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= Apache Tamaya - Extension: JMX Management Access
== Tamaya Management (JMX Support) (Extension Module)
Tamaya _Management_ is an extension module. Refer to the link:../extensions.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
=== What functionality this module provides ?
The Tamaya _Management_ module provides support for registering a JMX management bean for
accessing configuration.
=== Compatibility
The module is based on Java 7, so it will run on Java 7 and beyond.
=== Installation
To use the _management_ extension you only must add the corresponding dependency
to your module:
[source, xml]
=== The ManagedConfigMBean bean
The management model defines the MBean of type +ManagedConfigMBean+ as follows:
public interface ManagedConfigMBean {
String getJsonConfigurationInfo();
String getXmlConfigurationInfo();
Map<String, String> getConfiguration();
Map<String, String> getSection(String area, boolean recursive);
Set<String> getSections();
Set<String> getTransitiveSections();
boolean isSectionExisting(String area);
default boolean isSectionEmpty(String area);
* +getJsonConfigurationInfo,getXmlConfigurationInfo+ return a JSON or XML representation of the
current configuration.
* +getConfiguration+ access the current configuration properties.
* +getSection+ allows to extract all entries below a certain subkey. With _recursive_ the query
will not only return direct children, but also recursively walk down all subsection of the
given section key.
* +getSections+ returns all current known section names.
* +getTransitiveSections+ return all sections, but also adds all transitive subsection as single
entries to the set as well.
* +isSectionExisting+ and +isSectionEmpty+ allow for quering if entries are present under the given
section keys.
=== Registering the ManagedConfigMBean
For registering the current +ManagedConfigMBean+ instance to the current MBean platform server, the
following static methods are available:
public final class ConfigManagementSupport{
private JMXSupport(){}
public static ObjectName registerMBean();
public static ObjectName registerMBean(String context);
public static ObjectName unregisterMBean();
public static ObjectName unregisterMBean(String context);
* +registerMBean+ creates a new +ManagedConfigMBean+ instance using the +ServiceContextManager+
and registers it. Optionally an additional _context_ parameter can be passed, which allows
to register the management bean for different classloaders, e.g. for different
* +unregisterMBean+ does the oppsite than registering obviously.
NOTE: The instance of +ManagedConfigMBean+ to be created and registered is evaluated by use og the
+ServiceContextManager+. So you can replace the bean implementation by registering your
overriding implementation using the current +ServiceContext+ (by default using
+java.util.ServiceLoader+ and +@Priority+ annotation.