blob: 66cbec6b9cb67346fac385283a8cde6f2ddce76f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.mrql;
import org.apache.mrql.gen.*;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
/** printers for types, expressions, plans, etc */
public class Printer {
public static String print_type ( Tree tp ) {
match tp {
case tuple(
if (tl.is_empty())
return "()";
String s = "( "+print_type(tl.head());
for ( Tree t: tl.tail() )
s += ", "+print_type(t);
return s+" )";
case record(
if (tl.is_empty())
return "< >";
String s = "< ";
match tl.head() {
case bind(`a,`t):
s += a+": "+print_type(t);
for ( Tree t: tl.tail() )
match t {
case bind(`a,`at):
s += ", "+a+": "+print_type(at);
return s+" >";
case arrow(`itp,`otp):
return print_type(itp)+" -> "+print_type(otp);
case persistent(`t):
return "!"+print_type(t);
case `f():
return f+"()";
case persistent(`t):
return "!"+print_type(t);
case Bag(`etp):
return "!bag("+print_type(etp)+")";
case List(`etp):
return "!list("+print_type(etp)+")";
case `f(
String s = f+"( "+print_type(tl.head());
for ( Tree t: tl.tail() )
s += ", "+print_type(t);
return s+" )";
return tp.toString();
private static String print_query_list ( Trees el ) {
if (el.length() == 0)
return "";
String s = " ";
s += print_query(el.head());
for ( Tree a: el.tail() )
s += ", "+print_query(a);
return s+" ";
public static String print_query ( Tree e ) {
match e {
case select(`opt_dist,`u,from(,where(`c),groupby(,orderby(...os)):
String s = "select "+(opt_dist.equals(#<none>) ? "" : "distinct ");
s += print_query(u)+" from ";
match bl.head() {
case bind(`p,`d):
s += print_query(p)+" in "+print_query(d);
for ( Tree b: bl.tail() )
match b {
case bind(`p,`d):
s += ", "+print_query(p)+" in "+print_query(d);
if (!c.equals(#<true>))
s += " where "+print_query(c);
match #<groupby(> {
case groupby(`h,
s += " group by ";
match gl.head() {
case bind(`gp,`gd):
s += print_query(gp)+": "+print_query(gd);
for ( Tree g: gl.tail() )
match g {
case bind(`gp,`gd):
s += ", "+print_query(gp)+": "+print_query(gd);
if (!h.equals(#<true>))
s += " having "+print_query(h);
match #<orderby(...os)> {
case orderby(`l,...ol):
s += " order by "+print_query(ol.length() == 1 ? ol.head() : #<tuple(...ol)>);
if (!l.equals(#<none>))
s += " limit "+print_query(l);
return s;
case tuple(...el):
return "("+print_query_list(el)+")";
case record(...el):
String s = "< ";
match el.head() {
case bind(`v,`b):
s += v+": "+print_query(b);
for ( Tree a: el.tail() )
match a {
case bind(`v,`b):
s += ", "+v+": "+print_query(b);
return s+" >";
case project(`a,`v):
return (a.is_variable()) ? print_query(a)+"."+v : "("+print_query(a)+")."+v;
case index(`a,`i):
return (a.is_variable()) ? print_query(a)+"["+print_query(i)+"]"
: "("+print_query(a)+")["+print_query(i)+"]";
case nth(`x,`n):
return (x.is_variable()) ? print_query(x)+"#"+print_query(n)
: "("+print_query(x)+")#"+print_query(n);
case call(`f,...el):
return f+"("+print_query_list(el)+")";
case list(...el):
return "["+print_query_list(el)+"]";
case bag(...el):
return "{"+print_query_list(el)+"}";
case `f(...el):
return f+"("+print_query_list(el)+")";
return e.toString();
private static String print_XML ( final Union x ) {
if (x.tag() == 1)
return ((MR_string)x.value()).get();
Tuple t = (Tuple)x.value();
String s = "<"+((MR_string)t.get(0)).get();
for ( MRData a: (Bag)t.get(1) ) {
Tuple attr = (Tuple)a;
s += " "+((MR_string)attr.first()).get()+"=\""
Bag c = (Bag)t.get(2);
if (c.size() == 0)
return s+"/>";
s += ">";
for ( MRData e: c )
s += print_XML((Union)e);
