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= Apache Tamaya -- Extension: Classloader Isolation Support
== Tamaya Classloader Aware ServiceContext (Extension Module)
=== Overview
The Tamaya classloader support provides an alternative implementation of +java.util.ServiceLoader+, which is aware
of classloaders, hereby preventing multiple loading of components within a classloader hierarchy.
=== Compatibility
The module is based on Java 7, so it will not run on Java 7 and beyond.
=== Installation
To benefit from configuration server support you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:
[source, xml]
The component will auto.register its components and override the default +ServicceContext+ in use by default
with an instance of type +org.apache.tamaya.clsupport.internal.CLAwareServiceContext+. This implementation returns
a priority of +10+.
=== How it works
Basically the component manages a +Map+ of all classloaders encountered. When services are accessed, the component
will evaluate the services as follows:
* the component walks up the class loader hierarchy.
* in a next step the hierarchy is traversed down from the parent to the current classloader. Hereby it is checked
if the service list for the required type has been loaded already. If not the service configuration files are
* This configuration file evaluation will ignore all resources already loaded by any of the already traversed parent
* For each configuration file newly visible to the classloader currently traversed, the corresponding services are
loaded unleyy, the same service class already has been loaded by one its parent classloaders or another file
loaded with this classloader.
* Finally all services found are returned as the full collection of services valid for the given context (classloader).
This ensures no service is loaded multiple times, even when it is referenced multiple times in several service
configurations. Additionally every service is loaded on the classloader where it is also declared the first time.
=== Control Logging
The service component by default only logs errors. But it is possible to change this by reconfiguring the logging
levels on the following logging names/path: +org.apache.tamaya.clsupport.internal.CLAwareServiceContext+
* _INFO_ logs additional info on the services accessed.
* _FINEST_ logs additional info on the services scanned and selected.
=== Classloader Aware Configuration
The mechanism above is used to provide a classloader aware implementation of +ConfigurationContext+
(+org.apache.tamaya.clsupport.internal.CLAwareConfigurationContext+). Similarly to the service variants
this class provides a context implementation that manages the core configuration aspects considering classloading
* +PropertySource+, +PropertySourceProviders+
* +PropertyFilters+, +PropertyCombinationPolicy+