blob: 74efd2663cb3bb3a7eb188cf4bebf166f3a57a93 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011-2015 Quickstep Technologies LLC.
* Copyright 2015-2016 Pivotal Software, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "catalog/CatalogAttribute.hpp"
#include "catalog/CatalogDatabase.hpp"
#include "catalog/CatalogRelation.hpp"
#include "catalog/CatalogTypedefs.hpp"
#include "expressions/Expressions.pb.h"
#include "expressions/scalar/Scalar.hpp"
#include "expressions/scalar/ScalarAttribute.hpp"
#include "query_execution/QueryContext.hpp"
#include "query_execution/QueryContext.pb.h"
#include "query_execution/QueryExecutionMessages.pb.h"
#include "query_execution/QueryExecutionTypedefs.hpp"
#include "query_execution/WorkOrdersContainer.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/RelationalOperator.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/SortRunGenerationOperator.hpp"
#include "relational_operators/WorkOrder.hpp"
#include "storage/BasicColumnStoreValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "storage/CompressedColumnStoreValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "storage/CompressedPackedRowStoreValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "storage/CountedReference.hpp"
#include "storage/InsertDestination.hpp"
#include "storage/InsertDestination.pb.h"
#include "storage/PackedRowStoreValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "storage/SplitRowStoreValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlock.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockInfo.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageBlockLayout.hpp"
#include "storage/StorageManager.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleStorageSubBlock.hpp"
#include "storage/ValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "storage/ValueAccessorUtil.hpp"
#include "threading/ThreadIDBasedMap.hpp"
#include "types/IntType.hpp"
#include "types/Type.hpp"
#include "types/TypeID.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "types/containers/ColumnVectorsValueAccessor.hpp"
#include "types/containers/Tuple.hpp"
#include "utility/SortConfiguration.hpp"
#include "utility/SortConfiguration.pb.h"
#include "glog/logging.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "tmb/id_typedefs.h"
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace quickstep {
namespace {
constexpr int kOpIndex = 0;
// Helper struct for test tuple that will that will be inserted and sorted.
class TestTuple {
static const int kCol1Bits;
static const int kCol2Bits;
static const int kCol3Bits;
// Intialize tuple based on seed number.
explicit TestTuple(int num)
: tid_(num),
col1_(Bits(num, 3, kCol1Bits)),
col2_(Bits(num, 6, kCol2Bits)),
col3_(Bits(num, 1, kCol3Bits)) {}
int tid_; // Tuple-ID
int col1_; // Col-1
int col2_; // Col-2
int col3_; // Col-3
static inline int Bits(int value, int offset, int length) {
return (value >> offset) & (0xffff >> (16 - length));
const int TestTuple::kCol1Bits = 5;
const int TestTuple::kCol2Bits = 2;
const int TestTuple::kCol3Bits = 3;
// To simplify testing nullable attributes, we create another meta tuple from
// column values from TestTuple struct. Column 1, 2, 3 are same as TestTuple.
// Columns 4, 5, 6 are same as 1, 2, 3 respectively when non-zero, and null
// otherwise. That is, i^th and (i + 3)^th columns are same when the value is
// non-zero. When the value of i^th column is zero, (i + 3)^th column is NULL.
// null_c{i} captures if column i was NULL in the tuple.
struct TestTupleAttrs {
int c1, c2, c3;
bool null_c4, null_c5, null_c6;
// Convert from TestTuple to TestTupleAttrs.
struct TestTupleAttrs TupleToTupleAttr(const Tuple &tuple) {
auto attr = tuple.getAttributeValueVector();
struct TestTupleAttrs out{};
out.c1 = attr[0].getLiteral<int>();
out.c2 = attr[1].getLiteral<int>();
out.c3 = attr[2].getLiteral<int>();
out.null_c4 = attr[3].isNull();
out.null_c5 = attr[4].isNull();
out.null_c6 = attr[5].isNull();
return out;
} // namespace
// Test SortRunGenerationOperator class.
class SortRunGenerationOperatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
static const relation_id kTableId = 100;
static const relation_id kResultTableId = kTableId + 1;
static const relation_id kRunTableId = kTableId + 2;
static const relation_id kTempRunTableId = kTableId + 3;
static const char kTableName[];
static const char kResultTableName[];
static const char kStoragePath[];
virtual void SetUp() {
// Initialize the TMB, register this thread as sender and receiver for
// appropriate types of messages.
thread_client_id_ = bus_.Connect();
bus_.RegisterClientAsSender(thread_client_id_, kDataPipelineMessage);
bus_.RegisterClientAsReceiver(thread_client_id_, kDataPipelineMessage);
bus_.RegisterClientAsSender(thread_client_id_, kCatalogRelationNewBlockMessage);
bus_.RegisterClientAsReceiver(thread_client_id_, kCatalogRelationNewBlockMessage);
thread_id_map_ = ClientIDMap::Instance();
// Usually the worker thread makes the following call. In this test setup,
// we don't have a worker thread hence we have to explicitly make the call.
storage_manager_.reset(new StorageManager(kStoragePath));
db_.reset(new CatalogDatabase(nullptr, "database"));
// Create tables, owned by db_.
input_table_ = createTable(kTableName, kTableId);
col1_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("col-1")->getID();
col2_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("col-2")->getID();
col3_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("col-3")->getID();
null_col1_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("null-col-1")->getID();
null_col2_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("null-col-2")->getID();
null_col3_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("null-col-3")->getID();
tid_col_ = input_table_->getAttributeByName("tid")->getID();
result_table_ = createTable(kResultTableName, kResultTableId);
ASSERT_EQ(col1_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("col-1")->getID());
ASSERT_EQ(col2_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("col-2")->getID());
ASSERT_EQ(col3_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("col-3")->getID());
ASSERT_EQ(null_col1_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("null-col-1")->getID());
ASSERT_EQ(null_col2_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("null-col-2")->getID());
ASSERT_EQ(null_col3_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("null-col-3")->getID());
ASSERT_EQ(tid_col_, result_table_->getAttributeByName("tid")->getID());
virtual void TearDown() {
// Usually the worker thread makes the following call. In this test setup,
// we don't have a worker thread hence we have to explicitly make the call.
// Helper method to create catalog relation.
CatalogRelation *createTable(const char *name, const relation_id rel_id) {
CatalogRelation *table = new CatalogRelation(nullptr, name, rel_id);
const Type &int_type = IntType::InstanceNonNullable();
const Type &null_int_type = IntType::InstanceNullable();
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "col-1", int_type));
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "col-2", int_type));
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "col-3", int_type));
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "null-col-1", null_int_type));
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "null-col-2", null_int_type));
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "null-col-3", null_int_type));
table->addAttribute(new CatalogAttribute(table, "tid", int_type));
table->setDefaultStorageBlockLayout(StorageBlockLayout::GenerateDefaultLayout(*table, false));
return table;
// Helper method to create tuple.
Tuple *createTuple(tuple_id id) {
std::vector<TypedValue> values;
TestTuple tuple(id);
if (!tuple.col1_) {
} else {
if (!tuple.col2_) {
} else {
if (!tuple.col3_) {
} else {
return new Tuple(std::move(values));
// Create blocks of unsorted tuples.
void createBlocks(const std::size_t num_tuples_per_block, const std::size_t num_blocks) {
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(0, (1 << 8) - 1);
std::unique_ptr<Tuple> tuple;
MutableBlockReference storage_block;
expect_num_tuples_ = 0;
for (std::size_t bid = 0; bid < num_blocks; ++bid) {
// Create block.
block_id block_id = storage_manager_->createBlock(*input_table_, input_table_->getDefaultStorageBlockLayout());
storage_block = storage_manager_->getBlockMutable(block_id, *input_table_);
// Insert tuples.
