blob: d7da3fdfe4d639acd5fd7d267a9b0f37ddaea3f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011-2015 Quickstep Technologies LLC.
* Copyright 2015 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "types/DatetimeLit.hpp"
#include "types/IntervalLit.hpp"
#include "types/Type.hpp"
#include "types/TypeID.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "types/containers/Tuple.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/AsciiStringComparators.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/AsciiStringComparators-inl.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/Comparison.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonFactory.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonID.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/LiteralComparators.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/LiteralComparators-inl.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace quickstep {
namespace comparison_util_detail {
// This wraps an instance of the abstract base UncheckedComparator class and
// forwards calls from the inline -Inl methods to virtual methods of the base
// class. It is necessary for comparing types that are unknown to the macros
// and functions in this file (NOTE: it is vastly preferable to modify this
// file to be aware of a new type rather than relying on this slower fallback).
class GenericComparatorWrapper : public UncheckedComparator {
explicit GenericComparatorWrapper(const UncheckedComparator &internal_comparator)
: internal_comparator_(internal_comparator) {
~GenericComparatorWrapper() {
inline bool compareTypedValues(const TypedValue &left, const TypedValue &right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareTypedValues(left, right);
inline bool compareTypedValuesInl(const TypedValue &left, const TypedValue &right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareTypedValues(left, right);
inline bool compareDataPtrs(const void *left, const void *right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareDataPtrs(left, right);
inline bool compareDataPtrsInl(const void *left, const void *right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareDataPtrs(left, right);
inline bool compareTypedValueWithDataPtr(const TypedValue &left,
const void *right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareTypedValueWithDataPtr(left, right);
inline bool compareTypedValueWithDataPtrInl(const TypedValue &left,
const void *right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareTypedValueWithDataPtr(left, right);
inline bool compareDataPtrWithTypedValue(const void *left,
const TypedValue &right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareDataPtrWithTypedValue(left, right);
inline bool compareDataPtrWithTypedValueInl(const void *left,
const TypedValue &right) const {
return internal_comparator_.compareDataPtrWithTypedValue(left, right);
const UncheckedComparator &internal_comparator_;
} // namespace comparison_util_detail
// TODO(chasseur): Maintaining the various Invoke* functions for new types and
// combinations of types is a bit of a pain. This is an instance of the
// double-dispatch problem that we are trying to resolve statically at compile
// time so that we can use fast inlined methods of comparators in generic
// algorithms. Try to think of a more clever and easily maintainable way of
// achieving the same ends.
/** \addtogroup Types
* @{
* @brief Invoke a generic functor (or lambda) on a less-than comparator for
* a given Type (ignoring nullability).
* @param type The Type to compare.
* @param functor A generic functor or lambda that has a templated call
* operator taking a single argument. The call operator will be invoked
* with a less-than UncheckedComparator for type as its argument. The
* provided UncheckedComparator will be of a concrete type and its
* inline methods will be usable.
* @return The return value of functor's call operator applied to the less-than
* comparator.
template <typename FunctorT>
auto InvokeOnLessComparatorForTypeIgnoreNullability(const Type &type,
const FunctorT &functor) {
switch (type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, int, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
std::int64_t, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false,
float, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false,
double, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kChar: {
const std::size_t string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(type).getStringLength();
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, false>
comp(string_length, string_length);
return functor(comp);
case kVarChar: {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, false>
comp(0, 0);
return functor(comp);
case kDatetime: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<DatetimeLit, false,
DatetimeLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kDatetimeInterval: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<DatetimeIntervalLit, false,
DatetimeIntervalLit, false>
return functor(comp);
case kYearMonthInterval: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<YearMonthIntervalLit, false,
YearMonthIntervalLit, false>
return functor(comp);
default: {
<< "Developer warning: using generic fallback for unrecognized Type: "
<< type.getName();
std::unique_ptr<UncheckedComparator> generic_less_comparator(
type, type));
comparison_util_detail::GenericComparatorWrapper comp(*generic_less_comparator);
return functor(comp);
namespace comparison_util_detail {
// Fallback generic (slow) helper for
// InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesIgnoreNullability() when that
// function doesn't know how to make a comparator for 'left_type' and
// 'right_type'.
template <typename FunctorT>
auto InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
const Type &left_type,
const Type &right_type,
const FunctorT &functor) {
<< "Developer warning: using generic fallback for unrecognized pair of "
<< "Types: " << left_type.getName() << ", " << right_type.getName();
std::unique_ptr<UncheckedComparator> generic_less_comparator(
left_type, right_type));
GenericComparatorWrapper comp(*generic_less_comparator);
return functor(comp);
} // namespace comparison_util_detail
* @brief Invoke a generic functor (or lambda) on a less-than comparator for
* a given pair of Types, which may be different (ignoring nullability).
* @param left_type The Type on the left side of the less-than comparison.
* @param right_type The Type on the right side of the less-than comparison.
* @param functor A generic functor or lambda that has a templated call
* operator taking a single argument. The call operator will be invoked
* with a less-than UncheckedComparator for left_type and right_type as
* its argument. The provided UncheckedComparator will be of a concrete
* type and its inline methods will be usable.
* @return The return value of functor's call operator applied to the less-than
* comparator.
template <typename FunctorT>
auto InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesIgnoreNullability(
const Type &left_type,
const Type &right_type,
const FunctorT &functor) {
switch (left_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, int, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, std::int64_t, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, float, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, double, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kLong: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false, int, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
std::int64_t, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
float, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
double, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kFloat: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, int, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, std::int64_t, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, float, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, double, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kDouble: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, int, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, std::int64_t, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, float, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, double, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kChar: {
const std::size_t left_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(left_type).getStringLength();
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, true,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
case kVarChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, true, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, true,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kVarChar: {
const std::size_t left_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(left_type).getStringLength();
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, false, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, true,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
case kVarChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, true,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kDatetime: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kDatetime: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<DatetimeLit, false,
DatetimeLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kDatetimeInterval: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kDatetimeInterval: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<DatetimeIntervalLit, false,
DatetimeIntervalLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kYearMonthInterval: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kYearMonthInterval: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<YearMonthIntervalLit, false,
YearMonthIntervalLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
namespace comparison_util_detail {
// Fallback generic (slow) helper for
// InvokeOnBothLessComparatorForDifferentTypesIgnoreNullability() when that
// function doesn't know how to make comparators for 'left_type' and
// 'right_type'.
template <typename FunctorT>
auto InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
const Type &left_type,
const Type &right_type,
const FunctorT &functor) {
<< "Developer warning: using generic fallback for unrecognized pair of "
<< "Types: " << left_type.getName() << ", " << right_type.getName();
std::unique_ptr<UncheckedComparator> generic_less_comparator(
left_type, right_type));
GenericComparatorWrapper comp(*generic_less_comparator);
std::unique_ptr<UncheckedComparator> generic_less_comparator_reversed(
right_type, left_type));
GenericComparatorWrapper comp_reversed(*generic_less_comparator_reversed);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} // namespace comparison_util_detail
* @brief Invoke a generic functor (or lambda) on both directions of the
* less-than comparator for a given pair of Types, which may be
* different (ignoring nullability).
* @param left_type The Type on the left side of the less-than comparison.
* @param right_type The Type on the right side of the less-than comparison.
* @param functor A generic functor or lambda that has a templated call
* operator taking two arguments. The call operator will be invoked
* with a less-than UncheckedComparator for left_type < right_type as
* its first argument, and a comparator for right_type < left_type as
* its seconds argument. The provided UncheckedComparators will be of
* concrete types and their inline methods will be usable.
* @return The return value of functor's call operator applied to the less-than
* comparator.
template <typename FunctorT>
auto InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesIgnoreNullability(
const Type &left_type,
const Type &right_type,
const FunctorT &functor) {
switch (left_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, int, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, std::int64_t, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false, int, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, float, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, int, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, double, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, int, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kLong: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false, int, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, std::int64_t, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
std::int64_t, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
float, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false,
std::int64_t, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false,
double, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false,
std::int64_t, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kFloat: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, int, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, float, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, std::int64_t, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false, float, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, float, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, double, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, float, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kDouble: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, int, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<int, false, double, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kLong: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, std::int64_t, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<std::int64_t, false, double, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kFloat: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, float, false> comp;
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<float, false, double, false> comp_reversed;
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kDouble: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<double, false, double, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kChar: {
const std::size_t left_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(left_type).getStringLength();
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, true,
false, false, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, true,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, true>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, false, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kVarChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, true, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, true,
false, false, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, true,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, false, true>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, false, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kVarChar: {
const std::size_t left_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(left_type).getStringLength();
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, false, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, true,
false, true, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, true,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, true, true>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, false, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, false, false,
false, true, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
case kVarChar: {
const std::size_t right_string_length
= static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(right_type).getStringLength();
if (left_string_length < right_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, true>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, true,
false, true, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else if (right_string_length < left_string_length) {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, true,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, true>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
} else {
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, false>
comp(left_string_length, right_string_length);
LessAsciiStringUncheckedComparator<false, true, false,
false, true, false>
comp_reversed(right_string_length, left_string_length);
return functor(comp, comp_reversed);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kDatetime: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kDatetime: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<DatetimeLit, false,
DatetimeLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kDatetimeInterval: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kDatetimeInterval: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<DatetimeIntervalLit, false,
DatetimeIntervalLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
case kYearMonthInterval: {
switch (right_type.getTypeID()) {
case kYearMonthInterval: {
LessLiteralUncheckedComparator<YearMonthIntervalLit, false,
YearMonthIntervalLit, false> comp;
return functor(comp, comp);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
return comparison_util_detail::InvokeOnBothLessComparatorsForDifferentTypesFallback(
left_type, right_type, functor);
* @brief A functor object which wraps std::lower_bound.
template <class IteratorT, class T, class Compare>
struct LowerBoundFunctor {
static constexpr bool literal_on_left = false;
* @brief Calls std::lower_bound to do a binary search for a value in the
* specified range of iterators.
* @param first The beginning of the range to search (range must be sorted).
* @param last One past the end of the range to search.
* @param val The value to find the lower-bound position for.
* @param comp A comparison functor which compares val with the values at
* iterators in the range from first to last.
* @return The position in the range from first to last which is the lower
* bound for val.
inline IteratorT operator()(IteratorT first,
IteratorT last,
const T &val,
const Compare &comp) {
return std::lower_bound(first, last, val, comp);
* @brief A functor object which wraps std::upper_bound.
template <class IteratorT, class T, class Compare>
struct UpperBoundFunctor {
static constexpr bool literal_on_left = true;
* @brief Calls std::upper_bound to do a binary search for a value in the
* specified range of iterators.
* @param first The beginning of the range to search (range must be sorted).
* @param last One past the end of the range to search.
* @param val The value to find the upper-bound position for.
* @param comp A comparison functor which compares val with the values at
* iterators in the range from first to last.
* @return The position in the range from first to last which is the upper
* bound for val.
inline IteratorT operator()(IteratorT first,
IteratorT last,
const T &val,
const Compare &comp) {
return std::upper_bound(first, last, val, comp);
* @brief Find a boundary according to BoundFunctorT for untyped (i.e. void*)
* values of a specified type.
* @param type The Type of values to compare.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of values to search.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of values to search.
* @param value The literal value to find a bound for.
* @return The position in the range from begin_it to end_it which is the bound
* for value according to BoundFunctorT.
template <typename IteratorT,
template <class BoundIteratorT, class T, class Compare> class BoundFunctorT>
inline IteratorT GetBoundForUntypedValue(const Type &type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it,
const void *value) {
return InvokeOnLessComparatorForTypeIgnoreNullability(
[&](const auto &comp) -> IteratorT { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>
return BoundFunctorT<IteratorT,
const void*,
decltype(stl_comp)>()(begin_it, end_it, value, stl_comp);
* @brief Similar to GetBoundForUntypedValue, but allows finding bounds for a
* value which is of a different type than the values in the range
* being searched.
* @param type The Type of values in the range from begin_it to end_it.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of values to search.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of values to search.
* @param value The literal value to find a bound for, which need not be an
* instance of type so long as it is comparable with type.
* @param value_type The Type that value belongs to.
* @return The position in the range from begin_it to end_it which is the bound
* for value according to BoundFunctorT.
template <typename IteratorT,
template <class BoundIteratorT, class T, class Compare> class BoundFunctorT>
IteratorT GetBoundForDifferentTypedValue(
const Type &type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it,
const TypedValue &value,
const Type &value_type) {
constexpr bool literal_on_left
= BoundFunctorT<IteratorT,
const void*,
if (literal_on_left) {
return InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesIgnoreNullability(
value_type, type,
[&](const auto &comp) -> IteratorT { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>
return BoundFunctorT<IteratorT,
const void*,
decltype(stl_comp)>()(begin_it, end_it, value.getDataPtr(), stl_comp);
} else {
return InvokeOnLessComparatorForDifferentTypesIgnoreNullability(
[&](const auto &comp) -> IteratorT { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>
return BoundFunctorT<IteratorT,
const void*,
decltype(stl_comp)>()(begin_it, end_it, value.getDataPtr(), stl_comp);
* @brief Determine if two untyped values are equal.
* @param type The Type which the untyped values should be interpreted as.
* @param left The first value to check for equality.
* @param right The second value to check for equality.
* @return Whether left is equal to right (treating both values as instances of
* type).
inline bool CheckUntypedValuesEqual(const Type &type, const void *left, const void *right) {
switch (type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt:
return STLLiteralEqual<int>()(left, right);
case kLong:
return STLLiteralEqual<std::int64_t>()(left, right);
case kFloat:
return STLLiteralEqual<float>()(left, right);
case kDouble:
return STLLiteralEqual<double>()(left, right);
case kChar:
return STLCharEqual(static_cast<const AsciiStringSuperType&>(type).getStringLength())(left, right);
case kVarChar:
return STLVarCharEqual()(left, right);
case kDatetime:
return STLLiteralEqual<DatetimeLit>()(left, right);
case kDatetimeInterval:
return STLLiteralEqual<DatetimeIntervalLit>()(left, right);
case kYearMonthInterval:
return STLLiteralEqual<YearMonthIntervalLit>()(left, right);
default: {
DEV_WARNING("Unrecognized type encountered in CheckUntypedValuesEqual() "
"from types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonUtil.hpp. This file should be updated "
"to be aware of the new type.");
std::unique_ptr<UncheckedComparator> generic_comp(
.makeUncheckedComparatorForTypes(type, type));
return generic_comp->compareDataPtrs(left, right);
* @brief Sort a range of values into ascending order.
* @param type The Type which values in the range from begin_it to end_it
* should be treated as.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of values to sort.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of values to sort.
template <typename IteratorT>
void SortValues(const Type &type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it) {
[&](const auto &comp) { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>
std::sort(begin_it, end_it, stl_comp);
* @brief An adapter which wraps a ComparatorT comparison functor for objects
* of type ValueT, which supports a method getDataPtr() to return an
* untyped pointer to an underlying value.
template <typename ValueT, typename ComparatorT>
class ComparatorAdapter {
* @brief Constructor.
* @param comparator The comparison functor to adapt.
explicit ComparatorAdapter(const ComparatorT &comparator = ComparatorT())
: comparator_(comparator) {
* @brief Apply the comparator provided to the constructor to the underlying
* values represented by left and right.
* @param left The left value to compare.
* @param right The right value to compare.
* @return The result of applying the adapted comparator to left and right.
inline bool operator()(const ValueT &left, const ValueT &right) {
return comparator_(left.getDataPtr(), right.getDataPtr());
ComparatorT comparator_;
* @brief Sort a range of wrapped values (which provide a getDataPtr() method
* to access underlying data) into ascending order.
* @note This always sorts the range from begin_it to end_it into ascending
* order, but the underlying sequence can be sorted in descending order
* by using reverse iterators.
* @param type The Type which values should be interpreted as.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of wrapped values to sort.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of wrapped values to sort.
template <typename ValueT, typename IteratorT>
void SortWrappedValues(const Type &type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it) {
[&](const auto &comp) { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>>(
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>(
* @brief Sort a range of wrapped values (which provide a getDataPtr() method
* to access underlying data).
* @note This always sorts the range from begin_it to end_it into ascending
* order, but the underlying sequence can be sorted in descending order
* by using reverse iterators.
* @param type The Type which values should be interpreted as.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of wrapped values to sort.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of wrapped values to sort.
template <typename ValueT, typename IteratorT>
void StableSortWrappedValues(const Type &type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it) {
[&](const auto &comp) { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>>(
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>(
* @brief Find a boundary according to BoundFunctorT for wrapped values (which
* provide a getDataPtr() method to access underlying data, and a
* a single-argument constructor which takes a const void* pointing to a
* literal value).
* @param type The Type of values to compare.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of values to search.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of values to search.
* @param value The literal value to find a bound for.
* @return The position in the range from begin_it to end_it which is the bound
* for value according to BoundFunctorT.
template <typename ValueT,
typename IteratorT,
template <class BoundIteratorT, class T, class Compare> class BoundFunctorT>
inline IteratorT GetBoundForWrappedValues(const Type &type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it,
const void *value) {
return InvokeOnLessComparatorForTypeIgnoreNullability(
[&](const auto &comp) -> IteratorT { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
STLUncheckedComparatorWrapper<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>
ComparatorAdapter<ValueT, decltype(stl_comp)> stl_comp_adapter(stl_comp);
return BoundFunctorT<IteratorT,
* @brief An adapter which compares tuples according to the value of a
* particular attribute.
template <typename AttributeComparatorT>
class STLTupleComparator {
* @brief Constructor.
* @param attr_id The ID of the attribute which Tuples should be compared by.
* @param attr_comp A comparison functor which can compare values of the
* attribute specified by attr_id.
STLTupleComparator(const attribute_id attr_id,
const AttributeComparatorT &attr_comp)
: attr_id_(attr_id),
attr_comp_(attr_comp) {
inline bool operator() (const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) const {
return attr_comp_(left.getAttributeValue(attr_id_),
inline bool operator() (const Tuple *left, const Tuple *right) const {
return attr_comp_(left->getAttributeValue(attr_id_),
const attribute_id attr_id_;
AttributeComparatorT attr_comp_;
* @brief Sort a range of Tuples into ascending order by comparing values of a
* particular attribute.
* @param sort_attr_id The ID of the attribute to order tuples by.
* @param sort_attr_type The Type of the attribute indicated by sort_attr_id.
* @param begin_it The beginning of the range of tuples to sort.
* @param end_it One past the end of the range of tuples to sort.
template <typename IteratorT>
void SortTuples(const attribute_id sort_attr_id,
const Type &sort_attr_type,
IteratorT begin_it,
IteratorT end_it) {
[&](const auto &comp) { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>>(
typename std::remove_reference<decltype(comp)>::type>(comp)));
* @brief Get a special value for a Type that compares after all other values
* for the type.
* @warning In general, it is still possible for user-supplied data to compare
* as equal to a value generated by this method.
* @param type The Type to generate a "last" value for.
* @return A value that comes after all other values for type.
inline TypedValue GetLastValueForType(const Type &type) {
static const char kLastString[] = "\x7F"; // ASCII "DEL" control code.
switch (type.getTypeID()) {
case kInt:
return TypedValue(std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
case kLong:
return TypedValue(std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max());
case kFloat:
return TypedValue(std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
case kDouble:
return TypedValue(std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
case kChar:
return TypedValue(kChar, kLastString, 2);
case kVarChar:
return TypedValue(kVarChar, kLastString, 2);
case kDatetime: {
DatetimeLit lit;
lit.ticks = std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max();
return TypedValue(lit);
case kDatetimeInterval: {
DatetimeIntervalLit lit;
lit.interval_ticks = std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max();
return TypedValue(lit);
case kYearMonthInterval: {
YearMonthIntervalLit lit;
lit.months = std::numeric_limits<std::int64_t>::max();
return TypedValue(lit);
FATAL_ERROR("Unknown Type encountered in GetLastValueForType() in "
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep