blob: 7aff561689bc762b65ec1cbe2e43ae86c58385ef [file] [log] [blame]
"""license: Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE for more details."""
"""Kazoo Interfaces
.. versionchanged:: 1.4
The classes in this module used to be interface declarations based on
`zope.interface.Interface`. They were converted to normal classes and
now serve as documentation only.
# public API
class IHandler(object):
"""A Callback Handler for Zookeeper completion and watch callbacks.
This object must implement several methods responsible for
determining how completion / watch callbacks are handled as well as
the method for calling :class:`IAsyncResult` callback functions.
These functions are used to abstract differences between a Python
threading environment and asynchronous single-threaded environments
like gevent. The minimum functionality needed for Kazoo to handle
these differences is encompassed in this interface.
The Handler should document how callbacks are called for:
* Zookeeper completion events
* Zookeeper watch events
.. attribute:: name
Human readable name of the Handler interface.
.. attribute:: timeout_exception
Exception class that should be thrown and captured if a
result is not available within the given time.
.. attribute:: sleep_func
Appropriate sleep function that can be called with a single
argument and sleep.
def start(self):
"""Start the handler, used for setting up the handler."""
def stop(self):
"""Stop the handler. Should block until the handler is safely
def select(self):
"""A select method that implements Python's
def socket(self):
"""A socket method that implements Python's socket.socket
def create_connection(self):
"""A socket method that implements Python's
socket.create_connection API"""
def event_object(self):
"""Return an appropriate object that implements Python's
threading.Event API"""
def lock_object(self):
"""Return an appropriate object that implements Python's
threading.Lock API"""
def rlock_object(self):
"""Return an appropriate object that implements Python's
threading.RLock API"""
def async_result(self):
"""Return an instance that conforms to the
:class:`~IAsyncResult` interface appropriate for this
def spawn(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
"""Spawn a function to run asynchronously
:param args: args to call the function with.
:param kwargs: keyword args to call the function with.
This method should return immediately and execute the function
with the provided args and kwargs in an asynchronous manner.
def dispatch_callback(self, callback):
"""Dispatch to the callback object
:param callback: A :class:`~kazoo.protocol.states.Callback`
object to be called.
class IAsyncResult(object):
"""An Async Result object that can be queried for a value that has
been set asynchronously.
This object is modeled on the ``gevent`` AsyncResult object.
The implementation must account for the fact that the :meth:`set`
and :meth:`set_exception` methods will be called from within the
Zookeeper thread which may require extra care under asynchronous
.. attribute:: value
Holds the value passed to :meth:`set` if :meth:`set` was
called. Otherwise `None`.
.. attribute:: exception
Holds the exception instance passed to :meth:`set_exception`
if :meth:`set_exception` was called. Otherwise `None`.
def ready(self):
"""Return `True` if and only if it holds a value or an
def successful(self):
"""Return `True` if and only if it is ready and holds a
def set(self, value=None):
"""Store the value. Wake up the waiters.
:param value: Value to store as the result.
Any waiters blocking on :meth:`get` or :meth:`wait` are woken
up. Sequential calls to :meth:`wait` and :meth:`get` will not
block at all."""
def set_exception(self, exception):
"""Store the exception. Wake up the waiters.
:param exception: Exception to raise when fetching the value.
Any waiters blocking on :meth:`get` or :meth:`wait` are woken
up. Sequential calls to :meth:`wait` and :meth:`get` will not
block at all."""
def get(self, block=True, timeout=None):
"""Return the stored value or raise the exception
:param block: Whether this method should block or return
:type block: bool
:param timeout: How long to wait for a value when `block` is
:type timeout: float
If this instance already holds a value / an exception, return /
raise it immediately. Otherwise, block until :meth:`set` or
:meth:`set_exception` has been called or until the optional
timeout occurs."""
def get_nowait(self):
"""Return the value or raise the exception without blocking.
If nothing is available, raise the Timeout exception class on
the associated :class:`IHandler` interface."""
def wait(self, timeout=None):
"""Block until the instance is ready.
:param timeout: How long to wait for a value when `block` is
:type timeout: float
If this instance already holds a value / an exception, return /
raise it immediately. Otherwise, block until :meth:`set` or
:meth:`set_exception` has been called or until the optional
timeout occurs."""
def rawlink(self, callback):
"""Register a callback to call when a value or an exception is
:param callback:
A callback function to call after :meth:`set` or
:meth:`set_exception` has been called. This function will
be passed a single argument, this instance.
:type callback: func
def unlink(self, callback):
"""Remove the callback set by :meth:`rawlink`
:param callback: A callback function to remove.
:type callback: func