blob: 686482b7a6a86a482b2f0b5e26ec2dac3605051b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* Copyright (c) 2013 AT&T Knowledge Ventures
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package org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.std.functions;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.AttributeValue;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.DataType;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.api.Identifier;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.eval.EvaluationContext;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.Bag;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.ExpressionResult;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.FunctionArgument;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.FunctionArgumentAttributeValue;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.FunctionDefinition;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.std.StdFunctionDefinitionFactory;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.IdentifierImpl;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.StdStatus;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.StdStatusCode;
import org.apache.openaz.xacml.std.datatypes.DataTypes;
* FunctionDefinitionSet implements {@link org.apache.openaz.xacml.pdp.policy.FunctionDefinition} to
* implement the XACML Set predicates as functions taking two arguments of <code>Bag</code> the same primitive
* type and returning either a <code>Boolean</code> or a <code>Bag</code> of the same primitive type.
* <P>
* The ipAddress, dnsName and xPathExpression do not have set functions defined for them in section 10.2.8 of
* the Release 3 XACML spec. In the first implementation of XACML we had separate files for each XACML
* Function. This release combines multiple Functions in fewer files to minimize code duplication. This file
* supports the following XACML codes: string-bag boolean-bag integer-bag double-bag time-bag date-bag
* dateTime-bag anyURI-bag hexBinary-bag base64Binary-bag dayTimeDuration-bag (version 1 and3)
* yearMonthDuration-bag (version 1 and 3) x500Name-bag rfc822Name-bag
* @param <I> the java class for the data type of the function Input arguments
* @param <O> the java class for the data type of the function Output
public class FunctionDefinitionHigherOrderBag<O, I> extends FunctionDefinitionBase<O, I> {
* List of comparison operations.
public enum OPERATION {
// the operation for this instance of the class
private OPERATION operation;
* Constructor - need dataType input because of java Generic type-erasure during compilation.
* @param idIn
* @param dataTypeArgsIn
public FunctionDefinitionHigherOrderBag(Identifier idIn, DataType<O> dataTypeIn,
DataType<I> dataTypeArgsIn, OPERATION opIn) {
super(idIn, dataTypeIn, dataTypeArgsIn, ((opIn == OPERATION.MAP) ? true : false));
operation = opIn;
public ExpressionResult evaluate(EvaluationContext evaluationContext, List<FunctionArgument> arguments) {
// simple argument check
if (arguments == null || arguments.size() < 2) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Expected at least 2 arguments, got "
+ ((arguments == null) ? "null" : arguments
// three functions have some things known about the arguments
if (operation == OPERATION.ALL_OF_ANY || operation == OPERATION.ANY_OF_ALL
|| operation == OPERATION.ALL_OF_ALL) {
if (arguments.size() != 3) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Expected 3 arguments, got "
+ arguments.size()));
// the 2nd & 3rd arguments must both be bags
if (arguments.get(1) == null || !arguments.get(1).isBag()) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " 2nd argument must be bag, got '"
+ ((arguments.get(1) == null)
? "null" : this
.getDataTypeId())) + "'"));
if (arguments.get(2) == null || !arguments.get(2).isBag()) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " 3rd argument must be bag, got '"
+ ((arguments.get(2) == null)
? "null" : this
.getDataTypeId())) + "'"));
// first argument is supposed to be a Function ID passed to us as an AnyURI
FunctionArgument functionIdArgument = arguments.get(0);
if (functionIdArgument == null || functionIdArgument.getValue() == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate Function (first argument) was null"));
if (!functionIdArgument.getValue().getDataTypeId().equals(DataTypes.DT_ANYURI.getId())) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " First argument expected URI, got "
+ functionIdArgument.getValue()
Identifier functionId = new IdentifierImpl((URI)functionIdArgument.getValue().getValue());
// look up the actual function definition based on that ID
StdFunctionDefinitionFactory fdf = new StdFunctionDefinitionFactory();
FunctionDefinition predicate = fdf.getFunctionDefinition(functionId);
if (predicate == null) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " First argument was not URI of a function, got '" + functionId
+ "'"));
// in all cases except MAP, the predicate must return True/False
if (operation != OPERATION.MAP && !predicate.getDataTypeId().equals(DataTypes.DT_BOOLEAN.getId())) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Predicate Function must return boolean, but '"
+ predicate.getId() + "' returns '"
+ this.getShortDataTypeId(predicate.getDataTypeId())));
// The remaining arguments may be either bags or primitive types.
// We do not know what the primitive types will be, and do not concern ourselves about that here
// (the predicate function we just got and will call later will complain if they do not match its
// expectations).
// The predicate function will want things as FunctionAttributes, so we do not need to unwrap
// anything.
boolean bagSeen = false;
for (int i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
FunctionArgument argument = arguments.get(i);
if (argument == null) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Got null argument at index " + i));
// force evaluation and check status
if (!argument.getStatus().isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(getFunctionStatus(argument.getStatus()));
// for bags, remember that we saw one; for non-bag primitives, check that the primitive value is
// not null
if (argument.isBag()) {
bagSeen = true;
} else {
if (argument.getValue() == null || argument.getValue().getValue() == null) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Got null attribute at index " + i));
// all functions require at least one bag
if (!bagSeen && operation != OPERATION.ANY_OF_ANY) {
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Did not get any Bag argument; must have at least 1"));
// arguments are ready for use
// list of arguments for passing to the predicate
List<FunctionArgument> predicateArguments = new ArrayList<FunctionArgument>();
// for functions that take a single bag, which index is that bag at
int indexOfBagInOriginalArgs = -1;
// bag iterator
Iterator<AttributeValue<?>> bagIterator1;
Iterator<AttributeValue<?>> bagIterator2;
switch (operation) {
case ANY_OF:
// Copy the primitive arguments to the list for passing to the predicate,
// putting a place-holder in for the value from the (single) bag
for (int i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
if (arguments.get(i).isBag()) {
if (indexOfBagInOriginalArgs == -1) {
indexOfBagInOriginalArgs = i;
} else {
// bag already found - we should have only one
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " must have only 1 bag; found one at index "
+ indexOfBagInOriginalArgs + " and another at " + i));
// get each primitive value in turn
bagIterator1 = arguments.get(indexOfBagInOriginalArgs).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator1.hasNext()) {
// all of the predicate arguments have been created except that the one from the bag needs to
// replace the place-holder in the list
predicateArguments.set(indexOfBagInOriginalArgs - 1,
new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArguments);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: " + res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if ((Boolean)(res.getValue().getValue()) == Boolean.TRUE) {
return ER_TRUE;
return ER_FALSE;
case ALL_OF:
// Copy the primitive arguments to the list for passing to the predicate,
// putting a place-holder in for the value from the (single) bag
for (int i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
if (arguments.get(i).isBag()) {
if (indexOfBagInOriginalArgs == -1) {
indexOfBagInOriginalArgs = i;
} else {
// bag already found - we should have only one
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " must have only 1 bag; found one at index "
+ indexOfBagInOriginalArgs + " and another at " + i));
// get each primitive value in turn
bagIterator1 = arguments.get(indexOfBagInOriginalArgs).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator1.hasNext()) {
// all of the predicate arguments have been created except that the one from the bag needs to
// replace the place-holder in the list
predicateArguments.set(indexOfBagInOriginalArgs - 1,
new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArguments);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: " + res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if ((Boolean)(res.getValue().getValue()) == Boolean.FALSE) {
return ER_FALSE;
return ER_TRUE;
case ANY_OF_ANY:
// empty bags can give odd error messages, so check here and return something that makes more
// sense
for (int i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
if (arguments.get(i).isBag() && arguments.get(i).getBag().size() == 0) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Bag is empty at index " + i));
// This is different from all the other Higher-order bag functions because it can take an
// unbounded number of arguments any/all of which may be bags.
// (The others take either an unbounded number of args of which exactly 1 is a bag, or they take
// exactly 2 bags)
// To handle the possibility of multiple bags without knowing a priori how many there might be,
// we first create all possible lists of arguments to be passed to the predicate.
// This is done using a depth-first search of the total argument space.
List<List<FunctionArgument>> listOfPredicateLists = new ArrayList<List<FunctionArgument>>();
* Start the recursive append process
appendCrossProduct(new ArrayList<FunctionArgument>(), arguments.subList(1, arguments.size()), 0,
// we now have all possible argument lists for the predicate to work on, so do the ANY operation
// now
for (List<FunctionArgument> predicateArgumentList : listOfPredicateLists) {
// all of the predicate arguments have been created except that the one from the bag needs to
// replace the place-holder in the list
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArgumentList);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: " + res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if ((Boolean)(res.getValue().getValue()) == Boolean.TRUE) {
return ER_TRUE;
// if we get here then none of the combinations gave a TRUE result
return ER_FALSE;
case ALL_OF_ANY:
// TODO - it might be more efficient to extract all the attributes from the first bag and convert
// them to FunctionArguments just once, then use that list each time
// get the element from the 2nd bag that we want to check all elements from the 1st bag against
bagIterator2 = arguments.get(2).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator2.hasNext()) {
FunctionArgument predicateArgument2 = new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
boolean allMatch = true;
// now look at every value of the first bag operating with the selected value from the 2nd
bagIterator1 = arguments.get(1).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator1.hasNext()) {
predicateArguments.add(new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArguments);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
