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= Apache Tamaya - Extension: Integration with Consul (Hashicorp)
== Integration with consul (Extension Module)
Tamaya _Consul_ is an extension module. Refer to the link:../extensions.html[extensions documentation] for further details.
=== What functionality this module provides ?
Tamaya _Consul_ provides different artifacts which allows use of
link:[Consul from Hashicorp] as configuration backend. Basically the
module supports read-only integration (as a +ConsulPropertySource+ as well
as a writing configuration changes back (based on Tamaya's +MutableConfiguration+ API
defined by the link:mod_mutable_config.html[tamaya-mutable-config] extension module.
=== Compatibility
The module is based on Java 8.
=== Installation
To use _tamaya-consul_ you only must add the corresponding dependency to your module:
[source, xml]
=== The Functionality Provided
Tamaya Consul provides two artifacts:
* The +org.apache.tamaya.consul.ConsulPropertySource+ is a +PropertySource+ with a default
ordinal of 100 and the name 'consul'.
* +org.apache.tamaya.consul.ConsulPropertySource+ is based on +org.apache.tamaya.consul.AbstractConsulPropertySource+,
which provides all required basic functionality to implement your own consul based property
Access of consul key/value pairs is through the normal Tamaya API.
=== The ConsulPropertySource
The +ConsulPropertySource+ allows the consul servers to be used as configuration backends. It provides:
* a Consul based property source implementation.
* configurable caching of key/values accessed (Consul does not provide reading all values out).
* configuring a optional key prefix for defining a namespace for Tamaya configuration within the consul key/value
* +ConsulPropertySource+ reads the +tamaya.consul.urls+ system and environment property to evaluate the consul servers
to be used (comma separated). The API just performs a Round-Robin through the list of
configured servers. Without any configuration + is used. If no connection to any consul
server can be established a warning will be logged, but deployment will not fail.
* The +ConsulPropertySource+ finally also allows the values read from the consul cluster to be mapped with a prefix.
This allows to let all values stored in consul have their own namespace. E.g. the Tamaya key `a.b` is mapped
to `foo.a.b`, when the prefix is set to `foo.`. The prefix can be activated by setting the
`tamaya.consul.prefix` system or environment property.
=== The AbstractConsulPropertySource
The +AbstractConsulPropertySource+ provides all features from +ConsulPropertySource+ but does not define how the
property source is exactly configured, so you have full control.