase=XXXXXX"
//copy prepared workspace (to continue faster if an upload fails in the next step)
* If something fails you may switch to the master branch, fix whatever is needed and rebase your release branch to
accomodate the latest changes done.
* On success you can check the release packages from `dist/target`.
* If everything looks good you can proceed with the release:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m"
mvn release:prepare -DperformRelease=true
mvn release:perform -DperformRelease=true
==== Preparing the release without the Release Plugin
The release plugin is great, but in some cases it breaks even, when release:prepare -DdryRun=true was successful.
Preparing the release vote without the release plugin is stright forward:
* As described checkout a release branch of the current head
* Then us maven and git commands to prepare the release:
git checkout -b vote-tamaya-[release version]
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m"
mvn versions:set versions:commit -DnewVersion=[release version] -DperformRelease=true
// build the release locally and sign it with your certs
mvn clean install -DperformRelease=true -Dgpg.keyname=1336D3E6 -Dgpg.passphrase=XXXXXX
* Check if everything is in place and correct, when finished you can tag and deploy the release...
mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true -Dgpg.keyname=1336D3E6 -Dgpg.passphrase=XXXXXX
* check the created commits including user-name and email
* login to and go to "Staging Repositories"
* check the contents of the newly created tamaya staging repository
* _close_ the repository to let Nexus do its validations
* On success:
* push the release-branch to the git repo
git tag vote01-[release-version]
git push --tags
* Add the distribution artifacts to the dev repositories:
svn co
mkdir [version]
set RELEASE_HOME='pwd'/[version]
cp rat.txt $RELEASE_HOME
// Copy everything from
// $STAGING_REPO/distribution/0.2-incubating/tamaya-distribution-[version]-distribution-* into $RELEASE_HOME
svn add [version]
svn commit --username <apacheId>
* Check contents on[version]
=== Start the vote
[VOTE] Release of Apache Tamaya [version]
I was running the needed tasks to get the [version] release of Apache Tamaya out.
The artifacts are deployed to Nexus [1] (and [2]) and releases [4].
The tag is available at [3] and will renamed once the vote passed.
Please take a look at the artifacts and vote!
Please note:
This vote is a "majority approval" with a minimum of three +1 votes (see [5]).
[ ] +1 for community members who have reviewed the bits
[ ] +0
[ ] -1 for fatal flaws that should cause these bits not to be released, and why..............
* Announce the Vote
** Create a short link to the release at (format Tamaya_[version])
** Tweet about the vote via _@TamayaConf_
* After 72 hours close the vote write a reult email, e.g.
[Result] (was: Re: [VOTE] Release of Apache Tamaya [version])
thank you for voting!
X binding +1 votes (pmc):
Y non-binding +1 votes:
Z -1 votes
* After the vote on the PPMC has been finished and is successful, repeaat the voting process on the
incubator mailing list.
== Perform the release
If the binding majority approved the vote on both lists continue:
* Login to and _release_ the repository
* Rename the vote branch:
git branch -m vote01-tamaya-[release-version] tamaya-[release-version]
* Add a release tag:
git tag -a tamaya-[release-version]
* Merge master with the new prepared version:
git checkout master
git merge tamaya-[release-version]
git push origin tamaya-[release-version]
git push origin master
* Close the release and corresponding tickets at JIRA
* Wait some minutes and check ``
* Upload the distribution Artifacts
svn co
mkdir [version]
// add and commit the artifacts (*, * + asc, md5, sha1)
// use the artifacts from:
=== Updating the Tamaya Project Site
Basically the new site should be directly deployable, just execute
mvn site site:deploy
=== Announce the new version
Announce the new version on @TamayaConf and other social media channels. Also drop a short mail on the amiling list.