blob: a1f261993a90e50cba4e1e06d1752250a6c5c73a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace quickstep {
/** \addtogroup Utility
* @{
* @brief A directed acyclic graph whose nodes each contain a payload. DAG owns
* all node payloads. The link metadata should be copyable.
template<class T, class LinkMetadataT>
class DAG {
class DAGNode;
typedef typename std::vector<DAGNode>::size_type size_type_nodes;
typedef typename std::unordered_set<size_type_nodes>::const_iterator const_iterator_dependencies;
typedef typename std::unordered_map<size_type_nodes, LinkMetadataT>::const_iterator const_iterator_dependents;
* @brief Constructor.
DAG() {
* @brief Returns the payload of the specified node.
* @param node_index The index of the specified node.
* @return A const reference to the payload of the specified node.
inline const T& getNodePayload(const size_type_nodes node_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(node_index, nodes_.size());
return nodes_[node_index].getPayload();
* @brief Returns the (mutable) pointer to payload of the specified node.
* @param node_index The index of the specified node.
* @return A mutable Pointer to the payload of the specified node.
inline T* getNodePayloadMutable(const size_type_nodes node_index) {
DCHECK_LT(node_index, nodes_.size());
return nodes_[node_index].getPayloadMutable();
* @brief Get the nodes dependent on the specified node.
* @param node_index The index of the specified node.
* @return An unordered set made of the indices of the dependents of the
* specified node.
inline const std::unordered_map<size_type_nodes, LinkMetadataT>& getDependents(
const size_type_nodes node_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(node_index, nodes_.size());
return nodes_[node_index].getDependents();
* @brief Get the dependencies of the specified node.
* @param node_index The index of the specified node.
* @return An unordered set made of the indices of the dependencies of the
* specified node.
inline const std::unordered_set<size_type_nodes>& getDependencies(const size_type_nodes node_index) const {
DCHECK_LT(node_index, nodes_.size());
return nodes_[node_index].getDependencies();
* @brief Adds a node with the specified paylod to the DAG. DAG takes
* ownership of payload
* @param payload A pointer to the payload.
* @return The index of the new DAGNode in the DAG.
size_type_nodes createNode(T *payload) {
return nodes_.size() - 1;
* @brief Connects a dependent to dependancy and vice versa.
* @param dependency_index Index of the dependency node in the DAG.
* @param dependent_index Index of the dependent node in the DAG.
* @param link_metadata The metadata of the link between dependency_index
* and dependent_index.
void createLink(const size_type_nodes dependency_index,
const size_type_nodes dependent_index,
const LinkMetadataT &link_metadata) {
DCHECK_LT(dependency_index, nodes_.size());
DCHECK_LT(dependent_index, nodes_.size());
nodes_[dependency_index].addDependent(dependent_index, link_metadata);
* @brief Set the metadata of the link between dependency and dependent node.
* @note As this is a directed graph, this method adds metadata to only a
* single directed edge.
* @note This method is meant to modify the metadata of an existing link
* between the two nodes.
* @param dependency_index Index of the dependency node in the DAG.
* @param dependent_index Index of the dependent node in the DAG.
* @param link_metadata The metadata of the link between dependency_index
* and dependent_index.
void setLinkMetadata(const size_type_nodes dependency_index,
const size_type_nodes dependent_index,
const LinkMetadataT &link_metadata) {
nodes_[dependency_index].setLinkMetadata(dependent_index, link_metadata);
* @brief Get the metadata of the link between two nodes.
* @param dependency_index Index of the dependency node in the DAG.
* @param dependent_index Index of the dependent node in the DAG.
const LinkMetadataT& getLinkMetadata(const size_type_nodes dependency_index,
const size_type_nodes dependent_index) {
return nodes_[dependency_index].getLinkMetadata(dependent_index);
* @brief Divides the nodes into a sequence of stages where each stage is a
* pair of vectors of node indices.
* @return A pair of vectors of node indices. The first vector is the indices
* of the nodes that can start at the stage, the second is the
* indices of the nodes that must finish in (or before) the stage.
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<size_type_nodes>,
std::vector<size_type_nodes> > > computeStageSequence() const;
* @brief Checks if there is a cycle in the directed graph.
* @return True if a cycle is present, false if cycle is absent.
const bool hasCycle() const;
* @brief Get the number of nodes in the DAG.
const size_type_nodes size() const {
return nodes_.size();
* @brief Get a begin iterator on the node IDs of the dependencies of the node
* at the given index.
* @param node_index The index of the given node.
* @return A const begin iterator on the list of node IDs of the dependencies
* of the node at the given index.
inline const_iterator_dependencies begin_dependencies(size_type_nodes node_index) const {
return nodes_[node_index].getDependencies().begin();
* @brief Get a begin iterator on the node IDs of the dependents. of the node
* at the given index.
* @param node_index The index of the given node.
* @return A const begin iterator on the list of node IDs of the dependents
* of the node at the given index.
inline const_iterator_dependents begin_dependents(size_type_nodes node_index) const {
return nodes_[node_index].getDependents().begin();
* @brief Get an end iterator on the node IDs of the dependencies of the node
* at the given index.
* @param node_index The index of the given node.
* @return A const end iterator on the list of node IDs of the dependencies of
* the node at the given index.
inline const_iterator_dependencies end_dependencies(size_type_nodes node_index) const {
return nodes_[node_index].getDependencies().end();
* @brief Get an end iterator on the node IDs of the dependents of the node
* at the given index.
* @param node_index The index of the given node.
* @return A const end iterator on the list of node IDs of the dependents of
* the node at the given index.
inline const_iterator_dependents end_dependents(size_type_nodes node_index) const {
return nodes_[node_index].getDependents().end();
* @brief A node in the DAG which contains a payload. DAGNode owns its
* payload.
class DAGNode {
* @brief Constructor.
* @param payload A data payload that the DAGNode owns.
explicit DAGNode(T *payload)
: payload_(payload) {
* @brief Default move constructor.
DAGNode(DAGNode &&other) = default;
* @brief Returns the set of dependencies on the node.
* @return The unordered set of dependencies.
inline const std::unordered_set<size_type_nodes>& getDependencies() const {
return dependencies_;
/** @brief Returns the set of dependents on the node.
* @return The unordered set of dependents.
inline const std::unordered_map<size_type_nodes, LinkMetadataT>& getDependents() const {
return dependents_with_metadata_;
* @brief Adds the index of dependent node in vector of nodes from DAG and
* adds the link metadata.
* @param node_index Index of dependent node in vector of nodes from DAG.
* @param link_metadata The metadata of the link between this node and the
* node at node_index.
inline void addDependent(const size_type_nodes node_index, const LinkMetadataT &link_metadata) {
DCHECK(dependents_with_metadata_.find(node_index) == dependents_with_metadata_.end());
dependents_with_metadata_.emplace(node_index, link_metadata);
* @brief Set the metadata of the edge between this node and the node at
* node_index.
* @param node_index The index of the dependent node of this node.
* @param link_metadata The new metadata of the edge.
inline void setLinkMetadata(const size_type_nodes node_index, const LinkMetadataT &link_metadata) {
DCHECK(dependents_with_metadata_.find(node_index) != dependents_with_metadata_.end());
dependents_with_metadata_[node_index] = link_metadata;
* @brief Gets the metadata of the edge between this node and the node at
* node_index.
* @param node_index The index of the dependent node of this node.
* @return The metadata of the link.
inline const LinkMetadataT& getLinkMetadata(const size_type_nodes node_index) {
DCHECK(dependents_with_metadata_.find(node_index) != dependents_with_metadata_.end());
return dependents_with_metadata_[node_index];
* @brief Adds the index of dependency node in vector of nodes from DAG.
* @param node_index Index of dependency node in vector of nodes from DAG.
inline void addDependency(const size_type_nodes node_index) {
* @brief Returns a pointer to the payload represented by the DAG node.
* @return Pointer to the payload represented by the DAG node.
inline T* getPayloadMutable() {
return payload_.get();
* @return A const reference to the payload.
inline const T& getPayload() const {
return *payload_;
std::unique_ptr<T> payload_;
std::unordered_set<size_type_nodes> dependencies_;
// Key: Dependent node's index.
// Value: The metadata of the edge between this node and key.
std::unordered_map<size_type_nodes, LinkMetadataT> dependents_with_metadata_;
bool hasCycleHelper(const size_type_nodes node_index, std::vector<bool> *visited, std::vector<bool> *on_stack) const;
std::vector<DAGNode> nodes_;
template <class T, class LinkMetadataT>
const bool DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::hasCycle() const {
std::vector<bool> visited;
std::vector<bool> on_stack;
visited.resize(nodes_.size(), false);
on_stack.resize(nodes_.size(), false);
// Checking all nodes is required for disconnected components in DAG if any.
for (DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes curr_node_index = 0; curr_node_index < nodes_.size(); ++curr_node_index) {
if (hasCycleHelper(curr_node_index, &visited, &on_stack)) {
return true;
return false;
template <class T, class LinkMetadataT>
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes>,
std::vector<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes> > >
DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::computeStageSequence() const {
// The algorithm operates in two passes. First, it traverses the graph
// structure backwards, starting at the nodes with no dependencies and
// determines the finish-stage for each node. In the second pass, each node
// is assigned a start stage, which is the maximum of the finish stages of
// its dependencies, plus one (nodes with no dependencies get a start stage
// of 0).
std::vector<std::size_t> node_finish_stage_offsets; // negative offset from end of stages
std::vector<std::size_t> node_start_stages;
const std::size_t num_nodes = nodes_.size();
node_start_stages.resize(num_nodes, 0);
node_finish_stage_offsets.resize(num_nodes, 0);
std::unordered_set<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes> current_stage_finish;
for (DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes node_index = 0;
node_index < num_nodes;
++node_index) {
if (nodes_[node_index].getDependents().empty()) {
node_finish_stage_offsets[node_index] = 1;
std::size_t num_stages = 1;
while (!current_stage_finish.empty()) {
std::unordered_set<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes> prior_stage_finish;
for (typename std::unordered_set<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes>::const_iterator
current_node_iterator = current_stage_finish.begin();
current_node_iterator != current_stage_finish.end();
++current_node_iterator) {
// This will sometimes overwrite an already set finish_stage_offset to
// be even earlier. This is the correct behavior.
const DAGNode &current_dag_node = nodes_[*current_node_iterator];
for (typename std::unordered_set<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes>::const_iterator
dependency_node_iterator = current_dag_node.getDependencies().begin();
dependency_node_iterator != current_dag_node.getDependencies().end();
++dependency_node_iterator) {
node_finish_stage_offsets[*dependency_node_iterator] = num_stages;
// Don't check the return value of insert. If it fails, that means
// that this dependency_node is already in prior_stage_finish
// because it's a dependency of another node in current_stage_finish.
// The final iteration of the above loop doesn't actually make a new stage,
// so adjust num_stages to be correct.
for (DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes node_index = 0;
node_index < num_nodes;
++node_index) {
DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes node_start_stage = 0;
const DAGNode &dag_node_at_index = nodes_[node_index];
for (typename std::unordered_set<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes>::const_iterator
dependency_node_iterator = dag_node_at_index.getDependencies().begin();
dependency_node_iterator != dag_node_at_index.getDependencies().end();
++dependency_node_iterator) {
std::size_t candidate_start_stage = num_stages - node_finish_stage_offsets[*dependency_node_iterator] + 1;
if (candidate_start_stage > node_start_stage) {
node_start_stage = candidate_start_stage;
node_start_stages[node_index] = node_start_stage;
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes>,
std::vector<typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes> > > stages;
for (std::size_t node_index_pushed = 0;
node_index_pushed < num_nodes;
++node_index_pushed) {
stages[num_stages - node_finish_stage_offsets[node_index_pushed]].second.push_back(node_index_pushed);
return stages;
template <class T, class LinkMetadataT>
bool DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::hasCycleHelper(const typename DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::size_type_nodes node_index,
std::vector<bool> *visited,
std::vector<bool> *on_stack) const {
if (!(*visited)[node_index]) { // Skip if already visited
(*visited)[node_index] = true;
(*on_stack)[node_index] = true;
const DAG<T, LinkMetadataT>::DAGNode &dependent_node = nodes_[node_index];
for (auto dependent_iterator = dependent_node.getDependents().begin();
dependent_iterator != dependent_node.getDependents().end();
++dependent_iterator) {
// For all unvisited dependents of the current node in the DAG check
// for a cycle involving them by recursively calling hasCycleHelper.
if ((!(*visited)[dependent_iterator->first] && hasCycleHelper(dependent_iterator->first, visited, on_stack))
|| (*on_stack)[dependent_iterator->first]) {
return true;
(*on_stack)[node_index] = false;
return false;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep