blob: e32652814c26dcec8257eaf5bd4f119066a20f10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011-2015 Quickstep Technologies LLC.
* Copyright 2015 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockInfo.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "types/operations/Operation.hpp"
#include "types/operations/Operation.pb.h"
#include "types/operations/binary_operations/BinaryOperationID.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
namespace quickstep {
class ColumnVector;
class Type;
class ValueAccessor;
/** \addtogroup Types
* @{
* @brief A binary operator which can be quickly applied to data items WITHOUT
* checking their types.
class UncheckedBinaryOperator {
* @brief Virtual destructor.
virtual ~UncheckedBinaryOperator() {
* @brief Apply to two TypedValues without type-checking.
* @param left The left argument TypedValue to apply to.
* @param right The right argument TypedValue to apply to.
* @return The literal result of the operation.
virtual TypedValue applyToTypedValues(const TypedValue &left,
const TypedValue &right) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to two data items via pointers without type-checking.
* @param left The left argument data item to apply to.
* @param right The right argument data item to apply to.
* @return The literal result of the operation.
virtual TypedValue applyToDataPtrs(const void *left,
const void *right) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to two equally-sized vectors of values without type-checking.
* @param left The left argument ColumnVector to apply to.
* @param right The right argument ColumnVector to apply to.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToColumnVectors(
const ColumnVector &left,
const ColumnVector &right) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to a vector of values on the left with a fixed static value
* on the right.
* @param left The left argument ColumnVector to apply to.
* @param right The right static value to apply to.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToColumnVectorAndStaticValue(
const ColumnVector &left,
const TypedValue &right) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to a fixed static value on the left with a vector of values
* on the right.
* @param left The left static value to apply to.
* @param right The right argument ColumnVector to apply to.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToStaticValueAndColumnVector(
const TypedValue &left,
const ColumnVector &right) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to two attributes of all tuples in a ValueAccessor.
* @param accessor The ValueAccessor to apply to.
* @param left_id The attribute ID of the left argument in accessor.
* @param right_id The attribute ID of the right argument in accessor.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToSingleValueAccessor(
ValueAccessor *accessor,
const attribute_id left_id,
const attribute_id right_id) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to an attribute of all tuples in a ValueAccessor on the left
* with a fixed static value on the right.
* @param left_accessor The ValueAccessor to apply to.
* @param left_id The attribute ID of the left argument in accessor.
* @param right The right static value to apply to.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToValueAccessorAndStaticValue(
ValueAccessor *left_accessor,
const attribute_id left_id,
const TypedValue &right) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to a fixed static value on the left and an attribute of all
* tuples in a ValueAccessor on the right.
* @param left The left static value to apply to.
* @param right_accessor The ValueAccessor to apply to.
* @param right_id The attribute ID of the right argument in accessor.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToStaticValueAndValueAccessor(
const TypedValue &left,
ValueAccessor *right_accessor,
const attribute_id right_id) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to a vector of values on the left and an attribute of all
* tuples in a ValueAccessor on the right.
* @param left The left argument ColumnVector to apply to.
* @param right_accessor The ValueAccessor to apply to.
* @param right_id The attribute ID of the right argument in accessor.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToColumnVectorAndValueAccessor(
const ColumnVector &left,
ValueAccessor *right_accessor,
const attribute_id right_id) const = 0;
* @brief Apply to an attribute of all tuples in a ValueAccessor on the keft
* and a vector of values on the right.
* @param left_accessor The ValueAccessor to apply to.
* @param left_id The attribute ID of the left argument in accessor.
* @param right The right argument ColumnVector to apply to.
* @return A ColumnVector of literal results of the operation.
virtual ColumnVector* applyToValueAccessorAndColumnVector(
ValueAccessor *left_accessor,
const attribute_id left_id,
const ColumnVector &right) const = 0;
virtual ColumnVector* applyToValueAccessorAndStaticValueForJoin(
ValueAccessor *left_accessor,
const bool left_accessor_is_left_relation,
const attribute_id left_id,
const TypedValue &right,
const std::vector<std::pair<tuple_id, tuple_id>> &joined_tuple_ids) const = 0;
virtual ColumnVector* applyToStaticValueAndValueAccessorForJoin(
const TypedValue &left,
ValueAccessor *right_accessor,
const bool right_accessor_is_left_relation,
const attribute_id right_id,
const std::vector<std::pair<tuple_id, tuple_id>> &joined_tuple_ids) const = 0;
virtual ColumnVector* applyToColumnVectorAndValueAccessorForJoin(
const ColumnVector &left,
ValueAccessor *right_accessor,
const bool right_accessor_is_left_relation,
const attribute_id right_id,
const std::vector<std::pair<tuple_id, tuple_id>> &joined_tuple_ids) const = 0;
virtual ColumnVector* applyToValueAccessorAndColumnVectorForJoin(
ValueAccessor *left_accessor,
const bool left_accessor_is_left_relation,
const attribute_id left_id,
const ColumnVector &right,
const std::vector<std::pair<tuple_id, tuple_id>> &joined_tuple_ids) const = 0;
virtual ColumnVector* applyToValueAccessorsForJoin(
ValueAccessor *left_accessor,
const bool left_accessor_is_left_relation,
const attribute_id left_id,
ValueAccessor *right_accessor,
const bool right_accessor_is_left_relation,
const attribute_id right_id,
const std::vector<std::pair<tuple_id, tuple_id>> &joined_tuple_ids) const = 0;
* @brief Apply binary operator on column vector accumulating on the current
* value. This is useful for summing/multiplying the values of the column
* vector returning the sum/product of that value with current value.
* Essentially, this does the following:
* for (value in column_values) {
* if (value NOT NULL) {
* current = current OP value;
* }
* }
* @param current The current (or initial) value. The running current value
* is always the left operand.
* @param column_vector Column vector to accumulate on. The column value is
* always the right operand. NULL values in the column are ignored.
* @param num_tuples_applied An output argument to indicate the number of
* tuples in column vector where the operator was applied. NULL values
* are not counted. This is number of tuples in column vector in
* non-nullable column vectors, and number of tuples with non-NULL
* values in nullable column vectors.
* @note Left type should be same as result type to use this method.
virtual TypedValue accumulateColumnVector(
const TypedValue &current,
const ColumnVector &column_vector,
std::size_t *num_tuples_applied) const = 0;
* @brief Apply binary operator on a column in value accessor accumulating on
* the current value. This is useful for summing/multiplying the values of the
* column returning the sum/product of that value with current value.
* Essentially, this does the following:
* for (value in column_values) {
* if (value NOT NULL) {
* current = current OP value;
* }
* }
* @param current The current (or initial) value. The running current value
* is always the left operand.
* @param accessor The value accessor to which the column accumulated on
* belongs to. The column value is always the right operand. NULL
* values in the column are ignored.
* @param value_accessor_id The attribute ID in the accessor on which to
* accumulate.
* @param num_tuples_applied An output argument to indicate the number of
* tuples in column where the operator was applied. NULL values are not
* counted. This is number of tuples in column in non-nullable columns,
* and number of tuples with non-NULL values in nullable columns.
* @note Left type should be same as result type to use this method.
virtual TypedValue accumulateValueAccessor(
const TypedValue &current,
ValueAccessor *accessor,
const attribute_id value_accessor_id,
std::size_t *num_tuples_applied) const = 0;
UncheckedBinaryOperator() {
* @brief An operation which has two arguments and returns a single TypedValue.
* @note When any argument of a BinaryOperation is a NULL value, the result is
* always NULL.
class BinaryOperation : public Operation {
* @brief Generate a serialized Protocol Buffer representation of
* this BinaryOperation.
* @return The serialized Protocol Buffer representation of
* this BinaryOperation.
serialization::BinaryOperation getProto() const;
* @brief Determine the ID of this BinaryOperation
* @return The ID of this BinaryOperation
inline BinaryOperationID getBinaryOperationID() const {
return operation_id_;
* @brief Get a human-readable name for this BinaryOperation.
