blob: c1b9b68b40d2a7fed8d3de61e33a91ef8ab8d94b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "query_execution/QueryExecutionTypedefs.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "tmb/address.h"
#include "tmb/id_typedefs.h"
#include "tmb/message_bus.h"
#include "tmb/message_style.h"
#include "tmb/tagged_message.h"
namespace quickstep {
/** \addtogroup RelationalOperators
* @{
* @brief A single unit of work in a query plan, produced by a
* RelationalOperator. Where possible, WorkOrders should be of
* single-block granularity to maximize the opportunity for parallelism.
class WorkOrder {
* @brief Type of feedback message sent to relational operator.
* @note This is a per-operator type that is set and understood only by the
* relational operator.
typedef std::uint16_t FeedbackMessageType;
* @brief Header struct used in feedback message.
* @note This is a per-operator type that is set and understood only by the
* relational operator.
struct FeedbackMessageHeader {
std::size_t query_id;
std::size_t rel_op_index;
std::size_t payload_size;
FeedbackMessageType payload_type;
* @brief Header constructor.
* @param query_id The ID of the query.
* @param relational_op_index Index of the relation operator.
* @param payload_size Size of the payload of the message.
* @param payload_type Type of payload.
FeedbackMessageHeader(const std::size_t query_id,
const std::size_t relational_op_index,
const std::size_t payload_size,
const FeedbackMessageType payload_type)
: query_id(query_id),
payload_type(payload_type) {}
* @brief A generic tagged message that can be sent from work order to
* relational operator.
class FeedbackMessage {
* @brief Feedback message constructor.
* @param type Type of the message.
* @param query_id The ID of the query.
* @param rel_op_index Relational operator index.
* @param payload Blob of payload.
* @param payload_size Size of the payload blob.
* @param ownership Whether to take ownership of the payload blob.
FeedbackMessage(const FeedbackMessageType type,
const std::size_t query_id,
const std::size_t rel_op_index,
void *payload,
const std::size_t payload_size,
const bool ownership = true)
: header_(query_id, rel_op_index, payload_size, type),
ownership_(ownership) {}
* @brief Deserializing feedback message constructor.
* @param serialized_bytes Serialized byte stream of feedback message.
* @param num_bytes Number of bytes in stream.
* @param copy_payload Copy payload and take ownership.
FeedbackMessage(void *serialized_bytes,
const std::size_t num_bytes,
const bool copy_payload = false)
: header_(*static_cast<const FeedbackMessageHeader *>(serialized_bytes)),
ownership_(copy_payload) {
CHECK_EQ(num_bytes, sizeof(header_) + header_.payload_size);
if (copy_payload) {
payload_ = static_cast<char *>(std::malloc(header_.payload_size));
static_cast<const char *>(serialized_bytes) + sizeof(header_),
} else {
payload_ = static_cast<char *>(serialized_bytes) + sizeof(header_);
* @brief Move constructor.
* @param orig Message to be moved.
FeedbackMessage(FeedbackMessage &&orig)
: header_(orig.header_),
ownership_(orig.ownership_) {
orig.header_.payload_size = 0;
orig.payload_ = nullptr;
* @brief Move assignment.
* @param orig Message to be moved.
FeedbackMessage& operator=(FeedbackMessage &&orig) {
if (this != &orig) {
if (ownership_) {
header_ = orig.header_;
payload_ = orig.payload_;
ownership_ = orig.ownership_;
orig.payload_ = nullptr;
orig.header_.payload_size = 0;
return *this;
* @brief Destructor.
virtual ~FeedbackMessage() {
if (ownership_) {
* @brief Serialize the feedback message into a byte stream.
* @return A pair containing the message stream and the message size.
* @note The caller is responsible for freeing the byte stream.
std::pair<void*, std::size_t> serializeMessage() const {
char *msg = static_cast<char *>(
std::malloc(sizeof(header_) + header_.payload_size));
CHECK(nullptr != msg) << "Unable to allocate byte stream.";
std::memcpy(msg, &header_, sizeof(header_));
std::memcpy(msg + sizeof(header_), payload_, header_.payload_size);
return std::make_pair(msg, sizeof(header_) + header_.payload_size);
* @brief Message type accessor.
FeedbackMessageType type() const { return header_.payload_type; }
* @brief Header accessor.
const FeedbackMessageHeader& header() const { return header_; }
* @brief Payload accessor.
const void* payload() const { return payload_; }
* @brief Payload size accessor.
std::size_t payload_size() const { return header_.payload_size; }
* @brief Ownership.
bool ownership() const { return ownership_; }
* @brief Drop ownership.
* @note The entity calling this should take responsibility of freeing the
* payload.
void dropOwnership() {
ownership_ = false;
FeedbackMessageHeader header_;
void* payload_;
bool ownership_;
* @brief Virtual destructor.
virtual ~WorkOrder() {}
* @brief Run this WorkOrder in the calling thread.
virtual void execute() = 0;
* @brief Get the preferred NUMA node(s) where this WorkOrder should be
* executed.
* @return A vector of preferred NUMA nodes. An empty vector indicates that
* the WorkOrder can be executed on any NUMA node.
const std::vector<int>& getPreferredNUMANodes() const {
return preferred_numa_nodes_;
* @brief Send message to relational operator.
* @param bus A pointer to the TMB.
* @param sender_id The client ID of the sender.
* @param receiver_id The client ID of the receiver.
* @param feedback_msg Feedback message to be sent to relational operator.
static void SendFeedbackMessage(tmb::MessageBus *bus,
tmb::client_id sender_id,
tmb::client_id receiver_id,
const FeedbackMessage &feedback_msg) {
std::pair<void *, std::size_t> stream = feedback_msg.serializeMessage();
tmb::TaggedMessage msg;
msg.acquire_message(stream.first, stream.second, kWorkOrderFeedbackMessage);
tmb::Address receiver_address;
tmb::MessageStyle single_receiver_style;
DCHECK(bus != nullptr);
DLOG(INFO) << "WorkOrder sent WorkOrderFeedbackMessage (typed '" << kWorkOrderFeedbackMessage
<< "') to Scheduler with TMB client ID " << receiver_id;
const tmb::MessageBus::SendStatus send_status =
CHECK(send_status == tmb::MessageBus::SendStatus::kOK);
* @brief Get the ID of the query which this WorkOder belongs to.
inline const std::size_t getQueryID() const {
return query_id_;
* @brief Constructor.
* @param query_id The ID of the query to which this WorkOrder belongs.
explicit WorkOrder(const std::size_t query_id)
: query_id_(query_id) {}
const std::size_t query_id_;
// A vector of preferred NUMA node IDs where this workorder should be executed.
// These node IDs typically indicate the NUMA node IDs of the input(s) of the
// workorder. Derived classes should ensure that there are no duplicate entries
// in this vector.
std::vector<int> preferred_numa_nodes_;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep