blob: c9abecd682d08f7e3a223a7314fb3e7710b02c0f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011-2015 Quickstep Technologies LLC.
* Copyright 2015 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "expressions/predicate/PredicateCost.hpp"
#include "storage/CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockInfo.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockLayout.pb.h"
#include "storage/SubBlockTypeRegistryMacros.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "utility/BitVector.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
namespace quickstep {
class CatalogRelationSchema;
class ComparisonPredicate;
class TupleStorageSubBlockDescription;
class ValueAccessor;
/** \addtogroup Storage
* @{
* @brief An implementation of TupleStorageSubBlock as a packed row store with
* optional column compression (dictionary or truncation) and no holes.
* @warning This implementation does support variable-length attributes, but
* they must all be compressed (specified with compressed_attribute_id
* in the TupleStorageSubBlockDescription).
class CompressedPackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock : public CompressedTupleStorageSubBlock {
const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description,
const bool new_block,
void *sub_block_memory,
const std::size_t sub_block_memory_size);
~CompressedPackedRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock() override {
* @brief Determine whether a TupleStorageSubBlockDescription is valid for
* this type of TupleStorageSubBlock.
* @param relation The relation a tuple store described by description would
* belong to.
* @param description A description of the parameters for this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock, which will be checked for validity.
* @return Whether description is well-formed and valid for this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock belonging to relation (i.e. whether a
* TupleStorageSubBlock of this type, belonging to relation, can be
* constructed according to description).
static bool DescriptionIsValid(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description);
* @brief Estimate the average number of bytes (including any applicable
* overhead) used to store a single tuple in this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock. Used by StorageBlockLayout::finalize() to
* divide block memory amongst sub-blocks.
* @warning description must be valid. DescriptionIsValid() should be called
* first if necessary.
* @param relation The relation tuples belong to.
* @param description A description of the parameters for this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock.
* @return The average/ammortized number of bytes used to store a single
* tuple of relation in a TupleStorageSubBlock of this type described
* by description.
static std::size_t EstimateBytesPerTuple(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description);
TupleStorageSubBlockType getTupleStorageSubBlockType() const override {
return kCompressedPackedRowStore;
const void* getAttributeValue(const tuple_id tuple,
const attribute_id attr) const override;
TypedValue getAttributeValueTyped(const tuple_id tuple,
const attribute_id attr) const override;
ValueAccessor* createValueAccessor(
const TupleIdSequence *sequence = nullptr) const override;
bool deleteTuple(const tuple_id tuple) override;
bool bulkDeleteTuples(TupleIdSequence *tuples) override;
predicate_cost_t estimatePredicateEvaluationCost(
const ComparisonPredicate &predicate) const override;
void rebuild() override;
bool isInsertOrderPreserving() const override {
return true;
std::uint32_t compressedGetCode(const tuple_id tid,
const attribute_id attr_id) const override;
TupleIdSequence* getEqualCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
TupleIdSequence* getNotEqualCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
TupleIdSequence* getNotEqualCodesExcludingNull(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const std::uint32_t null_code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
TupleIdSequence* getLessCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
TupleIdSequence* getGreaterOrEqualCodes(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
TupleIdSequence* getCodesInRange(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::pair<std::uint32_t, std::uint32_t> range,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
// Returns a pointer to an attribute's physical storage (the value itself if
// uncompressed, OR the compressed code if compressed), or NULL if
// 'check_null' is true and the attribute is null.
template <bool check_null = true>
inline const void* getAttributePtr(const tuple_id tid,
const attribute_id attr_id) const {
if (check_null
&& compression_info_.uncompressed_attribute_has_nulls(attr_id)
&& null_bitmap_->getBit(tid * num_uncompressed_attributes_with_nulls_
+ null_bitmap_attribute_offsets_[attr_id])) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return static_cast<const char*>(tuple_storage_)
+ tid * tuple_length_bytes_
+ attribute_offsets_[attr_id];
// Initialize this sub-block's runtime data structures after the physical
// block has been built.
void initialize();
// Note: order of application is
// comparison_functor(literal_code, attribute_code).
template <template <typename T> class comparison_functor>
TupleIdSequence* getCodesSatisfyingComparison(const attribute_id attr_id,
const std::uint32_t code,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const;
void *tuple_storage_;
std::size_t tuple_length_bytes_;
std::vector<std::size_t> attribute_offsets_;
// 'null_bitmap_' is only used for uncompressed attributes that actually
// contain nulls. CompressionDictionary handles nulls for compressed columns.
std::unique_ptr<BitVector<false>> null_bitmap_;
attribute_id num_uncompressed_attributes_with_nulls_;
std::vector<attribute_id> null_bitmap_attribute_offsets_;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep