blob: 74b6b65ab17ac525f09d9064a57b423a8b71574a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.pirk.query.wideskies;
import org.apache.pirk.schema.query.QuerySchema;
import org.apache.pirk.schema.query.QuerySchemaRegistry;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
* Class to hold all of the basic information regarding a query
* <p>
* Note that the hash key is specific to the query. If we have hash collisions over our selector set, we will append integers to the key starting with 0 until
* we no longer have collisions
public class QueryInfo implements Serializable, Cloneable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final long queryInfoSerialVersionUID = 1L;
// So that we can serialize the version number in gson.
public final long queryInfoVersion = queryInfoSerialVersionUID;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryInfo.class);
private UUID identifier; // the identifier of the query
private int numSelectors = 0; // the number of selectors in the query, given by \floor{paillerBitSize/dataPartitionBitSize}
private String queryType = null; // QueryType string const
private int hashBitSize = 0; // Bit size of the keyed hash function
private String hashKey; // Key for the keyed hash function
private int numBitsPerDataElement = 0; // total num bits per returned data value - defined relative to query type
private int dataPartitionBitSize = 0; // num of bits for each partition of an incoming data element, must be < 32 right now
private int numPartitionsPerDataElement = 0; // num partitions of size dataPartitionBitSize per data element
private boolean useExpLookupTable = false; // whether or not to generate and use the expLookupTable for encryption, it is very expensive to compute
private boolean useHDFSExpLookupTable = false; // whether or not to use the expLookupTable stored in HDFS
// if it doesn't yet exist, it will be created within the cluster and stored in HDFS
private boolean embedSelector = true; // whether or not to embed the selector in the results - results in a very low
// false positive rate for variable length selectors and a zero false positive rate
// for selectors of fixed size < 32 bits
private QuerySchema qSchema = null;
public QueryInfo(int numSelectorsInput, int hashBitSizeInput, int dataPartitionBitSizeInput, String queryTypeInput, boolean useExpLookupTableInput, boolean embedSelectorInput, boolean useHDFSExpLookupTableInput)
this(UUID.randomUUID(), numSelectorsInput, hashBitSizeInput, dataPartitionBitSizeInput, queryTypeInput, useExpLookupTableInput,
embedSelectorInput, useHDFSExpLookupTableInput);
public QueryInfo(UUID identifierInput, int numSelectorsInput, int hashBitSizeInput, int dataPartitionBitSizeInput, String queryTypeInput,
boolean useExpLookupTableInput, boolean embedSelectorInput, boolean useHDFSExpLookupTableInput)
identifier = identifierInput;
queryType = queryTypeInput;
numSelectors = numSelectorsInput;
hashBitSize = hashBitSizeInput;
useExpLookupTable = useExpLookupTableInput;
useHDFSExpLookupTable = useHDFSExpLookupTableInput;
embedSelector = embedSelectorInput;
numBitsPerDataElement = QuerySchemaRegistry.get(queryType).getDataElementSize();
dataPartitionBitSize = dataPartitionBitSizeInput;
numPartitionsPerDataElement = numBitsPerDataElement / dataPartitionBitSizeInput;
if (embedSelectorInput)
numPartitionsPerDataElement += 4; // using a 8-bit partition size and a 32-bit embedded selector
* This constructor is used for deserialization only. The Hash Key should not be set manually in most cases because EncryptQuery
* will overwrite it with a new random one.
public QueryInfo(UUID identifierInput, int numSelectorsInput, int hashBitSizeInput, String hashKeyInput, int dataPartitionBitSizeInput, String queryTypeInput,
boolean useExpLookupTableInput, boolean embedSelectorInput, boolean useHDFSExpLookupTableInput, int numBitsPerDataElementInput,
QuerySchema querySchemaInput)
identifier = identifierInput;
queryType = queryTypeInput;
numSelectors = numSelectorsInput;
hashBitSize = hashBitSizeInput;
hashKey = hashKeyInput;
useExpLookupTable = useExpLookupTableInput;
useHDFSExpLookupTable = useHDFSExpLookupTableInput;
embedSelector = embedSelectorInput;
numBitsPerDataElement = numBitsPerDataElementInput;
dataPartitionBitSize = dataPartitionBitSizeInput;
numPartitionsPerDataElement = numBitsPerDataElement / dataPartitionBitSizeInput;
if (embedSelectorInput)
numPartitionsPerDataElement += 4; // using a 8-bit partition size and a 32-bit embedded selector
public QueryInfo(Map queryInfoMap)
// The Storm Config serializes the map as a json and reads back in with numeric values as longs.
