blob: 40d15ffca9fce220ec922d2376757c5cd113a5be [file] [log] [blame]
The goal of this
<a href=""
>"PepApi interface package"</a>
is to provide a set of interfaces that provide a framework
that will simplify the creation of Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs)
that use an underlying authorization provider that is accessed through the
<a href=""
>"AzApi"</a> package.
To accomplish this goal, the PepApi interface package provides a common
interface that applications and containers can use to make authorization
calls to possibly any kind of authorization provider that uses a
request/response interface.
To keep the common interface both flexible and easy to use, this
PepApi package makes some simplifying assumptions:
<li>An authorization request context can be one of three varieties:
<li>A single request for authorization of a single action on
a single resource
<li>A bulk request that consists of multiple single requests.
<li>A query request that returns (in minimal or verbose form)
the set of decisions on all resources and actions within a "scope"
<li>An authorization request consists of a single subject,
a single action, and a single resource, with an optional environment
<li>Most applications can represent the subject,action,resource as Strings.
<li>Most applications need the Date, Boolean, Double, Integer, String, Time and DateTime types of XACML
<li>All attributes have a single issuer
<li>Some applications need to represent the subject,action,resource as an object with attributes (i.e a Map)
<li>Some frameworks and containers needs to represent the subject,action,resources as native objects, and want to
use the same API as their applications.
<li>An authorization response is primarily a yes/no decision
<li>Applications use obligations, and want to consume the attributes of the obligation as Strings.
The pep package is a simple layer on top of the azapi package.
All of the state is held inside of the classes in the azapi package.
This was done for both simplicity and to accommodate the creation of PEPs
that can benefit from the simpler API but may need a little more than the
above assumptions allow.
This additional capability is accomplished by being able to retrieve the
AzApiRequestContext from the PepRequest and being able to retrieve the
AzApiResponseContext from the PepResponse.
Since all of the state is in the azapi package, PEPs can just grab a
handle and continue building the request or processing the response.
Note: the "scope" of the PepApi has been conceptually expanded to
include non-AzApi authorization providers as well as AzApi-based
providers. This change has not impacted the PepApi, but it has impacted
how to most effectively conceptualize the implementations of PepApi.
The primary concept is to consider the
<a href=""
>reference impl</a>
to be an application of a general framework, where this particular
instance the framework is being applied to an AzApi-packaged authorization
provider. In fact, the
<a href=""
>"reference AzApi SunXacml PDP impl"</a>,
may be considered to be just such an "AzApi-packaged" provider.
There is a tutorial provided with the
<a href=""
package javadoc page that provides general guidelines for implementing a
non-AzApi provider to be used by PepApi.