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package org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.std.functions;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.AttributeValue;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.DataType;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.Identifier;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.RequestAttributes;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.Status;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.XACML;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.eval.EvaluationContext;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.ExpressionResult;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.FunctionArgument;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.StdAttributeValue;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.StdStatus;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.StdStatusCode;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.datatypes.DataTypes;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.datatypes.XPathExpressionWrapper;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* FunctionDefinitionXPath extends {@link org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.std.functions.FunctionDefinitionHomogeneousSimple} to
* implement the XACML XPath predicates as functions taking one or two <code>XPathExpression</code> arguments and returning
* either an <code>Integer</code> or a <code>Boolean</code>.
* XACML version 1.0 and 2.0 used <code>String</code> data type as input.
* We do NOT support those functions because of ambiguity in the meaning of those Strings.
* The root of the XPath changed from the Request level in 2.0 to the Content level in 3.0.
* Also the 2.0 Requests contain only one Content, located in the resources category, while 3.0 allows Requests to contain Content in multiple categories.
* In the first implementation of XACML we had separate files for each XACML Function.
* This release combines multiple Functions in fewer files to minimize code duplication.
* This file supports the following XACML codes:
* xpath-node-count
* xpath-node-equals
* xpath-node-match
* @param <O> the java class for the data type of the function Output */
public class FunctionDefinitionXPath<O> extends
FunctionDefinitionHomogeneousSimple<O, XPathExpressionWrapper> {
* List of string normalization operations.
public enum OPERATION {
// operation to be used in this instance of the Arightmetic class
private final OPERATION operation;
// result variables used by all functions
AttributeValue<String> result;
* Constructor
* @param idIn
* @param dataTypeArgsIn
* @param op
public FunctionDefinitionXPath(Identifier idIn, DataType<O> dataTypeIn, OPERATION op) {
super(idIn, dataTypeIn, DataTypes.DT_XPATHEXPRESSION, ((op == OPERATION.COUNT) ? 1 : 2));
// save the operation and data type to be used in this instance
operation = op;
public ExpressionResult evaluate(EvaluationContext evaluationContext, List<FunctionArgument> arguments) {
List<NodeList> nodeListList = new ArrayList<NodeList>();
List<XPathExpressionWrapper> convertedArguments = new ArrayList<XPathExpressionWrapper>();
Status status = this.validateArguments(arguments, convertedArguments);
* If the function arguments are not correct, just return an error status immediately
if (!status.getStatusCode().equals(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_OK)) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(getFunctionStatus(status));
// check the evaluationContext and Request for null
if (evaluationContext == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Got null EvaluationContext"));
if (evaluationContext.getRequest() == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Got null Request in EvaluationContext"));
// each argument is an XPath that needs to be evaluated against the Content part of some Category
// (specified in the argument)
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
FunctionArgument functionArgument = arguments.get(i);
if (functionArgument.isBag()) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Got bag at index " + i));
AttributeValue<?> attributeValueFunctionArgument = functionArgument.getValue();
if (attributeValueFunctionArgument == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Got null value at index " + i));
Identifier xpathCategory = attributeValueFunctionArgument.getXPathCategory();
if (xpathCategory == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Got null Category at index " + i));
Iterator<RequestAttributes> it = evaluationContext.getRequest()
if (it == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Got null Iterator at index " + i));
NodeList nodeList = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
if (nodeList != null) {
// the request has more than one Content entry for the same Category - error
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR,
+ " More than one Content section for id '"
+ xpathCategory + "'"));
RequestAttributes requestAttributes =;
// if there is no Content section then we return either 0 or FALSE
if (requestAttributes.getContentRoot() == null) {
if (operation == OPERATION.COUNT) {
return ExpressionResult
.newSingle(new StdAttributeValue<BigInteger>(XACML.ID_DATATYPE_INTEGER,
} else {
return ER_FALSE;
try {
XPathExpression xPathExpression = convertedArguments.get(i).getXpathExpressionWrapped();
nodeList = requestAttributes.getContentNodeListByXpathExpression(xPathExpression);
} catch (Exception e) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_SYNTAX_ERROR,
+ " XPath produces null result at '"
+ convertedArguments.get(i).getPath()
+ "' at index " + i));
if (nodeList == null) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " XPathExpression returned null at index " + i));
// add this nodeList to the list of lists
* Now perform the requested operation.
ExpressionResult expressionResult = null;
switch (operation) {
case COUNT:
Integer listLength = new Integer(nodeListList.get(0).getLength());
expressionResult = ExpressionResult
.newSingle(new StdAttributeValue<BigInteger>(XACML.ID_DATATYPE_INTEGER,
new BigInteger(listLength.toString())));
return expressionResult;
case EQUAL:
// true if any node in first list equals any node in second set.
// The spec says: "Two nodes are considered equal if they have the same identity."
// we use the isSameNode method in Node to determine that.
for (int index0 = 0; index0 < nodeListList.get(0).getLength(); index0++) {
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < nodeListList.get(1).getLength(); index1++) {
if (nodeListList.get(0).item(index0).isSameNode(nodeListList.get(1).item(index1))) {
return ER_TRUE;
// none from the first list found in the second
return ER_FALSE;
case MATCH:
// this is looking to see if any of the nodes in the second set are children of (or equal to) the
// nodes in the first set
// Call recursive check for that.
expressionResult = nodeListMatch(nodeListList.get(0), nodeListList.get(1));
return expressionResult;
expressionResult = ExpressionResult.newSingle(result);
return expressionResult;
* Recursive method checking to see if anything in list 2 equals anything in list 1 OR list 1's child
* nodes
* @param list1
* @param list2
* @return
private ExpressionResult nodeListMatch(NodeList list1, NodeList list2) {
// look for match with current contents of list 1
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < list1.getLength(); index1++) {
for (int index2 = 0; index2 < list2.getLength(); index2++) {
if (list1.item(index1).isSameNode(list2.item(index2))) {
return ER_TRUE;
// look for match with children of list 1
for (int index1 = 0; index1 < list1.getLength(); index1++) {
if (nodeListMatch(list1.item(index1).getChildNodes(), list2) == ER_TRUE) {
return ER_TRUE;
// this one had no children that matched, so check the next element in list1
// no match anywhere
return ER_FALSE;