// So numerics need to be cast as a long and call .intValue. However, in PirkHashScheme the map contains ints.
identifier = UUID.fromString((String) queryInfoMap.get("uuid"));
queryType = (String) queryInfoMap.get("queryType");
hashKey = (String) queryInfoMap.get("hashKey");
useExpLookupTable = (boolean) queryInfoMap.get("useExpLookupTable");
useHDFSExpLookupTable = (boolean) queryInfoMap.get("useHDFSExpLookupTable");
embedSelector = (boolean) queryInfoMap.get("embedSelector");
numSelectors = ((Long) queryInfoMap.get("numSelectors")).intValue();
hashBitSize = ((Long) queryInfoMap.get("hashBitSize")).intValue();
numBitsPerDataElement = ((Long) queryInfoMap.get("numBitsPerDataElement")).intValue();
numPartitionsPerDataElement = ((Long) queryInfoMap.get("numPartitionsPerDataElement")).intValue();
dataPartitionBitSize = ((Long) queryInfoMap.get("dataPartitionsBitSize")).intValue();
} catch (ClassCastException e)
numSelectors = (int) queryInfoMap.get("numSelectors");
hashBitSize = (int) queryInfoMap.get("hashBitSize");
numBitsPerDataElement = (int) queryInfoMap.get("numBitsPerDataElement");
numPartitionsPerDataElement = (int) queryInfoMap.get("numPartitionsPerDataElement");
dataPartitionBitSize = (int) queryInfoMap.get("dataPartitionsBitSize");
public UUID getIdentifier()
return identifier;
public String getQueryType()
return queryType;
public int getNumSelectors()
return numSelectors;
public int getHashBitSize()
return hashBitSize;
public String getHashKey()
return hashKey;
public void setHashKey(String hashKey)
this.hashKey = hashKey;
public int getNumBitsPerDataElement()
return numBitsPerDataElement;
public int getNumPartitionsPerDataElement()
return numPartitionsPerDataElement;
public int getDataPartitionBitSize()
return dataPartitionBitSize;
public boolean useExpLookupTable()
return useExpLookupTable;
public boolean useHDFSExpLookupTable()
return useHDFSExpLookupTable;
public boolean getEmbedSelector()
return embedSelector;
public Map toMap()
Map<String,Object> queryInfo = new HashMap<String,Object>();
queryInfo.put("uuid", identifier.toString());
queryInfo.put("queryType", queryType);
queryInfo.put("numSelectors", numSelectors);
queryInfo.put("hashBitSize", hashBitSize);
queryInfo.put("hashKey", hashKey);
queryInfo.put("numBitsPerDataElement", numBitsPerDataElement);
queryInfo.put("numPartitionsPerDataElement", numPartitionsPerDataElement);
queryInfo.put("dataPartitionsBitSize", dataPartitionBitSize);
queryInfo.put("useExpLookupTable", useExpLookupTable);
queryInfo.put("useHDFSExpLookupTable", useHDFSExpLookupTable);
queryInfo.put("embedSelector", embedSelector);
return queryInfo;
public void addQuerySchema(QuerySchema qSchemaIn)
qSchema = qSchemaIn;
public QuerySchema getQuerySchema()
return qSchema;
public void printQueryInfo()
{"identifier = " + identifier + " numSelectors = " + numSelectors + " hashBitSize = " + hashBitSize + " hashKey = " + hashKey
+ " dataPartitionBitSize = " + dataPartitionBitSize + " numBitsPerDataElement = " + numBitsPerDataElement + " numPartitionsPerDataElement = "
+ numPartitionsPerDataElement + " queryType = " + queryType + " useExpLookupTable = " + useExpLookupTable + " useHDFSExpLookupTable = "
+ useHDFSExpLookupTable + " embedSelector = " + embedSelector);
public QueryInfo clone()
return (QueryInfo) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e);
@Override public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
return false;
QueryInfo queryInfo = (QueryInfo) o;
if (numSelectors != queryInfo.numSelectors)
return false;
if (hashBitSize != queryInfo.hashBitSize)
return false;
if (numBitsPerDataElement != queryInfo.numBitsPerDataElement)
return false;
if (dataPartitionBitSize != queryInfo.dataPartitionBitSize)
return false;
if (numPartitionsPerDataElement != queryInfo.numPartitionsPerDataElement)
return false;
if (useExpLookupTable != queryInfo.useExpLookupTable)
return false;
if (useHDFSExpLookupTable != queryInfo.useHDFSExpLookupTable)
return false;
if (embedSelector != queryInfo.embedSelector)
return false;
if (!identifier.equals(queryInfo.identifier))
return false;
if (!queryType.equals(queryInfo.queryType))
return false;
if (!hashKey.equals(queryInfo.hashKey))
return false;
return qSchema != null ? qSchema.equals(queryInfo.qSchema) : queryInfo.qSchema == null;
@Override public int hashCode()
return Objects.hash(identifier, numSelectors, queryType, hashBitSize, hashKey, numBitsPerDataElement, useExpLookupTable, useHDFSExpLookupTable,
embedSelector, qSchema);