blob: 617e6dcdaafbcdbef4c3d868262d7178247cd4d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.pirk.utils;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.pirk.inputformat.hadoop.TextArrayWritable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Class used for URI query parsing
* <p>
* Query of the form @{code ?q=<queryField>:<queryTerm>}
* <p>
* TODO: Use Lucene's query parsing?... Make this lots lots better...
public class QueryParserUtils
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueryParserUtils.class);
* Given a URI query string, checks to see if the given document satisfies the query
* <p>
* ...Very hacky...
* <p>
* NOTE: Assumes that MapWritable keys are Text objects and values are Text or TextArrayWritable objects
* <p>
* NOTE: Support for list fields (values) is provided for checkRecord with Map<String, Object> and checkRecord with MapWritable containing
* WritableArrayWritable types for array values (vs. json string list representation)
* <p>
* NOTE: @ symbol represents flag ignore case sensitivity used after field (e.g. user_agent@:*searchparam*)
* <p>
* NOTE: Assumes that all AND booleans come before any OR booleans - ADD @ case sensitivity support for range queries
public static boolean checkRecord(String uriQuery, MapWritable doc, DataSchema dataSchema)
boolean satisfiesQuery = true;
logger.debug("uriQuery = " + uriQuery);
uriQuery = uriQuery.substring(3); // strip the beginning query tag '?q='
logger.debug("uriQuery = " + uriQuery);
if (uriQuery.equals("*"))
return true;
String[] queryTokens = uriQuery.split("\\+(?=AND)|\\+(?=OR)|\\+(?=[a-z])"); // booleans of the form +AND+, +OR+, don't split on +T0+
int index = 0;
String item;
while (index < queryTokens.length)
boolean ignoreCase = false;
item = queryTokens[index];
logger.debug("item = " + item);
String[] itemTokens = item.split(":", 2); // There are two components <field>:<query>
logger.debug("itemTokens[0] = " + itemTokens[0] + " itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
// check for ignore case flag
if (itemTokens[0].endsWith("@"))
ignoreCase = true;
logger.debug("ignore case = true");
itemTokens[0] = itemTokens[0].replaceAll("@", ""); // strip flag
logger.debug("itemTokens[0]:" + itemTokens[0]);
Object value = doc.get(new Text(itemTokens[0]));
if (value != null) // if the field is not present, a null Writable is returned
if (itemTokens[1].startsWith("[")) // Inclusive range query
if (value instanceof Text)
if (!checkRangeQuery(true, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], value.toString(), dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned false");
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof TextArrayWritable)
String[] elements = ((TextArrayWritable) value).toStrings();
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : elements)
if (checkRangeQuery(true, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], element, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned true");
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
else if (itemTokens[1].startsWith("{")) // Exclusive range query
if (value instanceof Text)
if (!checkRangeQuery(false, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], value.toString(), dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned false");
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof TextArrayWritable)
String[] elements = ((TextArrayWritable) value).toStrings();
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : elements)
if (checkRangeQuery(false, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], element, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned true");
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
// Not a range query
if (value instanceof Text)
String valueString = value.toString();
if (ignoreCase)
{ // Case insensitivity
logger.debug("not a range query; itemstoken1:" + itemTokens[1]);
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
valueString = valueString.toLowerCase();
logger.debug("valuestring after:" + valueString);
if (itemTokens[1].contains("*") || itemTokens[1].contains("?")) // Wildcard match
logger.debug("itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1] + " contains wildcard");
if (!Pattern.matches(wildcardToRegex(itemTokens[1]), valueString))
logger.debug("stringValue = " + valueString + " did not satisfy itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
satisfiesQuery = false;
logger.debug("stringValue = " + valueString + " did satisfy itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
else if (!(valueString).equals(itemTokens[1])) // Single value match
logger.debug("We do not have a single value match: stringValue " + valueString + " != itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof TextArrayWritable)
String[] elements = ((TextArrayWritable) value).toStrings();
logger.debug("elements.size() = " + elements.length);
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : elements)
if (ignoreCase)
{ // Case insensitivity
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
logger.debug("waw: itemtoken1 after:" + itemTokens[1]);
element = element.toLowerCase();
logger.debug("element after:" + element);
logger.debug("element: " + element);
if (itemTokens[1].contains("*") || itemTokens[1].contains("?")) // Wildcard match
logger.debug("itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1] + " contains wildcard");
if (Pattern.matches(wildcardToRegex(itemTokens[1]), element))
logger.debug("stringValue = " + element + " satisfied itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
oneSatisfied = true;
else if (element.equals(itemTokens[1])) // Single value match
logger.debug("We have a single value match: stringValue " + element + " = itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
satisfiesQuery = false; // add fix - account for case if query field does not exist
++index; // Try to pick up the boolean operators
if (index < (queryTokens.length - 1))
if (queryTokens[index].equals("AND")) // Do nothing and keep going
if (!satisfiesQuery)
item = queryTokens[index];
else if (queryTokens[index].equals("OR")) // Assume all OR's occur after all AND's
if (satisfiesQuery) // if we passed the query and it is not the first term
item = queryTokens[index];
satisfiesQuery = true; // reset so that we pick up matches for the next term
else if (!satisfiesQuery)
logger.debug("Does not satisfy the query and no boolean ops next...");
return satisfiesQuery;
public static boolean checkRecord(String uriQuery, Map<String,Object> doc, DataSchema dataSchema)
boolean satisfiesQuery = true;
logger.debug("uriQuery = " + uriQuery);
uriQuery = uriQuery.substring(3); // strip the beginning query tag '?q='
logger.debug("uriQuery = " + uriQuery);
if (uriQuery.equals("*"))
return true;
String[] queryTokens = uriQuery.split("\\+(?=AND)|\\+(?=OR)|\\+(?=[a-z])"); // booleans of the form +AND+, +OR+, don't split on +T0+
int index = 0;
String item;
while (index < queryTokens.length)
item = queryTokens[index];
logger.debug("item = " + item);
String[] itemTokens = item.split(":", 2); // There are two components <field>:<query>
logger.debug("itemTokens[0] = " + itemTokens[0] + " itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
boolean ignoreCase = false;
// check for ignore case flag
if (itemTokens[0].endsWith("@"))
ignoreCase = true;
itemTokens[0] = itemTokens[0].replaceAll("@", ""); // strip case flag
logger.debug("ignore case: itemTokens[0] = " + itemTokens[0] + " itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
Object value = doc.get(itemTokens[0]); // handle array answers
if (value != null) // if the field is not present, a null Writable is returned
if (itemTokens[1].startsWith("[")) // Inclusive range query
if (value instanceof String)
if (ignoreCase)
{ // case insensitivity
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
value = value.toString().toLowerCase();
if (!checkRangeQuery(true, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], (String) value, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned false");
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof ArrayList)
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : (ArrayList<String>) value)
if (checkRangeQuery(true, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], element, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned true");
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
else if (itemTokens[1].startsWith("{")) // Exclusive range query
if (value instanceof String)
if (!checkRangeQuery(false, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], (String) value, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned false");
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof ArrayList)
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : (ArrayList<String>) value)
if (ignoreCase)
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
element = element.toLowerCase();
if (checkRangeQuery(false, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], element, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned true");
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
// Not a range query
if (value instanceof String)
if (ignoreCase)
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
value = value.toString().toLowerCase();
if (itemTokens[1].contains("*") || itemTokens[1].contains("?")) // Wildcard match
logger.debug("itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1] + " contains wildcard");
if (!Pattern.matches(wildcardToRegex(itemTokens[1]), (String) value))
logger.debug("stringValue = " + value + " did not satisfy itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
satisfiesQuery = false;
logger.debug("stringValue = " + value + " did satisfy itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
else if (!(value).equals(itemTokens[1])) // Single value match
logger.debug("We do not have a single value match: stringValue " + value + " != itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof ArrayList)
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : (ArrayList<String>) value)
logger.debug("element = " + element);
if (ignoreCase)
{ // case insensitivity
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
element = element.toLowerCase();
if (itemTokens[1].contains("*") || itemTokens[1].contains("?")) // Wildcard match
logger.debug("itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1] + " contains wildcard");
if (Pattern.matches(wildcardToRegex(itemTokens[1]), element))
logger.debug("stringValue = " + element + " satisfied itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
oneSatisfied = true;
else if (element.equals(itemTokens[1])) // Single value match
logger.debug("We have a single value match: stringValue " + element + " = itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
{ // added fix: If the value is null (the requested field did not appear in the data)
satisfiesQuery = false;
++index; // Try to pick up the boolean operators
if (index < (queryTokens.length - 1))
if (queryTokens[index].equals("AND")) // Do nothing and keep going
if (!satisfiesQuery)
item = queryTokens[index];
else if (queryTokens[index].equals("OR")) // Assume all OR's occur after all AND's
if (satisfiesQuery && (index != 1)) // if we passed the query and it is not the first term
item = queryTokens[index];
satisfiesQuery = true; // reset so that we pick up matches for the next term
else if (!satisfiesQuery)
logger.debug("Does not satisfy the query and no boolean ops next...");
return satisfiesQuery;
public static boolean checkRecordWritableArrayWritable(String uriQuery, MapWritable doc, DataSchema dataSchema)
boolean satisfiesQuery = true;
logger.debug("uriQuery = " + uriQuery);
uriQuery = uriQuery.substring(3); // strip the beginning query tag '?q='
logger.debug("uriQuery = " + uriQuery);
if (uriQuery.equals("*"))
return true;
String[] queryTokens = uriQuery.split("\\+(?=AND)|\\+(?=OR)|\\+(?=[a-z])"); // booleans of the form +AND+, +OR+, don't split on +T0+
int index = 0;
String item;
while (index < queryTokens.length)
boolean ignoreCase = false;
item = queryTokens[index];
logger.debug("item = " + item);
String[] itemTokens = item.split(":", 2); // There are two components <field>:<query>
logger.debug("itemTokens[0] = " + itemTokens[0] + " itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
// check for ignore case flag
if (itemTokens[0].endsWith("@"))
ignoreCase = true;
logger.debug("ignore case = true");
itemTokens[0] = itemTokens[0].replaceAll("@", ""); // strip flag
logger.debug("itemTokens[0]:" + itemTokens[0]);
Object value = doc.get(new Text(itemTokens[0]));
if (value != null) // if the field is not present, a null Writable is returned
if (itemTokens[1].startsWith("[")) // Inclusive range query
if (value instanceof Text)
if (!checkRangeQuery(true, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], value.toString(), dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned false");
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof WritableArrayWritable)
String[] elements = ((WritableArrayWritable) value).toStrings();
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : elements)
if (checkRangeQuery(true, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], element, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned true");
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
else if (itemTokens[1].startsWith("{")) // Exclusive range query
if (value instanceof Text)
if (!checkRangeQuery(false, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], value.toString(), dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned false");
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof WritableArrayWritable)
String[] elements = ((WritableArrayWritable) value).toStrings();
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : elements)
if (checkRangeQuery(false, itemTokens[0], itemTokens[1], element, dataSchema))
logger.debug("checkRangeQuery returned true");
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
// Not a range query
if (value instanceof Text)
String valueString = value.toString();
if (ignoreCase)
{ // Case insensitivity
logger.debug("not a range query; itemstoken1:" + itemTokens[1]);
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
valueString = valueString.toLowerCase();
logger.debug("valuestring after:" + valueString);
if (itemTokens[1].contains("*") || itemTokens[1].contains("?")) // Wildcard match
logger.debug("itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1] + " contains wildcard");
if (!Pattern.matches(wildcardToRegex(itemTokens[1]), valueString))
logger.debug("stringValue = " + valueString + " did not satisfy itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
satisfiesQuery = false;
logger.debug("stringValue = " + valueString + " did satisfy itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
else if (!(valueString).equals(itemTokens[1])) // Single value match
logger.debug("We do not have a single value match: stringValue " + valueString + " != itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
satisfiesQuery = false;
else if (value instanceof WritableArrayWritable)
String[] elements = ((WritableArrayWritable) value).toStrings();
logger.debug("elements.size() = " + elements.length);
boolean oneSatisfied = false;
for (String element : elements)
if (ignoreCase)
{ // Case insensitivity
itemTokens[1] = itemTokens[1].toLowerCase();
logger.debug("waw: itemtoken1 after:" + itemTokens[1]);
element = element.toLowerCase();
logger.debug("element after:" + element);
logger.debug("element: " + element);
if (itemTokens[1].contains("*") || itemTokens[1].contains("?")) // Wildcard match
logger.debug("itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1] + " contains wildcard");
if (Pattern.matches(wildcardToRegex(itemTokens[1]), element))
logger.debug("stringValue = " + element + " satisfied itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
oneSatisfied = true;
else if (element.equals(itemTokens[1])) // Single value match
logger.debug("We have a single value match: stringValue " + element + " = itemTokens[1] = " + itemTokens[1]);
oneSatisfied = true;
satisfiesQuery = oneSatisfied;
satisfiesQuery = false; // add fix - account for case if query field does not exist
++index; // Try to pick up the boolean operators
if (index < (queryTokens.length - 1))
if (queryTokens[index].equals("AND")) // Do nothing and keep going
if (!satisfiesQuery)
item = queryTokens[index];
else if (queryTokens[index].equals("OR")) // Assume all OR's occur after all AND's
if (satisfiesQuery) // if we passed the query and it is not the first term
item = queryTokens[index];
satisfiesQuery = true; // reset so that we pick up matches for the next term
else if (!satisfiesQuery)
logger.debug("Does not satisfy the query and no boolean ops next...");
return satisfiesQuery;
* Method to handle ranges queries
public static boolean checkRangeQuery(boolean inclusive, String field, String query, String value, DataSchema dataSchema)
boolean matches = true;"inclusive = " + inclusive + " field = " + field + " query = " + query + " value = " + value);
// Strip the brackets or braces to obtain query form <lower>+TO+<upper>
if (inclusive)
query = query.replaceFirst("\\[", "");
query = query.replaceFirst("\\]", "");
query = query.replaceFirst("\\{", "");
query = query.replaceFirst("\\}", "");
logger.debug("query = " + query);
// Special case for IPs
if (dataSchema.getPartitionerTypeName(field).equals(IPDataPartitioner.class.getName())) // Doesn't handle arrays of IPs in the value right now...
logger.debug("Have IP Field");
String[] ranges = query.split("\\+TO\\+");"ranges[0] = " + ranges[0] + " ranges[1] = " + ranges[1]);
if ((!inclusive) && (value.equals(ranges[0]) || value.equals(ranges[1])))
logger.debug("inclusive = false and either value.equals(ranges[0]) or value.equals(ranges[1])");
matches = false;
String[] blocksLower = ranges[0].split("\\.");
String[] blocksUpper = ranges[1].split("\\.");
String[] ipValue = value.split("\\.");
int ipBlock = 0;
while (ipBlock < 4)
{"ipBlock = " + ipBlock + " ipValue[ipBlock] = " + ipValue[ipBlock] + " blocksLower[ipBlock] = " + blocksLower[ipBlock]
+ " blocksUpper[ipBlock] = " + blocksUpper[ipBlock]);
if (blocksLower[ipBlock].equals(blocksUpper[ipBlock]))
if (!ipValue[ipBlock].equals(blocksLower[ipBlock]))
matches = false;
if (!((Integer.parseInt(blocksLower[ipBlock]) <= Integer.parseInt(ipValue[ipBlock])) && (Integer.parseInt(ipValue[ipBlock]) <= Integer
{"IP block not within given range");
matches = false;
else if (field.equals("date"))// Special case for ISO8601 dates & Epoch Dates
String[] ranges = query.split("\\+TO\\+");"query:" + query);"value:" + value);"ranges[0] = " + ranges[0] + " ranges[1] = " + ranges[1]);
// code to parse epoch time: VacantArmy
if ((EpochDateParser.isEpochDateFormat(ranges[0]) || EpochDateParser.isEpochDateSearchFormat(ranges[0]))
&& (EpochDateParser.isEpochDateFormat(ranges[1]) || EpochDateParser.isEpochDateSearchFormat(ranges[1])))
double fromDate = 0;
double toDate = 0;
double valueDate = 0;
long fromSeconds = 0;
long fromMilli = 0;
long toSeconds = 0;
long toMilli = 0;
fromDate = EpochDateParser.convertSearchDate(ranges[0]);
toDate = EpochDateParser.convertSearchDate(ranges[1]);
valueDate = Double.parseDouble(value);
logger.debug("fromDate:" + fromDate);
logger.debug("toDate:" + toDate);
logger.debug("valueDate:" + valueDate);
// split up seconds & milliseconds...keep? needed??
String[] fromDateArr = ranges[0].split("\\.");
fromSeconds = Integer.parseInt(fromDateArr[0]);
fromMilli = Integer.parseInt(fromDateArr[1]);
String[] toDateArr = ranges[1].split("\\.");
toSeconds = Integer.parseInt(toDateArr[0]);
toMilli = Integer.parseInt(toDateArr[1]);
} catch (Exception e)
if ((!inclusive) && (fromDate == valueDate || toDate == valueDate))
logger.debug("(inclusive == false) && (fromDate == valueDate || toDate == valueDate))");
matches = false;
if (!((fromDate <= valueDate) && (valueDate <= toDate)))
logger.debug("valueDate = " + valueDate + " out of range: <" + fromDate + "," + toDate + ">");
matches = false;
{ // Special case for ISO8061 dates
long lower = 0;
long upper = 0;
long valueDate = 0;
lower = ISO8601DateParser.getLongDate(ranges[0]);
upper = ISO8601DateParser.getLongDate(ranges[1]);
valueDate = ISO8601DateParser.getLongDate(value);
} catch (ParseException e)
if ((!inclusive) && (lower == valueDate || upper == valueDate))
logger.debug("(inclusive == false) && (lower == valueDate || upper == valueDate))");
matches = false;
if (!((lower <= valueDate) && (valueDate <= upper)))
logger.debug("valueDate = " + valueDate + " out of range: <" + lower + "," + upper + ">");
matches = false;
logger.debug("valueDate = " + valueDate + " in range: <" + lower + "," + upper + ">");
// Int
String[] ranges = query.split("\\+TO\\+");
// check for ints
// if (ranges[0].matches("\\d+") && ranges[1].matches("\\d+")){ //int range
int lower = Integer.parseInt(ranges[0]);
int upper = Integer.parseInt(ranges[1]);
int valueInt = Integer.parseInt(value);
logger.debug("valueInt = " + valueInt + " lower = " + lower + " upper = " + upper);
if ((!inclusive) && (lower == valueInt || upper == valueInt))
logger.debug("(inclusive == false) && (lower == valueInt || upper == valueInt))");
matches = false;
if (!((lower <= valueInt) && (valueInt <= upper)))
logger.debug("valueInt = " + valueInt + " out of range: <" + lower + "," + upper + ">");
matches = false;
logger.debug("valueInt = " + valueInt + " in range: <" + lower + "," + upper + ">");
return matches;
* Method to convert a URI wildcard query into a java regex
public static String wildcardToRegex(String wildcard)
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(wildcard.length());
for (int i = 0, is = wildcard.length(); i < is; i++)
char c = wildcard.charAt(i);
switch (c)
case '*':
case '?':
// escape special regexp-characters
case '(':
case ')':
case '[':
case ']':
case '$':
case '^':
case '.':
case '{':
case '}':
case '|':
case '\\':
logger.debug("regex = " + s.toString());
return (s.toString());