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= Apache Tamaya - Extension: Integration with JNDI
== Integration with JNDI (Extension Module)
Tamaya _JNDI_ is an extension module. Refer to the link:../extensions.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
=== What functionality this module provides ?
Tamaya _JNDI_ provides a simple +PropertySource+ that reads values from a
JNDI context.
=== Compatibility
The module is based on Java 8.
=== Installation
To use _jndi_ as a configuration backend you only must add the corresponding dependency to
your module:
[source, xml]
=== The Functionality Provided
Main artifact is the +JNDIPropertySource+ class, which implements a
property source based on a JNDI context:
[source, java]
public class JNDIPropertySource extends BasePropertySource {
public JNDIPropertySource(String name, Context context);
public JNDIPropertySource(String name) throws NamingException;
public JNDIPropertySource() throws NamingException;
public void setScannable(boolean scannable);
By default the property source is _non scannable_, so a call the `getProperties()`
will return an empty map instance. After calling `setScannable(true);` a call to
`getProperties()` will return a String representation of the JNDI tree. Hereby
leaves of the tree are converted using `String.valueOf(leaveObject)`.
This module automatically registers an instance of +JNDIPropertySource+ with a
default ordinal of +200+.
You can extend this class or manually instantiate it, e.g. as part of a
+PropertySourceProvider+. If no `Context` is passed explicitly, a new
+InitialContext+ is created, without any environment parameters set.