this.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: "
+ res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if ((Boolean)(res.getValue().getValue()) == Boolean.FALSE) {
allMatch = false;
if (allMatch) {
// wee found one value in bag2 that works (is TRUE) for all values in bag1
return ER_TRUE;
// this value from bag2 did not work, so get the next one
// no value in bag2 worked for all values of bag1
return ER_FALSE;
case ANY_OF_ALL:
// TODO - it might be more efficient to extract all the attributes from the 2nd bag and convert
// them to FunctionArguments just once, then use that list each time
// get the element from the 1st bag that we want to check all elements from the 1st bag against
bagIterator1 = arguments.get(1).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator1.hasNext()) {
FunctionArgument predicateArgument1 = new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
boolean allMatch = true;
// now look at every value of the 2nd bag operating with the selected value from the first
bagIterator2 = arguments.get(2).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator2.hasNext()) {
predicateArguments.add(new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArguments);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
this.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: "
+ res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if ((Boolean)(res.getValue().getValue()) == Boolean.FALSE) {
allMatch = false;
if (allMatch) {
// wee found one value in bag1 that works (is TRUE) for all values in bag2
return ER_TRUE;
// this value from bag1 did not work, so get the next one
// no value in bag1 worked for all values of bag2
return ER_FALSE;
case ALL_OF_ALL:
// TODO - it might be more efficient to extract all the attributes from the 2nd bag and convert
// them to FunctionArguments just once, then use that list each time
// get the element from the 1st bag that we want to check all elements from the 1st bag against
bagIterator1 = arguments.get(1).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator1.hasNext()) {
FunctionArgument predicateArgument1 = new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
// now look at every value of the 2nd bag operating with the selected value from the first
bagIterator2 = arguments.get(2).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator2.hasNext()) {
predicateArguments.add(new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArguments);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
this.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: "
+ res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if ((Boolean)(res.getValue().getValue()) == Boolean.FALSE) {
return ER_FALSE;
// this value did not fail, so try the next
// everything in bag1 worked (was true) for everything in bag 2
return ER_TRUE;
case MAP:
// Copy the primitive arguments to the list for passing to the predicate,
// putting a place-holder in for the value from the (single) bag
for (int i = 1; i < arguments.size(); i++) {
if (arguments.get(i).isBag()) {
if (indexOfBagInOriginalArgs == -1) {
indexOfBagInOriginalArgs = i;
} else {
// bag already found - we should have only one
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " must have only 1 bag; found one at index "
+ indexOfBagInOriginalArgs + " and another at " + i));
Bag outputBag = new Bag();
// get each primitive value in turn
bagIterator1 = arguments.get(indexOfBagInOriginalArgs).getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (bagIterator1.hasNext()) {
// all of the predicate arguments have been created except that the one from the bag needs to
// replace the place-holder in the list
predicateArguments.set(indexOfBagInOriginalArgs - 1,
new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(;
ExpressionResult res = predicate.evaluate(evaluationContext, predicateArguments);
if (!res.isOk()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Predicate error: " + res.getStatus().getStatusMessage()));
if (res.isBag()) {
return ExpressionResult
.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR,
+ " Cannot put bag inside bag; predicate was '"
+ predicate.getId() + "'"));
return ExpressionResult.newBag(outputBag);
// all cases should have been covered by above - should never get here
return ExpressionResult.newError(new StdStatus(StdStatusCode.STATUS_CODE_PROCESSING_ERROR, this
.getShortFunctionId() + " Could not evaluate Higher-Order Bag function " + operation));
* Performs the depth-first walk to generate argument lists. Needed by any-of-any because of the variable
* number of bags it might get. This code was salvaged from the R2 version of the product and adjusted to
* fit the new way of doing business.
* @param argListInProgress the current argument list being generated in this pass
* @param valueList the list of expression result values
* @param nPosition the position within the expression result values to use to append to the base argument
* list
* @param listArgLists the <code>List</code> where final argument lists are appended
private static void appendCrossProduct(List<FunctionArgument> argListInProgress,
List<FunctionArgument> valueList, int nPosition,
List<List<FunctionArgument>> listArgLists) {
* Have we hit a leaf?
if (nPosition >= valueList.size()) {
List<FunctionArgument> copy = new ArrayList<FunctionArgument>();
* Check to see if the value at the current position is a primitive or a bag
FunctionArgument FunctionArgument = valueList.get(nPosition);
if (FunctionArgument.isBag() && FunctionArgument.getBag().getAttributeValues() != null
&& FunctionArgument.getBag().size() > 0) {
Iterator<AttributeValue<?>> iterBagValues = FunctionArgument.getBag().getAttributeValues();
while (iterBagValues.hasNext()) {
AttributeValue<?> attributeValue =;
FunctionArgument functionArgument = new FunctionArgumentAttributeValue(attributeValue);
appendCrossProduct(argListInProgress, valueList, nPosition + 1, listArgLists);
argListInProgress.remove(argListInProgress.size() - 1);
} else {
* This is a simple value, so we can just append to the argListInProgress and continue the
* recursion
appendCrossProduct(argListInProgress, valueList, nPosition + 1, listArgLists);
argListInProgress.remove(argListInProgress.size() - 1);