blob: 66ec0b44937e42f6e3c6a7bfa67b70b06a90da70 [file] [log] [blame]
### Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
### contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
### this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
### The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
### (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
### the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
### distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
### WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
### See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
### limitations under the License.
### A set of basic PowerShell routines that can be used to install and
### manage Hadoop services on a single node. For use-case see install.ps1.
### Global variables
$ScriptDir = Resolve-Path (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$FinalName = "slider-@slider.version@"
### Installs Slider.
### Arguments:
### component: Component to be installed, it can be "core, "hdfs" or "mapreduce"
### nodeInstallRoot: Target install folder (for example "C:\Hadoop")
### serviceCredential: Credential object used for service creation
### role: Space separated list of roles that should be installed.
### (for example, "jobtracker historyserver" for mapreduce)
function Install(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$false )]
[Parameter( Position=3, Mandatory=$false )]
if ( $component -eq "slider" )
$HDP_INSTALL_PATH, $HDP_RESOURCES_DIR = Initialize-InstallationEnv $scriptDir "$FinalName.winpkg.log"
Write-Log "Checking the JAVA Installation."
if( -not (Test-Path $ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe))
Write-Log "JAVA_HOME not set properly; $ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe does not exist" "Failure"
throw "Install: JAVA_HOME not set properly; $ENV:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe does not exist."
Write-Log "Checking the Hadoop Installation."
if( -not (Test-Path $ENV:HADOOP_HOME\bin\winutils.exe))
Write-Log "HADOOP_HOME not set properly; $ENV:HADOOP_HOME\bin\winutils.exe does not exist" "Failure"
throw "Install: HADOOP_HOME not set properly; $ENV:HADOOP_HOME\bin\winutils.exe does not exist."
### $sliderInstallPath: the name of the folder containing the application, after unzipping
$sliderInstallPath = Join-Path $nodeInstallRoot $FinalName
$sliderInstallToBin = Join-Path "$sliderInstallPath" "bin"
Write-Log "Installing Apache $FinalName to $sliderInstallPath"
### Create Node Install Root directory
if( -not (Test-Path "$sliderInstallPath"))
Write-Log "Creating Node Install Root directory: `"$sliderInstallPath`""
$cmd = "mkdir `"$sliderInstallPath`""
Invoke-CmdChk $cmd
# Rename zip file and initialize parent directory of $sliderInstallPath
$sliderIntallPathParent = (Get-Item $sliderInstallPath).parent.FullName
### Unzip Slider distribution from compressed archive
Write-Log "Extracting $ to $sliderIntallPathParent"
if ( Test-Path ENV:UNZIP_CMD )
### Use external unzip command if given
$unzipExpr = $ENV:UNZIP_CMD.Replace("@SRC", "`"$HDP_RESOURCES_DIR\$`"")
$unzipExpr = $unzipExpr.Replace("@DEST", "`"$sliderIntallPathParent`"")
### We ignore the error code of the unzip command for now to be
### consistent with prior behavior.
Invoke-Ps $unzipExpr
$shellApplication = new-object -com shell.application
$zipPackage = $shellApplication.NameSpace("$HDP_RESOURCES_DIR\$")
$destinationFolder = $shellApplication.NameSpace($sliderInstallPath)
$destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipPackage.Items(), 20)
### Set SLIDER_HOME environment variable
Write-Log "Setting the SLIDER_HOME environment variable at machine scope to `"$sliderInstallPath`""
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("SLIDER_HOME", $sliderInstallPath, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
$ENV:SLIDER_HOME = "$sliderInstallPath"
### Installing Slider Hbase App package
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$sliderInstallPath\app-packages\" -Force -ErrorAction Stop |Out-Null
Write-Log "Installing Slider Hbase App package"
$hbasePackage = Get-Item -Path "$HDP_RESOURCES_DIR\slider-hbase-app-win-package-*.zip"
$hbasePackagePath = $hbasePackage.FullName
Copy-Item -Path $hbasePackagePath -Destination "$sliderInstallPath\app-packages" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
### Installing Slider Storm App package
Write-Log "Installing Slider Storm App package"
$stormPackage = Get-Item -Path "$HDP_RESOURCES_DIR\slider-storm-app-win-package-*.zip"
$stormPackagePath = $stormPackage.FullName
Copy-Item -Path $stormPackagePath -Destination "$sliderInstallPath\app-packages" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log "Finished installing Apache slider"
throw "Install: Unsupported component argument."
### Uninstalls Hadoop component.
### Arguments:
### component: Component to be uninstalled, it can be "core, "hdfs" or "mapreduce"
### nodeInstallRoot: Install folder (for example "C:\Hadoop")
function Uninstall(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
if ( $component -eq "slider" )
$HDP_INSTALL_PATH, $HDP_RESOURCES_DIR = Initialize-InstallationEnv $scriptDir "$FinalName.winpkg.log"
Write-Log "Uninstalling Apache slider $FinalName"
$sliderInstallPath = Join-Path $nodeInstallRoot $FinalName
### If Hadoop Core root does not exist exit early
if ( -not (Test-Path $sliderInstallPath) )
### Delete install dir
$cmd = "rd /s /q `"$sliderInstallPath`""
Invoke-Cmd $cmd
### Removing SLIDER_HOME environment variable
Write-Log "Removing the SLIDER_HOME environment variable"
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( "SLIDER_HOME", $null, [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine )
Write-Log "Successfully uninstalled slider"
throw "Uninstall: Unsupported compoment argument."
### Start component services.
### Arguments:
### component: Component name
### roles: List of space separated service to start
function StartService(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
Write-Log "Starting `"$component`" `"$roles`" services"
if ( $component -eq "slider" )
Write-Log "StartService: slider services"
CheckRole $roles @("slideragent")
foreach ( $role in $roles -Split("\s+") )
Write-Log "Starting $role service"
Start-Service $role
throw "StartService: Unsupported component argument."
### Stop component services.
### Arguments:
### component: Component name
### roles: List of space separated service to stop
function StopService(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
Write-Log "Stopping `"$component`" `"$roles`" services"
if ( $component -eq "slider" )
### Verify that roles are in the supported set
CheckRole $roles @("slideragent")
foreach ( $role in $roles -Split("\s+") )
Write-Log "Stopping $role "
if (Get-Service "$role" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Log "Service $role exists, stopping it"
Stop-Service $role
Write-Log "Service $role does not exist, moving to next"
catch [Exception]
Write-Host "Can't stop service $role"
throw "StartService: Unsupported compoment argument."
### Alters the configuration of the slider component.
### Arguments:
### component: Component to be configured, it should be "slider"
### nodeInstallRoot: Target install folder (for example "C:\Hadoop")
### serviceCredential: Credential object used for service creation
### configs:
function Configure(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$false )]
[parameter( Position=3 )]
$configs = @{},
[parameter( Position=4 )]
$aclAllFolders = $True
if ( $component -eq "slider" )
Write-Log "Configuring Slider"
### Apply slider-client.xml configuration changes
$sliderClientSiteXmlFile = Join-Path $ENV:SLIDER_HOME "conf\slider-client.xml"
Write-Log "Updating slider config file $sliderClientSiteXmlFile"
UpdateXmlConfig $sliderClientSiteXmlFile @{
"slider.zookeeper.quorum" = "$ENV:ZOOKEEPER_HOSTS";
throw "Configure: Unsupported compoment argument."
### Helper routing that converts a $null object to nothing. Otherwise, iterating over
### a $null object with foreach results in a loop with one $null element.
function empty-null($obj)
if ($obj -ne $null) { $obj }
### Gives full permissions on the folder to the given user
function GiveFullPermissions(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$false )]
$recursive = $false)
Write-Log "Giving user/group `"$username`" full permissions to `"$folder`""
$cmd = "icacls `"$folder`" /grant ${username}:(OI)(CI)F"
if ($recursive) {
$cmd += " /T"
Invoke-CmdChk $cmd
### Checks if the given space separated roles are in the given array of
### supported roles.
function CheckRole(
[parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
foreach ( $role in $roles.Split(" ") )
if ( -not ( $supportedRoles -contains $role ) )
throw "CheckRole: Passed in role `"$role`" is outside of the supported set `"$supportedRoles`""
