| /** |
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one |
| * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file |
| * distributed with this work for additional information |
| * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file |
| * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the |
| * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance |
| * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * Apache S4 Application Build File |
| * |
| * Use this script to buils and package S4 apps. |
| * |
| * Run 'gradle install' on the s4 project to publish to your local maven repo. |
| * |
| * TODO: This should probably be distributed as an s4 plugin for Gradle. |
| * TODO: There seem to be to be similarities with the war and jetty plugins. (war -> s4r, jetty -> s4Run). |
| * We should make it easy to test the app from this script by a running a test task that starts and stops |
| * an s4 server. See: http://www.gradle.org/releases/1.0-milestone-3/docs/userguide/userguide_single.html#war_plugin |
| * |
| * This is an interesting discussion: |
| * http://gradle.1045684.n5.nabble.com/Exclude-properties-file-from-war-td3365147.html |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| /* Set the destination where we want to install the apps. */ |
| //s4AppInstallDir = "/tmp/s4Apps" // TODO: decide how to standarize dirs, use env var? |
| |
| project.ext["appClassName"] = hasProperty('appClass')? "$appClass": "UNDEFINED" |
| project.ext["appName"] = hasProperty('appName')? "$appName": "UNDEFINED" |
| |
| project.ext["s4Version"] = '0.6.0-incubating' |
| description = 'Apache S4 App' |
| project.ext["archivesBaseName"] = "$project.name" |
| project.ext["distRootFolder"] = "$archivesBaseName-${-> version}" |
| |
| |
| // Append the suffix 'SNAPSHOT' when the build is not for release. |
| //version = new Version(major: 0, minor: 0, bugfix: 0, isRelease: false) |
| group = 'org.apache.s4' |
| |
| apply plugin: 'java' |
| apply plugin: 'eclipse' |
| apply plugin: 'idea' |
| apply plugin:'application' |
| |
| /* Set Java version. */ |
| sourceCompatibility = 1.6 |
| targetCompatibility = 1.6 |
| |
| repositories { |
| mavenCentral() |
| mavenLocal() |
| mavenRepo name: "gson", url: "http://google-gson.googlecode.com/svn/mavenrepo" |
| |
| /* Add lib dir as a repo. Some jar files that are not available |
| in a public repo are distributed in the lib dir. */ |
| flatDir name: 'libDir', dirs: "$rootDir/lib" |
| } |
| |
| /* All project libraries must be defined here. */ |
| project.ext["libraries"] = [ |
| |
| s4_base: 'org.apache.s4:s4-base:0.6.0-incubating', |
| s4_comm: 'org.apache.s4:s4-comm:0.6.0-incubating', |
| s4_core: 'org.apache.s4:s4-core:0.6.0-incubating' |
| ] |
| |
| |
| dependencies { |
| |
| /* S4 Platform. We only need the API, not the transitive dependencies. */ |
| // s4Libs.each { module -> |
| // compile( module ) //{ transitive = false } |
| // s4API( module ) |
| // } |
| |
| compile (libraries.s4_base) |
| compile (libraries.s4_comm) |
| compile (libraries.s4_core) |
| |
| |
| |
| } |
| |
| // Set the manifest attributes for the S4 archive here. ('S4-App-Class': gets set by the s4r task) |
| manifest.mainAttributes( |
| provider: 'gradle', |
| 'Implementation-Url': 'http://incubator.apache.org/projects/s4.html', |
| 'Implementation-Version': version, |
| 'Implementation-Vendor': 'Apache S4', |
| 'Implementation-Vendor-Id': 's4app', |
| 'S4-App-Class':'', |
| 'S4-Version': s4Version |
| ) |
| |
| project.ext["appDependencies"] = ( configurations.compile ) |
| |
| // external dependencies will be available in the /lib directory of the s4r |
| task copyDependenciesToLib(type: Copy) { |
| into project.libsDir.path+"/lib" |
| from configurations.runtime |
| } |
| |
| // app jar will be available from the /app directory of the s4r |
| task buildProjectJar() { |
| dependsOn jar { |
| destinationDir file(project.libsDir.path + "/app") |
| from sourceSets.main.output |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| |
| /* This task will extract all the class files and create a fat jar. We set the manifest and the extension to make it an S4 archive file. */ |
| // TODO: exclude schema files as needed (not critical) see: http://forums.gradle.org/gradle/topics/using_gradle_to_fat_jar_a_spring_project |
| // TODO: exclude s4 platform jars |
| task s4r(type: Jar) { |
| dependsOn cleanCopyDependenciesToLib, copyDependenciesToLib, cleanBuildProjectJar, buildProjectJar |
| from { project.libsDir } |
| manifest = project.manifest |
| baseName = appName |
| extension = 's4r' |
| exclude '*.s4r' |
| manifest.mainAttributes('S4-App-Class': appClassName) |
| } |
| |
| |
| /* List the artifacts that will br added to the s4 archive (and explode if needed). */ |
| s4r << { |
| appDependencies.each { File file -> println 'Adding to s4 archive: ' + file.name } |
| configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files.each { println 'Adding to s4 archive: ' + it.name } |
| |
| /* This is for debugging. */ |
| //configurations.s4All.each { File file -> println 's4All: ' + file.name } |
| //deployableDependencies.each { File file -> println 'Deploy: ' + file.name } |
| |
| // more debugging statements. |
| //sourceSets.main.compileClasspath.each { File file -> println 'compileClasspath: ' + file.name } |
| |
| } |
| |
| /* Generates the gradlew scripts. |
| http://www.gradle.org/1.0-milestone-3/docs/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html */ |
| task wrapper(type: Wrapper) { gradleVersion = '1.0' } |
| |
| |
| /* Parse source file to get the app classname so we can use it in the manifest. |
| * TODO: Use a real Java parser. (This is not skippong comments for example.) |
| */ |
| def getAppClassname(file) { |
| def classname = "UNKNOWN" |
| def lines= file.readLines() |
| def packageName = "" |
| for(line in lines) { |
| |
| def pn = line =~ /.*package\s+([\w\.]+)\s*;.*/ |
| if(pn) { |
| packageName = pn[0][1] + "." |
| } |
| |
| def an = line =~ /.*public\s+class\s+(\w+)\s+extends.+App.*\{/ |
| if (an) { |
| classname = packageName + an[0][1] |
| println "Found app class name: " + classname |
| break |
| } |
| |
| } |
| classname |
| } |
| |
| class Version { |
| int major |
| int minor |
| int bugfix |
| boolean isRelease |
| |
| String toString() { |
| "$major.$minor.$bugfix${isRelease ? '' : '-SNAPSHOT'}" |
| } |
| } |