blob: 98485dc0de35b0f65e9d3177ceb092897e2bdebd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include "storage/HashTableBase.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageConstants.hpp"
#include "types/Type.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonUtil.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace quickstep {
/** \addtogroup Storage
* @{
* @brief Helper object that manages key storage on behalf of a HashTable
* implementation.
* @tparam serializable Whether the HashTable can safely be saved to and
* loaded from disk. If false, out of band memory may be used to store
* variable length keys.
* @tparam force_key_copy If true, inserted keys are always copied into
* HashTable memory. If false, pointers to external values may be
* stored instead. force_key_copy should be true if the hash table will
* outlive the external key values which are inserted into it. Note
* that if serializable is true and force_key_copy is false, then
* relative offsets will be used instead of absolute pointers to keys,
* meaning that the pointed-to keys must be serialized and deserialized
* in exactly the same relative byte order (e.g. as part of the same
* StorageBlock), and keys must not change position relative to the
* HashTable (beware TupleStorageSubBlocks that may self-reorganize
* when modified).
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
class HashTableKeyManager {
* @brief Constructor.
* @param key_types A vector of pointers to the Types of key components for
* a HashTable. This is stored as a reference, not copied, so it must
* remain valid as long as this HashTableKeyManager will be used.
* @param key_start_in_bucket The position in the HashTable's buckets where
* storage for keys begins, measured as the number of bytes from the
* start of the bucket.
HashTableKeyManager(const std::vector<const Type*> &key_types,
const std::size_t key_start_in_bucket);
* @return The size (in bytes) of fixed (in-bucket) key storage.
inline std::size_t getFixedKeySize() const {
return fixed_key_size_;
* @return The total estimated size (in bytes) of variable-length key
* components stored out-of-line.
inline std::size_t getEstimatedVariableKeySize() const {
return estimated_variable_key_size_;
* @return A vector of bools indicating which key components are stored
* inline in buckets.
inline const std::vector<bool>* getKeyInline() const {
return &key_inline_;
* @brief Set information about out-of-line variable length key storage for
* a HashTable.
* @param variable_length_key_storage The location in memory of
* variable-length key storage for the HashTable.
* @param variable_length_key_storage_size The size (in bytes) of the region
* at variable_length_key_storage.
* @param variable_length_bytes_allocated A pointer to an atomic variable
* that counts how many bytes of variable-length storage have actually
* been allocated to store keys.
void setVariableLengthStorageInfo(
void *variable_length_key_storage,
const std::size_t variable_length_key_storage_size,
std::atomic<std::size_t> *variable_length_bytes_allocated) {
variable_length_key_storage_ = variable_length_key_storage;
variable_length_key_storage_size_ = variable_length_key_storage_size;
variable_length_bytes_allocated_ = variable_length_bytes_allocated;
* @return A pointer to the variable-length key storage region for the
* HashTable.
inline const void* getVariableLengthKeyStorage() const {
return variable_length_key_storage_;
* @return The size (in bytes) of the HashTable's variable-length key storage
* region.
inline std::size_t getVariableLengthKeyStorageSize() const {
return variable_length_key_storage_size_;
* @brief Get a pointer to a component of a key in a particular bucket.
* @param bucket A pointer to a bucket in the HashTable.
* @param component_idx The index of the desired key component (0 for single
* scalar keys).
* @return A pointer to the key component specified by component_idx in
* bucket.
inline const void* getKeyComponent(
const void *bucket,
const std::size_t component_idx) const;
* @brief Get a component of a key in a particular bucket as a TypedValue.
* @note Unlike getKeyComponent(), this method also determines the size in
* bytes of the key component in order to construct the TypedValue.
* @param bucket A pointer to a bucket in the HashTable.
* @param component_idx The index of the desired key component (0 for single
* scalar keys).
* @return The key component specified by component_idx in bucket as a
* TypedValue.
inline TypedValue getKeyComponentTyped(
const void *bucket,
const std::size_t component_idx) const;
* @brief Check whether a key is actually equal to a scalar key stored in a
* HashTable bucket.
* @param key The key to check.
* @param bucket The bucket whose key should be checked.
* @return Whether the keys are equal.
inline bool scalarKeyCollisionCheck(const TypedValue &key,
const void *bucket) const;
* @brief Check whether a composite key is actually equal to the composite
* key stored in a HashTable bucket.
* @param key The composite key to check.
* @param bucket The bucket whose key should be checked.
* @return Whether all the key components are equal.
inline bool compositeKeyCollisionCheck(const std::vector<TypedValue> &key,
const void *bucket) const;
* @brief Write a key component into a bucket.
* @note If the key component is variable-length, then
* allocateVariableLengthKeyStorage() should have been called first
* (either directly or by HashTable::preallocateForBulkInsert()) to
* reserve out-of-line variable storage.
* @param component The key component to write.
* @param component_idx The index of the key component (0 for single scalar
* keys).
* @param bucket A pointer to the bucket in the HashTable to write the key
* to.
* @param prealloc_state If non-null, variable length key components will be
* located in preallocated variable-length storage.
inline void writeKeyComponentToBucket(
const TypedValue &component,
const std::size_t component_idx,
void *bucket,
HashTablePreallocationState *prealloc_state);
* @brief Reserve storage for variable-length key components.
* @note This can be undone by calling deallocateVariableLengthKeyStorage().
* @note Allocated storage is actually used by calling
* writeKeyComponentToBucket() for variable-length key components.
* @param required_bytes The size of the variable-length key storage to
* reserve.
* @return true if allocation was successful, false if not enough unreserved
* space was available.
inline bool allocateVariableLengthKeyStorage(
const std::size_t required_bytes);
* @brief Release (undo) a reservation of storage for variable-length key
* components previously made by allocateVariableLengthKeyStorage().
* @param bytes The size of the variable-length key storage reservation to
* release.
inline void deallocateVariableLengthKeyStorage(const std::size_t bytes);
* @return The current "next" offset to be used when actually writing
* variable-length keys.
inline std::size_t getNextVariableLengthKeyOffset() const {
return next_variable_length_key_offset_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
* @brief Increment the "next" offset to be used when writing variable-length
* keys.
* @note This is intended mainly for use by preallocateForBulkInsert() to
* allocate a contiguous region of variable-length storage all in one
* go.
* @param bytes The number of bytes to increment the offset by.
* @return The original value of the "next" offset.
inline std::size_t incrementNextVariableLengthKeyOffset(
const std::size_t bytes) {
return next_variable_length_key_offset_.fetch_add(
* @brief Reset the "next" offset for writing variable-length keys to zero.
* @warning This should only be used when clearing a HashTable, as it will
* cause any previously written variable-length keys to be
* overwritten.
inline void zeroNextVariableLengthKeyOffset() {, std::memory_order_relaxed);
const std::vector<const Type*> &key_types_;
std::size_t fixed_key_size_;
std::size_t estimated_variable_key_size_;
std::vector<std::size_t> key_offsets_;
std::vector<bool> key_inline_;
void *variable_length_key_storage_;
std::size_t variable_length_key_storage_size_;
std::atomic<std::size_t> *variable_length_bytes_allocated_;
// This is separate from '*variable_length_bytes_allocated_', because we
// allocate storage for variable-length keys up-front but defer actually
// copying them until we find an empty bucket.
alignas(kCacheLineBytes) std::atomic<std::size_t>
/** @} */
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementations of template class methods follow.
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>::HashTableKeyManager(
const std::vector<const Type*> &key_types,
const std::size_t key_start_in_bucket)
: key_types_(key_types),
next_variable_length_key_offset_(0) {
for (const Type *subkey_type : key_types_) {
key_offsets_.push_back(key_start_in_bucket + fixed_key_size_);
if (force_key_copy) {
if (subkey_type->isVariableLength()) {
// An offset into the variable length storage region, paired with a length.
fixed_key_size_ += sizeof(std::size_t) * 2;
estimated_variable_key_size_ += subkey_type->estimateAverageByteLength();
} else {
fixed_key_size_ += subkey_type->maximumByteLength();
} else {
constexpr std::size_t ptr_size = serializable ? sizeof(std::ptrdiff_t)
: sizeof(const void*);
if ((!subkey_type->isVariableLength())
&& (subkey_type->maximumByteLength() <= ptr_size + sizeof(std::size_t))) {
fixed_key_size_ += subkey_type->maximumByteLength();
} else {
// A pointer to external memory, paired with a length.
fixed_key_size_ += ptr_size + sizeof(std::size_t);
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline const void* HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::getKeyComponent(const void *bucket,
const std::size_t component_idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(component_idx, key_offsets_.size());
const void *base_key_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bucket)
+ key_offsets_[component_idx];
if (key_inline_[component_idx]) {
// Component is inline.
return base_key_ptr;
} else if (force_key_copy) {
// Component is copied into variable-length region.
return static_cast<const char*>(variable_length_key_storage_)
+ *static_cast<const std::size_t*>(base_key_ptr);
} else if (serializable) {
// Relative pointer.
return static_cast<const char*>(base_key_ptr)
+ *static_cast<const std::ptrdiff_t*>(base_key_ptr);
} else {
// Absolute pointer.
return *static_cast<const void* const*>(base_key_ptr);
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline TypedValue HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::getKeyComponentTyped(const void *bucket,
const std::size_t component_idx) const {
DCHECK_LT(component_idx, key_offsets_.size());
const Type &key_type = *(key_types_[component_idx]);
const void *base_key_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bucket)
+ key_offsets_[component_idx];
if (key_inline_[component_idx]) {
// Component is inline.
return key_type.makeValue(base_key_ptr,
} else if (force_key_copy) {
// Component is copied into variable-length region.
return key_type.makeValue(static_cast<const char*>(variable_length_key_storage_)
+ *static_cast<const std::size_t*>(base_key_ptr),
*(static_cast<const std::size_t*>(base_key_ptr) + 1));
} else if (serializable) {
// Relative pointer.
return key_type.makeValue(
static_cast<const char*>(base_key_ptr)
+ *static_cast<const std::ptrdiff_t*>(base_key_ptr),
key_type.isVariableLength() ? *(static_cast<const std::size_t*>(base_key_ptr) + 1)
: key_type.maximumByteLength());
} else {
// Absolute pointer.
return key_type.makeValue(
*static_cast<const void* const*>(base_key_ptr),
key_type.isVariableLength() ? *(static_cast<const std::size_t*>(base_key_ptr) + 1)
: key_type.maximumByteLength());
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline bool HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::scalarKeyCollisionCheck(const TypedValue &key,
const void *bucket) const {
return CheckUntypedValuesEqual(*key_types_.front(),
getKeyComponent(bucket, 0));
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline bool HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::compositeKeyCollisionCheck(const std::vector<TypedValue> &key,
const void *bucket) const {
DCHECK_EQ(key_types_.size(), key.size());
// Check key components one-by-one.
for (std::size_t idx = 0;
idx < key_types_.size();
++idx) {
if (!CheckUntypedValuesEqual(*key_types_[idx],
getKeyComponent(bucket, idx))) {
return false;
return true;
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline void HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::writeKeyComponentToBucket(const TypedValue &component,
const std::size_t component_idx,
void *bucket,
HashTablePreallocationState *prealloc_state) {
void *key_ptr = static_cast<char*>(bucket) + key_offsets_[component_idx];
if (key_inline_[component_idx]) {
// Copy key component directly into bucket.
} else if (force_key_copy) {
// Copy key into variable-length storage region and store its offset and
// length.
const std::size_t component_size = component.getDataSize();
const std::size_t variable_length_key_pos
= (prealloc_state == nullptr)
? next_variable_length_key_offset_.fetch_add(component_size,
: prealloc_state->variable_length_key_position;
if (prealloc_state != nullptr) {
prealloc_state->variable_length_key_position += component_size;
DCHECK_LE(variable_length_key_pos + component_size,
+ variable_length_key_pos);
*static_cast<std::size_t*>(key_ptr) = variable_length_key_pos;
*(static_cast<std::size_t*>(key_ptr) + 1) = component_size;
} else if (serializable) {
// Store a relative pointer. We assume that we are pointing to memory
// that is serialized together with the HashTable, i.e. as part of the same
// StorageBlock. See comments regarding the 'force_key_copy' parameter in
// storage/HashTable.hpp for more details.
*static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t*>(key_ptr) = static_cast<const char*>(component.getDataPtr())
- static_cast<const char*>(key_ptr);
if (key_types_[component_idx]->isVariableLength()) {
// Also store length if variable-length.
*(static_cast<std::size_t*>(key_ptr) + 1) = component.getDataSize();
} else {
// Store an absolute pointer.
*static_cast<const void**>(key_ptr) = component.getDataPtr();
if (key_types_[component_idx]->isVariableLength()) {
// Also store length if variable-length.
*(static_cast<std::size_t*>(key_ptr) + 1) = component.getDataSize();
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline bool HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::allocateVariableLengthKeyStorage(const std::size_t required_bytes) {
if (required_bytes == 0) {
return true;
const std::size_t original_variable_length_bytes_allocated
= variable_length_bytes_allocated_->fetch_add(required_bytes,
if (original_variable_length_bytes_allocated + required_bytes
> variable_length_key_storage_size_) {
// Release the memory we tried to allocate.
return false;
} else {
return true;
template <bool serializable, bool force_key_copy>
inline void HashTableKeyManager<serializable, force_key_copy>
::deallocateVariableLengthKeyStorage(const std::size_t bytes) {
if (bytes == 0) {
} // namespace quickstep