blob: a504087d4f7aac97336d3f33ef22c3d7886b8a0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.mrql;
import java_cup.runtime.*;
import org.apache.mrql.gen.*;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.*;
/** Evaluates physical plans using one of the evaluation engines */
abstract public class Evaluator extends Interpreter {
/** the current MRQL evaluator */
public static Evaluator evaluator;
/** initialize the evaluator */
abstract public void init ( Configuration conf );
/** shutdown the evaluator */
abstract public void shutdown ( Configuration conf );
/** initialize the query evaluation */
abstract public void initialize_query ();
/** create a new evaluation configuration */
abstract public Configuration new_configuration ();
/** synchronize peers in BSP mode */
public MR_bool synchronize ( MR_string peerName, MR_bool mr_exit ) {
throw new Error("You can only synchronize BSP tasks");
/** distribute a bag among peers in BSP mode */
public Bag distribute ( MR_string peerName, Bag s ) {
throw new Error("You can only distribute bags among BSP tasks");
/** run a BSP task */
public MRData bsp ( Tree plan, Environment env ) throws Exception {
throw new Error("You can only run a BSP task in BSP mode");
/** return the FileInputFormat for parsed files (CSV, XML, JSON, etc) */
abstract public Class<? extends MRQLFileInputFormat> parsedInputFormat ();
/** return the FileInputFormat for binary files */
abstract public Class<? extends MRQLFileInputFormat> binaryInputFormat ();
/** return the FileInputFormat for data generator files */
abstract public Class<? extends MRQLFileInputFormat> generatorInputFormat ();
/** Coerce a persistent collection to a Bag */
abstract public Bag toBag ( MRData data );
/** The Aggregate physical operator
* @param acc_fnc the accumulator function from (T,T) to T
* @param zero the zero element of type T
* @param plan the plan that constructs the dataset that contains the bag of values {T}
* @param env contains bindings fro variables to values (MRData)
* @return the aggregation result of type T
abstract public MRData aggregate ( Tree acc_fnc,
Tree zero,
Tree plan,
Environment env ) throws Exception;
/** Evaluate a loop a fixed number of times */
abstract public Tuple loop ( Tree e, Environment env ) throws Exception;
/** Evaluate a MRQL physical plan and print tracing info
* @param e the physical plan
* @param env contains bindings fro variables to values (MRData)
* @return a DataSet (stored in HDFS)
abstract public DataSet eval ( final Tree e,
final Environment env,
final String counter );
final static MR_long counter_key = new MR_long(0);
final static MRContainer counter_container = new MRContainer(counter_key);
final static MRContainer value_container = new MRContainer(new MR_int(0));
/** dump MRQL data into a sequence file */
public void dump ( String file, Tree type, MRData data ) throws Exception {
Path path = new Path(file);
FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(Plan.conf);
PrintStream ftp = new PrintStream(fs.create(path.suffix(".type")));
SequenceFile.Writer writer
= new SequenceFile.Writer(fs,Plan.conf,path,
if (data instanceof MR_dataset)
data = Plan.collect(((MR_dataset)data).dataset());
if (data instanceof Bag) {
Bag s = (Bag)data;
long i = 0;
for ( MRData e: s ) {
} else {
/** dump MRQL data into a text CVS file */
public void dump_text ( String file, Tree type, MRData data ) throws Exception {
int ps = Config.max_bag_size_print;
Config.max_bag_size_print = -1;
if (!Config.hadoop_mode) {
File parent = new File(file).getParentFile();
if (parent != null && !parent.exists())
final PrintStream out = (Config.hadoop_mode)
? Plan.print_stream(file)
: new PrintStream(file);
if (data instanceof MR_dataset)
data = Plan.collect(((MR_dataset)data).dataset());
if (Translator.collection_type(type)) {
Tree tp = ((Node)type).children().head();
if (tp instanceof Node && ((Node)tp).name().equals("tuple")) {
Trees ts = ((Node)tp).children();
for ( MRData x: (Bag)data ) {
Tuple t = (Tuple)x;
for ( short i = 1; i < t.size(); i++ )
} else for ( MRData x: (Bag)data )
} else out.println(print(data,query_type));
Config.max_bag_size_print = ps;
/** evaluate plan in stream mode: evaluate each batch of data and apply the function f */
public void streaming ( Tree plan, Environment env, Environment dataset_env, Function f ) {
throw new Error("MRQL Streaming is not supported in this evaluation mode yet");
/** for dumped data to a file, return the MRQL type of the data */
public Tree get_type ( String file ) {
try {
Path path = new Path(file);
FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(Plan.conf);
BufferedReader ftp = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(".type"))));
String s[] = ftp.readLine().split("@");
if (s.length != 2 )
return null;
if (!s[0].equals("2"))
throw new Error("The binary file has been created in java mode and cannot be read in hadoop mode");
return Tree.parse(s[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;