return s+"</"+((MR_string)t.get(0)).get()+">";
private static String print_JSON ( final Union x ) {
switch (x.tag()) {
case 0:
String s = "{ ";
for ( MRData e: (Bag)x.value() ) {
Tuple t = (Tuple)e;
s += t.get(0)+": "+print_JSON((Union)t.get(1))+", ";
return s.substring(0,s.length()-2)+" }";
case 1:
String q = "[ ";
for ( MRData e: (Bag)x.value() )
q += print_JSON((Union)e)+", ";
return q.substring(0,q.length()-2)+" ]";
return ""+x.value();
/** An MRData printer based on type information */
final static String print ( final MRData x, final Tree type ) {
try {
if (x instanceof Inv)
return print(((Inv)x).value(),type);
if (!Config.testing && type.equals(#<XML>))
return print_XML((Union)x);
if (!Config.testing && type.equals(#<JSON>))
return print_JSON((Union)x);
match TypeInference.expand(type) {
case persistent(`tp):
return print(x,tp);
case Bag(`tp):
if (x instanceof MR_dataset) {
DataSet ds = ((MR_dataset)x).dataset();
List<MRData> vals = ds.take(Config.max_bag_size_print);
if (vals.size() == 0)
return "{}";
String s = "{ "+print(vals.get(0),tp);
for ( int i = 1; i < vals.size() && (Config.max_bag_size_print < 0
|| i < Config.max_bag_size_print); i++ )
s += ", "+print(vals.get(i),tp);
if (Config.max_bag_size_print > 0 && vals.size() >= Config.max_bag_size_print)
return s+", ... }";
else return s+" }";
} else return print(x,#<bag(`tp)>);
case List(`tp):
if (x instanceof MR_dataset) {
DataSet ds = ((MR_dataset)x).dataset();
List<MRData> vals = ds.take(Config.max_bag_size_print);
if (vals.size() == 0)
return "[]";
String s = "[ "+print(vals.get(0),tp);
for ( int i = 1; i < vals.size() && (Config.max_bag_size_print < 0
|| i < Config.max_bag_size_print); i++ )
s += ", "+print(vals.get(i),tp);
if (Config.max_bag_size_print > 0 && vals.size() >= Config.max_bag_size_print)
return s+", ... ]";
else return s+" ]";
} else return print(x,#<list(`tp)>);
case bag(`tp):
Bag b = (Bag)x;
Iterator<MRData> bi = b.iterator();
if (!bi.hasNext())
return "{}";
String s = "{ "+print(,tp);
for ( long i = 1; bi.hasNext() && (Config.max_bag_size_print < 0
|| i < Config.max_bag_size_print); i++ )
s += ", "+print(,tp);
if (bi.hasNext())
return s+", ... }";
else return s+" }";
case list(`tp):
Bag b = (Bag)x;
Iterator<MRData> bi = b.iterator();
if (!bi.hasNext())
return "[]";
String s = "[ "+print(,tp);
for ( long i = 1; bi.hasNext() && (Config.max_bag_size_print < 0
|| i < Config.max_bag_size_print); i++ )
s += ", "+print(,tp);
if (bi.hasNext())
return s+", ... ]";
else return s+" ]";
case tuple(...el):
Tuple t = (Tuple)x;
if (t.size() == 0)
return "()";
String s = "("+print(t.get((short)0),el.nth(0));
for ( short i = 1; i < t.size(); i++ )
s += ","+print(t.get(i),el.nth(i));
return s+")";
case record(...el):
Tuple t = (Tuple)x;
if (t.size() == 0)
return "<>";
String s = "< ";
match el.nth(0) {
case bind(`a,`tp):
s += a+": "+print(t.get((short)0),tp);
for ( short i = 1; i < t.size(); i++ )
match el.nth(i) {
case bind(`a,`tp):
s += ", "+a+": "+print(t.get(i),tp);
return s+" >";
case union(...el):
Union u = (Union)x;
match el.nth(u.tag()) {
case `c(tuple(...ts)):
return c+print(u.value(),#<tuple(...ts)>);
case `c(`tp):
return c+"("+print(u.value(),tp)+")";
return x.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new Error(ex);
private final static String tab ( int n ) {
String s = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
s += " ";
return s;
/** print a physical plan
* @param e the plan
* @param n tab (# of spaces to put in the beginning of the line)
* @param pv is this a variable bound to physical plan?
* @return the printout
public final static String print_plan ( Tree e, int n, boolean pv ) {
match e {
case cMap(`f,`s):
return "cMap:\n"+tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(s,n+10,true);
case AggregateMap(`f,`a,`z,`s):
return "AggregateMap:\n"+tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(s,n+10,true);
case MapReduce(`m,`r,`s,_):
return "MapReduce:\n"+tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(s,n+10,true);
case MapCombineReduce(`m,`c,`r,`s,_):
return "MapCombineReduce:\n"+tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(s,n+10,true);
case MapAggregateReduce(`m,`r,`a,`z,`s,_):
return "MapAggregateReduce:\n"+tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(s,n+10,true);
case MapReduce2(`mx,`my,`r,`x,`y,_):
return "MapReduce2:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case MapCombineReduce2(`mx,`my,`c,`r,`x,`y,_):
return "MapCombineReduce2:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case MapAggregateReduce2(`mx,`my,`r,`a,null,`x,`y,...):
return "MapReduce2:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case MapAggregateReduce2(`mx,`my,`r,`a,`z,`x,`y,...):
return "MapAggregateReduce2:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case MapJoin(`kx,`ky,`r,`x,`y):
return "MapJoin:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case MapAggregateJoin(`kx,`ky,`r,`a,null,`x,`y):
return "MapJoin:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case MapAggregateJoin(`kx,`ky,`r,`a,`z,`x,`y):
return "MapAggregateJoin:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case GroupByJoin(`kx,`ky,`gx,`gy,`m,`c,`r,`x,`y,_):
return "GroupByJoin:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case CrossProduct(`mx,`my,`r,`x,`y):
return "CrossProduct:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case CrossAggregateProduct(`mx,`my,`r,`a,null,`x,`y):
return "CrossProduct:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case CrossAggregateProduct(`mx,`my,`r,`a,`z,`x,`y):
return "CrossAggregateProduct:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case Aggregate(`a,`z,`s):
return "Aggregate:\n"+tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(s,n+10,true);
case BinarySource(`k,`file,_):
return "Source (binary): "+file;
case BinarySource(`file,_):
return "Source (binary): "+file;
case ParsedSource(`m,`parser,`file,...args):
if (m instanceof LongLeaf)
return "Source ("+parser+"): "+file;
else fail
case ParsedSource(`parser,`file,...args):
return "Source ("+parser+"): "+file;
case Generator(...):
return "Generator";
case Merge(`x,`y):
return "Merge:\n"+tab(n+3)+"left: "+print_plan(x,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"right: "+print_plan(y,n+10,true);
case BSP(_,_,_,_,...ds):
String ret = "BSP:\n";
for ( Tree d: ds )
ret += tab(n+3)+"input: "+print_plan(d,n+10,true);
return ret;
case Loop(lambda(tuple(...vs),tuple(,tuple(,...):
String ret = "Loop ("+vs+"):\n"+tab(n+3)+"init: "
+vs.head()+" = "+print_plan(ss.head(),n+vs.head().toString().length()+12,true)+"\n";
ss = ss.tail();
for ( Trees s = vs.tail(); !s.is_empty() && !ss.is_empty(); s = s.tail(), ss = ss.tail() )
ret += tab(n+9)+s.head()+" = "+print_plan(ss.head(),n+s.head().toString().length()+12,true)+"\n";
ret += tab(n+3)+"step: "
