blob: fc6f4e2a12fcf51dbd1794183a9d5807b24df128 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011-2015 Quickstep Technologies LLC.
* Copyright 2015 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include "types/Type.pb.h"
#include "types/TypeID.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace quickstep {
struct DatetimeIntervalLit;
struct DatetimeLit;
struct YearMonthIntervalLit;
/** \addtogroup Types
* @{
// TODO(chasseur) Adding a new Type and wiring it up in all the right places is
// a complicated process, as evidenced by the steps outlined below. A
// boilerplate template system to automate some of the process would be
// very desirable.
* @brief A type in Quickstep's type system. Each exact concrete Type is a
* singleton.
* @note The following is a brief (and not very detailed) guide to adding a new
* Type to Quickstep:
* 1. Add a new TypeID and name for the Type in TypeID.hpp.
* 2. Add a new TypeID to Type.proto, and if necessary define any
* extensions needed to serialize/deserialize the Type.
* 3. Write a new subclass of Type to represent the Type. Concrete
* Types are Meyers-style singletons. See DatetimeType for a simple
* example of a Type that doesn't have any extra parameters, and
* see CharType for an example that has different instances for
* different lengths.
* 4. Modify TypeFactory so that it can instantiate and deserialize
* your Type.
* 5. Modify the SQL lexer (parser/SqlLexer.lpp) to add a token for
* your Type's name, and modify the SQL parser
* (parser/SqlParser.ypp) to add a case for your Type in the
* 'data_type' node.
* 6. Modify the SQL parser to parse literal values of your class as
* a ParseLiteralValue (there is WIP on string-parsing that will
* eliminate this requirement soon).
* 7. (OPTIONAL) If your new Type is fixed-length and values are 8
* bytes or less, you may want to modify TypedValue to store it
* inline. This is purely a performance optimization and is not
* necessary for correctness.
* 8. (OPTIONAL) If you want to be able to use existing operations from
* types/operations on your Type (e.g. if your type is "number-like"
* and you want to do arithmetic on it), modify the operations in
* question to take the new Type into account.
* 8.a. If you wish your new Type to be sortable or compressable, you
* should modify LessComparison (or the BasicComparison base
* class) to deal with it.
* 8.b. If you wish your new Type to be usable as a key in a HashTable,
* you should modify EqualComparison (or the BasicComparison base
* class) to deal with it. Note that the default hash function
* assumes that two values that have (some) differing bytes are
* never considered equal. If this is not the case, you must also
* modify TypedValue::getHash() to deal with your Type as a
* special case.
class Type {
* @brief Categories of intermediate supertypes.
enum SuperTypeID {
kNumeric = 0, // Fixed-length numeric types (Int, Long, Float, Double)
kAsciiString, // ASCII strings (Char, VarChar)
kOther // Others (Datetime, DatetimeInterval, YearMonthInterval)
* @brief Virtual destructor.
virtual ~Type() {
* @brief Generate a serialized Protocol Buffer representation of this Type.
* @return The serialized Protocol Buffer representation of this Type.
virtual serialization::Type getProto() const;
* @brief Determine what supertype this type belongs to.
* @return The ID of the supertype this type belongs to.
inline SuperTypeID getSuperTypeID() const {
return super_type_id_;
* @brief Determine the TypeID of this object.
* @return The ID of this type.
inline TypeID getTypeID() const {
return type_id_;
* @brief Determine whether this Type allows NULL values.
* @return Whether this Type allows NULLs.
inline bool isNullable() const {
return nullable_;
* @brief Get this Type's signature.
* @note The signature does not necessarily uniquely identify this Type. It
* merely provides some basic information for debugging that can be
* passed to TypedValue::isPlausibleInstanceOf().
* @return This Type's signature.
inline TypeSignature getSignature() const {
TypeSignature sig; = type_id_;
sig.nullable = nullable_;
switch (type_id_) {
case kChar:
sig.length = maximum_byte_length_;
case kVarChar:
sig.length = maximum_byte_length_ - 1;
sig.length = 0;
return sig;
* @brief Get a nullable (but otherwise identical) version of this type.
* @return This Type's nullable counterpart (or this Type itself if already
* nullable).
virtual const Type& getNullableVersion() const = 0;
* @brief Get a non-nullable (but otherwise identical) version of this type.
* @return This Type's non-nullable counterpart (or this Type itself if
* already non-nullable).
virtual const Type& getNonNullableVersion() const = 0;
* @brief Determine whether data items of this type have variable
* byte-length.
* @return Whether this is a variable-length type.
inline bool isVariableLength() const {
return minimum_byte_length_ != maximum_byte_length_;
* @brief Determine the minimum number of bytes used by data items of this
* type.
* @note If isVariableLength() is false, this is equivalent to
* maximumByteLength().
* @return The minimum number of bytes used by any data item of this type.
inline std::size_t minimumByteLength() const {
return minimum_byte_length_;
* @brief Determine the maximum number of bytes used by data items of this
* type.
* @note If isVariableLength() is false, this is equivalent to
* minimumByteLength().
* @return The maximum number of bytes used by any data item of this type.
inline std::size_t maximumByteLength() const {
return maximum_byte_length_;
* @brief Estimate the average number of bytes used by data items of this
* type. These estimates may be used in query planning and determining
* StorageBlock layout.
* @note If isVariableLength() is false, this is the same as
* minimumByteLength() and maximumByteLength().
* @return An estimate of the average number of bytes used by data items of
* this type.
virtual std::size_t estimateAverageByteLength() const = 0;
* @brief Determine whether this Type is exactly the same as another.
* @note Because all exact types are singletons, a simple pointer
* equality-check is usable here, but this method should be used in
* case this behavior might change in the future.
* @param other The Type to check for equality.
* @return Whether this Type and other are the same.
bool equals(const Type &other) const {
return (this == &other);
* @brief Determine whether data items of another Type can be converted to
* this type.
* @note This method only determines whether coercion is possible (truncation
* or loss of precision may still occur). To determine if coercion is
* possible without loss of precision, use isSafelyCoercibleFrom()
* instead.
* @note It is NOT possible to coerce a nullable type to a non-nullable type,
* even if coercion would otherwise be possible.
* @param original_type The original Type for coercion to this Type.
* @return true if coercion is supported, false otherwise.
virtual bool isCoercibleFrom(const Type &original_type) const = 0;
* @brief Determine whether data items of another type can be coerced (used
* as or converted to) this Type without truncation or loss of
* precision.
* @note It is NOT possible to coerce a nullable type to a non-nullable type,
* even if coercion would otherwise be possible.
* @note Integer types are safely coercible to other integer or
* floating-poin types of equal or greater length.
* @note Floating-point types are safely coercible to other floating-point
* types of equal or greater precision.
* @note ASCII string types are safely coercible to other ASCII string types
* of equal or greater maximum length.
* @warning Integer types are considered safely coercible to floating-point
* types of the same length, although for some large integer values
* this can lead to rounding off some of the lowest-magnitude binary
* digits.
* @param original_type The original Type for coercion to this Type.
* @return true if coercion is supported, false otherwise.
virtual bool isSafelyCoercibleFrom(const Type &original_type) const = 0;
* @brief Determine whether data items of this type are always guaranteed to
* be valid instances of another type WITHOUT coercion. For example,
* a non-nullable type is subsumed by a nullable type that is
* otherwise identical, and a shorter VARCHAR is subsumed by a longer
* @note Because of issues of endianness, INT is not subsumed by LONG.
* Similarly, because a different number of bits are allocated to
* digits and mantissa in IEEE 754, FLOAT is not subsumed by DOUBLE.
* @param other The target Type to check whether this Type is strictly
* subsumed by.
* @return true if this Type is subsumed by other, false otherwise.
virtual bool isSubsumedBy(const Type &other) const {
return equals(other) || getNullableVersion().equals(other);
* @brief Get the name of this Type.
* @note Default version just returns the name from kTypeNames. Subclasses
* may override this to provided additional information, like lengths.
* @return The human-readable name of this Type (if the Type is nullable,
* this will include the NULL specifier).
virtual std::string getName() const {
return std::string(kTypeNames[getTypeID()]).append(nullable_ ? " NULL" : "");
* @brief Determine the maximum number of characters it takes to print a
* value of this Type.
* @note This counts only the characters needed to print non-NULL values of
* this type. NULL values are not directly printable by either
* Type::printValueToString() or Type::printValueToFile().
* @return The maximum number of characters used to print a value of this
* Type.
virtual int getPrintWidth() const = 0;
* @brief "Print" a value of this Type as a human-readable string.
* @warning It is an error to call this with a NULL value. This method prints
* non-NULL values only.
* @param value A value of this Type.
* @return The human-readable string representation of value.
virtual std::string printValueToString(const TypedValue &value) const = 0;
* @brief Print the human-readable string representation of a value of this
* type to a FILE stream.
* @warning It is an error to call this with a NULL value. This method prints
* non-NULL values only.
* @param value A value of this Type.
* @param file An open FILE stream to print to.
* @param padding If nonzero, left-pad the printed value with spaces up to
* this length. If padding is less than the number of characters
* needed to print the value, then more than padding characters will
* be printed (see getPrintWidth() for information about how long a
* printed string may be).
virtual void printValueToFile(const TypedValue &value,
FILE *file,
const int padding = 0) const = 0;
* @brief Make a TypedValue of this Type.
* @param value_ptr An untyped pointer to the data which will be represented
* as a TypedValue.
* @param value_size The size of the data at value_ptr in bytes. This may be
* omitted for numeric types, but must be explicitly specified for any
* other type. For Char and VarChar, this should include the
* terminating null character, if any.
* @return A TypedValue representing the data at value_ptr.
inline TypedValue makeValue(const void* value_ptr,
const std::size_t value_size = 0) const {
DCHECK(value_ptr != nullptr);
switch (type_id_) {
case kInt:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const int*>(value_ptr));
case kLong:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const std::int64_t*>(value_ptr));
case kFloat:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const float*>(value_ptr));
case kDouble:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const double*>(value_ptr));
case kDatetime:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const DatetimeLit*>(value_ptr));
case kDatetimeInterval:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const DatetimeIntervalLit*>(value_ptr));
case kYearMonthInterval:
return TypedValue(*static_cast<const YearMonthIntervalLit*>(value_ptr));
case kNullType: {
LOG(FATAL) << "Calling makeValue() to make a non-null value for "
<< "NullType, which is impossible.";
DCHECK_NE(value_size, 0u);
DCHECK_LE(value_size, maximum_byte_length_);
return TypedValue(type_id_, value_ptr, value_size);
* @brief Make a NULL TypedValue of this Type.
* @return A NULL TypedValue of this Type.
inline TypedValue makeNullValue() const {
return TypedValue(type_id_);
* @brief Make a "zero" value of this Type.
* @note For arithmetic types that can be freely added, "zero" means the
* additive identity. For non-addable Types, there is no zero value and
* calling this method is an error.
* @return A zero value of this Type.
virtual TypedValue makeZeroValue() const {
LOG(FATAL) << "Called makeZeroValue() on Type " << getName()
<< ", which does not have a defined zero value.";
* @brief Parse a value of this type from its human-readable string
* representation.
* @param value_string The human-readable string representation of a value of
* this type.
* @param value Pointer to a TypedValue that will be overwritten with the
* parsed value.
* @return true if value_string was successfully parsed and value was
* written. false if value_string was not in the correct format.
virtual bool parseValueFromString(const std::string &value_string,
TypedValue *value) const = 0;
* @brief Coerce a value of another Type to this Type.
* @warning It is an error to call this method with an original_type that can
* not be coerced to this Type. If in doubt, check
* isCoercibleFrom().
* @note The base Type class provides a default implementation of this method
* that only allows coercing from the exact same Type or, if this Type
* is nullable, from the non-nullable version of a Type or the special
* NullType. Types that allow additional coercions should override this
* method.
* @param original_value The value to coerce to this Type.
* @param original_type The Type that original_value belongs to.
* @return A new TypedValue that represents original_value as an instance of
* this Type.
virtual TypedValue coerceValue(const TypedValue &original_value,
const Type &original_type) const;
Type(const SuperTypeID super_type_id,
const TypeID type_id,
const bool nullable,
const std::size_t minimum_byte_length,
const std::size_t maximum_byte_length)
: super_type_id_(super_type_id),
maximum_byte_length_(maximum_byte_length) {
const SuperTypeID super_type_id_;
const TypeID type_id_;
const bool nullable_;
const std::size_t minimum_byte_length_;
const std::size_t maximum_byte_length_;
* @brief A superclass for ASCII string types.
class AsciiStringSuperType : public Type {
bool isCoercibleFrom(const Type &original_type) const override;
* @brief Get the character-length of this string type.
* @return The maximum length of a string of this type.
inline std::size_t getStringLength() const {
return length_;
AsciiStringSuperType(const TypeID type_id,
const bool nullable,
const std::size_t minimum_byte_length,
const std::size_t maximum_byte_length,
const std::size_t string_length)
: Type(Type::kAsciiString, type_id, nullable, minimum_byte_length, maximum_byte_length),
length_(string_length) {
const std::size_t length_;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep