blob: 29388088cbd5540088abb4634e11308a0c67764b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#include "utility/ExecutionDAGVisualizer.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "catalog/CatalogRelationSchema.hpp"
#include "query_execution/QueryExecutionTypedefs.hpp"
#include "query_optimizer/QueryPlan.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/AggregationOperator.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/BuildHashOperator.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/HashJoinOperator.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/RelationalOperator.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/SelectOperator.hpp"
#include "utility/DAG.hpp"
#include "utility/StringUtil.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace quickstep {
ExecutionDAGVisualizer::ExecutionDAGVisualizer(const QueryPlan &plan) {
// Do not display these relational operators in the graph.
std::set<std::string> no_display_op_names =
{ "DestroyHashOperator", "DropTableOperator" };
const auto &dag = plan.getQueryPlanDAG();
num_nodes_ = dag.size();
// Collect DAG vertices info.
std::vector<bool> display_ops(num_nodes_, false);
for (std::size_t node_index = 0; node_index < num_nodes_; ++node_index) {
const auto &node = dag.getNodePayload(node_index);
const std::string relop_name = node.getName();
if (no_display_op_names.find(relop_name) == no_display_op_names.end()) {
display_ops[node_index] = true;
NodeInfo &node_info = nodes_[node_index]; = node_index;
"[" + std::to_string(node.getOperatorIndex()) + "] " + relop_name);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, const CatalogRelationSchema*>> input_relations;
if (relop_name == "AggregationOperator") {
const AggregationOperator &aggregation_op =
static_cast<const AggregationOperator&>(node);
input_relations.emplace_back("input", &aggregation_op.input_relation());
} else if (relop_name == "BuildHashOperator") {
const BuildHashOperator &build_hash_op =
static_cast<const BuildHashOperator&>(node);
input_relations.emplace_back("input", &build_hash_op.input_relation());
} else if (relop_name == "HashJoinOperator") {
const HashJoinOperator &hash_join_op =
static_cast<const HashJoinOperator&>(node);
input_relations.emplace_back("probe side", &hash_join_op.probe_relation());
} else if (relop_name == "SelectOperator") {
const SelectOperator &select_op =
static_cast<const SelectOperator&>(node);
input_relations.emplace_back("input", &select_op.input_relation());
for (const auto &rel_pair : input_relations) {
if (!rel_pair.second->isTemporary()) {
rel_pair.first + " stored relation [" +
rel_pair.second->getName() + "]");
// Collect DAG edges info.
for (std::size_t node_index = 0; node_index < num_nodes_; ++node_index) {
if (display_ops[node_index]) {
for (const auto &link : dag.getDependents(node_index)) {
if (display_ops[link.first]) {
edges_.back().src_node_id = node_index;
edges_.back().dst_node_id = link.first;
edges_.back().is_pipeline_breaker = link.second;
void ExecutionDAGVisualizer::bindProfilingStats(
const std::vector<WorkOrderTimeEntry> &execution_time_records) {
std::vector<std::size_t> time_start(num_nodes_, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max());
std::vector<std::size_t> time_end(num_nodes_, 0);
std::vector<std::size_t> time_elapsed(num_nodes_, 0);
std::size_t overall_start_time = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
std::size_t overall_end_time = 0;
for (const auto &entry : execution_time_records) {
const std::size_t relop_index = entry.operator_id;
DCHECK_LT(relop_index, num_nodes_);
const std::size_t workorder_start_time = entry.start_time;
const std::size_t workorder_end_time = entry.end_time;
overall_start_time = std::min(overall_start_time, workorder_start_time);
overall_end_time = std::max(overall_end_time, workorder_end_time);
time_start[relop_index] =
std::min(time_start[relop_index], workorder_start_time);
time_end[relop_index] =
std::max(time_end[relop_index], workorder_end_time);
time_elapsed[relop_index] += (workorder_end_time - workorder_start_time);
double total_time_elapsed = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < time_elapsed.size(); ++i) {
total_time_elapsed += time_elapsed[i];
std::vector<double> time_percentage(num_nodes_, 0);
std::vector<double> span_percentage(num_nodes_, 0);
double overall_span = overall_end_time - overall_start_time;
double max_percentage = 0;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < time_elapsed.size(); ++i) {
time_percentage[i] = time_elapsed[i] / total_time_elapsed * 100;
span_percentage[i] = (time_end[i] - time_start[i]) / overall_span * 100;
max_percentage = std::max(max_percentage, time_percentage[i] + span_percentage[i]);
for (std::size_t node_index = 0; node_index < num_nodes_; ++node_index) {
if (nodes_.find(node_index) != nodes_.end()) {
const std::size_t relop_start_time = time_start[node_index];
const std::size_t relop_end_time = time_end[node_index];
const std::size_t relop_elapsed_time = time_elapsed[node_index];
NodeInfo &node_info = nodes_[node_index];
const double hue =
(time_percentage[node_index] + span_percentage[node_index]) / max_percentage;
node_info.color = std::to_string(hue) + " " + std::to_string(hue) + " 1.0";
if (overall_start_time == 0) {
"span: " +
std::to_string((relop_end_time - relop_start_time) / 1000) + "ms");
} else {
"span: [" +
std::to_string((relop_start_time - overall_start_time) / 1000) + "ms, " +
std::to_string((relop_end_time - overall_start_time) / 1000) + "ms] (" +
FormatDigits(span_percentage[node_index], 2) + "%)");
"total: " +
std::to_string(relop_elapsed_time / 1000) + "ms (" +
FormatDigits(time_percentage[node_index], 2) + "%)");
const double concurrency =
static_cast<double>(relop_elapsed_time) / (relop_end_time - relop_start_time);
"effective concurrency: " + FormatDigits(concurrency, 2));
std::string ExecutionDAGVisualizer::toDOT() {
// Format output graph
std::ostringstream graph_oss;
graph_oss << "digraph g {\n";
graph_oss << " rankdir=BT\n";
graph_oss << " node [penwidth=2]\n";
graph_oss << " edge [fontsize=16 fontcolor=gray penwidth=2]\n\n";
// Format nodes
for (const auto &node_pair : nodes_) {
const NodeInfo &node_info = node_pair.second;
graph_oss << " " << << " [ ";
if (!node_info.labels.empty()) {
graph_oss << "label=\""
<< EscapeSpecialChars(JoinToString(node_info.labels, "&#10;"))
<< "\" ";
if (!node_info.color.empty()) {
graph_oss << "style=filled fillcolor=\"" << node_info.color << "\" ";
graph_oss << "]\n";
graph_oss << "\n";
// Format edges
for (const EdgeInfo &edge_info : edges_) {
graph_oss << " " << edge_info.src_node_id << " -> "
<< edge_info.dst_node_id << " [ ";
if (edge_info.is_pipeline_breaker) {
graph_oss << "style=dashed ";
if (!edge_info.labels.empty()) {
graph_oss << "label=\""
<< EscapeSpecialChars(JoinToString(edge_info.labels, "&#10;"))
<< "\" ";
graph_oss << "]\n";
graph_oss << "}\n";
return graph_oss.str();
std::string ExecutionDAGVisualizer::FormatDigits(const double value,
const int num_digits) {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(num_digits) << value;
return oss.str();
} // namespace quickstep