blob: fc3fb90a2e31751527873e1769de7597dd9277a4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "storage/BloomFilterIndexSubBlock.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include "catalog/CatalogAttribute.hpp"
#include "catalog/CatalogRelationSchema.hpp"
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "expressions/predicate/ComparisonPredicate.hpp"
#include "expressions/predicate/PredicateCost.hpp"
#include "expressions/scalar/Scalar.hpp"
#include "expressions/scalar/ScalarAttribute.hpp"
#include "expressions/scalar/ScalarLiteral.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockLayout.pb.h"
#include "storage/StorageConstants.hpp"
#include "storage/SubBlockTypeRegistry.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleIdSequence.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleStorageSubBlock.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/Comparison.hpp"
#include "types/operations/comparisons/ComparisonID.hpp"
#include "utility/BloomFilter.hpp"
#include "glog/logging.h"
namespace quickstep {
BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::BloomFilterIndexSubBlock(const TupleStorageSubBlock &tuple_store,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description,
const bool is_new_block,
void *sub_block_memory,
const std::size_t sub_block_memory_size)
: IndexSubBlock(tuple_store,
BloomFilterIndexSubBlockDescription::bloom_filter_size)) {
CHECK(DescriptionIsValid(relation_, description_))
<< "Attempted to construct an BloomFilterIndexSubBlock from an invalid description.";
// // Store the attribute ids that are being indexed.
// indexed_attribute_ids_.reserve(description.indexed_attribute_ids_size());
// for (int i = 0; i < description.indexed_attribute_ids_size(); ++i) {
// indexed_attribute_ids_.push_back(description.indexed_attribute_ids(i));
// }
// // Make the bit_array_ point to sub_block_memory.
// bit_array_.reset(static_cast<std::uint8_t*>(sub_block_memory));
// bool is_bloom_filter_initialized = !is_new_block;
// const std::uint32_t salt_count = description.GetExtension(BloomFilterIndexSubBlockDescription::number_of_hashes);
// // Initialize the bloom_filter_ data structure to operate on bit_array.
// bloom_filter_.reset(new BloomFilter(salt_count,
// bit_array_size_in_bytes_,
// bit_array_.get(),
// is_bloom_filter_initialized));
// is_initialized_ = true;
// is_consistent_ = true;
LOG(FATAL) << "BloomFilterIndexSubBlock disabled";
BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::~BloomFilterIndexSubBlock() {
// bit_array_.release(); // De-allocation of bit_array_ is handled by StorageBlock.
bool BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::DescriptionIsValid(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description) {
if (!description.IsInitialized()) {
return false;
if (description.sub_block_type() != IndexSubBlockDescription::BLOOM_FILTER) {
return false;
// Check that all the specified index attributes are valid.
for (int i = 0; i < description.indexed_attribute_ids_size(); ++i) {
const attribute_id indexed_attribute_id = description.indexed_attribute_ids(i);
if (!relation.hasAttributeWithId(indexed_attribute_id)) {
return false;
return true;
std::size_t BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::EstimateBytesPerTuple(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description) {
DCHECK(DescriptionIsValid(relation, description));
// Note: Returning zero here causes EstimteBytesPerBlock() to be invoked for size computation.
return kZeroSize;
std::size_t BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::EstimateBytesPerBlock(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const IndexSubBlockDescription &description) {
// Note: This function is only invoked when EstimateBytesPerTuple() returns zero.
DCHECK(DescriptionIsValid(relation, description));
return description.GetExtension(BloomFilterIndexSubBlockDescription::bloom_filter_size);
bool BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::addEntry(const tuple_id tuple) {
if (!is_consistent_) {
return false;
if (!tuple_store_.hasTupleWithID(tuple)) {
return false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < indexed_attribute_ids_.size(); ++i) {
const attribute_id indexed_attribute_id = indexed_attribute_ids_[i];
const TypedValue tuple_value = tuple_store_.getAttributeValueTyped(tuple, indexed_attribute_id);
const std::uint8_t *data = static_cast<const std::uint8_t*>(tuple_value.getDataPtr());
const std::size_t data_size = tuple_value.getDataSize();
if (!tuple_value.isNull()) {
bloom_filter_->insert(data, data_size);
return true;
bool BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::bulkAddEntries(const TupleIdSequence &tuples) {
if (!is_consistent_) {
return false;
bool didAllSucceed = true;
for (const tuple_id &tuple : tuples) {
didAllSucceed = didAllSucceed && addEntry(tuple);
return didAllSucceed;
void BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::removeEntry(const tuple_id tuple) {
is_consistent_ = false;
void BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::bulkRemoveEntries(const TupleIdSequence &tuples) {
is_consistent_ = false;
predicate_cost_t BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::estimatePredicateEvaluationCost(
const ComparisonPredicate &predicate) const {
BloomFilterSelectivity selectivity = getSelectivityForPredicate(predicate);
// Note: A Bloomfilter index is only useful when it gives a zero selectivity
// in which case a block can be skipped entirely.
if (selectivity == BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityNone) {
// Return minimum cost so that this block can be skipped altogether.
return predicate_cost::kConstantTime;
} else {
// Return maximum cost because this is as worse as doing a full scan of the block.
return predicate_cost::kInfinite;
TupleIdSequence* BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::getMatchesForPredicate(
const ComparisonPredicate &predicate,
const TupleIdSequence *filter) const {
if (filter != nullptr) {
LOG(FATAL) << "BloomFilterIndex does not support filter evaluation with predicate.";
BloomFilterSelectivity selectivity = getSelectivityForPredicate(predicate);
if (selectivity == BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityNone) {
// This path is invoked when there is a BloomFilter miss (true negative)
// and a BloomFilter index allows to skip this block entirely.
// A new tuple ID sequence is initialized to false for all values.
return new TupleIdSequence(tuple_store_.numTuples());
} else if (selectivity == BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityAll) {
// This path is invoked when there is a BloomFilter hit (possibly false positive)
// and a BloomFilter index does not provide much information.
// Note: If estimatePredicateEvaluationCost() is used by optimizer to evaluate
// the cost of using BloomFilter index for a BloomFilter hit,
// getMatchesForPredicate() will not be called in the first place itself
// and this path will never be taken.
TupleIdSequence* tuple_sequence = new TupleIdSequence(tuple_store_.numTuples());
// Set all existing tuples to true, selected.
if (tuple_store_.isPacked()) {
tuple_sequence->setRange(0, tuple_store_.numTuples(), true);
} else {
for (tuple_id tid = 0; tid <= tuple_store_.getMaxTupleID(); ++tid) {
if (tuple_store_.hasTupleWithID(tid)) {
tuple_sequence->set(tid, true);
return tuple_sequence;
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "BloomFilterIndex should never have been called.";
return nullptr;
BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::getSelectivityForPredicate(const ComparisonPredicate &predicate) const {
if (!is_consistent_) {
return BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityUnknown;
// Bloom filter index can be currently only used to evaluate
// equality matching comparison predicates with static values as the right operand.
if (predicate.getComparison().getComparisonID() == ComparisonID::kEqual
&& predicate.getRightOperand().hasStaticValue()) {
const ScalarAttribute *left_operand = static_cast<const ScalarAttribute*>(&predicate.getLeftOperand());
const attribute_id attr_id_checked = left_operand->getAttribute().getID();
// Check if the specified attribute in the predicate is actually indexed or not.
bool is_attribute_indexed = false;
for (const attribute_id &attr_id_expected : indexed_attribute_ids_) {
if (attr_id_expected == attr_id_checked) {
is_attribute_indexed = true;
if (!is_attribute_indexed) {
// Specified attribute not indexed, this index provides no useful information.
return BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityUnknown;
const ScalarLiteral *right_operand = static_cast<const ScalarLiteral*>(&predicate.getRightOperand());
const std::uint8_t *test_data = static_cast<const std::uint8_t*>(right_operand->getStaticValue().getDataPtr());
const std::size_t test_data_size = right_operand->getStaticValue().getDataSize();
bool is_contained = bloom_filter_->contains(test_data, test_data_size);
if (is_contained) {
// Bloom filter hit. Can be a false positive, a scan is required here.
return BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityAll;
} else {
// Bloom filter miss. Definitely a true negative. Selectivity is zero.
return BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityNone;
return BloomFilterSelectivity::kSelectivityUnknown;
bool BloomFilterIndexSubBlock::rebuild() {
// DCHECK(is_initialized_);
// bloom_filter_->reset();
// bool didSucceed = true;
// if (tuple_store_.isPacked()) {
// for (tuple_id tid = 0; didSucceed && tid <= tuple_store_.getMaxTupleID(); ++tid) {
// didSucceed = addEntry(tid);
// }
// } else {
// for (tuple_id tid = 0; didSucceed && tid <= tuple_store_.getMaxTupleID(); ++tid) {
// if (tuple_store_.hasTupleWithID(tid)) {
// didSucceed = addEntry(tid);
// }
// }
// }
// is_consistent_ = true;
// return didSucceed;
LOG(FATAL) << "BloomFilterIndexSubBlock disabled";
return false;
} // namespace quickstep