blob: f70b7e75ab208b78e34612086a45b3be0ce3208b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011-2015 Quickstep Technologies LLC.
* Copyright 2015-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <exception>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "expressions/predicate/PredicateCost.hpp"
#include "storage/IndexSubBlock.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockInfo.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageConstants.hpp"
#include "storage/SubBlockTypeRegistryMacros.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/Comparison.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonID.hpp"
#include "utility/BitVector.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "utility/PtrVector.hpp"
namespace quickstep {
class CSBTreeIndexSubBlock;
class CatalogRelationSchema;
class ComparisonPredicate;
class IndexSubBlockDescription;
class TupleIdSequence;
class TupleStorageSubBlock;
class Type;
class TypedValue;
namespace csbtree_internal {
class CompositeEntryReference;
class CompressedEntryReference;
class EntryReference;
class PredicateEvaluationForwarder;
// Hack which provides the UncheckedComparator interface, but compares
// composite keys.
// TODO(chasseur): Template this to avoid virtual calls.
class CompositeKeyLessComparator : public UncheckedComparator {
CompositeKeyLessComparator(const CSBTreeIndexSubBlock &owner,
const CatalogRelationSchema &relation);
~CompositeKeyLessComparator() {
bool compareTypedValues(const TypedValue &left, const TypedValue &right) const {
FATAL_ERROR("Can not use CompositeKeyLessComparator to compare TypedValue.");
inline bool compareDataPtrs(const void *left, const void *right) const {
return compareDataPtrsInl(left, right);
bool compareDataPtrsInl(const void *left, const void *right) const;
bool compareTypedValueWithDataPtr(const TypedValue &left, const void *right) const {
FATAL_ERROR("Can not use CompositeKeyLessComparator to compare TypedValue.");
bool compareDataPtrWithTypedValue(const void *left, const TypedValue &right) const {
FATAL_ERROR("Can not use CompositeKeyLessComparator to compare TypedValue.");
const CSBTreeIndexSubBlock &owner_;
PtrVector<UncheckedComparator> attribute_comparators_;
} // namespace csbtree_internal
/** \addtogroup Storage
* @{
* @brief Exception thrown when the key for a CSBTreeIndexSubBlock is too large
* to fit more than one key in a node of the CSB+-tree.
class CSBTreeKeyTooLarge : public std::exception {
virtual const char* what() const throw() {
return "CSBTreeKeyTooLarge: Attempted to create a CSBTreeIndexSubBlock "
"with an index key which is too large to fit more than 1 key in "
"a node.";
* @brief An IndexSubBlock which implements a full CSB+-tree with linear scan
* intra-node search.
* @warning This IndexSubBlock only supports fixed-length attributes, and the
* total key length must be small enough to fit at least 2 keys in a
* node.
class CSBTreeIndexSubBlock : public IndexSubBlock {
CSBTreeIndexSubBlock(const TupleStorageSubBlock &tuple_store,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description,
const bool new_block,
void *sub_block_memory,
const std::size_t sub_block_memory_size);
~CSBTreeIndexSubBlock() override {
* @brief Determine whether an IndexSubBlockDescription is valid for this
* type of IndexSubBlock.
* @param relation The relation an index described by description would
* belong to.
* @param description A description of the parameters for this type of
* IndexSubBlock, which will be checked for validity.
* @return Whether description is well-formed and valid for this type of
* IndexSubBlock belonging to relation (i.e. whether an IndexSubBlock
* of this type, belonging to relation, can be constructed according
* to description).
static bool DescriptionIsValid(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description);
* @brief Estimate the average number of bytes (including any applicable
* overhead) used to index a single tuple in this type of
* IndexSubBlock. Used by StorageBlockLayout::finalize() to divide
* block memory amongst sub-blocks.
* @warning description must be valid. DescriptionIsValid() should be called
* first if necessary.
* @param relation The relation tuples belong to.
* @param description A description of the parameters for this type of
* IndexSubBlock.
* @return The average/ammortized number of bytes used to index a single
* tuple of relation in an IndexSubBlock of this type described by
* description.
static std::size_t EstimateBytesPerTuple(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description);
IndexSubBlockType getIndexSubBlockType() const override {
return kCSBTree;
bool supportsAdHocAdd() const override {
return initialized_;
bool supportsAdHocRemove() const override {
return true;
bool addEntry(const tuple_id tuple) override;
bool bulkAddEntries(const TupleIdSequence &tuples) override;
void removeEntry(const tuple_id tuple) override;
void bulkRemoveEntries(const TupleIdSequence &tuples) override;
predicate_cost_t estimatePredicateEvaluationCost(
const ComparisonPredicate &predicate) const override;
* @note Currently this version only supports simple comparisons of a literal
* value with a non-composite key.
TupleIdSequence* getMatchesForPredicate(const ComparisonPredicate &predicate,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const override;
bool rebuild() override;
// Information stored at the beginning of every node in the tree.
struct NodeHeader {
std::uint16_t num_keys;
bool is_leaf;
// 'node_group_reference' is the child for internal nodes, the right
// sibling group for the last node in a group of leaf nodes, and
// kNodeGroupNextLeaf for other leaf nodes. The very rightmost node
// at the leaf level has this set to kNodeGroupNone.
int node_group_reference;
// Used by internalInsertHelper() and leafInsertHelper() to communicate
// information about node and group splits to higher levels in the tree.
struct InsertReturnValue {
: split_node_least_key(NULL),
left_split_group_smaller(false) {
const void *split_node_least_key;
int new_node_group_id;
bool left_split_group_smaller;
static const int kNodeGroupNone; // -1
static const int kNodeGroupNextLeaf; // -2
// Used in InsertReturnValue to indicate index is full (needed to allocate
// new node groups, but not enough were free).
static const int kNodeGroupFull; // -3
// Initialize this block's internal metadata and structure. Usually called by
// the constructor, unless the key may be compressed, in which case it is
// called by rebuild().
bool initialize(const bool new_block);
// Get the number of the node group containing the root node for the tree.
inline int getRootNodeGroupNumber() const {
return *static_cast<const int*>(sub_block_memory_);
// Set the number of the node group containing the root node for the tree.
inline void setRootNodeGroupNumber(const int node_group_number) {
*static_cast<int*>(sub_block_memory_) = node_group_number;
// Get the location of the node designated by 'node_number' in the group
// with 'node_group_number'.
inline void* getNode(const int node_group_number, const std::uint16_t node_number) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(node_group_number >= 0);
return static_cast<char*>(node_groups_start_)
+ node_group_number * node_group_size_bytes_
+ node_number * kCSBTreeNodeSizeBytes;
// Get the root node of the tree.
inline void* getRootNode() const {
return getNode(getRootNodeGroupNumber(), 0);
// Get the right-sibling of the leaf node '*node', which may be in another
// group. If '*node' is the very right-most leaf, returns NULL.
inline void* getRightSiblingOfLeafNode(const void *node) const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(static_cast<const NodeHeader*>(node)->is_leaf);
const int sibling_reference = static_cast<const NodeHeader*>(node)->node_group_reference;
if (sibling_reference == kNodeGroupNextLeaf) {
return const_cast<char*>(static_cast<const char*>(node) + kCSBTreeNodeSizeBytes);
} else if (sibling_reference >= 0) {
return getNode(sibling_reference, 0);
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT(sibling_reference == kNodeGroupNone);
return NULL;
// Remove all entries and reset this to an empty index.
void clearIndex();
// Makes a copy of a composite key from 'tuple' in 'tuple_store_'. Caller is
// responsible for freeing the memory allocated.
void* makeKeyCopy(const tuple_id tuple) const;
// Returns a pointer to the least key in the sub-tree anchored at '*node'.
const void* getLeastKey(const void *node) const;
// Return the first leaf node under *node which may contain *key. If
// duplicate keys are present, it may be necessary to use
// getRightSiblingOfLeafNode() to find the actual desired leaf.
template <typename LiteralLessKeyComparatorT,
typename KeyLessLiteralComparatorT>
void* findLeaf(
const void *node,
const void *literal,
const LiteralLessKeyComparatorT &literal_less_key_comparator,
const KeyLessLiteralComparatorT &key_less_literal_comparator) const;
// Get the very first leaf node in the tree.
void* getLeftmostLeaf() const;
// Attempt to insert the entry (compressed_code, tuple) in the index.
// 'CodeType' is the compressed type of the code (either uint8_t, uint16_t,
// or uint32_t).
template <typename CodeType>
InsertReturnValue compressedKeyAddEntryHelper(const tuple_id tuple,
const std::uint32_t compressed_code);
// Insert the entry (*key, tuple) into the appropriate leaf descendent of
// '*node'. 'node_group_allocation_requirement' is the number of node group
// splits of ancestors of '*node' and '*node' itself which would be necessary
// if the node group containing '*node' were split. '*node' will have an
// entry added if a child splits. If *node's child node group splits, '*node'
// will be split, and '*split_node_first_key' in the return value will point
// to the first key in the right split node. If a split occurs and the node
// group '*node' belongs to is full, then the node group will be split, and
// 'new_node_group_id' in the return value will be set to the ID of the
// newly-created right split node group. Also, in cases where a node group
// split occured and node group splits are asymmetric (i.e.
// max_keys_internal_ + 1 is odd), left_split_group_smaller will be set to
// indicate whether the left or right half of the split initially had one
// less node than the other (the value of left_split_group_smaller should be
// used by the caller to determine how to split *node's parent). The caller
// is responsible for updating the ancestors of '*node' to reflect any splits
// that occur.
// If node group splits are necessary to insert the new entry, but there are
// not enough free node groups, then '*node' and its descendents will be
// unmodified and 'new_node_group_id' in the return value will be set to
// kNodeGroupFull.
// Note that this method may fail in some cases where tightly packing the
// index by calling rebuild() would allow the index to accomodate the new
// entry.
template <typename ComparatorT>
InsertReturnValue internalInsertHelper(const int node_group_allocation_requirement,
const tuple_id tuple,
const void *key,
const ComparatorT &key_comparator,
const NodeHeader *parent_node_header,
void *node);
// Insert the entry (*key, tuple) into '*node', which is a child of the node
// at '*parent_node_header'. If '*node' is full and it is possible to split,
// then '*node' will be split and the new entry will be inserted into the
// appropriate node, and '*split_node_first_key' in the return value will
// point to the first key in the right split node. If the node group which
// '*node' belongs to is also full, and there are enough free nodes to
// satisfy 'node_group_allocation_requirement', then the node group is split
// to make room for the additional node, and 'new_node_group_id' in the
// return value is set to the newly-created right split node group's ID.
// Also, in cases where a node group split occured and node group splits are
// asymmetric (i.e. max_keys_internal_ + 1 is odd), left_split_group_smaller
// will be set to indicate whether the left or right half of the split
// initially had one less node than the other (the value of
// left_split_group_smaller should be used by the caller to determine how to
// split *node's parent). The caller is responsible for updating the
// ancestors of '*node' to reflect any splits that occur.
// If node group splits are necessary to insert the new entry, but there are
// not enough free node groups, then '*node' will be unmodified and
// 'new_node_group_id' in the return value will be set to kNodeGroupFull.
// Note that this method may fail in some cases where tightly packing the
// index by calling rebuild() would allow the index to accomodate the new
// entry.
template <typename ComparatorT>
InsertReturnValue leafInsertHelper(const int node_group_allocation_requirement,
const tuple_id tuple,
const void *key,
const ComparatorT &key_comparator,
const NodeHeader *parent_node_header,
void *node);
// Insert the entry (*key, tuple) into the appropriate position in the tree,
// starting from the root node. Essentially just calls internalInsertHelper()
// or leafInsertHelper() as appropriate on the root node.
template <typename ComparatorT>
inline InsertReturnValue rootInsertHelper(const tuple_id tuple,
const void *key,
const ComparatorT &key_comparator);
// Split the child node group of '*parent_node_header' by invoking
// splitNodeGroup(). '**node' is the node whose split necessitated splitting
// the group. If node group splits are asymmetric, the split will be done
// such that after '**node' is split the split groups will be balanced. The
// 'new_node_group_id' and 'left_split_group_smaller' fields of
// '*caller_return_value' will be filled in by this method. '*node' will be
// adjusted to point to the location of the node after the group is split.
// Returns the location of the end of the group which contains '**node' after
// the split or, in the special case where '**node' should be split across
// the two groups by calling splitNodeAcrossGroups(), returns NULL.
const void* splitNodeGroupHelper(const NodeHeader *parent_node_header,
void **node,
InsertReturnValue *caller_return_value);
// Split the child node group of '*parent_node_header' in half. The node
// group must be full, and there must be an available free node group in
// 'node_group_used_bitmap_'. In the case where group splits are asymmetric
// (i.e. the number of nodes is odd), the left split group will have one less
// node than the right split group if 'left_smaller' is true, otherwise the
// right split group will have one less node than the left. If
// 'will_split_node_across_groups' is true, then left_smaller must be false,
// and the nodes of the right split group will be shifted right by one,
// leaving the first node of the right split group uninitialized (the caller
// should subsequently overwrite it by splitting the last node of the left
// split group across the two groups). Returns the number of the right split
// node group. Does not actually split the parent node (caller should do so).
int splitNodeGroup(const NodeHeader *parent_node_header,
const bool left_smaller,
const bool will_split_node_across_groups);
// Split '*node' in half. '*node' itself must be full, and the node group
// '*node' belongs to must be non-full. '*group_end' is the current end of
// nodes in the group. If 'right_child_node_group' is kNodeGroupNone, then
// '*node' must be a leaf, otherwise '*node' must be an internal node and the
// child node group of the right split node is set to
// 'right_child_node_group'. Returns a pointer to the least key in the
// subtree rooted at the right split node. In the case where node splits are
// asymmetric (i.e. the number of keys is odd), the left split node will have
// one less key than the right split node if 'left_smaller' is true,
// otherwise the right split node will have one less key than the left.
// There is a special case when '*node' is an internal node and
// 'child_was_split_across_groups' is true. In this case, both halves of the
// split are completely constructed based on the values initially in '*node',
// and the caller should NOT subsequently insert a key into one of the split
// nodes.
const void* splitNodeInGroup(void *node,
const void *group_end,
const int right_child_node_group,
const bool left_smaller,
const bool child_was_split_across_groups);
// Splits '*node' such that the right half of the split is inserted as the
// first node in the group designated by 'destination_group_number'. If
// 'right_child_node_group' is kNodeGroupNone, then '*node' must be a leaf,
// otherwise '*node' must be an internal node and the child node group of the
// right split node is set to 'right_child_node_group'. Returns a pointer to
// the least key in the subtree rooted at the right split node. In the case
// where node splits are asymmetric (i.e. the number of keys is odd), the
// left split node will have one less key than the right split node if
// 'left_smaller' is true, otherwise the right split node will have one less
// key than the left.
// This method should ONLY be called after splitNodeGroup(..., false, true)
// is called. It assumes that '*node' is the last node in its group, and that
// the destination node group has its existing nodes shifted right by one, so
// that the right split node can be written directly into the zeroth position
// in the destination group. This method will behave incorrectly if the
// caller violates these assumptions.
// There is a special case when '*node' is an internal node and
// 'child_was_split_across_groups' is true. In this case, both halves of the
// split are completely constructed based on the values initially in '*node',
// and the caller should NOT subsequently insert a key into one of the split
// nodes.
const void* splitNodeAcrossGroups(void *node,
const int destination_group_number,
const int right_child_node_group,
const bool left_smaller,
const bool child_was_split_across_groups);
// Insert the entry (*key, tuple) into '*node'. '*node' must be non-full.
template <typename ComparatorT>
void insertEntryInLeaf(const tuple_id tuple,
const void *key,
const ComparatorT &key_comparator,
void *node);
// Remove the entry (compressed_code, tuple) from the index. 'CodeType' is
// the compressed type of the code (either uint8_t, uint16_t, or uint32_t).
template <typename CodeType>
void compressedKeyRemoveEntryHelper(const tuple_id tuple,
const std::uint32_t compressed_code);
// Remove the entry (*key, tuple) from '*node'. If the entry does not exist
// in '*node', but the last key in '*node' matches '*key', then this method
// will be recursively called with the right-sibling of '*node'.
template <typename ComparatorT>
void removeEntryFromLeaf(const tuple_id tuple,
const void *key,
const ComparatorT &key_comparator,
void *node);
// Helper method for getMatchesForPredicate(). Generates a TupleIdSequence of
// all tuples which match a predicate of the form 'key comp right_literal'.
// This version is for uncompressed keys.
TupleIdSequence* evaluateComparisonPredicateOnUncompressedKey(
const ComparisonID comp,
const TypedValue &right_literal,
const Type &right_literal_type) const;
// Helper method for getMatchesForPredicate(). Generates a TupleIdSequence of
// all tuples which match a predicate of the form 'key comp right_literal'.
// This version is for compressed keys.
TupleIdSequence* evaluateComparisonPredicateOnCompressedKey(
ComparisonID comp,
const TypedValue &right_literal,
const Type &right_literal_type) const;
// Helper method which calls the appropriate predicate-evaluation method
// below based on 'comp'.
template <typename LiteralLessKeyComparatorT,
typename KeyLessLiteralComparatorT>
TupleIdSequence* evaluatePredicate(
ComparisonID comp,
const void *literal,
const LiteralLessKeyComparatorT &literal_less_key_comparator,
const KeyLessLiteralComparatorT &key_less_literal_comparator) const;
// Helper method for evaluateComparisonPredicateOnUncompressedKey() and
// evaluateComparisonPredicateOnCompressedKey(). Generates a TupleIdSequence
// of all tuples which have a key equal to '*literal' according to
// 'literal_less_key_comparator' and 'key_less_literal_comparator'.
template <typename LiteralLessKeyComparatorT,
typename KeyLessLiteralComparatorT>
TupleIdSequence* evaluateEqualPredicate(
const void *literal,
const LiteralLessKeyComparatorT &literal_less_key_comparator,
const KeyLessLiteralComparatorT &key_less_literal_comparator) const;
// Helper method for evaluateComparisonPredicateOnUncompressedKey() and
// evaluateComparisonPredicateOnCompressedKey(). Generates a TupleIdSequence
// of all tuples which have a key not equal to '*literal' according to
// 'literal_less_key_comparator' and 'key_less_literal_comparator'.
template <typename LiteralLessKeyComparatorT,
typename KeyLessLiteralComparatorT>
TupleIdSequence* evaluateNotEqualPredicate(
const void *literal,
const LiteralLessKeyComparatorT &literal_less_key_comparator,
const KeyLessLiteralComparatorT &key_less_literal_comparator) const;
// Helper method for evaluateComparisonPredicateOnUncompressedKey() and
// evaluateComparisonPredicateOnCompressedKey(). Generates a TupleIdSequence
// of all tuples which have a key less than '*literal' according to
// 'literal_less_key_comparator' and 'key_less_literal_comparator'. If
// 'include_equal' is true, the sequence will also include tuples whose keys
// are equal to '*literal'.
template <typename LiteralLessKeyComparatorT,
typename KeyLessLiteralComparatorT,
bool include_equal>
TupleIdSequence* evaluateLessPredicate(
const void *literal,
const LiteralLessKeyComparatorT &literal_less_key_comparator,
const KeyLessLiteralComparatorT &key_less_literal_comparator) const;
// Helper method for evaluateComparisonPredicateOnUncompressedKey() and
// evaluateComparisonPredicateOnCompressedKey(). Generates a TupleIdSequence
// of all tuples which have a key greater than '*literal' according to
// 'literal_less_key_comparator' and 'key_less_literal_comparator'. If
// 'include_equal' is true, the sequence will also include tuples whose keys
// are equal to '*literal'.
template <typename LiteralLessKeyComparatorT,
typename KeyLessLiteralComparatorT,
bool include_equal>
TupleIdSequence* evaluateGreaterPredicate(
const void *literal,
const LiteralLessKeyComparatorT &literal_less_key_comparator,
const KeyLessLiteralComparatorT &key_less_literal_comparator) const;
// Check if there are enough node groups in this CSBTreeIndexSubBlock to
// build a complete index of all tuple_store_'s tuples.
bool rebuildSpaceCheck() const;
// Rebuild the leaf nodes of the index from tuple_store_'s tuples. Requires
// that the index be empty (i.e. that clearIndex() has been called) and that
// there are enough node groups in this CSBTreeIndexSubBlock to hold all
// entries (i.e. that rebuildSpaceCheck() returns true). All node groups used
// to store leaf nodes will be added to '*used_node_groups', including the
// initial root. Returns the number of nodes in the rightmost leaf node group
// (all other leaf node groups will be full).
std::uint16_t rebuildLeaves(std::vector<int> *used_node_groups);
// Helper method for rebuildLeaves(). Actually constructs leaf nodes for all
// of the entries in '*entry_references'. Templated on 'EntryReferenceT' so
// that it may be used with both EntryReference and CompressedEntryReference.
template <class EntryReferenceT>
std::uint16_t buildLeavesFromEntryReferences(
std::vector<EntryReferenceT> *entry_references,
std::vector<int> *used_node_groups);
// Helper method for rebuildLeaves(). Fill in '*entry_references' with an
// entry for every tuple in 'tuple_store_' with a non-NULL key, and sort
// '*entry_references' into key order. This version is for the case where the
// key is non-composite.
void generateEntryReferencesFromTypedValues(
std::vector<csbtree_internal::EntryReference> *entry_references) const;
// Helper method for rebuildLeaves(). Fill in '*entry_references' with an
// entry for every tuple in 'tuple_store_' with a non-NULL key, and sort
// '*entry_references' into key order. This version is for the case where the
// key is non-composite and compressed.
void generateEntryReferencesFromCompressedCodes(
std::vector<csbtree_internal::CompressedEntryReference> *entry_references) const;
// Helper method for rebuildLeaves(). Fill in '*entry_references' with an
// entry for every tuple in 'tuple_store_' with a non-NULL key, and sort
// '*entry_references' into key order. This version is for the case where the
// key is composite.
void generateEntryReferencesFromCompositeKeys(
std::vector<csbtree_internal::CompositeEntryReference> *entry_references) const;
// Rebuild an internal level of the index, above 'child_node_groups'.
// 'last_child_num_nodes' is the number of nodes in the rightmost child
// node groups (all other node child node groups should be full). All node
// groups in the rebuilt internal level will be added to '*used_node_groups'.
// Returns the number of nodes in the rightmost node group of the rebuilt
// level (all other node groups will be full). When this method adds only
// one node group to '*used_node_groups' and returns 1, rebuilding is
// finished and the sole element in '*used_node_groups' should be used as the
// new root.
std::uint16_t rebuildInternalLevel(const std::vector<int> &child_node_groups,
std::uint16_t last_child_num_nodes,
std::vector<int> *used_node_groups);
// Moves nodes from the group designated by 'full_node_group_number' to the
// beginning of the group designated by 'underfull_node_group_number', which
// contains 'underfull_num_nodes'. Existing nodes in the underfull node group
// are shifted right. The full node group must be full, and
// 'underfull_num_nodes' must be less than large_half_num_children_. After
// rebalancing, the underfull node group will contain exactly
// large_half_num_children_ nodes, and this method returns the number of
// nodes remaining in the previously full node group.
std::uint16_t rebalanceNodeGroups(const int full_node_group_number,
const int underfull_node_group_number,
const std::uint16_t underfull_num_nodes);
// Create an internal node at '*node' whose child is the node group with
// 'child_node_group_number' and has 'num_children' children. 'num_children'
// must be at least 2.
void makeInternalNode(const int child_node_group_number,
const std::uint16_t num_children,
void *node);
// Allocates a new node group and marks it as used.
int allocateNodeGroup();
// Deallocates a node group so that it can be reused.
void deallocateNodeGroup(const int node_group_number);
bool initialized_;
bool key_may_be_compressed_;
bool key_is_compressed_;
bool key_is_composite_;
bool key_is_nullable_;
const Type *key_type_; // NULL for composite key.
std::vector<attribute_id> indexed_attribute_ids_;
std::vector<std::size_t> indexed_attribute_offsets_;
std::size_t key_length_bytes_;
std::size_t key_tuple_id_pair_length_bytes_;
std::unique_ptr<csbtree_internal::CompositeKeyLessComparator> composite_key_comparator_;
std::uint16_t max_keys_internal_;
std::uint16_t small_half_num_children_;
std::uint16_t large_half_num_children_;
std::uint16_t max_keys_leaf_;
std::uint16_t small_half_num_keys_leaf_;
std::uint16_t large_half_num_keys_leaf_;
void *node_groups_start_;
std::size_t node_group_size_bytes_;
std::unique_ptr<BitVector<false>> node_group_used_bitmap_;
int next_free_node_group_;
int num_free_node_groups_;
friend class CSBTreeIndexSubBlockTest;
friend class CSBTreePrettyPrinter;
friend class csbtree_internal::CompositeKeyLessComparator;
friend class csbtree_internal::PredicateEvaluationForwarder;
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep