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= Apache Tamaya - Extension: Configuration Validation
== Tamaya Validation: Validating Configuration (Extension Module)
Tamaya _Validation_ is an extension module. Refer to the link:../extensions.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
=== Overview
Tamaya _Validation_ adds support to validate a configuration against a set of rules
defined in a Tamaya Metaconfiguration XML file.
=== Compatibility
The module is based on Java 8.
=== Installation
To activate configuration _validation_ you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:
[source, xml]
The component will extend Tamaya's +tamaya-metamodel+ module and adds an additional meta provider ruleset
so validation rules can also be added to the default meta configuration XML file as separate sections.
=== Usage
This module expects meta-configuration to be located at the following locations. Hereby multiple files
are supported:
[source, text]
-Dtamaya-validation=<an URL> // any resolvable URL
./tamaya-validation-*.xml // file
META-INF/tamaya-validation-*.xml // classpath (multiple entries-possible)
=== The Validation XML Format
The configuration validation is defined by simple configuration meta-data entries.
[source, xml]
<provider>The Validation Provider</provider> <!-- optional -->
<section name="org.mycompany">
<section name="security" required="true">
<description>The description of ma area.</description>
<section name="minimal"/>
<section name="validated.sections" at-least="1">
<section name="customValidated" validator="myFQValidatorClassName"/>
<section name="withParams" >
<param name="int" type="int"/>
<param name="aText" expression="[a|b|c]" required="true"/>
<param name="aValidatedText" validator="myValidatorClass">
<description>This kind of params are more complex...</description>
<validator class="a,b,c,MyGlobalValidator"/>
==== The Example Explained
* The *provider* entry is used for generating validation message, when a validation fails.
* Section itself can be recursively defined, where each level can have it's own validations.
* Sections added, but without validation rules are _defined_ section. Configuration outside of
defined sections can be flagged out using WARNING messages.
* Sections can be _reuired_ and additionally also _validated_.
* There is also the possibility to register global validators, which are called by the validation
logic once a configuration has been completely loaded.
Similar to sections also parameters can be validated:
* they can be marked as _required_
* they can have a certain type, meaning they must be convertible to the given type
* they can have an additional custom validator.
* they can have an optional description for error analysis and error output.
Similar to section parameters that are not defined, but encountered may be flagged out with
a WARNING message.