blob: 9789de5852afb1bb9d0b9a016b0c8f6e545ba612 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.s4.core.Main.InlineConfigParameterConverter;
import com.beust.jcommander.IParameterValidator;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException;
public class CommonS4YarnArgs {
public static final String NAMED_STRING_PARAMETERS = "-namedStringParameters";
public static final String EXTRA_MODULES_CLASSES = "-extraModulesClasses";
public static final String PRIORITY = "-priority";
public static final String S4_NODE_MEMORY = "-s4NodeMemory";
public static final String S4_NODE_JVM_PARAMETERS = "-s4NodeJVMParameters";
public static final String NB_S4_NODES = "-nbS4Nodes";
public static final String USER = "-user";
@Parameter(names = { "-cluster", "-c" }, description = "Name of the S4 logical cluster that will contain S4 nodes. NOTE: the cluster is currently defined automatically in ZooKeeper.", required = true)
String cluster;
@Parameter(names = "-zk", description = "S4 Zookeeper cluster manager connection string", required = true)
String zkString;
@Parameter(names = { S4_NODE_MEMORY, "-container_memory" }, description = "YARN parameter: Amount of memory in MB to be requested to host the S4 node", required = false, validateWith = S4CLIYarnArgs.MemoryValidator.class)
int containerMemory = 256;
@Parameter(names = PRIORITY, description = "YARN parameter: Application priority", required = false)
int priority = 0;
@Parameter(names = USER, description = "YARN parameter: User to run the application as", required = false)
String user = "";
@Parameter(names = { NB_S4_NODES, "-num_containers" }, description = "YARN parameter: Number of containers on which the S4 node needs to be hosted (typically: at least as many partitions as the logical cluster)", validateWith = S4CLIYarnArgs.NbContainersValidator.class)
int numContainers = 1;
@Parameter(names = "-debug", description = "YARN parameter: Dump out debug information")
boolean debug;
@Parameter(names = "-test", description = "Test mode")
boolean test;
@Parameter(names = { EXTRA_MODULES_CLASSES, "-emc" }, description = "Comma-separated list of additional configuration modules (they will be instantiated through their constructor without arguments).", required = false, hidden = false)
List<String> extraModulesClasses = new ArrayList<String>();
@Parameter(names = { NAMED_STRING_PARAMETERS, "-p" }, description = "Comma-separated list of inline configuration parameters, taking precedence over homonymous configuration parameters from configuration files. Syntax: '-p=name1=value1,name2=value2 '", hidden = false, converter = InlineConfigParameterConverter.class)
List<String> extraNamedParameters = new ArrayList<String>();
// TODO parse JVM parameters that include commas
@Parameter(names = S4_NODE_JVM_PARAMETERS, description = "Extra JVM parameter for running the nodes, specified as a comma separated list. The memory parameter -Xmx must be configured through "
+ S4_NODE_MEMORY, required = false, validateWith = NodeJVMParametersValidator.class)
List<String> extraS4NodeJVMParams = new ArrayList<String>();
public static class NodeJVMParametersValidator implements IParameterValidator {
public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException {
if (value.matches(".*-Xmx\\d+.*")) {
throw new ParameterException("-Xmx JVM parameter cannot be specified here. You must use the "
+ S4_NODE_MEMORY + " parameter instead.");