blob: 681001eae94ff421c40b32c71a48949ac5c39eee [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "expressions/predicate/PredicateCost.hpp"
#include "storage/SubBlockTypeRegistryMacros.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleIdSequence.hpp"
#include "storage/TupleStorageSubBlock.hpp"
#include "types/TypedValue.hpp"
#include "utility/BitVector.hpp"
#include "utility/Macros.hpp"
#include "gtest/gtest_prod.h"
namespace quickstep {
class ComparisonPredicate;
class Tuple;
class TupleStorageSubBlockDescription;
class ValueAccessor;
namespace splitrow_internal {
// A CopyGroup contains information about ane run of attributes in the source
// ValueAccessor that can be copied into the output block. The
// getCopyGroupsForAttributeMap function below takes an attribute map for a source
// and converts it into a sequence of runs. The goal is to minimize the number
// of memcpy calls and address calculations that occur during bulk insertion.
// Contiguous attributes from a rowstore source can be merged into a single copy group.
// A single ContiguousAttrs CopyGroup consists of contiguous attributes, nullable
// or not. "Contiguous" here means that their attribute IDs are successive in both
// the source and destination relations.
// A NullAttr refers to exactly one nullable attribute. Nullable columns are
// represented using fixed length inline data as well as a null bitmap.
// In a particular tuple, if the attribute has a null value, the inline data
// has no meaning. So it is safe to copy it or not. We use this fact to merge
// runs together aggressively, i.e., a ContiguousAttrs group may include a
// nullable attribute. However, we also create a NullableAttr in that case in
// order to check the null bitmap.
// A gap is a run of destination (output) attributes that don't come from a
// particular source. This occurs during bulkInsertPartialTuples. They must be
// skipped during the insert (not copied over). They are indicated by a
// kInvalidCatalogId in the attribute map. For efficiency, the gap size
// is merged into the bytes_to_advance_ of previous ContiguousAttrs copy group.
// For gaps at the start of the attribute map, we just create a ContiguousAttrs
// copy group with 0 bytes to copy and dummy (0) source attribute id.
// eg. For 4B integer attrs, from a row store source,
// if the input attribute_map is {-1,0,5,6,7,-1,2,4,9,10,-1}
// with input/output attributes 4 and 7 being nullable,
// we will create the following ContiguousAttrs copy groups
// ----------------------------------------------------
// |src_id_ |bytes_to_advance_| bytes_to_copy_ |
// |-------------|-----------------|------------------|
// | 0| 4| 4|
// | 5| 4| 12|
// | 2| 16| 4|
// | 4| 4| 4|
// | 9| 4| 8|
// ----------------------------------------------------
// and two NullableAttrs with src_attr_id_ set to 4 and 7.
// In this example, we do 6 memcpy calls and 6 address calculations
// as well as 2 bitvector lookups for each tuple. A naive copy algorithm
// would do 11 memcpy calls and address calculations, along with the
// bitvector lookups, not to mention the schema lookups,
// all interspersed in a complex loop with lots of branches.
// If the source was a column store, then we can't merge contiguous
// attributes (or gaps). So we would have 11 ContigousAttrs copy groups with
// three of them having bytes_to_copy = 0 (corresponding to the gaps) and
// the rest having bytes_to_copy_ = 4.
// SplitRowStore supports variable length attributes. Since the layout of the
// tuple is like: [null bitmap][fixed length attributes][variable length offsets]
// we do all the variable length copies after the fixed length copies.
struct CopyGroup {
attribute_id src_attr_id_; // The attr_id of starting input attribute for run.
explicit CopyGroup(const attribute_id source_attr_id)
: src_attr_id_(source_attr_id) {}
struct ContiguousAttrs : public CopyGroup {
std::size_t bytes_to_advance_; // Number of bytes to advance destination ptr
// to get to the location where we copy THIS attribute.
std::size_t bytes_to_copy_; // Number of bytes to copy from source.
const attribute_id source_attr_id,
const std::size_t bytes_to_copy,
const std::size_t bytes_to_advance)
: CopyGroup(source_attr_id),
bytes_to_copy_(bytes_to_copy) { }
struct VarLenAttr : public CopyGroup {
std::size_t bytes_to_advance_;
attribute_id dst_attr_id_;
VarLenAttr(const attribute_id source_attr_id,
const attribute_id dst_attr_id,
const std::size_t bytes_to_advance)
: CopyGroup(source_attr_id),
dst_attr_id_(dst_attr_id) {}
struct NullableAttr : public CopyGroup {
int nullable_attr_idx_; // index into null bitmap
NullableAttr(attribute_id source_attr_id_,
int nullable_attr_idx)
: CopyGroup(source_attr_id_),
nullable_attr_idx_(nullable_attr_idx) {}
struct CopyGroupList {
: contiguous_attrs_(),
varlen_attrs_() {}
* @brief Attributes which are exactly sequential are merged to a single copy.
void merge_contiguous() {
if (contiguous_attrs_.size() < 2) {
int add_to_advance = 0;
for (std::size_t idx = 1; idx < contiguous_attrs_.size(); ++idx) {
ContiguousAttrs *current_attr = &contiguous_attrs_[idx];
ContiguousAttrs *previous_attr = &contiguous_attrs_[idx - 1];
if (add_to_advance > 0) {
current_attr->bytes_to_advance_ += add_to_advance;
add_to_advance = 0;
// The merge step:
if (previous_attr->src_attr_id_ + 1 == current_attr->src_attr_id_ &&
previous_attr->bytes_to_copy_ == current_attr->bytes_to_advance_) {
previous_attr->bytes_to_copy_ += current_attr->bytes_to_copy_;
add_to_advance += current_attr->bytes_to_advance_;
contiguous_attrs_.erase(contiguous_attrs_.begin() + idx);
if (varlen_attrs_.size() > 0) {
varlen_attrs_[0].bytes_to_advance_ += add_to_advance;
std::vector<ContiguousAttrs> contiguous_attrs_;
std::vector<NullableAttr> nullable_attrs_;
std::vector<VarLenAttr> varlen_attrs_;
} // namespace splitrow_internal
/** \addtogroup Storage
* @{
* @brief An implementation of TupleStorageSubBlock as a slotted row-store that
* splits storage between an array of slots for fixed-length attributes
* at the front of the block and a region of storage for variable-length
* attributes at the back of the block that both grow towards each
* other.
* @note Deletions and updates can cause both the slot array and the
* variable-length storage region to become fragmented. Otherwise wasted
* storage can be reclaimed by calling rebuild().
class SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock: public TupleStorageSubBlock {
static const std::size_t kVarLenSlotSize;
SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description,
const bool new_block,
void *sub_block_memory,
const std::size_t sub_block_memory_size);
~SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlock() override {
* @brief Determine whether a TupleStorageSubBlockDescription is valid for
* this type of TupleStorageSubBlock.
* @param relation The relation a tuple store described by description would
* belong to.
* @param description A description of the parameters for this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock, which will be checked for validity.
* @return Whether description is well-formed and valid for this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock belonging to relation (i.e. whether a
* TupleStorageSubBlock of this type, belonging to relation, can be
* constructed according to description).
static bool DescriptionIsValid(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description);
* @brief Estimate the average number of bytes (including any applicable
* overhead) used to store a single tuple in this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock. Used by StorageBlockLayout::finalize() to
* divide block memory amongst sub-blocks.
* @warning description must be valid. DescriptionIsValid() should be called
* first if necessary.
* @param relation The relation tuples belong to.
* @param description A description of the parameters for this type of
* TupleStorageSubBlock.
* @return The average/ammortized number of bytes used to store a single
* tuple of relation in a TupleStorageSubBlock of this type described
* by description.
static std::size_t EstimateBytesPerTuple(const CatalogRelationSchema &relation,
const TupleStorageSubBlockDescription &description);
bool supportsUntypedGetAttributeValue(const attribute_id attr) const override {
return true;
bool supportsAdHocInsert() const override {
return true;
bool adHocInsertIsEfficient() const override {
return true;
TupleStorageSubBlockType getTupleStorageSubBlockType() const override {
return kSplitRowStore;
bool isEmpty() const override {
return header_->num_tuples == 0;
bool isPacked() const override {
return header_->num_tuples == header_->max_tid + 1;
tuple_id getMaxTupleID() const override {
return header_->max_tid;
tuple_id numTuples() const override {
return header_->num_tuples;
bool hasTupleWithID(const tuple_id tuple) const override {
return (tuple >= 0)
&& (static_cast<std::size_t>(tuple) < occupancy_bitmap_->size())
&& occupancy_bitmap_->getBit(tuple);
InsertResult insertTuple(const Tuple &tuple) override;
inline bool insertTupleInBatch(const Tuple &tuple) override {
const InsertResult result = insertTuple(tuple);
return (result.inserted_id >= 0);
tuple_id bulkInsertTuples(ValueAccessor *accessor) override;
tuple_id bulkInsertTuplesWithRemappedAttributes(
const std::vector<attribute_id> &attribute_map,
ValueAccessor *accessor) override;
tuple_id bulkInsertPartialTuples(
const std::vector<attribute_id> &attribute_map,
ValueAccessor *accessor,
const tuple_id max_num_tuples_to_insert);
void bulkInsertPartialTuplesFinalize(const tuple_id num_tuples_inserted);
const void* getAttributeValue(const tuple_id tuple,
const attribute_id attr) const override;
TypedValue getAttributeValueTyped(const tuple_id tuple,
const attribute_id attr) const override;
ValueAccessor* createValueAccessor(
const TupleIdSequence *sequence = nullptr) const override;
bool canSetAttributeValuesInPlaceTyped(
const tuple_id tuple,
const std::unordered_map<attribute_id, TypedValue> &new_values) const override;
void setAttributeValueInPlaceTyped(const tuple_id tuple,
const attribute_id attr,
const TypedValue &value) override;
bool deleteTuple(const tuple_id tuple) override;
bool bulkDeleteTuples(TupleIdSequence *tuples) override;
TupleIdSequence* getExistenceMap() const override {
return new TupleIdSequence(header_->max_tid + 1, *occupancy_bitmap_);
OrderedTupleIdSequence* getExistenceList() const override;
predicate_cost_t estimatePredicateEvaluationCost(
const ComparisonPredicate &predicate) const override {
return predicate_cost::kRowScan;
void rebuild() override;
bool isInsertOrderPreserving() const override {
return true;
struct Header {
tuple_id num_tuples;
tuple_id max_tid;
std::uint32_t variable_length_bytes_allocated;
bool variable_length_storage_compact;
inline bool spaceToInsert(const tuple_id position,
const std::size_t variable_length_bytes) const {
return (header_->max_tid + 1) * tuple_slot_bytes_ // Already allocated slots
+ (position == header_->max_tid + 1) * tuple_slot_bytes_ // An extra slot if needed
+ header_->variable_length_bytes_allocated // Already allocated variable storage.
+ variable_length_bytes // Extra needed variable storage.
<= tuple_storage_bytes_;
template <bool nullable_attrs, bool variable_length_attrs>
InsertResult insertTupleImpl(const Tuple &tuple);
template<bool copy_nulls, bool copy_varlen, bool fill_to_capacity>
tuple_id bulkInsertPartialTuplesImpl(
const splitrow_internal::CopyGroupList &copy_groups,
ValueAccessor *accessor,
std::size_t max_num_tuples_to_insert);
tuple_id bulkInsertDispatcher(
const std::vector<attribute_id> &attribute_map,
ValueAccessor *accessor,
tuple_id max_num_tuples_to_insert,
bool finalize);
void getCopyGroupsForAttributeMap(
const std::vector<attribute_id> &attribute_map,
splitrow_internal::CopyGroupList *copy_groups);
std::size_t getInsertLowerBound() const;
// When varlen attributes are bulk inserted, the difference between the maximum
// possible size and the actual size of the tuples will cause an underestimate of
// the number of tuples we can insert. This threshold puts a limit on the number
// of tuples to attempt to insert. A smaller number will give more rounds of insertion
// and a more-packed block, but at the cost of insertion speed.
std::size_t getInsertLowerBoundThreshold() const {
return 10;
Header *header_;
std::unique_ptr<BitVector<false>> occupancy_bitmap_;
std::size_t occupancy_bitmap_bytes_;
void *tuple_storage_;
std::size_t tuple_storage_bytes_;
std::size_t tuple_slot_bytes_;
std::vector<std::size_t> fixed_len_attr_sizes_;
std::size_t num_null_attrs_;
std::size_t num_fixed_attrs_;
std::size_t num_var_attrs_;
std::size_t per_tuple_null_bitmap_bytes_;
friend class SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlockTest;
friend class SplitRowStoreValueAccessor;
FRIEND_TEST(SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlockTest, InitializeTest);
FRIEND_TEST(SplitRowStoreTupleStorageSubBlockTest, GetCopyGroupsForAttributeMapTest);
/** @} */
} // namespace quickstep