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:jbake-type: page
:jbake-status: published
== Apache Tamaya: Quickstart
The fastest way to start with Tamaya is just using the _Core_ implementation,
implementing the **API** in small, minimalistic way. For that add the following
Maven dependency to your project:
Given that you can add your configuration properties to the following locations in your classpath:
Additionally also system properties are taken into account, hereby overriding the default properties. Overall
Tamaya by default defines the following configuration model per default (most significant first):
. System Properties
There many modules that extend the capabilities of Tamaya.
These modules doe not depend on core, so alternative
implementations of the Tamaya API should work similarly.
=== Multiple configuration files
By default you can provide multiple `` files, e.g. as part
of multiple jars loaded into your system. The system internally creates one
`PropertySource` for each file found on the classpath. All `PropertySource`
instances created are ordered by their ordinal value (an int).
Tamaya Core defines the following default ordinals (used, if no custom ordinal is defined):
[cols="3,1", option="headers"]
| Source | Ordinal
| System Properties | 400
| Environment Variables | 300
| Java Configuration Properties | 100
That means that the value of a configuration variable `x` overhanded via `-Dx=yes` has
a higher precedence then the entry for configuration variable `x` specified in a ``
as `x=no`.
These ordinal values can be either hardcoded, or be dynamically
configurable as key within each configuration resource. The ladder can be done by defining a special
Tamaya ordinal value as follows:
# override default Tamaya ordinal for property files
This assigns an ordinal of 123 to each entry in that configuration resource.
=== Using additional features of Tamaya
There many modules that extend the capabilities of
Tamaya. These modules doe not depend on core, so alternative
implementations of the Tamaya API should work similarly. Following a
small extract of most important modules available (or available soon):
==== Dynamic Resolution and Value Placeholders
// @todo Auf Modulliste verweisen für vollständigen Überblick
With that it is possible to define values with Unix styled placeholders that are
resolved on configuration access, e.g.
`mykey=my${dynamicValue}´. For further details refer to the module documentation.
This module also provides a `Resolver` singleton:
String myExpression = ...;
String resolved = Resolver.evaluateExpression(myExpression);
==== Ant-styled Path Resolution of Resources
This module provides a `Resolver` singleton that allows to
resolve configuration resources using a ant-styled resource
description, e.g.
Collection<URL> urls = ResourceResolver.getResources("META-INF/cfg/**/*.properties");
For further details refer to the module documentation.
==== Configuration Injection
With this extension you can let Tamaya inject configuration into instances of
annotated classes or let Tamaya implement a configuration template.
Corresponding configuration:
public class MyType {
private String typeName;
public String getName() {
return name;
MyType type = new MyType();
Or the same as template:
public interface MyTypeTemplate {
public String getName();
MyTypeTemplate type = ConfigurationInjector.createTemplate(MyTypeTemplate.class);
Currently the following resolvers are available:
| Conf
| Cross-reference to another configuration entry
| Referencing a resource addressable by an URL.
| File
| Reference to a file, replacing the expression with the file's text value.
| Resource
| Reference to classpath resource, replacing the expression with the resource's text value.