### Creates and configures the service.
function CreateAndConfigureHadoopService(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=1, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=2, Mandatory=$true )]
[Parameter( Position=3, Mandatory=$true )]
if ( -not ( Get-Service "$service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) )
Write-Log "Creating service `"$service`" as $serviceBinDir\$service.exe"
$xcopyServiceHost_cmd = "copy /Y `"$HDP_RESOURCES_DIR\serviceHost.exe`" `"$serviceBinDir\$service.exe`""
Invoke-CmdChk $xcopyServiceHost_cmd
#Creating the event log needs to be done from an elevated process, so we do it here
if( -not ([Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists( "$service" )))
[Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource( "$service", "" )
Write-Log "Adding service $service"
if ($serviceCredential.Password.get_Length() -ne 0)
$s = New-Service -Name "$service" -BinaryPathName "$serviceBinDir\$service.exe" -Credential $serviceCredential -DisplayName "Apache Hadoop $service"
if ( $s -eq $null )
throw "CreateAndConfigureHadoopService: Service `"$service`" creation failed"
# Separately handle case when password is not provided
# this path is used for creating services that run under (AD) Managed Service Account
# for them password is not provided and in that case service cannot be created using New-Service commandlet
$serviceUserName = $serviceCredential.UserName
$cred = $serviceCredential.UserName.Split("\")
# Throw exception if domain is not specified
if (($cred.Length -lt 2) -or ($cred[0] -eq "."))
throw "Environment is not AD or domain is not specified"
$cmd="$ENV:WINDIR\system32\sc.exe create `"$service`" binPath= `"$serviceBinDir\$service.exe`" obj= $serviceUserName DisplayName= `"Apache Hadoop $service`" "
Invoke-CmdChk $cmd
throw "CreateAndConfigureHadoopService: Service `"$service`" creation failed"
$cmd="$ENV:WINDIR\system32\sc.exe failure $service reset= 30 actions= restart/5000"
Invoke-CmdChk $cmd
$cmd="$ENV:WINDIR\system32\sc.exe config $service start= disabled"
Invoke-CmdChk $cmd
Set-ServiceAcl $service
Write-Log "Service `"$service`" already exists, Removing `"$service`""
StopAndDeleteHadoopService $service
CreateAndConfigureHadoopService $service $hdpResourcesDir $serviceBinDir $serviceCredential
### Stops and deletes the Hadoop service.
function StopAndDeleteHadoopService(
[Parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
Write-Log "Stopping $service"
$s = Get-Service $service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if( $s -ne $null )
Stop-Service $service
$cmd = "sc.exe delete $service"
Invoke-Cmd $cmd
### Helper routing that converts a $null object to nothing. Otherwise, iterating over
### a $null object with foreach results in a loop with one $null element.
function empty-null($obj)
if ($obj -ne $null) { $obj }
### Helper routine that updates the given fileName XML file with the given
### key/value configuration values. The XML file is expected to be in the
### Hadoop format. For example:
### <configuration>
### <property>
### <name.../><value.../>
### </property>
### </configuration>
function UpdateXmlConfig(
[parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true )]
[parameter( Position=1 )]
$config = @{} )
$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $fileName)
foreach( $key in empty-null $config.Keys )
$value = $config[$key]
$found = $False
$xml.SelectNodes('/configuration/property') | ? { $ -eq $key } | % { $_.value = $value; $found = $True }
if ( -not $found )
$xml["configuration"].AppendChild($xml.CreateWhitespace("`r`n ")) | Out-Null
$newItem = $xml.CreateElement("property")
$newItem.AppendChild($xml.CreateWhitespace("`r`n ")) | Out-Null
$newItem.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement("name")) | Out-Null
$newItem.AppendChild($xml.CreateWhitespace("`r`n ")) | Out-Null
$newItem.AppendChild($xml.CreateElement("value")) | Out-Null
$newItem.AppendChild($xml.CreateWhitespace("`r`n ")) | Out-Null
$ = $key
$newItem.value = $value
$xml["configuration"].AppendChild($newItem) | Out-Null
$xml["configuration"].AppendChild($xml.CreateWhitespace("`r`n")) | Out-Null
### Public API
Export-ModuleMember -Function Install
Export-ModuleMember -Function Uninstall
Export-ModuleMember -Function Configure
Export-ModuleMember -Function StartService
Export-ModuleMember -Function StopService