+vs.head()+" = "+print_plan(bs.head(),n+vs.head().toString().length()+12,true)+"\n";
bs = bs.tail();
for ( Trees s = vs.tail(); !s.is_empty() && !bs.is_empty(); s = s.tail(), bs = bs.tail() )
ret += tab(n+9)+s.head()+" = "+print_plan(bs.head(),n+s.head().toString().length()+12,true)+"\n";
return ret;
case `f(lambda(`v,`b),`s,...):
if (! #[Repeat,repeat,Closure,closure].member(#<`f>))
return f+" ("+v+"):\n"+tab(n+3)+"init: "+print_plan(s,n+9,true)+"\n"
+tab(n+3)+"step: "+print_plan(b,n+9,true);
case Let(`v,`u,`body):
return "let "+v+" = "+print_plan(u,n+10+v.toString().length(),pv)+"\n"
case If(_,`x1,If(_,`x2,If(_,`x3,`x4))):
return "Choice 1: "+print_plan(x1,n+10,pv)+"\n"
+tab(n)+"Choice 2: "+print_plan(x2,n+10,pv)+"\n"
+tab(n)+"Choice 3: "+print_plan(x3,n+10,pv)+"\n"
+tab(n)+"Choice 4: "+print_plan(x4,n+10,pv);
case If(_,`x1,If(_,`x2,`x3)):
return "Choice 1: "+print_plan(x1,n+10,pv)+"\n"
+tab(n)+"Choice 2: "+print_plan(x2,n+10,pv)+"\n"
+tab(n)+"Choice 3: "+print_plan(x3,n+10,pv);
case If(`c,`x,`y):
return "Choice 1: "+print_plan(x,n+10,pv)+"\n"
+tab(n)+"Choice 2: "+print_plan(y,n+10,pv);
case `f(
String s = "";
for (Tree a: as) {
String ps = print_plan(a,n,pv);
if (!ps.equals("") && !a.is_variable())
s += ps+(ps.endsWith("\n")?"":"\n");
return s;
if (pv && e.is_variable())
return e.toString();
return "";
/** given an MRData value, construct an expression that builds this data
* @param x the MRData
* @param type the type of x
* @return an expression that constructs x
public final static Tree reify ( final MRData x, Tree type ) {
if (x instanceof MR_variable)
return new VariableLeaf("t_"+((MR_variable)x).var_num);
type = TypeInference.expand(type);
match type {
case `T(`tp):
if (!Translator.is_collection(T))
Bag b = (Bag)x;
Trees as = #[];
for ( MRData e: b)
as = as.append(reify(e,tp));
return #<`T(>;
case tuple(...el):
Tuple t = (Tuple)x;
Trees as = #[];
for ( short i = 0; i < t.size(); i++ )
as = as.append(reify(t.get(i),el.nth(i)));
return #<tuple(>;
case record(...el):
Tuple t = (Tuple)x;
Trees as = #[];
for ( short i = 0; i < t.size(); i++ )
match el.nth(i) {
case bind(`a,`tp):
as = as.append(#<bind(`a,`(reify(t.get(i),tp)))>);
return #<record(>;
case union(...el):
Union u = (Union)x;
match el.nth(u.tag()) {
case `c(tuple(...ts)):
return #<call(`c,`(reify(u.value(),#<tuple(...ts)>)))>;
case `c(`tp):
return #<call(`c,`(reify(u.value(),tp)))>;
case string:
String[] s = ((MR_string)x).get().split("\\x7B\\x7B");
if (s.length == 1)
return new StringLeaf(s[0]);
Trees as = s[0].length() == 0 ? #[] : #[].append(new StringLeaf(s[0]));
for ( int i = 1; i < s.length; i++ ) {
String[] d = s[i].split("\\x7D\\x7D",2);
if (d.length < 2)
throw new Error("");
as = as.append(new VariableLeaf("t_"+Integer.parseInt(d[0])));
if (d[1].length() > 0)
as = as.append(new StringLeaf(d[1]));
Tree res = as.reverse().head();
for ( Tree a: as.reverse().tail() )
res = #<call(plus,`a,`res)>;
return res;
case short: return #<typed(`(((MR_short)x).get()),`type)>;
case int: return #<typed(`(((MR_int)x).get()),`type)>;
case long: return #<typed(`((int)((MR_long)x).get()),`type)>;
case float: return #<typed(`(((MR_float)x).get()),`type)>;
case double: return #<typed(`(((MR_double)x).get()),`type)>;
throw new Error("wrong type: "+type);