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_tuples_per_block; ++i) {
expect_num_tuples_ += num_tuples_per_block;
// Debug print method.
void printTuple(const char *prefix, const Tuple &tuple) {
if (VLOG_IS_ON(4)) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << prefix << ' ';
CatalogRelation::const_iterator attr_it = input_table_->begin();
Tuple::const_iterator value_it = tuple.begin();
for (; attr_it != input_table_->end(); ++attr_it, ++value_it) {
if (value_it->isNull()) {
out << "NULL";
} else {
out << attr_it->getType().printValueToString(*value_it);
out << '|';
out << '\n';
VLOG(4) << out.str();
void executeOperator(RelationalOperator *op) {
WorkOrdersContainer container(kOpIndex + 1, 0);
while (container.hasNormalWorkOrder(kOpIndex)) {
std::unique_ptr<WorkOrder> order(container.getNormalWorkOrder(kOpIndex));
void processCatalogRelationNewBlockMessages() {
AnnotatedMessage msg;
while (bus_.ReceiveIfAvailable(thread_client_id_, &msg)) {
const TaggedMessage &tagged_message = msg.tagged_message;
if (tagged_message.message_type() == kCatalogRelationNewBlockMessage) {
serialization::CatalogRelationNewBlockMessage proto;
CHECK(proto.ParseFromArray(tagged_message.message(), tagged_message.message_bytes()));
CatalogRelation *relation = db_->getRelationByIdMutable(proto.relation_id());
// Create blocks, and execute the SortRunGenerationOperator.
void executeSort(const std::vector<attribute_id> &attrs,
const std::vector<bool> &ordering,
const std::vector<bool> &null_ordering) {
// Setup the InsertDestination proto in the query context proto.
serialization::QueryContext query_context_proto;
const QueryContext::insert_destination_id insert_destination_index =
serialization::InsertDestination *insert_destination_proto = query_context_proto.add_insert_destinations();
// Setup the SortConfiguration proto.
DCHECK_EQ(attrs.size(), ordering.size());
DCHECK_EQ(attrs.size(), null_ordering.size());
const QueryContext::sort_config_id sort_config_index = query_context_proto.sort_configs_size();
serialization::SortConfiguration *sort_config_proto = query_context_proto.add_sort_configs();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < attrs.size(); ++i) {
serialization::SortConfiguration::OrderBy *order_by_proto = sort_config_proto->add_order_by_list();
unique_ptr<Scalar> scalar(
new ScalarAttribute(*input_table_->getAttributeById(attrs[i])));
std::unique_ptr<RelationalOperator> run_gen(
new SortRunGenerationOperator(*input_table_,
true /* is_stored */));
// Set up the QueryContext.
query_context_.reset(new QueryContext(query_context_proto,
// Check if the merged run is sorted.
template <typename ComparatorT>
void checkOutputRun(const ComparatorT comparator) {
std::vector<block_id> sorted_blocks = result_table_->getBlocksSnapshot();
std::unique_ptr<ValueAccessor> accessor;
ASSERT_GT(sorted_blocks.size(), 0u);
tuple_id num_tuples = 0;
for (const block_id &id : sorted_blocks) {
std::unique_ptr<Tuple> prev, current;
BlockReference block(storage_manager_->getBlock(id, *result_table_));
[&](auto *accessor) -> void { // NOLINT(build/c++11)
while (accessor->next()) {
prev = std::move(current);
if (prev) {
EXPECT_FALSE(comparator(*current, *prev));
this->printTuple(">", *current);
EXPECT_EQ(expect_num_tuples_, num_tuples);
std::unique_ptr<QueryContext> query_context_;
std::unique_ptr<StorageManager> storage_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<CatalogDatabase> db_;
CatalogRelation *input_table_, *result_table_;
attribute_id col1_;
attribute_id col2_;
attribute_id col3_;
attribute_id null_col1_;
attribute_id null_col2_;
attribute_id null_col3_;
attribute_id tid_col_;
tuple_id expect_num_tuples_;
MessageBusImpl bus_;
tmb::client_id thread_client_id_;
// This map is needed for InsertDestination and some operators that send
// messages to Foreman directly. To know the reason behind the design of this
// map, see the note in InsertDestination.hpp.
