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= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Integration with consul (Hashicorp)
== Integration with consul (Extension Module)
=== Overview
The Tamaya consul integration module provides different artifacts which allows integration of Apachae Tamaya
configuration with consul. Basically the module supports read-only integration (as a +ConsulPropertySource+ as well
as a support for +MutableConfiguration+ as defined by the +tamaya-mutable-config+ extension module.
=== Compatibility
The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
=== Installation
To benefit from configuration builder support you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:
[source, xml]
=== The Extensions Provided
Consul integration comes basically with 2 artifacts:
* The +org.apache.tamaya.etcd.ConsulPropertySource+ is a +PropertySource+ with a default ordinal of 100 and the name
'consul', which is automatically registered.
* If the +tamaya-mutable-config+ module is loaded it is possible to write property values back into the consul cluster,
by accessing a +MutableConfiguration+ using the URI +config:consul+.
=== The ConsulPropertySource
The +ConsulPropertySource+ is automatically registered and allows the consul servers to be used to be configured. This
enables to use e.g. in Docker environments the docker environment configuration mechanisms to configure Tamaya running
in microservice containers to connect with the according consul cluster:
* The property source reads the +tamaya.consul.urls+ system and environment property to evaluate possible etcd servers
(comma separated), which can be connected to. On error the API just performs a Round-Robin through the list of
configured servers. Without any configuration + is used. If no connection to any consul
server can be established a warning will be logged, but deployment will not fail.
* The +ConsulPropertySource+ finally also allows the values read from the consul cluster to be mapped to prefixed
context. This can be activated by setting the +-Dtamaya.consul.prefix=<PREFIX>+ system property. E.g. when the prefix is
set to +cluster-config.+ a consul key of +host:known/all+ is mapped to