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= Apache Tamaya - Extension: Integration for Vertx
== Integration with Vertx (Extension Module)
Tamaya _JNDI_ is an extension module. Refer to the link:../extensions.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
=== What functionality this module provides ?
Tamaya _Vertx_ provides configuration services that can be used in a Vertx environment:
* +AbstractConfiguredVerticle+ defines a subclass extending +AbstractVerticle+, which allows you to
use Tamaya Injection API.
* Additionally you deply a +ConfigVerticle+, which registers services to access configuration
using asynchronous event bus.
=== Compatibility
The module requires Java 8.
=== Installation
To use Tamaya's _Vertx_ support you only must add the corresponding dependency to
your module:
[source, xml, subs=attributes+]
=== The Functionality Provided
NOTE: This module is in alpha state. Please give feedback via our JIRA, so we can improve it.
==== Extending AbstractConfiguredVerticle
Main artifact is the +AbstractConfiguredVerticle+ class, which implements a
base verticle class for Vertx:
[source, java]
public abstract class AbstractConfiguredVerticle extends AbstractVerticle{
private Configuration configuration;
public AbstractConfiguredVerticle() {
public Configuration getConfiguration(){
this.configuration = Configuration.current();
return this.configuration;
public void setConfiguration(Configuration configuration){
this.configuration = configuration;
protected void configure(){
ConfigurationInjector.getInstance().configure(this, getConfiguration());
protected final String getConfigProperty(String key);
protected final String getConfigPropertyOrDefault(String key, String defaultValue);
protected final <T> T getConfigProperty(String key, Class<T> type);
protected final <T> T getConfigPropertyOrDefault(String key, Class<T> type, T defaultValue);
Using this verticle as a superclass, provides you
* embedded convenience methods for programmatic configuration access (+getConfigProperty*+ methods).
* support for configuration injection based on link:../mod_injection.html[Tamaya's injection API].
The following code snippet gives you an example, what you can do with this functionality:
[source, java]
public cllass MyVerticle extends AbstractConfiguredVerticle{
public void start(){
String configuredValue = getConfigPropertyOrDefault("myKey");
BigDecimal bd = getConfigureddPropertyOrDefault("MyNum", BigDecimal.ZERO);
As menioned you can also use the injection API:
[source, java]
public cllass MyVerticle extends AbstractConfiguredVerticle{
private String configuredValue;
@Config(value="MyNum", defaultValue="0.0")
private BigDecimal bd;
public void start(){
==== Accessing Configuration using the Vertx event bus
Additionally the extension allows to access configuration values from the event bus:
[source, java]
public void start(){
// the selector allows to apply a regex on the configuration key to select a
// a configuration sub set.
String selector = "user.";
"CONFIG-MAP", // event bus address
new Handler<AsyncResult<Message<String>>>() {
public void handle(AsyncResult<Message<String>> reply) {
Map<String,String> config = Json.decodeValue(reply.result().body(),
// do something with the config
// ...
Similar only single values can be accessed:
[source, java]
public void start(){
"CONFIG-VAL", // event bus address
"user.home", // property key
new Handler<AsyncResult<Message<String>>>() {
public void handle(AsyncResult<Message<String>> reply) {
String value = reply.result().body();
// do something with the config value
// ...
Finally the event bus targets to be used can be configured using Tamaya configuration,
see the code snippet from the implementation:
[source, java]
@Config(value = "", defaultValue = "CONFIG-MAP")
private String mapBusTarget;
@Config(value = "tamaya.vertx.config.value", defaultValue = "CONFIG-VAL")
private String valBusTarget;