* @return A human-readable name for this BinaryOperation.
virtual std::string getName() const {
return kBinaryOperationNames[static_cast<std::size_t>(operation_id_)];
* @brief Get a human-readable short name (e.g. "+", "-", "*", "/") for this
* BinaryOperation.
* @return A human-readable short name for this BinaryOperation.
virtual std::string getShortName() const {
return kBinaryOperationShortNames[static_cast<std::size_t>(operation_id_)];
* @brief Determine whether this BinaryOperation can apply to the specified
* Types.
* @note When the Types that an operator can apply to are changed,
* its definition in the function catalog of the query optimizer
* needs to be modified accordingly.
* @param left The left argument Type to check.
* @param right The right argument Type to check.
* @return Whether this BinaryOperation can apply to left and right.
virtual bool canApplyToTypes(const Type &left, const Type &right) const = 0;
* @brief Determine the Type of the result from applying this BinaryOperation
* to arguments of the specified Types.
* @param left The left argument Type to check.
* @param right The right argument Type to check.
* @return The Type of the result from applying this BinaryOperation to left
* and right (NULL if not applicable).
virtual const Type* resultTypeForArgumentTypes(const Type &left, const Type &right) const = 0;
* @brief Similar to resultTypeForArgumentTypes(), but allows either or both
* argument types to be NULL to indicate an unknown (but presumed
* nullable) type. If the return type can be unambiguously determined
* based on the incomplete information about the argument types, that
* will be returned. Otherwise, NULL will be returned.
* @note This method returns NULL in cases where the return Type is
* ambiguous, and also in cases where this BinaryOperation can not
* possibly be applied to argument(s) of one of the known types left or
* right. See also partialTypeSignatureIsPlausible(), which will return
* true in the former case (ambiguous result type) but false in the
* latter (can not apply to specfied argument types).
* @param left The left argument Type, or NULL if unknown (but presumed
* nullable).
* @param right The right argument Type, or NULL if unknown (but presumed
* nullable).
* @return The result Type for the given partial argument type information,
* if such a result Type can be unambiguously determined. Otherwise
virtual const Type* resultTypeForPartialArgumentTypes(const Type *left,
const Type *right) const = 0;
* @brief Determine if an incomplete type signature is plausible for this
* BinaryOperation. Specifically, checks if for each unknown Type in
* the partial Type signature, there is some concrete Type that could
* be substituted such that the overall signature becomes valid.
* @param result_type The result Type for this BinaryOperation, or NULL if
* unknown.
* @param left_argument_type The Type for the left argument to this
* BinaryOperation, or NULL if unknown (but presumed nullable).
* @param right_argument_type The Type for the right argument to this
* BinaryOperation, or NULL if unknown (but presumed nullable).
* @return true if the specified partial Type signature is plausible.
virtual bool partialTypeSignatureIsPlausible(const Type *result_type,
const Type *left_argument_type,
const Type *right_argument_type) const = 0;
// TODO(chasseur): This hinting interface is currently rather rudimentary,
// and we would like it to be more flexible to capture the full semantics of
// binary operations. Three issues immediately come to mind:
// 1. We should be able to use a category of Types or multiple Types as
// a hint. For example, if we hint that the result of
// DivideBinaryOperation should be DatetimeIntervalType, we know that
// the hint for the left argument should be DatetimeIntervalType, but
// the hint for the right argument can be any numeric type.
// 2. We should know something about whether or not a BinaryOperation is
// commutative with respect to its argument types. For example,
// AddBinaryOperation is commutative. If we hint that its result
// should be DatetimeType, then one of its arguments should be
// DatetimeType and the other should be one of the interval types, but
// which is left and which is right does not matter (although it does
// matter that there is one of each).
// 3. We may want to use "sideways" hinting, where we tentatively resolve
// the types for arguments and note where we encounter "strong"
// information about what a type should be (i.e. from the catalog or
// an explicitly-typed literal in the parser), then using that to help
// hint "weak" guesses about typing for the other argument.