ClientIDMap *thread_id_map_;
const char SortRunGenerationOperatorTest::kTableName[] = "table";
const char SortRunGenerationOperatorTest::kResultTableName[] = "result-table";
const char SortRunGenerationOperatorTest::kStoragePath[] = "./test_data";
namespace {
static const std::size_t kNumBlocks = 10;
static const std::size_t kNumTuplesPerBlock = 10;
} // namespace
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 1Column_NonNull_Asc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{col1_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for col-1 ASC.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 1Column_NonNull_Desc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{col1_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortDescending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for col-1 DESC.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
if (l.c1 > r.c1) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 1Column_NullLast_Asc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for null-col-1 ASC NULLS LAST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c1;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c1;
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 1Column_NullFirst_Asc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullFirst};
// Comparator for null-col-1 ASC NULLS FIRST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c1;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c1;
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 1Column_NullLast_Desc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortDescending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for null-col-1 DESC NULLS LAST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c1;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c1;
if (l.c1 > r.c1) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 1Column_NullFirst_Desc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortDescending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullFirst};
// Comparator for null-col-1 DESC NULLS FIRST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c1;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c1;
if (l.c1 > r.c1) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_NonNull_Asc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{col1_, col2_, col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending, kSortAscending, kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for col-1 ASC, col-2 ASC, col-3 ASC.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 < r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 < r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_NonNull_Desc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{col1_, col2_, col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortDescending, kSortDescending, kSortDescending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for col-1 DESC, col-2 DESC, col-3 DESC.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
if (l.c1 > r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 > r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 > r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_NullLast_Asc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_, null_col2_, null_col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending, kSortAscending, kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for null-col-1 ASC NULLS LAST, null-col-2 ASC NULLS LAST,
// null-col-3 ASC NULLS LAST.
auto comparator = [this](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c1;
l.c2 = l.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c2;
l.c3 = l.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c3;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c1;
r.c2 = r.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c2;
r.c3 = r.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c3;
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 < r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 < r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_NullLast_Desc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_, null_col2_, null_col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortDescending, kSortDescending, kSortDescending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for null-col-1 DESC NULLS LAST, null-col-2 DESC NULLS LAST,
// null-col-3 DESC NULLS LAST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c1;
l.c2 = l.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c2;
l.c3 = l.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c3;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c1;
r.c2 = r.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c2;
r.c3 = r.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c3;
if (l.c1 > r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 > r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 > r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_NullFirst_Asc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_, null_col2_, null_col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending, kSortAscending, kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullFirst, kSortNullFirst, kSortNullFirst};
// Comparator for null-col-1 ASC NULLS FIRST, null-col-2 ASC NULLS FIRST,
// null-col-3 ASC NULLS FIRST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c1;
l.c2 = l.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c2;
l.c3 = l.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c3;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c1;
r.c2 = r.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c2;
r.c3 = r.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c3;
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 < r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 < r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_NullFirst_Desc) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_, null_col2_, null_col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortDescending, kSortDescending, kSortDescending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullFirst, kSortNullFirst, kSortNullFirst};
// Comparator for null-col-1 DESC NULLS FIRST, null-col-2 DESC NULLS FIRST,
// null-col-3 DESC NULLS FIRST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c1;
l.c2 = l.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c2;
l.c3 = l.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c3;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c1;
r.c2 = r.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c2;
r.c3 = r.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c3;
if (l.c1 > r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 > r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 > r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
TEST_F(SortRunGenerationOperatorTest, 3Column_MixedNullOrdering_MixedOrdering) {
std::vector<attribute_id> attrs{null_col1_, null_col2_, null_col3_};
std::vector<bool> ordering{kSortAscending, kSortDescending, kSortAscending};
std::vector<bool> null_ordering{kSortNullFirst, kSortNullLast, kSortNullLast};
// Comparator for null-col-1 ASC NULLS FIRST, null-col-2 DESC NULLS LAST,
// null-col-3 ASC NULLS LAST.
auto comparator = [](const Tuple &left, const Tuple &right) -> bool {
TestTupleAttrs l = TupleToTupleAttr(left);
TestTupleAttrs r = TupleToTupleAttr(right);
l.c1 = l.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c1;
l.c2 = l.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : l.c2;
l.c3 = l.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : l.c3;
r.c1 = r.null_c4 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c1;
r.c2 = r.null_c5 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::min() : r.c2;
r.c3 = r.null_c6 ? std::numeric_limits<int>::max() : r.c3;
if (l.c1 < r.c1) {
return true;
} else if (l.c1 == r.c1) {
if (l.c2 > r.c2) {
return true;
} else if (l.c2 == r.c2) {
if (l.c3 < r.c3) {
return true;
return false;
createBlocks(kNumTuplesPerBlock, kNumBlocks);
executeSort(attrs, ordering, null_ordering);
} // namespace quickstep