// These issues can be difficult to solve in general, and it may not be worth
// doing in the current optimizer if another more sophisticated optimizer
// frontend is to be added in the future.
* @brief Get a pair of "hint" Types for the arguments to this
* BinaryOperation based on a hint for this BinaryOperation's result
* type. If possible, returns pointers to Types that, when given to
* this BinaryOperation as arguments, yield values of the desired type
* (i.e. calling resultTypeForArgumentTypes() on the returned types
* should return the original type_hint).
* This method is designed to help the query optimizer's Resolver determine
* the type of literal values that appear in SQL queries. The Resolver
* propagates known Type information (e.g. from the Catalog) top-down through
* parsed expression trees, eventually using a Type hint at a leaf
* ParseLiteralValue node in the tree to concretize that literal value as the
* appropriate Type. This is especially important for NULL literals that
* appear in SQL queries, because a NULL by itself does not convey any type
* information and could be an instance of any nullable type. Hints generated
* by this method are to be treated as hints only, not as hard or
* authoritative requirements. After resolving literals, the Resolver
* propagates known concrete Types bottom-up through the tree and explicitly
* checks canApplyToTypes() for correctness.
* @note In some cases, either or both arguments could take on more than one
* possible Type and this BinaryOperation would still yield the
* specified result_type_hint (e.g. for arithmetic operations, if
* result_type_hint is DoubleType, then the arguments could both be
* DoubleType, or DoubleType and a different numeric Type, or even
* LongType and FloatType). In such cases, the most precise suitable
* Type is used as the hint.
* @note In some cases, the choice of argument Type hints for a given
* result_type_hint is ambiguous and there is no single precise Type
* that can represent values of any of the possible argument types
* (e.g. an addition returning Datetime could be
* Datetime + DatetimeInterval, DatetimeInterval + Datetime,
* Datetime + YearMonthInterval, or YearMonthInterval + Datetime, and
* none of these Types is coercible to the others or to a common more
* precise type). In such cases, NULL is used to represent an ambiguous
* or unknown hint.
* @param result_type_hint A hint about what Type the result of this
* BinaryOperation should have. May be NULL to indicate no preference.
* @return A pair of type hints for the left and right arguments to this
* BinaryOperation based on type_hint, or NULL if no suitable Type
* exists or if the hint is ambiguous.
virtual std::pair<const Type*, const Type*> pushDownTypeHint(
const Type *result_type_hint) const = 0;
* @brief Apply this BinaryOperation to two TypedValues.
* @warning It is an error to call this method if this BinaryOperation can
* not be applied to arguments of the specified types. If in doubt,
* check canApplyToTypes() first.
* @param left The left argument TypedValue to apply to.
* @param left_type The Type that left belongs to.
* @param right The right argument TypedValue to apply to.
* @param right_type The Type that right belongs to.
* @return The literal result of the operation.
virtual TypedValue applyToChecked(const TypedValue &left,
const Type &left_type,
const TypedValue &right,
const Type &right_type) const = 0;
* @brief Create an UncheckedBinaryOperator which can apply to items of the
* specified types.
* @warning The resulting UncheckedBinaryOperator performs no type-checking
* whatsoever. Nonetheless, it is useful in situations where many
* data items of the same, known types are to be operated on (for
* example, over many tuples in the same table).
* @param left The left argument Type to compare.
* @param right The right argument Type to compare.
* @return An UncheckedBinaryOperator which applies this BinaryOperation to
* the specified Types.
* @exception OperationInapplicableToType This BinaryOperation is not
* applicable to either left or right.
virtual UncheckedBinaryOperator* makeUncheckedBinaryOperatorForTypes(const Type &left,
const Type &right) const = 0;
explicit BinaryOperation(const BinaryOperationID operation_id)
: Operation(Operation::kBinaryOperation,
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<BinaryOperationID>::type>(operation_id)],
static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<BinaryOperationID>::type>(operation_id)]),
operation_id_(operation_id) {
const BinaryOperationID operation_id_;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep